I don't own these characters; Disney/ABC does.

Public Service Announcement: this is my first attempt at an A/B/O universe story. So, first off, that means G!P/futa, whichever you call it. Second off, that means I might not know exactly what I'm doing, but I'm trying. Third off, I just hope you're willing to bear with me.

A/N: what you need to know about this story — it's SwanQueen and set at the end of season 5. It doesn't acknowledge season 6, but everything from seasons 1—5 still stands. And, as always, for updates on this story or just come say hi to me on Facebook; there's a link on my profile.

Who We Are

1: Hidden

Emma was not surprised that after all of the madness the past few months that the people of Storybrooke wanted to celebrate a month of relative peace. It was nice to not have a street full of Dark Ones or Queens or Darkness or Ice Walls. Hell, there had not even been a curse in a month or some Big Bad trying to kill at least one of them. That had to be a record. People were tense, but appreciative. So, Regina organized a whole festival for the occasion to help people relax.

Maybe it was an election year or something, as Emma just could not see Regina doing something out of the kindness of her heart for the whole town. Maybe for a few people in the town, but not everyone. Or maybe it was easier to do something for "everyone" rather than thinking of the many people who still on the fence about Regina. Either way, it was a big outdoor celebration since the weather was nice. Downtown was a fairground and put the Miner's Day thing they used to have to shame. There were rides, games, events, animals, and, of course, food.

Henry dragged Emma out with her parents and the Little Guy, also known as Neal Leopold, also known as her little brother. Emma was not in the mood to celebrate, but could not turn them down, especially not when Henry gave her the big puppy eyes. He thought it would cheer her up.

"Come on, this is just what you need to take your mind off of Hook," Henry said, grabbing Emma by the hand. Possibly to get her to stop rubbing her arm, which she could not help. She was itching, literally itching all over. His hand in hers burned. She could not pull away, or she would have to explain it all and she did not have the right.

It was not just Henry, though. She had shied away from being touched by everyone for the past week or so. Skin contact with anyone was like holding a hot pot, searing and rough. Thankfully, Henry's smell did not make her gag like most people's did. It did not make any sense to her. She tried her best to ignore it, even though she kind of knew the cause. She could not do anything about right now.

Emma shrugged. "I don't really need to take my mind off of him." Her mind had been other places since they came back from Hell and there had not been anything to occupy her time. Damn it, since when is there no excitement around here? She needed a distraction, one that was not Regina-shaped.

"Funnel cake!" Henry yanked her away, dipping and dodging through people to get to the dessert stand. That was enough of a distraction. She and Henry were both addicted to funnel cake.

"Wait for me," David called, jostling with the stroller. He was probably where they got the funnel cake addiction.

Her parents followed them and they all had funnel cake. Even the Little Guy wanted in on it. Emma was not too keen to call her brother by name. Sometimes, she called him by a shortened version of his middle name, Leo. She never said the full name after she did it once with Regina around and Regina hurried away; Emma found her vomiting hardly a minute later. Poor Little Guy had lost the naming lottery with both of them. Regina coddled the Little Guy and Emma learned to get along with him, despite his name.

"It's so perfect," Emma moaned as she took a huge bite out of the fried dough. It barely took the edge off, though. Ants still danced under her skin, but for once in days, scratching was the second thing on her mind. She needed to finish her funnel cake first.

"Hey, Mom, texted and said we should move to Town Hall for the speech and then find a perfect spot in the park to watch the fireworks," Henry said, powdered sugar all around his mouth and his phone just barely in his hand. He refused to hold his funnel cake with one hand, which she understood. He dropped it once when they lived in New York and it was tragedy.

"Isn't Granny's going fried ice cream tonight, too?" Emma asked. It was not that far from Town Hall and maybe they could still get a good spot in the park for the fireworks show, which may or maybe not just be Regina doing magic. Don't be cynical. You're just itchy about Regina point blank.

Henry smacked his lips and his eyes glimmered. "I knew hanging out with you tonight was the right move. Mom would never agree to this stuff."

