Author's note: Happy Birthday to me! So here it is...the last chapter. I can't believe that I've extended this story an extra 10 chapters, and this ending is pretty much the same as when I first wrote it, but with a few little tweaks. Anyway, I hope you all have enjoyed this story. I am happy to announce that Selling our Soul sequel entitled Fixing Our Soul is on it's way very, very soon! 30,000 views! OMG Thank you guys so so so so much! I'm looking forward to what's next! xxx

Britishbombshell007: I think your feelings were right! I'm really sad that this story is ending, but it had to end at some point xxx

Kailee: Ahhh, home this is good xxx

Smiles180: I hope that this last chapter meets your expectations! I hope that the Zammie reunion will be good also xxx

gymnast1150: So glad that I can hear from you! Zammie will always be dramatic and romantic. Lovely! Out of all the stories that I've written, yes this is probably my baby and probably the one I'm most proud of. I am so glad that I've got to know you through the last few months of 2017 and I hope that we can go through 2018 together as well! I'm so excited! xxx

AllyCarterFan: I'm not prepared either! I'm more attached to Cam in this story compared to all the other Cam's that I've written about. Hope you enjoy this chapter! Thank you so much for your continued support through everything that I do xxx

GallaghergirlsEmbassyrowFan: I absolutely love Zammie and I hope that their reunion is what you expect! xxx

Guest: Thank you very much! xxx

4EverAGallagherGirl: I'm so glad that you worked it out! The significance of Zach going to Matthew's grave is so important because Cam even mentioned that she hasn't been to his grave in a while. And Rachel obviously goes there a lot more than Zach expected if she knew he left flowers. xxx

Emilyh7: Me too! I hope you like it! xxx

Miss. L 2002: Thank you very much for both! I do think that you might need tissues...and cookies...cookies always makes thing better! I had to go back over the original stories to find her dad's birthday. It didn't take me too long. I did mention that these two would be the longest two chapters. And I think that this is the longest one xxx

Co-LA: This will not be a series. Sorry to disappoint! xxx

So here it is...Chapter 50...


I love Zach. I love him. I want to be with him. Yet, in this moment when I saw him clean shaven and smartly dressed, and having a great big god damn smirk across his face, all I wanted to do was punch him. He left you Cammie, a small voice said, What's to say he won't leave you again?

'You've got to be kidding me' I groaned

'Hello to you too Gallagher Girl' Zach smirked wider

'What the hell are you doing here?' I snapped

'I came to talk'

'To talk?' I scoffed 'And what makes you think that I'll be so willing to listen after you left again'

'Look, I know what I asked of you was stupid and I'm so-'

'You're sorry? You're sorry' I laughed 'I don't want to hear it Zach! I've been crying over you for days and if a disagreement over a baby causes you to run then what's stopping you from running again?' There are at least a thousand reasons to make him leave...and that's just reasons beginning with A.

'I'm not running this time Cammie' Zach said calmly.

'How do I know for sure?' I asked. Zach smirked, his lazy, casual smirk that always sent of the signal spy.

'Because Gallagher Girl' He moved towards me 'I'm going to make you mine' He then dropped down on one knee and produced a small gold ring with a few diamonds. This wasn't the ring he proposed with the first time and kept. This isn't the ring that Tom was going to propose with. This was new. It was simple. Simple for a simple girl like me. Yet all I could think about was how un-simple mine and Zach's life usually is.

'Cameron Ann Morgan, will you-'

'No' I interrupted. My brain and heart running a mile a minute.

'No?' Zach looked confused, an expression that rarely crosses his face.

'No' I shook my head 'I'm not doing this; not here, not now and most certainly not with you'


'Go drown in the ocean for all I care Zach! You made it perfectly clear when you walked out that you didn't choose me. And I am no one's second choice' I turned around walking back up the broadwalk.

'Fine!' Zach called after me 'If that's what you want, then so be it' I didn't turn around, I kept my head high and continued to walk. I only stopped when I heard a splash in the water. I turned and there was no Zach. I moved to the edge looking out in the ocean and there were ripples fanning out from one particular spot.

