The Unusual Alpha…

/Warning/: This chapter contains, fluff, and a little bit more fluff, a little bit of sadness, a little bit of violence, feelings, BAMF Eren! And who knows what! And other things that are here. All reviews are appreciated.



Inner Alpha talking or messages…

Flashbacks or dreams…

Chapter 12

Eren sipped his tea as he gazed at the people that gathered in the room, from the queen of Eldia to his sister to Levi's family, everyone was here looking at the two of them with shock, though Kuchel and Hanji were smiling happily at the two of them, while Kenny glaring daggers at Eren like he wanted the Alpha to burn with the power of his glare alone, though Eren paid him no mind hiding his smirk behind his cup.

"How could you?" Frieda whined as she walked around the room making Eren a little dizzy but he shook his head and returned his concentration to his mate, who was chattering happily with his mother and friends, ignoring Frieda who was growling at him. "How could you do that? Eloping on me and marrying your mate without a ceremony or even inviting me! I thought I was your friend!" Frieda whined, which made Eren roll his eyes at the woman with boredom.

"Oh, calm down." Eren said as he took another sip waiting for Frieda to explode at him for saying that famous phrase that made people angrier when it was uttered, but to his surprise, it was Kenny and not Frieda who start shouting.

"Calm down? Calm down! You just deflowered my baby and forced him to marry you! I knew you couldn't be trusted, my poor boy is now stuck with you for the rest of his life!" Kenny wailed which made Eren blink at that and look at Levi who flushed with embarrassment and anger when he heard Nanaba's laughter from the kitchen as the Beta was preparing breakfast for everyone.

"Shut the fuck up Papa! You are embarrassing me!" Levi hissed as he stood up while glaring at his sobbing father… and Eren had to stop his laughter because for one thing, the man didn't look like he was a fierce and a famous lawyer who eats his enemies for breakfast, the man looked like a damsel who was told that her knight had chosen someone other than her, and to be honest Eren expected Kuchel to say those words to him, not Kenny.

"But Levi! He is taking you away from home, forcing his evil on you! You are too young to be in a relationship, let alone be married to an old man in his sixties!" Kenny plea as he took Levi's hands in his hope that the Omega will understand, Eren, on the other hand, scrunched his nose at the jap to his age, and scowl at being called sixty, he was thirty-one for God's sake!

"The fuck Papa, I'm twenty-six! Too old not to be in a relationship and it was about time I married my mate, and for the record, Eren is only six years older than me!" Levi huffed as he pulled his hands from Kenny's who has snot and tears running down his red face, which was disgusting and made Levi back away from the man as far as possible.

"Six years, too many! That man shouldn't even be dating you! He is dangerous!" Kenny said which made Eren whistle at that and pour himself another cup looking at Kenny with interest like he was a soap drama to be watched, the growl that came from behind Kenny made him turn to look at Frieda who was glaring at the Alpha.

"What did you say?" Frieda hissed as she took a step toward Kenny who sniffed and raises his nose high in the ear which made Frieda hiss. "Now you listen here, you little shit! Yes, Eren is the SC's commander, yes, his job is dangerous! But he isn't a dangerous person… unless you have done something illegal and were working in the black market… but that's beside the point! Eren will never hurt a fly! Exclude the time he ripped an asshole's dick and shove it down his throat, but that's way out of topic! But the thing is! He is a Good Alpha!" Frieda said as she glared at Kenny's whose face became as white as a sheet of paper at Frieda's exclaim.

That made Eren rolls his eyes, especially when Kenny looked at Levi with a pleading look, causing the Omega to sigh. "Alright, people, calm down, after all this is not good for the baby." Eren said as he took a sip hiding his dark smile behind his cup especially when everyone froze and gazed at Eren.

"What baby?" Nanaba said as she was frozen in her place ignoring the smell of smoke coming from the kitchen as the eggs were burning on the stove.

"Oh, right we didn't tell you!" Levi said in a wondering voice which made Eren turn to the Omega to see a smirk on his face. "I'm pregnant!" Levi said happily which made everyone froze in their chairs with wide eyes; they only reason they moved was that Kenny hit the ground hard when he fainted, Eren snickered to himself when everyone screamed and rushed to the Alpha that hit his head hard.