"Then, let's not tell her. It's a celebration and all," Emma said. Regina would kill her if she found out about how their tour of the celebration was fast food and rides.

Henry grinned. "You are definitely the cool Mom."

For whatever reason, those words made her itch and burn even more. The mention of Regina made her itch, from the ends of her hair to the tips of her toes. There was a gentle stirring in her pants that wiggling only made worse. Stop thinking about her.

"Maybe we should skip the speech," Emma said. If mentioning Regina made her pants tight, she was not in the mood to find out what seeing Regina might do to her at this point. She doubted the fact that they were in public or a crowd of people was there would make a difference either. Damn, why is this happening now?

Henry gasped, looking something between outraged and scandalized. "No way! It's Mom's big moment."

Snow nodded. "Well, I don't know about big moment since it's just to highlight the celebration, but we should be there to support her. She's been there for us since we went back to the Enchanted Forest."

Emma groaned, but they moved toward Town Hall anyway. It looked like the whole town was there. Emma would have been content to stand in the back, not being able to see Regina. Maybe even not hear her. But, everybody was so damned nice and let Snow push them right along to the front. And there Regina was in all her pants suit glory.

"Could be worse. She could be wearing a dress," Emma muttered to herself. If she got to see any actual body part of Regina, even something simple like an elbow, she felt like her head might explode. Both of them.

"You okay?" Henry asked, standing next to her with his head held high, proud of his mom.

"Yeah, why?" Emma countered.

"You're scratching your chin like you're not," David answered with an arched eyebrow.

Emma had not even realized it. She yanked her hand away from her skin and held it down with her other hand. She could feel every hair on her body stand on end. It was not fair. She felt like she was about to fall apart and Regina was none the wiser, standing before them all, smiling like all was well. To Hell with her. No, she already did that for me. That memory did not help the itching stop.

With the sun setting at her back, giving her a golden halo, Regina made a short speech about how they deserved to have some fun after such a trying year-plus, brushes with death, curses on top of curses, and generally unpleasant people who were not her for once. The last bit even earned some laughs. Emma did not hear much more beyond that. Her heart rate increased, heart pounding on her ribs like they might break, and lungs burning for air. She turned away and scratched her arms. Shit.

"Let's go get the best spot for fireworks!" Emma yanked Henry away as soon as the speech was done, hurrying toward the park. Her parents trotted behind her with the baby carriage.

"What? What about ice cream?" Henry said.

Emma groaned. "Fine. You go find the spot and I'll get the food." It should be fine. Regina would go see the fireworks, which meant she had until then to get herself together. She would not be long for this world after that. Maybe I should say goodbyes or something?

"We should wait for Mom and Zelena," Henry said.

"They'll find us," Emma replied. It would give Emma time enough to enjoy her fried ice cream before she lost her mind in the presence of Regina. This wasn't this hard a month ago. Of course, a month ago, they were in the underworld trying to stay alive and bring Hook back, so there was that.

"She's right. We need to get a good spot to see the fireworks. Plus, didn't you agree to meet Violet for the show?" Snow pointed out.

Emma could have kissed her mother, but that would be weird. She was happy Henry stopped arguing. He went off with them and she turned back to Granny's. She wanted to see Regina, but she did not want to see Regina. Not while she was weak in the knees and scratching like it was the only thing that would keep her sane. Okay, maybe she needed to see Regina because this was ridiculous.

"We need to talk," Emma muttered. She did not want to talk, but it needed to happen. Maybe it would take the itch away. Or she could at least find out she was not suffering alone.

"Talking to yourself now, Emma?" Regina said.

Emma yelped and looked up to see Regina standing right before her. Part of her wanted to run and the other part wanted embrace Regina. The latter part sort of won out and she reached for Regina's hand. For a moment, the world fell away and Regina stroked her palm with a single fingertip. Skin contact did not feel like the needles purified in the flames of Hell. Everything felt right and calm.