'Haha very funny' I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes. I waited for him to resurface but he didn't. 'Okay...jokes over Zach' Still nothing 'Zach?' nothing. My heart began to race, is he actually trying to drown himself. 'Shit' I muttered bracing myself on the edge. I looked and although the water was clear, I still couldn't see Zach. I twisted my hair into a ponytail, took my sandals off and dived into the water. I couldn't see Zach. I resurfaced and began to tread water. 'ZACH' I shouted, looking at all my surroundings. 'ZACH!' I screamed. Then two hands wrapped around my waist and spun me around. There Zach was smirking at me in amusement. His face glistening from the water, his wet eyelashes clumping together framing his eyes.

'YOU. MOTHERFUCKING. DICKHEAD. YOU. COMPLETE. AND. UTTER. ASSHOLE!' With every punctuation beat I punching his chest. 'What the fuck were you thinking?'

'I was just following orders'

'You scared the crap out of me' With all my anger gone, I wound my arms around Zach's neck and pulled him into a hug. Our bodies pressed together. 'Don't ever scare me like that again' I withdrew, our foreheads touching, eyes connected, and lips just mere inches apart.

'I'm sorry Cam. Not just for scaring you but for everything. I'm sorry that I kept secrets from you when we were in Gallagher. I'm sorry for not making it to your graduation from Georgetown in time. I'm sorry for not cleaning the dishes or doing the laundry when we moved in together. I'm sorry for falling asleep during the Notebook. I'm sorry for constantly trying to make you blush. I'm sorry for seeing the hockey game with Grant when I should have fixed the shower. I'm sorry for not protecting you when we lost our baby. I'm sorry for getting married to a man instead of marrying you first. I'm sorry for trusting Camilla when I should have trusted you. I'm sorry for making you choose between me and Tom. I'm sorry that Tom died and I didn't give you time to grieve. I'm sorry for the arguement we had and that I left you and I'm sorry for scaring the crap out of you just now' His smirk widened 'I'm not sorry for dipping you in front of the whole school and giving you a kiss, my first kiss in fact. I'm not sorry for loving you with every inch and ounce that I can give, even when it could be argued that I need to love you more. I'm not sorry that this was the second proposal that you said no to. And I'm not sorry for doing this' Zach leant in, capturing my lips with his. I gasped slightly at the contact and Zach took advantage. His hands changed position holding me impossibly closer, running up and down my sides making me shiver in anticipation. I gripped his neck and my hands drifted to his hair, winding my fingers into his damp curls. We stayed lip-locked in the water. Our bodies once again doing the talking for us.

When we eventually pulled away, neither of us could wipe the smiles off of our faces. Zach pulled us both onto the shore, he wrapped his dry jacket around me to stop me from shivering.

'Okay Gallagher Girl, I'm going to ask you this question again. Now this will be the third time and I heard that third time is the charm' He winked at me. I smiled. Zach held my hands, got down on one knee and produced the ring again.


'Yes' I squealed. Zach's smirk grew

'Can I finish?' He asked. I nodded 'Ca-'

'YES' I interrupted again. Zach let out a low chuckle. 'Go on' I smiled. My heart racing.

'Cameron Ann Morgan, will you marry me?' Zach smiled up at me. One of those rare smiles when he's not hiding behind a mask or trying to act like someone he isn't. This is the Zach that I know and love

'Yes' I whispered.

'Sorry, I didn't quite hear that' He teased. I threw my head back

'YES' I exclaimed as loud as I could. Zach smiled and stood up. He placed the ring on my finger then picked my up and began to twirl us around. Both of us giggling rediculously.

'Oh, I have a little surprise for you'

'There's more?' I raised my eyebrow.

He winked taking my hand 'Close your eyes'


'No peeking' He ordered. I closed my eyes dramatically. Zach kissed me quickly and I giggled.

'Where are we going?' I asked feeling the boardwalk disappear and be replaced by sand

'Now if I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise now would it'

'Fine' I grumbled. Zach led me along the beach further and then stopped.