This was fun…

So after a week spent being screamed at, having their house invaded, threatened, plead with, and everything you can think of, Eren and Levi were finally free to have a breath of relief after their family left. In the end, it ended up with Levi and Eren being threatening that they have to renew their vows and that they should do a huge ceremony so that everyone can attend, and if they didn't do, Frieda threat that she will follow Eren like a ghost for the rest of her life, which made Eren wince and agreed on the ceremony… a year from now which made people scream, that was until Levi threatened them that he was no way in hell was going to have a wedding when he was as huge as whale which made everyone shut up because the Omega was scary when he talked about fashion and wedding dresses.

The baby news made everyone squeal in happiness, and growl at Eren for not telling them, but the Alpha didn't really care, he only rolled his eyes at the idiots, especially when Kuchel and Hanji start spreading the news of Levi's pregnancy in the company, which made Levi sigh… though what made Nanaba, Frieda, and Hanji, snarl and nearly ripped each other's head, was that all of them wanted to be the baby's Godmother, something Eren sower that none of them are going to be, but Frieda plea with him about wanting the position, she even promised to give him the throne, something he kicked her ass for saying, all in all, that trio always spent the whole day hissing at each other until Levi finally cracked and told them that the three of them are the Godmothers of the baby and that in fact Frieda was considered the Godfather because she was an Alpha, something that the crazy bitch croon at until Eren kicked her in the ass.

So now after they were all free to rest, Eren should know that no matter how much he wished to rest he won't, so it ended with Kuchel, throwing an engagement party for both Eren and Levi, threatening that if the two of them didn't come, she will send Hanji and Frieda, something Eren groan at the pain of having the two crazy female in his home, on the bright side, Levi promised him that the two of them will leave earlier if he played the tired pregnant card right.

So here he was, trying desperately to socialize with the family and family friends while being sure that Kenny and Kuchel invited all of their co-workers with them too, thankfully they are doing this get together in the Ackermans' mansion, and thankfully Frieda decided to take pity on him and disguise herself so she will be less recognizable, which baffle him how she can do that just by her hair being dyed blond, he guesses that's a talent only she can possess.

"So what do you think? Neat." Frieda said as she stood beside him and Levi gazing at the two of them with an amused look on her face causing Eren to roll his eyes at that and look around the place with a boring look, gazing at Levi who went to some of his association and starts making small talk with them, a skill Eren possess but never use.

"Neat? Inviting over 400 people to a family get-together is neat? Frieda I clearly saw Pixis and my squad making idiots out of themselves near the buffet table, terrorizing Erwin Smith." Eren rolled his eyes for the thousand times that day as he let out a sigh when he heard Frieda laugh a little at that and shook her head, it was Erwin's fault that the other Alpha talked shit about Eren in front of his friends, still angry that Levi didn't choose him.

"Well, what can I say? They are happy that you finally found happiness." Frieda said sending Eren a gentle smile, so unlike her usual smiles, it made Eren eyes soften a little a small smile taking over his face. "They grow up, didn't they? Gone the annoying little brats, and now they are adults." Frieda said that while looking at Eren's squad, making Eren hum and look at Annie who hit Ymir on the back of her head.

"Yeah…" Eren said absent-minded, years and years ago before Alice took over the throne. The rotten king at that time Fritz start kidnapping children from the ages fourteen to twenty-three, putting them in a place called the underground, or like he liked to call it wonderland, the use of that place? Kill or be killed, a place that was made to create the best assassins in the world, there was only one rule, kill your foe, and finds the door to the outside world; if you do then you are a winner. And Eren, he was already in the military when he got a letter from his commanding officer telling him that the king wanted an audience with him, considering that he already made a name for himself as the strongest Captain out there at the age of twenty… needless to say, he was drugged and thrown into the bit, forced to kill unless he wanted to be killed, no one was to be trusted, because they will literary stab you in the back, it was there that he found Frieda and his squad, they were children, fourteen all of them, Annie was thirteen, but was taken because she witnessed what happened…

