The amphitheater was the busiest it had ever been. Group by group, the campers scuttled all over the stage, performing their assigned tasks. Ered and Nerf had set up the wooden background layout as Dolph painted the space-themed scenery alongside Space Kid, who was ever so excited to do so.

Nerris was lock-focused as she precisely stabbed the thread end through the pin loop and proceeded to stitch the fabrics of her costume. A frustrated grunt took her out of her zone as she glanced slightly to see Harrison struggling to loop his thread. Looking down at her project, Nerris had half a mind to obey her first impulse and continued stitching, but something inside her knew that wouldn't be the "neutral good" thing to do. Swallowing her pride, she scooted over to the young magician and showed him how it's done.

After Neil had finished setting up the lights and props, he made his way over to Preston, who was on the side barking orders to deaf ears.

"So, you're sure this'll work?" the science nerd asked.

"Of course, it will!" Preston exclaimed as he rolled up his completed scroll. "The play is based on what Daniel has told us about his...beliefs. We just need to do or say something inaccurate to what he knows and if David really is Daniel, he won't hesitate to correct us. Trust me, it's completely fool-proof."

"Right." Neil rubbed his hand with nervousness. He wasn't completely certain how well thought out this scheme was, but for everyone's sake, it had to work. Daniel was smart, but there's no way he'd be smart enough not to fall for a trick like this, especially with his cultish beliefs involved. They just couldn't afford to fail.

"Agent Alpha Wolf reporting, sir!"

Neil flinched in surprise as Nikki, seemingly, bounced into existence with a perky salute. She was caked in dusty soil and sticky bush leaves, more than usual. It was then when Neil remembered her assignment.

"Nikki, how's the David-watching going?" he asked.

Nikki saluted again. "Last I saw him, he was drawing something in the soil beside the lake. He was doing the same near the camper's tents and the activities field."

Neil rubbed his chin. "Hm. That definitely sounds like some cult shit. Probably best we don't-wait." The boy's eyes widened, his face suddenly pale. "If he's going around the camp, then the only place left is-"

"Heya, campers!" 'David' exclaimed ever so merrily as he skipped from behind the stage.

Neil, once again, sprung off his feet in surprise and yelped as he landed hard on his back.

"Whoops, sorry. Didn't mean to scare you." The camp counselor said, putting a little too much emphasis on the word "scare".

Neil achingly rose to his feet, wiping the dirt and sweat from his face. "Huh?! Sc-scare us, David? No, no way! Never!" Nikki nodded alongside Neil, doing a slightly better job at hiding her fear.

"Well, that's good." 'David' gave the two a friendly grin, much to their collected gulps. "I couldn't help but notice you over here. I thought I'd catch you all doing your own thing, seeing how the agenda is empty today."

Nikki and Neil exchanged a look. "Uh, yeah, well. W-we were just so happy about the agenda that we decided to do something nice for you, David. It's kind of a surprise, so we can't get too deep into it."

'David' beamed with joy. "Really? That's great! It warms my heart to see you all work together, and on your own too. I'm sure it'll make a good finisher for the activity."

Neil swore he felt his heart skyrocket to his throat before speaking up. "Uh! A-actually, David. We were hoping that you could see this, uh, before the activity? I mean, not that we don't think yours' is any less good, but we just..."

As Neil struggled for an excuse, 'David' took a quick glance at the stage, the layout, the peculiar costumes, the kids pretending they never spotted him.

A smile stretched across his face.

"No worries, Neil. I'd love to see what you campers have planned for me. I just need to do some finishing touches first. Come get me when you're ready." And with that, the spirited redhead left the scene.

Neil and Nikki turned to Preston, who exchanged wide expressions with them. Clearing his throat and regaining his posture, the theatre kid turned back to the campers.


The plan was now in motion.

Daniel peeked over his shoulder before retreating to the Mess Hall. Taking in the silence, his lips crawled across his cheeks into a wicked expression no sane man could mistake for pleasantness. His shoulders bounced as he doubled over in uncontainable chuckles. Soon, the room echoed and filled with a fit of malicious laughter. Clutching his sides, he fell to his knees as he gasped for air with an unnatural wheeze.

