A/N - I decided to change things up with a different show. I loved EEnE as a kid, and growing up I always liked pairing Edd and Kevin. It's weird, I know. I love the KevEdd ship. And I've read fanfics for the two that are extremely well written, and I thought..."I wanna add something to this beautiful guilty pleasure of mine." Anyway, this story will focus on two pairings. The obvious KevEdd, and Nat and my OC. I really do like the Nathames ship, but I also like Nat as a separate character and want to see what can be done about him if he a completely different love interest. The EEnE characters belong to Danny Antonucci, Nathan Kedd Goldberg belongs to c2ndy2c1d, and James "Rave" Castellanos belongs to eyugho.

Description - Being an easy target and constantly bullied, there should no reason why Edd would help Kevin when Eddy decides to pull a dangerous prank on him. But, he did, causing him to lose a friend, but to unknowingly gain another. One that he has to tutor in English. Orchid just transferred to Peach Creek and she is already grabbing a lot of attention, specifically from a certain Nathan Goldberg, who was still sore after a bad break up. These two unlikely pairs have a lot of ugly to deal with during their last year of high school. Jealousy, bullying, social standards. But, will they find the beauty within each other to get past it all?

Warning: Foul language, pretty much throughout the story.

It was like any regular Monday for Edd. The day was full of rigorous classes. Lunch was spent deterring Eddy from his shenanigans whilst staying out of it, and after school was his time to fulfill his librarian's assistant duties. Despite being a senior, not much has changed in Peach Creek. Some matured while others remained the same. Over the course of four years, he had drifted from the other Eds, each finding their own groups. The lovable oaf had wised up since middle school, and was doing exceptionally well in his classes. He had even created a comic book club for enthusiasts like him. Eddy was the same. Always mischievous, but his pranks and scams had gotten considerably meaner. He still held that petty rivalry with Kevin, but he was the only one who was sincerely into it. Despite the space between them that was ever growing, they still made it a point to hang out on the weekends.

The trip home was nothing special. It was taken in solitude, which was perfectly fine for the scholar. It was peaceful, unlike his day at school. That was until he heard the loud and obnoxious rumble of a motorcycle. Kevin's motorcycle. He watched as the screaming deathtrap flew past him, with a whooping Nazz calling out and waving to him. He responded with a wave himself. He recalled how he used to stutter unattractively whenever she spoke to him, or blush whenever she was simply in the area. Now, he was very comfortable around the blonde, enough to hold an animated conversation with her. That happened when he figured out that he was homosexual.

Contrary to his social growth, his physical growth hasn't done much to him. Puberty was truly kind (or cruel) to him. He grew significantly taller, growing into his long limbs. He no longer had that awkward stick-like figure, but now had a lean and graceful body. His hair had also grown, framing his face and making him seem almost feminine. His wardrobe had changed as well. He had traded in the constant purple shorts and long socks in favor of fitted jeans, khakis, and fashionable shirts.

Upon arriving home, he found a sticky note on the front door from his parents.

Welcome home, Eddward! We hope you had a fulfilling and invigorating day at school today! Work had called us in, so we won't be home in a few weeks. There is plenty of food in the refrigerator. Do your homework, get plenty of rest, and keep up the good work. We love you!

Mother + Father

This was a regular occurrence, which Edd had gotten used to. He knew they meant well, and the little notes they left always reminded him that he was loved, and his parents always had him in mind. However, he still got lonely. That afternoon, he spent his time studying. That was until he heard someone banging on his back door, scaring the lights out of him. Arming himself with a frying pan, he opened the door to find Eddy staring at him with a shit-eating grin on his face. Edd knew what that meant. The shortest of the trio had come up with a prank, and this one was going to be particularly horrendous. He wanted no part of it.

"Eddy, I know that look. I'm not helping."

"Come on, Sockhead, just hear me out."

He sighed, knowing he would regret it. "I'm listening."

"Get a load of this!" He pulled out a small prescription bottle. Edd read the label, his eyes widening. It was a bottle of steroids, and the name on the label read "Kevin Barr".


"Just listen! A buddy of mine gave me this and made a label with jockstrap's name on it. It's not really his...yet."

Edd knew where this was heading, he didn't like it one bit. "Please tell you're not planning on putting this in his locker..."

"Of course I am! It'll be priceless!"

"No, it won't! Have you gone mad?!"

"Lighten up, Sockhead. It's not gonna hurt anybody."

At that, the genius threw his arms in the air in disbelief. How can anyone be this cruel? "Oh, well allow me to enlighten you with this little factoid: it will. Steroidal drugs, especially in athletics, are highly frowned upon. You know that. It will ruin his life!"

"So? Why the fuck do you care, anyway? Allow me to enlighten you with this little factoid: Shovelchin and his lackies made our lives a living hell. It's about time he's been taught a lesson."

"Absolutely not! I will not sit by and watch you destroy someone else's life for petty revenge."

"Petty? You think this is petty? Kevin's been-"

"Been keeping his distance. He hasn't touched us since sophomore year. Leave him alone."

