The title goes here dumbass, don't forget to add it or this will look real stupid

In a forest along the East Coast of the US the moon shone brightly on what appeared to be a peaceful summer night. Within the heart of the forest it was anything but peaceful as a shadowy figure dashed through the forest with a pursuer close behind. The figure in pursuit glowed a radiant light in the light of the moon, illuminating the immediate vicinity, while the shadowy figure out in front appeared to soak up all light, turning the night into a dark void.

The shadowy figure wore a cloak darker than the darkest of blacks with a sigil on the back. The sigil was of a glimmering silver scythe that seemed to flow and ripple. The figure also wore black spiked combat boots that went far up his legs, as well as ripped denim jeans that managed to be more flexible than any other material while still looking and feeling like black denim. Lastly the figure wore fingerless leather gloves that were black as night with silver symbols stitched throughout and listened to music through a pair of silver earbuds in his ears as he dashed along at inhuman speeds making it look casual.

The figure in pursuit began to fall behind as the figure in the lead bobbed his head to the music

"About time for anyone telling you off for all your deeds"

The music rang in his ears as he put on the speed easily outpacing his pursuer as he felt the presence of crashing waves not too far ahead. He felt the presence of a steep Oceanside cliff no more than 300 meters ahead of him as he smirked. He raced toward the edge of the cliff that was more than a 400 foot fall as the pursuer realized too and began to gain on him in an attempt to stop him.

Artemis POV

I could do nothing as I looked on and my target leaped off the edge of the cliff twirling gracefully both middle fingers extended toward me and face masked in shadows as he fell. I ran to the edge and looked down to see that the cliff face was a sheer drop of around 400 feet thinking to myself that there was no way a mortal could survive that fall. I flashed myself to the bottom in a hurry as I was hit by a wall of freezing ocean air that made me shiver. I whirled around left and right looking for any sign of my target, most likely a body. Seeing no body I flashed to Olympus and walked briskly into the throne room with a huff. I fired my bow straight up as he rest of the council flashed in within a matter of seconds.

"Daughter have you completed your mission?" asked Zeus with a tired and expectant face as this target of mine had been causing quite the commotion in the realm of the gods. I hesitantly looked toward him as I made eye contact and looked away from embarrassment. I had never failed a hunt before.

"Oh my gods you failed to capture him didn't you?" Apollo said while breathlessly laughing but he also held a shocked expression. The rest of the council sat straighter up in their thrones as they too had stunned faces. It was common knowledge that no one had ever bested me in a hunt all though that was not entirely true. A hunting partner of mine from when I was a younger godling, 1500 years ago, had bested me many a time. His name was Alcaeus and he was the closest companion I had ever had until he was killed by my brother for being too close to me.

"Shut up Apollo!" I shouted as I stomped my foot in a much undignified way that was not very representative of an Olympian goddess.

"This is troubling news daughter" said my father as he rubbed his chin and looked around at the rest of the council "we must find out what being possibly possesses the amount of power necessary to not only meddle in the godly realm but also best my daughter." The rest of the council nodded in agreement as thunder clapped as a conclusion to the meeting and one by one each Olympian flashed out with a grim look.