Then, Regina pulled away and Emma was devoid of warmth and light. She whimpered. Regina frowned at her and crossed her arms across her stomach, holding her elbows, like it would help her keep her hands to herself. Emma did not want her to keep her hands to herself, though. In fact, Emma would love for Regina to claw and paw at her with reckless abandon.

"Shouldn't you be headed toward the fireworks?" Regina asked. She looked so normal that it pissed Emma off.

And shouldn't you not look hotter than any fucking fireworks? "Yeah, but I promises Henry some deep fried ice cream." Emma motioned to Granny's with both hands.

Regina arched an eyebrow as a small frown settled on her face. "How much junk food have you fed him?"

"Come on, it's a festival! It's the first normal few weeks we've had since you guys have been back from the other realm. Hell, even those six weeks where we didn't have a Big Bad, we still had runaway magic and mad science to wrangle. I mean, do you remember the llamas?" It was something Emma would like to forget. Them and their damn spitting.

"They were alpacas."

"It doesn't matter. This has been… calm. Let him have some fun," Emma said. She wished she could enjoy the festival the same way he was, but no, she had to feel like she needed to rip her skin off the whole time.

Regina frowned deeply. "Oh, so now I'm not letting him have fun?"

"Regina, I didn't mean it that way. Please, let's have a good time." Emma did not want to fight. Regina had been picking fights with her all week, like it was something to do when she was not terrorizing the people setting up the celebration. She did not understand why, but it did not help her stop itching. Regina was so hot when she was annoyed and misinterpreting what Emma meant. Oh, no, I'm sick. "You're going to hang out with us for the fireworks, right?"

Regina sniffed, curling her upper lip. "Maybe." Of course that was the plan, but Regina had to play coy. She turned away for a second and seemed to be trying very hard to be annoyed. But, there were sweat beads above her lip and she licked the bottom, making Emma want to nibble it.

"Uh… maybe we should talk, too," Emma said before she realized it. Damn it, why did I say that? Well, beyond the fact we need to. It helped to see Regina was not as cool and calm as she pretended to be.

Regina stared at her as if she were the village idiot. "What should we talk about?" Brown eyes drifted down Emma's body, but then quickly snapped back to her face.

Emma pointed between them. "This thing between us. Not to mention, the kid. Regina, we need to tell the kid."

Regina invaded her personal space, glaring at her worse than when they were enemies. It felt like pure fire between them, which was good and bad. Her skin prickled and her insides melted in a way that Regina would probably smite her for if she knew. It did not help matters she smelled so good, like sandalwood, promises, and calm autumn nights. Emma's eyes almost rolled into the back of her head, but she shook that away. She needed to keep control. How the hell did Regina affect her like this? They really needed to address the issue before she lost all control. No, I'll never slip that low. Never again.

"We will not tell him anything. He's finally back with me and I will not lose him again," Regina hissed, pointing to the ground. Her lips trembled and Emma was not sure if it was from fury or arousal.

"Regina, you can't possibly believe you'd lose Henry to this," Emma said. That was plain crazy talk.

"I told Henry I'd stop lying to him. You think he won't see this as one huge lie?" Regina made an upward sweeping motion with her hand. "Maybe you're allowed to come back from it, but we both know this would be the end of it for me."

Emma shook her head. "Do you really think so little of Henry?"

Regina growled at her. Emma shuddered and very nearly exploded in her pants. No, something is definitely wrong with me. She should not be turned on by Regina, especially Regina being pissed at her.

"I think he will hear all of this and determine I'm a liar, just like before. He'll think I roped you into the lie, which is true. So, you get off scot-free by defending me while it's all at my feet. Don't you have a pirate to avoid or something?" Regina huffed with a determined glare in her eyes, even though the right one twitched slightly.

Emma snorted and glowered right back. "You know Hook and I mutually called it quits the second we got back from Hell, so I'd thank you to not bring him up anymore." She and Hook had come to an understanding that there was no way in Hell they could be together, not after she turned him into the Dark One or after he picked at each of her insecurities like so many bits of lint. They barely wanted to see each other and had taken to leaving the area if they were in the same place. Most of the time, she hated even entertaining the idea she could be with him, not that she was ever really with him.