"I thought you were my best friend, Dee."

"I am. I am doing this for not only Kevin, but for you. If you do this, you face suspension, if not expulsion. His friends will beat you to within an inch of your life, and considering the size differences, you will be hospitalized and most likely bedridden for most of your life. If you miraculously walk away from it, they will torment you until you are left with no choice but to leave Peach Creek. They are ruthless, and will stop at nothing until you submit. You know that. So, please, I beg of you...don't do this to yourself."

"I'll take my chances."


"Whatever. Guess you're not really my friend."

Before Edd could plea with him, he was gone. Yes, Kevin had been his tormentor for years, but he would never wish this upon him. He could not let such a promising future be destroyed by something as juvenile as revenge. He had to warn the jock, before it was too late.

Tuesdays were usually a good day for Kevin. Football practice was lighter, he had his favorite classes, and since study hall was his last period, he'd use that time to sleep. However, today was different. He knew he would definitely need the study hall period because last night, Nat had come over a depressed mess because of a really bad fight between him and his now ex-boyfriend, Rave. The two had been a couple for close to three years, and they broke up because Nat wanted to get serious. Kevin understood and consoled him all night. Now, Nat was almost back to his normal, flamboyant self...if you could count his constant pining over his ex as normal.

"Jesus fuck, Nat! I know you're bummed about Rave, but will you fucking give it a rest, already? If you're gonna whine and cry about it tonight, go to Nazz. She has ice cream and beer for you."

"I know...It just really fucking sucks, Kev."

"I know, buddy. But, hey...there are others out there. As cliche as it sounds, you just haven't met the right one yet."

"Speaking of 'the one', look who's coming."

Kevin turned to find Edd approaching, looking frantic yet determined. He seemed to be on a mission. "What do you want, Double Dork?"

Said boy frowned at the name, but he noticed the bags underneath his eyes and understood his irritability. "Good morning, gentlemen. Long night, Kevin?"

"You could say that."

"Please do get some rest when you get home. A proper night's sleep ensures a productive day."

"Yeah, yeah. What do you want?"

"I come bearing a warning."

"Well? Spit it out?"

"Regardless of your lack of sleep, you should take it upon yourself to at least soften your tone of voice when you speak to others. Especially those that wish to help you."

The redhead growled. He really didn't have time for this. "Fine, sorry. What's up?"

"Eddy plans to sabotage you. He's going to put a bottle of steroids, that has your name on it, in your gym locker, and tell your coach."

Kevin stared at the ravenette for a minute, processing his words. "What the fuck?!"

Edd couldn't even scold his foul language, understanding it was well placed. However, his tirade was bringing quite a bit of attention and he didn't like it. "Kevin..."

"Where is that little cocksucker?! I'm gonna murder him!"

"Kevin! There is no need for violence!"

"Who the fuck does he think he is?! Nat, you gonna help or not?!"

Edd had heard enough. "Kevin Barr, for heaven's sake, cease and desist your rage-filled discourse at once!"

That caught his attention. He knew the beanie-clad scholar was a painfully quiet and timid person, so it really surprised both jocks when he raised his voice at him. "Jeez, dork."

He flushed, realizing what he had done, but he couldn't focus on that now. "Ahem, there is no need for violence-at all. I told you about it because I trusted that you would take the more reasonable route, and go to your coach and the principal."

"I like my method better."


"Double Delectable is right. Being snitches might not get us any stitches. If we handled it ourselves, he could come back with something worse and his dumb ass will get himself seriously hurt. Even if he deserved it, I don't wanna end up in deep shit for his stupid shit."

Kevin groaned, but agreed. It would be better if the adults handled him. The trio went to tell the coach, who in turn told the principal about Eddy's plan. That led to his removal until further notice. However, their little victory backfired on the two football players. Coach Daniels had decided that before practice, the team needed a drug test.

"Well fuck...that got the team involved," Kevin said.

"I apologize. You'll obviously be tested even though you're clean."

"Don't sweat it. Actually, it's about damn time. Some of the guys are getting real aggressive on and off the field, and are truly hurting the other players. I wanna make sure nobody's juicing, or they're off the team."

"I understand." At that, Edd gathered himself. "Well, I must be off. See you later."

"Wait, I never got to-" But it was not use. Edd was already out of earshot and had disappeared into the crowd. "Damn it..."

"You know, for someone as nonathletic as him, he can sure move," Nat said.

"Yeah, well he has me and the others to thank for that..." Kevin groaned, feeling a sudden rush of disappointment hit him. He was a real ass to him, and it hurt.

"You really gotta tell Brian and them to lay off your man."


"I'm being serious this time. Come on, don't deny it. I know you have a thing for the cutie, which is why you haven't messed with him in forever. It's also why you broke up with Nazz last year."

"Nat, how are you so sure he even swings that way?"

Because I catch him checking you out. But I can't tell you that. "Have you seen him? Anyway, I just know these things."

"Oh, god."

"Just listen to me for once and give it a chance."