'Okay ready?' He asked. I nodded. His arms wrapped around my waist from behind and his head rested on my shoulder. 'Open your eyes' He whispered, his breath fanning my neck. I opened my eyes and gasped. There was a massive projection screen ready to play my dad's favourite film. There were deck chairs laid out. And the most important people in my life

'SURPRISE!' Bex, Grant, Macey, Nick, Liz, Jonas, Abby, Townsend, Joe and Mom all said.

'Oh my God' I exclaimed. 'You did all this?' I spun around to look at Zach. He shrugged, suddenly becoming sheepish

'Well with a lot of help from Joe and your mom. I knew how much this day means to you all'

'Thank you' I gave him a quick kiss. I was so full of emotions that it was hard to speak. I turned back to the others and was immediately engulphed by my three best friends who all spoke rapidly

'Let me see the ring' Macey said

'When he came to the house today I was so ready to punch the shit out of him' Bex said

'Cammie, I hope I got the right film' Liz said nervously. I laughed at all three of them as they overlapped each other.

'Hey girls, you think I can speak to squirt?' Abby asked. The girls backed away.

'I thought you had a last minute mission' I teased.

'I did' She smiled mischievously 'I was at this old place, you might of heard of it, it's called Gallagher or something like that' She waved it away with a wink 'Anyway, there I was lying in bed when I got woken up by a young Zachary Goode asking me to wake up the best craftsman in the world to make a one of a kind ring as soon as possible' She teased. I glanced over at Zach who was in deep conversation with his dad. He must of sensed I was looking over because he turned and flashed me a quick wink before turning away again. 'He sure is a keeper squirt'

'I know' I smiled back at her, Abby smiled too and pulled me into a hug, squeezing tight as if forcing my heart to mend, which luckily, it was. Joe cleared his throat. My mom and him were holding onto eachother, smiling proudly.

'Sorry Abigail, but could we have a talk to Cam?' My mom asked. Abby flicked her hair

'Sure thing Rachel' She then walked towards one of the deck chairs. I turned back to my parents.


'All Zach, Kiddo' My mom said 'He truly thought of everything'

'And Cammie, he didn't run away because he didn't love you. He ran because he loved you' Joe said

'I don't follow' I answered

'Zach came to me and asked for my permission for your hand' Joe chuckled 'I had him in a choke hold when he asked'

'And Joe wisely told him he had to ask me first' Rachel added. 'So he spend some time in Gallagher. I gave him a truth serum tea just in case'

'Seriously mom?' I rolled my eyes

'Hey, I had to check his best intentions!'

'You'll also be pleased to know that he past every single one of his polygraph tests' Joe added

'He also left flowers at Matthew's grave' My mom added


'Daffodils. You're father's favourite' She gave a sad smile.

'He really loves me' I said to myself, banishing the evil thoughts looming over my shoulder. I felt lighter. Fresher. Loved.

'You two are the best parents a girl could ask for' I pulled both of them into a hug 'And I also feel like dad is here as well' I looked up to my mom.

'He sure is' Her voice cracked slightly. Joe squeezed us both into him.

'Ah, it's good to have my two favourite girls together' He teased. I hugged back

'Thank you for everything Joe. Truly, I can't imagine you not being in my life...and I know that Zach had to ask mom for permission...but I was wondering if...when it comes to it...would you, would you walk me down the aisle?' I looked up at him. Joe smiled, his eyes welling up and his bottom lip quivering.

'It would be an honour'

'Hey' Bex said 'Should we get the movie started?' She asked. Everyone nodded. Zach found his way back to me and pulled me onto a deckchair with him. Laying kisses on my neck in the process.

'Stop' I giggled

'I'll never stop' He whispered. 'You're mine now Gallagher Girl. Forever and Always'

'I like the sound of that'

When I started this journey, I felt like something was missing. But right now, sitting among the people I love as the sun began to set. I feel like something was found. And it's only the beginning...

The End