"So, that means you're going to fall back on your old hobby of bothering me and ruining my life?" Regina folded her arms across her chest again and tilted her chin in a challenge.

Emma made a fist as shivers raced down her spine. "You can't run me off that easy." Not while she smelled like Heaven on Earth anyway. Emma wanted to throw Regina against the nearest wall and make their own fireworks. She shook her head, but the aroma was tattooed to her brain. "Fuck, are you doing this on purpose? You say you don't want to talk about it, but…" She shook her head again, needing to clear her head. It was impossible. The air was full of Regina. I wanna be full of Regina.

"Emma, maybe you should go get your ice cream," Regina said. She swallowed and Emma watched her throat move, wanted her throat under her tongue. Hell, wanted her under her.

"Damn it, Regina. We have to talk about this." Emma rubbed her sweaty palms on her jeans. They needed to do something before she had a breakdown. It did not look like Regina would escape one either.

"There's nothing to talk about," Regina said through gritted teeth as a bead of sweat slid down her cheek. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get to the fireworks show. I promised our son I'd be there and I don't want to be made a liar."

"Regina." Emma reached for Regina, but pulled back before she made contact. Fuck. You cannot go around grabbing people, especially Regina. I don't care how fucking good she smells or how crazy she's making you. Regina was not hers to touch. No one was hers to touch like that. The tightness of her pants eased just a little as dread made a home in her guts.

"Emma, just go." Regina's voice broke and then she rushed off, heels clicking heavy on the pavement. Each clack hit Emma in the stomach.

"Fuck." Emma wiped sweat from her forehead and rushed over to Granny's for the ice cream. She breathed a sigh of relief as she was inside, free of Regina's enchanting scent. Who the hell made that woman smell that good?

"Hey, Emma—Whoa!" Ruby took a step back, squinting as she regarded Emma. "Dude, do you… How are you… Huh?" She twisted her face up, wiggling her nose.

"What?" Emma asked as she leaned on the counter. The place was clearing out, people trying to catch the fireworks.

Ruby looked around and waved Emma closer. Emma moved down, away from more customers. Ruby leaned in close and openly sniffed Emma.

"What the hell are you doing?" Emma asked.

"Dude, why do you smell all… alpha-like?" Ruby asked in a low voice, waving her hand in Emma's general area.

Emma's eyes went wide. "Why do I smell like what?" It took all of her self-control to not sniff herself. How the hell did that happen?

"Yeah. I thought you were a beta. What the hell is going on? Are you using magic or something?" Ruby looked her up and down. "This is crazy."

"Yeah, it is crazy. You sniffing me and all," Emma pointed out. She turned, checking out the diner. Everyone was gone.

"No, no, no. It's because you don't smell the same as you used to. You know I'm a werewolf and the heightened senses thing is not a lie. I know what you smell like, down to the donut mornings and the cinnamon hot chocolate. If necessary, I could track you across the country, days after you leave. That's how well I know what you smell like. This is new, but engrained in you. How do you have hints of alpha all in your beta air?" Ruby asked.

Emma sighed. At least she could trust Ruby. "Okay, because I know you're not going to let this go, long story short, I'm not a beta. I take drugs to give off beta vibes, though. Now, I need some fried ice cream to go, two orders. Cookies and cream if you have it. Regina will skin me alive if I miss the fireworks." The thought made her tremble. That should not turn you on, Emma Swan.

"You take drugs? Is that you and our esteemed mayor were arguing over? Your alpha fighting with her alpha?" Ruby smirked as she moved for fill the order.

Emma could not help the laugh that escaped her. Ruby turned and stared at her with an arched eyebrow. Fuck! Taking a breath, Emma causally looked away. It would be best to let Ruby believe they had a little alpha spat than anything else, even though it tore her up to have anyone, especially a close friend, think she engaged in petty alpha bullshit.