The day he met Alice, was a memorable day… he was alone as usual, having found the door to the outside but refused to use it just to spite on the king, he left wondering and gathering the supplies that were stashed all around the underground, is the true heir to the throne made Fritz want to get rid of her any way he can, and sending her to the underground was his way of doing that, thinking the woman won't survive there a second, which was the king's own fault for not noticing how skilled she was, the problem was that Frieda was too soft when she met Annie and her friends she couldn't make herself hurt the children, which ended up with her protecting the teens with all of her life which made her break her leg in the end, a broken leg equaled to a death sentence there. And he met Annie first, the tiny girl was trying to steal from his supplies to take it to her group because Frieda couldn't move to help them, Eren himself still didn't know why he didn't shoot Annie on the spot, probably because she had looked like Nanaba with her wide blue eyes as she looked at him in fear, reminding him of Nanaba the first time he saved her from the bullies, he made her take him to Frieda, helped sitting up the Alpha's leg and helped her protect the group, by that time he had made a reputation for himself before meeting the kids, most of the people in the underground called him the 'Mad' others called him 'Mad Hatter' a twisted since of humor for the name of the place they were thrust in, in the end, Eren was able to take the group out of the underground, which by default ended up with them joining (The corrupted at that time) SC, it took Eren a whole year of careful planning and choosing his allies before the revolution took hold and he was able to kill Fritz… more than a decade since that happened, and all of them grown up since then…

"Eren…" Levi's happy voice made the Alpha gaze at the Omega that rushed toward him with a happy look on his face, and Eren tense a little but raise his eyebrow when Frieda looked at him with concern, the reason for that was that Armin and Mikasa were walking beside Levi. "You won't believe it!" Levi said happily as he took Eren's arm in his hand turning to introduce everyone. "Alice, this is my doctor Armin Arlelt and his mate Mikasa Ackerman, who is a distant relative of the Ackermans' family, Mikasa works in my father's firm, he says she is the best of the best." Levi said which made Mikasa give a small smile in return and nod her head to Eren and Frieda. "Mikasa, Armin, this is Alice, my mate's best friend, and my mate Eren Yega." Levi said. Mikasa offered her hand in a handshake after Armin when Mikasa's hand shook his, her hand tightened on him pulling him toward her trying to sniff his neck, making him stumble at her action and glare at her, a little bit confused when he saw her eyes widen a little and her mouth to fall open.

"Eren…" Mikasa said breath hitching as she said that name which made Armin who was beside her froze, which made Eren pull his hand away like he was burned and backed away from the woman slowly, trying to calm himself last he panicked. "It's you… God! We have been looking for you for so long!" Mikasa said as her voice cracked, her eyes became glassy with unshed tears, causing Eren's face to become blank as he looked at the woman.

"Sorry Ma'am but you got the wrong person." Eren said as he straightened himself, nodding to Levi who was looking between Mikasa and Armin then Eren with wide eyes, and Frieda who looked at the couple with a blank look. "Let's go Levi." Eren said in a low voice which made the Omega blink a little and follows Eren who ignored Mikasa that was about to rush toward him but was stopped by Frieda who said something to her causing the woman to stand still and gaze at Eren's retreating back.

Levi stayed silent in the car until they reached their house, but even then they didn't get out of the car, Levi glanced at Eren once more and sighed. "So you know Mikasa." It was a statement, not a question, which made Eren tighten his hands on the steering wheel… "Eren Yega… Eren Yeager… nearly the same pronunciation even if the letters are different." Levi saw how dark Eren's face became at the mention of that name, causing him to hum. "Mikasa has been searching for you, you know? Spent years trying to find you and gain your forgiveness." That got a reaction out of Eren as the Alpha hissed a little at that.

"I don't know them!" Eren snapped which made the Omega hum at that and look at their home with a thoughtful look on his face, the Omega didn't really fault his mate for his bad reaction after all, after what Mikasa told them how they had lived in Shiganshina, Levi wouldn't fault the Alpha if he never wanted to look at Mikasa and her mate.

"Mikasa is an Alpha." Levi said when Eren was about to open the car's door, those words made the Alpha freeze in his place his back to Levi, but the Omega didn't pay that any mind hoping to explain for his Alpha. "She presented a month after her adopted brother at that time… her foster parents called mine, told them to come and take her that they never want an Alpha…" Levi's eyes became distant at that, and he felt how Eren straightened himself and leaned on the chair behind him in deep thought. "She was depressed, she tried to suicide more than once, couldn't accept the fact that she was an Alpha because they were murderers, rapists, monsters, I never knew who gave her that idea but I think that they were your parents. It ended with us forcing her to go to a therapist and after she became fifteen, she told us about you, and about her plans of searching for you hoping that she will find you, I don't know what she had hoped, maybe getting back her only family back… she returned to Shiganshina when she was eighteen, found Armin who apparently was her mate… they are still going to therapy, sometimes there are good days when Armin can hold a normal conversation with an Alpha, others that are bad when he still shakes just being near them… Mikasa always sends letters to me, until she returned back three months ago… she changed…" Levi muttered which made Eren look at the window taking deep breaths trying to calm himself.