"Everything is tied perfectly. The campers are right where I want them, and there is nothing, and no one that can get in my way." Daniel almost fell into another fit, but his aching sides pleaded him not to. Best save the final laugh for the end.

Reaching into his vest, he yanked out the pentacle book and flipped through the pages to reanalyze the instructions to his plan. He chuckled to himself as it was like the camp itself was built for this scheme.

The recipe for the Circle had been split up of five ingredients, each had been marked with the appropriate location. The Activities Field for Earth, the Campers Tents for Fire, the Lake for Water, and the Amphitheater for Air. Everything was coming together, except Daniel couldn't help but feel like something important was missing. Taking a closer look at the Circle, he recalled the final element.

It didn't take long for Daniel to conclude his thought. He peeked over to his wrist and analyzed the time before snapping the book shut, and tucking it back to the inside pocket, Daniel allowed a smirk to grow on his face.

"I'm sure David won't mind if I use his."


"David? David?!" Gwen shouted as she shook David's drenched limp form. He was cold yet wasn't shivering. He wasn't moving at all. She needed to act fast.

"Max, help me get these off!" Gwen yelled over her shoulder as she gently lay David down on his side, mindful to clear the hundreds of glass shards scattered across the floor, and tossed her, now, useless rock away.

Max wasted no time and dropped to his knees as his tiny hands scrambled to uncoil the chains bounding David's limbs, Gwen assisting him. Soon the heavy binds were gone, and Max helped Gwen as they lay David flat on his back, his head slightly lulled over one side. Gwen yanked the gag off his mouth, she and Max shuddering at the sight of his blue lips before Gwen cupped David's face.

"David! David, wake up! It's me, Gwen!" She patted his cheeks, trying all she could to rouse him. She then hovered her ear over his lips. Max watched in fear as Gwen's face shifted, mirroring his.

"Shit!" Gwen cursed. Suddenly, all those days of CPR came flooding back to her, and she moved her hands over to David's chest, recalling a song as she pressed along to the tempo.

"...26, 27, 28, 29, 30!" Gwen hastily pinched David's nostrils, lifting his chin slightly as she performed two rescue breaths. She and Max leaned back, waiting for a response.

There was none.

Gwen cursed again before returning to chest compressions.

"Come on. Come on, David..!" She pleaded. With each beat, she felt as if her own chest was being pounded on. She felt her breath shorted with each huff. The longer she looked at David's face, the more blurred he became.

"Max!" She called over, "Yell at him! 10,11,12! Swear, scream, I don't care! 16,17,18! Just wake him up!" When she was met with silence again, she snapped her gaze over to Max prepared to yell at him for his unresponsiveness. Before she could, however, she fixed her gaze over the boy and realized. She wasn't looking at Max. She wasn't looking at the cynical, mischievous, all-around "little shit" she got to know over the summer. Before her, was just a scared little boy. Gwen looked down to see his tiny fingers coiled tightly around David's pointer. Gwen wanted to say something, something comforting, for both of them, but she realized she hit the thirtieth beat and returned to the breaths. As she returned to compressions, Gwen coulda swore she heard a shaky breath, only it wasn't from the one she hoped for.

Count and huff. Count and huff. Her arms were starting to throb in pain, but she couldn't stop. Not now. There were two people that needed her, but no one for her. And why should there be? What has she ever done to deserve help? The first time Daniel came to camp, did she stay? No. She abandoned them to a potential freak. What was she even doing that day? Shopping? It didn't matter. Now, Daniel returns to the camp, and she was even warned, But did she listen? No! All she ever thought about was herself because no one else was stupid enough to do so. No one except David. And she failed him. Had she listened sooner, David would be alive. Something splashed on the back of her hand as she let out a huffed sob, gritting her teeth as she pressed harder.

"David, you never quit before. So, fucking, neither will I!" Gwen huffed as sweat rolled down her cheeks.