"So, I didn't know there were drugs that could change your sex like that," Ruby said as she returned with the orders.

Emma shrugged. "It's all hormones and chemicals. I mean, it's not like I cut it off or anything. But, the drugs just change the chemicals."

Ruby pulled her mouth up to one side for a second. "I think it's a little more than that, but okay. Are they legal?"

"Thanks for the ice cream. Don't tell anyone." As far as Storybrooke was concerned, Emma was not an alpha and she would like to keep it that way. Hell, she was not an alpha as far as she was concerned. She could control herself.

"About the ice cream? Sure." Ruby winked.

Emma snickered and left. Henry texted her where they were in the park, so she could find them. She spotted them on a hill, settled on a blanket Snow brought along. Snow had the Little Guy on her lap with David cuddled up next to her. Zelena sat on the opposite edge of blanket. They were still a little shy of her being around Leo. Regina was there, smelling just as tempting as before. Emma shook her head, trying to clear her brain, as she handed Henry his ice cream and took her seat next to him. She popped open her container to see not just fried ice cream, but a hot brownie and both were covered fudge and whipped cream. Ruby was such a sweetheart.

Emma wished she could put more space between her and Regina than just Henry's body. From the way Regina squirmed with her legs tucked so neatly under her, Emma suspected she was not the only one wishing there was more between them. Emma shoved her nose in her ice cream box, hoping the sweet smell of brownie and fudge would be enough to block out Regina for a while.

They all turned their attention to the fireworks show as it started. There was an array of colors and shapes. There were even cartoon character designs; none of them Disney characters. It did not seem to be magic, but it was amazing.

"I could do better than that," Zelena boasted, holding baby Robyn close. The baby was content to suck her thumb, less interested in the fireworks than her mother.

"Yes, well, remind me of that when I need a flashlight," Emma teased, grinning across the blanket at Zelena.

Zelena sneered at her. "You're snippy." She turned to Regina, who was next to her and Henry. "Make your puppy be nice to me."

Regina scowled. "I'm sure she's thinking the same of you."

"No, I'd never mistake Zelena for a puppy," Emma replied.

"Guys! The fireworks!" Henry motioned to the sky with his free hand.

Emma turned her attention to the fireworks and tried to enjoy her sweet treat. Whiffs of Regina reached her and made it impossible to concentrate on anything. Eating her ice cream and brownie, all she tasted was Regina, which was not good. Her pants felt tight again and if she did not get her act together everyone would know she was not the beta she presented to the world.

"That was awesome!" Henry cheered once the fireworks ended. He had an empty container that held the ice cream he probably swallowed in one bite with the way he ate lately. He turned to Emma. "So, Violet just texted me that she's on the other side of the park, but she wants to get on some rides. Wanna go check out the roller coaster again? It'll be fun the tenth time!"

Emma chuckled, certain he meant it would be fun with Violet this time. "Sure, kid." Then, she looked at Regina. "If it's okay with your mom, anyway. I mean, Regina, you wanna take him somewhere?" He spent the entire festival with her and had not been around his mom much since she had been planning the celebration.

"No. I'll continue showing Zelena around and work the crowd," Regina said. "I'll see you at home, Henry." She kissed him on the cheek.

Henry winced. "Actually, Mom, I was hoping I could spend the night with Emma." While he did not mean it any other way then it sounded, Regina's soul shattered and it was visible in her eyes for a brief moment.

Emma felt like she got kicked in the stomach, so she could only imagine how Regina felt. She could see why Regina never wanted to tell Henry the truth. Despite everything she had done for him, there would always be that thing between them, that lie. And, yes, Emma had lied, too, but it did not hold the weight of Regina's lie and maybe it was because Regina raised him, Regina was his mother, but it was not fair. It meant they would never talk about that night or talk about what the hell was happening now.