"Why are you telling me this?" Eren finally said after opening and closing his mouth a few times, trying to gather his barriers after what Levi told him just now, heart pounding in his chest loudly, the Alpha was afraid it will pounce out of his chest any minute now.

"Because I want you to make the choice that you will regret the last." Levi said as he turned to Eren taking his hand that was gripping the steering wheel in his, which made Eren turn his gaze to the Omega. "I don't want you to regret, living all of your life in the 'What if's." Eren sighed as he leaned on his seat lost in thoughts…

The choice he will regret the last…

It took a month for Eren to finally gather himself, a month of going back and forth with himself before accepting Levi's offer and sat a meeting with Mikasa and Armin, mainly to hear their side of the story, mainly because he didn't want to regret not being able to meet them and learn about them, and Levi was supportive of his decision, the Omega was happy he could fly to the moon.

That's why Eren ended up in Rose café looking at Mikasa and Armin as the two of them looked at him with happy yet sad looks, Eren just took a sip from his tea looking at the two of them lost in thoughts. "Levi told me a little bit about what happened…" Eren said after a little while which made the two look at the man with sad looks. "Is it true?" That got a sigh out of Mikasa as she nodded her head at that, making Eren hum a little. "How are Grisha and Carla?" Eren ended up asking after a long pause which made both Mikasa and Armin shared a glance before looking at Eren.

"As well as they can be while trying to fill Armin's mind with more lies about Alphas being monsters." Mikasa ended up saying taking a sip from her coffee, looking at Armin who was playing with his cake, more of stabbing it; he does that every time Grisha and Carla got mentioned.

"So the commander of the SC, what does it feel like?" Armin asked after he stopped with destroying his cake, his question made Eren shrug a little, it was kind of awkward to be with the two of them considering that nearly two decades passed since the last time they saw each other.

"Tiring, especially when you deal with idiots all of the time." Eren said which made Armin and Mikasa give a small laugh, Eren subtly glanced at Mikasa's wrist, tensing a little when he saw a deep scar showing from Mikasa's black wrist band. "So a lawyer and a doctor… I guess it's not that surprising." Eren ended up saying, then falling silent after that.

"We are sorry." Mikasa said after five minutes of tense silence, making Eren raise his head to look at the Alpha woman that was giving Eren a sad smile. "We were wrong, we know that now, just as we know that you may never be able to forgive us for what we did or for what the Yeagers did, and it shows in the ways that you changed." And changed your name… that went unsaid but Eren knew the meaning of it and he let out a sigh at that.

"You are right; it's hard to forgive people who were the reason for my suffering." Eren said which made Armin and Mikasa's shoulders drop. "But… if it wasn't for that… then I may have never found a family that accepted me, never would have found Levi and got better in the end… I guess that you can gain your forgiveness." Eren said which made the two of them beam at that.

"Thank you Eren, we know how hard it's for you, to look at us when we were the reason for your pain in the past." Armin said, which made Eren take a deep breath at that and let it out. "We are hoping to start over again, we know we can't return to how we were, but hopefully, we can become friends again." Armin gave a shy smile as he said that which made Eren give a small smile of his own.

"Maybe…" Eren's word made the two mates looked at each other than at Eren with a smile, couldn't be happier that after all these Eren decided to give them a little chance to redeem themselves.

It was the first step forward…

"So you found her?" Eren asked Frieda as the two of them walked toward the palace dungeon, it had been five months since his meeting with Mikasa and Armin, and the five months that followed was the best and the worst in Eren's life, the best because he was finally happy, Mikasa and Armin did make themselves a part of Eren's family, and imagine Eren's surprise when the two of them became close friends with Eren's squabbling squad.

But two months ago Mikasa came to Eren to tell him about a strange Omega woman who always seemed to hang around Erwin, at first Mikasa thought the woman was Erwin's mate or lover, she didn't give her that much mind, but it was when she was going to Erwin's office one day to give him some files she heard something that made her froze in her place. She heard Erwin and the Omega talking about kidnapping Levi, Mikasa had rushed as fast as she can to tell Eren about what happened, and she also told Kenny while telling him to keep Erwin busy until Eren arrives.

