The moon fell in silver bars of light across the bed. Ciel turned over, his eyes sliding open and squinting in the brightness. Sebastian was always so careful about closing the drapes before bed. So why was there so much light?

He shut his eyes, turning back around. A moment later he pulled a pillow over his head. Then another moment later, he tossed the pillow away and sat up. He was tired, but there was no way he was going to be able to get back to sleep like this.

He remembered when Sebastian had brought him back to the manor after rescuing him. How he had hated the dark. It reminded him of bad things. He awoke from nightmares, screaming, drenched in sweat. And Sebastian was always there. Ciel had made his butler stay in the room until the candles burned low and he fell back asleep.

That had been a long time ago. Now the room had to be dark.

Ciel threw back the covers and strode toward the window. He was going to have to have a word with Sebastian. Earls shouldn't have to close their own curtains after retiring to bed. He sighed and yanked the heavy fabric across the window.

He turned away and started back toward the bed. Before he reached it, however, moonlight filtered into the room. Ciel turned. The curtain was moved again. He made an irritated sound and crossed to the window again. He didn't think the window had been open. There wasn't a breeze, but maybe he hadn't noticed.

He drew back the curtain slightly, checking to see if the window were open. It wasn't. In fact, it was firmly closed, the bolt in place. He took a quick glance over the darkened grounds, and seeing nothing amiss, turned away, pulling the curtain across the window as far as it would go.

Ciel settled back into bed, drawing the covers up to his chin. He was tired; he didn't know what time it was, but it felt late. He had a full day ahead of him he was sure. Sebastian always informed him of his schedule in the morning, often reminding him of events and appointments he hadn't deemed important enough to remember himself. And he was still young. He needed sleep.

Just before his eyes slipped closed, the moon seared across the room again. Ciel sat up again, angry this time. What the bloody hell was going on?

"Who's there?" He asked. "This isn't amusing. I demand you show yourself at once!"

He reached over toward the night table and drew out a gun. He always kept a few weapons close at hand. One could never be too careful. Especially if one were the Queen's Guard Dog.

Silence met his command. Ciel felt his heart pounding in his chest, but he refused to let his fear show. He slipped from the bed, nightshirt flapping around his knees, and panned the gun slowly around the room.

"I'm warning you," Ciel said. "I'm armed."

It occurred to him that it was unlikely anyone could have slipped into the manor undetected. Nothing serious got past his servants, especially Sebastian. What if something had happened to them? The thought of someone or something that could take out the Phantomhive servants filled him with dread. He kept the gun steady, though he could feel his hands starting to shake.

A shape moved to the left of the window and Ciel fired without thinking. The figure easily dodged the bullet, which sailed into the window, shattering it. Glass sprayed everywhere. Ciel pointed the gun again.

"Young master, you nearly shot me," Sebastian said, stepping into the light.

"What are you doing in here?" Ciel said. He lowered the gun, but his fear turned to anger. "Skulking around. Were you the one opening the curtains?"

"Indeed," Sebastian admitted. "I'll admit I wasn't sure if it would work. You aren't always the feather light sleeper you used to be."

Ciel sat down on the edge of his bed. "Answer the question."

Sebastian's lips curled into a smile. Ciel knew that look. He just wasn't sure what could have warranted it.

It appeared he was going to find out sooner than later. Sebastian moved swiftly toward him and the next thing he knew the butler had pinned him to the bed. He struggled a bit, but Sebastian was too strong. He'd never be able to break free.

"Sebastian," Ciel said. "I command you unhand me at once!"

Sebastian didn't let go, but he did loosen his hold. Ciel stared up at the other man, unsure of what to say next. It was becoming apparent that Sebastian was going to ignore his order. Actually he'd ignored most of them up to this point. It was time the Earl reestablished his authority.

"Sebastian," Ciel tried again, but he didn't get any further. The demon had bent close and Ciel could feel hot breath on his neck. "Sebastian—what? What the hell are you doing? Stop that immediately!"

He was pretty sure that Sebastian didn't have to breathe if he chose, so he was doing this just to be strange. In fact, this whole episode was completely out of character for him. Ciel's arms were starting to get tired. He wanted to be scared, but part of him was curious to see what the butler would do next.

He could feel Sebastian's lips brush against his neck and he gasped in surprise. It had been a long time since anyone had kissed him and no one had ever kissed him that way. It felt…good.

Ciel opened his mouth to say more, but he didn't get the chance. At that moment Sebastian drew his head back slightly. Ciel saw his fangs glint in the moonlight before they sank deep into his neck.