Regina schooled her features quick enough that no one else seemed to notice and she smiled at Henry. Her eyes glistened, like the wet put out the light in her. Henry did not seem to notice, too busy looking at the top of the roller coaster. The dwarves had outdone themselves with the damn thing. The only thing it lacked was a proper, high loop, but there were enough twists to make up for it.

"Of course, Henry. Have fun with your mother and your grandparents," Regina said. There was a little strain in her voice.

"Henry, don't you want to spend some of the festival with your mom?" Emma wanted to save the day. Well, save Regina's day.

"It's all right." Regina put her hands up before Henry could open his mouth. "I wouldn't want to keep him from the rides." She turned to her sister. "Come on, Zelena. Let's go."

Regina gave Henry another quick kiss on the cheek, as it would heal her wounds, and beat a hasty retreat. Zelena bid them farewell with smirk and a wave. The scent of Regina should have faded with her, but it clung to Emma's brain, clutching her will to live. The only thing that kept her from slipping into a sweet memory was the fact that she saw a few heads turn and follow Regina as she left. Emma growled.

"Emma, are you okay?" Snow asked, squinting at her with concern.

Emma coughed to cover the growl. "Oh, yeah. I think the ice cream just went down the wrong way." She put her arm around Henry. "Let's go hit that roller coaster again."

"All right!" Henry threw his fist up, oblivious to how he made his mother feel. They marched off and Emma could only hope she maintained her sanity for a little longer.


"Your puppy seemed a little aggressive tonight," Zelena said as she walked arm and arm with Regina through the smiling throngs in the cooling night air. The smell of popcorn floated by them, but Regina could only smell Emma, leather, cotton, and cinnamon.

Regina held Robbie close, trying to block Emma with the dazzling aroma of fresh baby. She was just barely holding it together now. Robbie was fascinated with all the lights and balloons, despite sucking her thumb and sleeping through the fireworks. Her eyes darted around and Regina smiled. She was tempted to buy the baby a balloon, but Robbie was hardly old enough to enjoy it beyond looking. After all, Robbie could not even crawl yet.

"Stop referring to Emma as my puppy. She is your nephew's mother. You should show her some respect," Regina replied and then she smiled at some citizens as they walked by. They waved at her. She waved back. Robbie cooed loudly, as if greeting them. "Oh, look at you, already quelling the masses." Regina nuzzled the baby.

"She takes after her mother, after all," Zelena said.

Regina scoffed. "I think she's more like her aunt. After all, one of us was able to show our face while keeping the peasants in line." She said it loud enough for people to hear, but no one even glanced at them. Robbie giggled, though.

Regina beamed at her niece, unable to hide how much she loved the little girl and it had nothing to do with her being Robin Hood's baby. Robbie was adorable and pleasant, surprising for Zelena's child. But, Regina found it impossible to call the baby "Robyn." That, she suspected was because of Robin Hood. It hurt that he died, not on the same level as it hurt with Daniel, but there was pain. She was more agonized for Roland, now an orphan, and it was partly her fault on both ends.

"I have to say, this is a clever PR stunt for us, sis," Zelena commented, bringing Regina back from dark thoughts. Dark thoughts would have been welcomed if they got her to forget about the fire in her veins.

"Yes, the Evil Queen and Wicked Witch out on the town. If we go find Maleficent, we could really worry the public," Regina remarked. It would distract her from the more worrying matter of how being in Emma's presence made her nerves jump and her flesh itch. It had taken every ounce of her self-control to not leap on Emma and have her way with her on the damned blanket while watching the fireworks with their entire family right there.

Zelena rolled her eyes. "Oh, please, Regina. You can lie to everyone and play like this isn't calculated, but I know how you think. You spent the other day walking about with Maleficent and now with me, taming the masses, showing them we're not a threat or we're under your control."

Regina laughed. "You think too highly of me." They were more doing her a favor, as she was certain she would not lose control around them. Walking around with Maleficent should have been a mistake, which let her know how far gone she was. She feared she would embarrass herself, needing friction in the worst way. In the past, Maleficent would have been perfect, but the idea overrode her burning sensation in her skin. Her mind balked at the notion of being with Maleficent, her body offended at the option.

