When she was born, no one knew how human she would be. There had never been an Earthling/Tameranian mix before. No one knew what to expect. The labor had been intense and it was almost a full day before she decided to join the world. Dick had been a nervous wreck, pacing the halls and checking in periodically. He hadn't been allowed to stay in the room. He wanted to sit with Star and hold her hand, to be there with her through the pain, but she was too afraid she'd hurt him by accident. Her powers seemed to be on flux. She had curled her hands around the steel bed frame and it snapped like a twig in her hands. He'd tried to just stay to the side and comfort her, but when she let out a laser beam during a particularly strong contraction she banished him from the room altogether. No non-supers were allowed in the vicinity. They were just lucky that watchtower had a number of "resilient" medical professionals to spare.

It was only once the deed was done that Dick was allowed back in. It had been hours since he'd seen Star. The sight of her looking so tired, so weak, had him rushing to her side but she gave him a small smile that told him she was ok. Such a small smile compared to her usual hundred-megawatt grin, yet it somehow seemed even more blindingly brilliant. Those eyes. God, he loved those eyes. It took a moment for him to catch his breath. And then he looked down.

She was so tiny. That was his first thought. All this fuss and worry over such a little thing. The next thought was how human she was. Star was gorgeous, a knock-out by anyone's standards, but in a way that openly announced her alien-ness. Her hair was fire (sometimes literal fire), her skin was living gold, those eyes… But this new baby looked completely human. A head full of his own black hair brushing a forehead of skin that, while noticeably darker than his own, seemed a perfectly natural tan tone. He couldn't really say whom her features took after. To be honest, he thought all babies really just looked like babies. If they hadn't just been through nineteen and a half hours of labor, he'd almost think she hadn't come from Star. Then she opened her eyes. Those big green emerald, inhumanly beautiful eyes he was so familiar with. And just like when he'd seen them the first time, so many years ago, he fell in love.

"Hello Mar'i"