Needless to say, they were able to catch Erwin and make the Alpha confess; the Omega was able to convince Erwin that Eren was abusing Levi and that Erwin and she can save him from Eren, a fact that made Levi who was six months pregnant at that time scream his head off at how stupid Erwin was, and ended up with him smacking the Alpha a few times, which ended up with the idiot calling uncle… thanks to Levi, Erwin wasn't sentenced to prison-like Frieda planned to but was put in a house arrest for the next five years, and the fucker should be glad for it.

All in all, it took them two months to be able to find Hitch who seemed like she disappeared from the face of the earth, though Pixis was able to find her hiding in the underground, the place that was shut down forever from everyone's reach unless you were one of the survivors of its cruelty.

"Yeah, we did, be careful when you reach her though, she is crazy." Frieda said and made a mock shiver of fear, causing Eren to snort and enter the dungeon, gazing at the rows of cells until his eyes feel on Hitch that was glaring at her guards which were his squad.

"So you finally left that whore for a second to check on dear old me, how charming." Hitch said when her eyes fell on Eren, the older Alpha did nothing but look at her with a bored look which made the Omega snarl and stands up rushing to the cell's bars but was stopped by the shackles on his legs and arms. "I could have given you everything! But instead, you choose that bitch instead of my, what did he have and I didn't?" Hitched screamed as she struggled against her shackles which made Eren hum and look at the woman with a dark smile, which only succeeded in enraging Hitch even more.

"He gave me his heart, something that unfortunately you didn't have." Eren said which made the woman stop in her place and look at Eren. "Do you know why I saved you from the Alphas that wanted to rape you in the underground?" Eren asked which made Hitch swallow and shake her head. "Because you were weak, then and you are weak now nothing change, and nothing will. I will never choose a weak Omega as a mate." Eren's harsh words made Hitch take a step back, eyes becoming glassy especially when Eren sent her a mocking smile. "Hope you enjoy your stay here, queen of hearts." Eren said as he turns back and starts walking away ignoring Hitch's pleas and screams for him to come back.

He finally got rid of her…

"That's it, Levi, push!" Armin said which made Levi scream as he did while gripping Eren's hand in a crushing hold. It had been a month since Hitch, a month since Eren finally get a grip of his life, and today was the day! The day that his child will come and see the world, everything was perfect, if you didn't count Levi's ear deafening scream and Eren's broken fingers from how tightly the Omega was holding his hand, Eren looked at Armin who was four months pregnant and shiver, wondering if Mikasa will go through the same or she will be smart and run to the end of the earth, as much as he was happy to finally have their baby girl arrive into the world, he could have skipped the pain or her arriving.

"This is your entire fault!" Levi shriek as he gripped Eren's hand tightly in a threatened grip, making Eren wince but other than that he didn't say anything last Levi made a practicing target out of him. "I'm going to kill you if you ever touch me again, you asshole!" Levi's ended his sentence with a scream as he pushed the baby.

"Come on, Levi, I see the head! Push!" Armin said which made Levi take a deep breath and push one last time while giving an ear-piercing scream. The silence that followed was as deafening as the scream Levi let, and they both let outbreathed they didn't know they were holding until they heard the baby's cry. "Congratulation, it's a healthy baby girl." Armin said as he put the now clean and clothed baby in Levi's arms, the breath left both parents as their eyes fell on their daughter, ignoring everyone as their attention was focus on their daughter.

She was beautiful… especially with her creamy pale skin, like Levi, and her dark brown hair like Eren, when she opened her eyes, Eren's breath left him as a beautiful teal eyes feel on him, surveying the place, until her eyes fell on Levi and Eren once more. "Beautiful isn't she." Levi said as the girl snuggled into his chest giving a small yawn. "Isabel…" Levi said before looking at Eren who didn't take his eyes off of the girl.

"A beautiful name, for a beautiful princess…" Eren said which gain a small laugh from Levi as the Omega looked at the baby once more cooing to her, looking at Eren with a happy smile, which made the Alpha give a small laugh when the Omega offered the child to him. "Hello princess…" Eren said to the child as he rocked her gently looking at Levi who was looking at the two of them with happiness shining in his eyes.

Eren thank his lucky stars for this new beginning…

So what do you think?

Finally, we reached the end of the fic!

I'm so happy that everyone stuck with me till the end!

Thank you for reading and commenting on the fic!

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