"Ah, yes! The savior!" Zelena clapped.

Regina almost jumped, thinking Emma sneaked up on her. But, there was no way she would miss that mouthwatering scent. She realized what Zelena meant and she craned an eyebrow. "Are you suffering from brain damage? I'd really insult you, but your daughter is in my arms."

Zelena waved her off and scoffed. "Come now, sis. You're just as legitimate as Emma in their eyes now. In fact, you'll notice you've got quite a few fans."

Regina glanced around. She noticed she was being watched. Despite what Zelena thought, it was not for a fan club. She tried to ignore it. This was Emma's fault. Her body was out of control now, spiraling to depths she refused to consider. She needed to rein herself in. She took a breath, and tried to focus on Zelena. Zelena smirked at her and she frowned in return. If Zelena knew what was going on and made some snide or disgusting comment, Regina would burn her to a crisp right in front of her daughter and then raise Robbie as her own.

"You protected them from me and you tried to help with the Snow Witch thing or whatever that mess was. I missed that. You put yourself on the line with Rumple and his groupies, or whatever that was about. You've brought me to heel," Zelena said with her usual flourish.

"Is there a point here?" Regina huffed, patting Robbie's back as she cooed. She touched the baby's cheek, just to check and make sure she was not cold. Robbie was bundled up and seemed fine.

"Just saying you're a hero now. You're popular," Zelena sneered.

Regina glared at Zelena. There was something more to her words, like Zelena understood why she was getting attention. Zelena smiled at her.

"Zelena, say what you mean or there will be more fireworks tonight," Regina said.

Zelena rolled her eyes. "I'm just pointing these things out, sis. They seem to like you now, recognize you or recognize you're not a threat."

"I don't want them to recognize me. I want them to fear me." Regina made a fist. It would probably be more threatening if she did not have a cooing baby in her arms. She would have to work on that, as she suspected she would have a cooing baby in her arms more often than not now.

"Oh, please, we both know you're beyond that. You're fine with these simpletons' respect. Isn't that what you've been wanting for me? You want me to understand and accept a simple life?" Zelena asked, folding her arms across her chest. She looked absolutely disgusted with the idea, but it did not reach her eyes. They were more alike than either of them cared for and a simple life full of love and support would make Zelena quite happy.

Regina nodded. "You can't tell me life isn't better now."

Zelena glanced at her and smiled. "I could, but it would be a lie. I've come to enjoy you."

Regina snorted. "You enjoy the fact that I know how to handle a baby." Zelena was beyond hopeless when it came to little Robbie. She tried, but she needed a lot of help and Regina was all too happy to help. It felt good to take care of a baby again and Zelena was not so bad when she was not trying to wipe away Regina's existence.

"You're good with her. Almost…" Zelena's smirk was absolutely wicked and her eyes glinted with deviltry.

Regina snarled, challenging her sister. "If you'd rather I tear her throat out like you seem to believe I should, I will."

Zelena laughed. "Of course not. I know you're the big bad alpha and all. You don't have to go all savage on my account."

Regina snarled again and then glared at some staring denizens just for good measure. Too many noses were pointed in her direction and Zelena was not helping. More than that, she felt herself sweating through her damn blazer and her muscles felt like they were ready to rip apart. Regina needed to get out of here soon enough. The moment it was polite to leave, she would be gone. Hopefully, Emma had not done any real damage, beyond the fact that her underwear was sticky and she throbbed with want.

"I can't believe you didn't spend any of this festival with Emma," Zelena said.

"Are you just pulling conversation topics from your ass?" Regina asked and then grimaced, rubbing the baby's back. "Sorry, Robbie. Auntie meant tushie."

Zelena snickered. "Oh, dear, she doesn't have a chance. I just thought you and Emma were all friendly and whatnot now. She's been over the house and things like that. I mean, I know you're not besties, as that would be us, but you're friends."

Regina chuckled a bit. Her sister could be ridiculous and it was endearing. Emma would argue being Regina's best friend and Regina doubted she could dispute it, despite the avoidance right now. Emma had been at her house more, mostly hanging out with Henry, which was fine. She did not think Emma was trying to steal Henry, he just seemed to gravitate to her and often left the house with Emma. Emma did not threaten Regina, not in parenting anyway.

"We are friends. We're co-parenting and all. It's just I'm working right now and she's having fun with Henry. That's more important. You understand I'm working and you don't want to have fun." Regina smirked.

"Clearly, since I've stuck with you!" Zelena tugged her close with their connected arms.

Regina groaned, feeling like her skin might peel off her thanks to the contact. "You say that now, but tomorrow when Robbie is sick from the cotton candy you stuffed in her face when you thought I wasn't looking, you'll call me all day."

"And where will you be where you won't be answering those calls? We both know your niece has you wrapped around her little finger and there's no way you'd leave her to my whims." Zelena did a ridiculous hand motion.

Regina rolled her eyes. It was true. But, she would like to spend tomorrow reviewing her spell books to make sure people stopped looking at her as if she were a piece of meat to be thrown over a grill. The second she reworked the spell, she would reestablish herself as not just an alpha, but THE alpha. I'll bring these peons to their knees.

"Come on. Let's go buy Robbie a balloon," Regina said. Watching Robbie bat the thing around might help take her mind off of her everything else.

Zelena nodded, always happy to let Regina indulge her daughter. Regina was happy for it, too. Robbie had been a very good distraction in the quiet month. Henry seemed to want Emma's company. She supposed it was because Emma kept her house from when she was the Dark One and he seemed to think it needed some life in it whenever Emma went home. She thought he might have been avoiding home because of Zelena, who seemed to think the same and moved back into her farmhouse. That did not bring Henry back home. Of course, since Zelena was at Regina's house everyday, it might have been moot anyway.

"You want me to spend the night since you'll be sans Henry?" Zelena asked as the evening wound down. Robbie was asleep in Regina's arms.

"No. I know you like being on your own and you feel like you're being babysat at my house," Regina replied, more indulging her sister than anything else.

Zelena smiled. Regina would respect the fact that her sister wanted her independence. Besides, Zelena only slept at her farmhouse. Despite all her blustering, Zelena spent all her waking hours with Regina. From the second she rose in the morning, she dressed herself and Robbie and teleported to Regina's house to spend the day getting on Regina's nerves. Regina found she did not mind, even when Zelena was purposely irksome.

"Maybe you could use your free time to talk to Emma and sort out this Henry business," Zelena said.

Regina's neck almost snapped from the way she turned to eye her sister. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" How could Zelena possibly know?

Zelena shrugged. "Just trying to figure out custody of Henry and how you and Emma will share the boy is all. I know it's killing you when he runs off with her."

Regina relaxed. Zelena did not know. Regina glanced at her sister from the corner of her eye. But, it felt like Zelena suspected.

"Emma and I will figure that out," Regina replied.

Zelena cocked an eyebrow. "Oh, really?" The question was more sarcastic than anything else and Regina was sick of her company.

"I think it's time for us to go home," Regina said.

Zelena only smiled. She took Robbie from Regina. Regina leaned in, kissing Robbie's chubby cheek. Robbie cheered and then was gone in a puff of green smoke with her mother. Regina followed suit, purple mist left in her wake. She reappeared in her vault and immediately raided her bookshelves. There had to be something there to strengthen her spell and get Emma off of her mind. Once that got settled, she would worry about why Henry seemed to forsake her, despite the fact that, like Zelena said, the rest of the town looked at her as a hero now. She shuddered.

"Disgusting," she said. Of course, she did not feel as repulsed by it as she should have. What she was repulsed by were the looks she got tonight and how wet she still was from simply standing near Emma. This was not right. "I have to fix it."


Next time: Emma and Regina connect.