From a prompt submitted by cakedinmud.

Disclaimer: I don't own Pitch Perfect or its characters.

Beca Mitchell and Jeanine Taylor were 14 when they both came out to their families. They met the next year on their first day of high school and became fast friends when they realized they were the only lesbians in their school. They first just started hanging out and a few months later Beca realized she had developed feelings for her friend. Six months to the day after meeting, Beca finally asked Jeanine out and, surprisingly, she said yes. They started dating each other exclusively and remained together as a couple all through high school. Beca proposed at graduation and the couple got married the following year when they were both 19.

Beca had always wanted to be a music producer. Jeanine came from a very wealthy family, so her parents helped them move to L.A. and set them up in an apartment. It took Beca a little over a year to find a studio willing to hire her. She was only 22 when she won her first grammy. After winning her first grammy, people started to take notice and she became "famous." People like Beyonce, Pink, and Maroon 5 wanted to work with her. She and Jeanine were a favorite of the paparazzi and were often seen gracing one magazine after the other.

Their son, Dylan, was born on the night Beca won her 7th, 8th, and 9th grammys. She was 25. They had their second son, Billy, when they were 29. Jeanine quit working for her father to raise their two sons.

By the time she was 30, Beca was able to open her own studio. The only thing she felt was missing was a daughter. They tried their luck and Jeanine got pregnant again. Again, luck was on their side and they had their beautiful baby girl, Sophie, when they were 31. They were now 33 years old and things continued to go well for them. They had 3 beautiful children, a nice home, more money than they knew what to do with, fame, and they had each other. Everything was perfect. Right?

"Divorce," Beca whispered.

The word rattled around in Beca Mitchell's head. Her wife of 14 years, her first love, her everything, had just handed her divorce papers. She was stunned as she watched Jeanine move around the bedroom grabbing her things and placing them in suitcases that were laid open on the bed. There were already several boxes packed and waiting by the front door to be picked up.

"Why?," was the only thing Beca could ask as she waved around the papers that would end her 14-year marriage.

"I am not happy," Jeanine replied grabbing things out of her dresser. "I don't have my own identity. I am Dylan, Billy, and Sopie's mom. I am Beca Mitchell's trophy wife. I am Jack and Marjorie Taylor's daughter. I want to be Jeanine Taylor. I want to see what's out there in the world for me. I want to be the businesswoman I know I can be. I want to be happy. And I can't be any of those things while still married to you."

"What about the kids?," Beca said quietly. "Where do they fit in your grand scheme?"

"They don't," Jeanine says as she continues to move around the room. "You get sole custody of them. It's all outlined there in the papers. It will be a clean break. I'll be moving to London to oversee my daddy's European interests. My mom's already found me an apartment and I will be moving there in two weeks. I'm leaving tonight to stay with my folks until I move to London."

Beca sat there stunned. Jeanine's obviously been planning this for a while. They just celebrated their 14th wedding anniversary a month ago and they spent that night celebrating like they were still 18. Everything was perfect. At least Beca thought it was.

"I'm not signing this," Beca said through her tears. "Just tell me what I've done wrong? Tell me what I can do to fix us and I'll do it."

"Why are you trying to ruin this for me?," Jeanine says harshly. "You're being selfish."

"I'm being selfish?," Beca asks finally showing her anger. "You decide to end our marriage without so much as a second thought. You decide to plan a whole new life in another country without thinking about what it will do to our kids. It's all about you. Not me. Not the kids. Just you. You're the one being selfish."

"Why can't you just accept that it's over?," Jeanine asked. "We haven't been happy for a while. You know I'm right. I really didn't expect you to be this way."

"What the fuck did you think I'd do?," Beca yelled. "Help you pack? Pay for your plane ticket? Fuck you!"

"No thanks," Jeanine says with a sneer. "Been there, done that. Not interested any more."

Beca feels like she's been slapped. When did Jeanine become such a cold bitch? When did she start resenting her life, her kids, her? She was ready to leave her kids behind without so much as an ounce of remorse. Treating Beca like she was nothing, like the last 14 years together meant nothing.

Jeanine picks up her suitcases and looks around the room one last time.

"If you find anything of mine I've missed," Jeanine says. "You can just pack it up and send it to my folks."

With that, Jeanine walks out the door without looking back. Beca stands frozen in the middle of the room staring at the divorce papers. She hears voices. She hears people coming in and out of the house. She didn't react to anything until she heard the front door slam closed. She finally looked up and it takes a minute for her brain to catch on to the fact that Jeanine was gone, along with her suitcase and her boxes. She suddenly finds herself running down the stairs and flinging open the front door calling Jeanine's name. She rushes out in time to see a moving van and Jeanine's dad's car driving away. She turns and slowly walks back inside. She walks over to the sofa and sits down. She throws the divorce papers she was still holding onto the coffee table and puts her head in her hands and lets the tears flow unchecked.

Two hours later Beca is still sitting on the sofa. The tears have finally stopped. The tracks of them still visible on Beca's face. Her head jerks up and her eyes widen in anticipation when she hears a key in the door. She wipes her face as she stands. Is Jeanine coming back to say it was all a mistake? Her heart sank, but only a little, when her sons, Dylan and Billy, came running into the house, followed by her best friend Amy, who was carrying her daughter Sophie. She had to get her shit together for her kids.

"Hey," Beca says wiping her face again and putting on a fake smile. "Did you have fun with your Aunt Amy?"

"Yeah," 8-year old Dylan says. "We went to the zoo and we got to pet the animals."

"Wow," Beca says trying to muster some enthusiasm.

"And, we seen, um," 4-year-old Billy says. "We seen ephelants and lions."

"Hey, guys, why don't we go in the kitchen and I'll make you a snack?," Beca says.

"Yay," Dylan and Billy yell and run toward the kitchen.

Beca takes Sophie from Amy and follows the boys. The boys sit at the dining room table, talking excitedly about what they saw at the zoo.

"You okay, Beca?," Amy asks as Beca is putting Sophie in her seat at the table.

"Let me get the kids a snack and then we can talk," Beca says.

Once Beca has Sophie settled, Amy joins the boys in talking about their zoo trip while Beca puts together their snack. The kids are busy with their snack and Beca motions to Amy to follow her into the kitchen so she can keep an eye on the kids while they talk.

"What's going on?," Amy asked.

"Jeanine left me," Beca said as fresh tears fell from her eyes.

"What?," Amy said. "Why? When?"

"I'm not really sure I understand why," Beca said. "Something about wanting to be her own person and being a businesswoman. She's moving to London and is divorcing me."

"What about the kids?," Amy asks looking over at them.

"She doesn't want them," Beca says wiping at her eyes. "She's giving me sole custody."

Amy looks at her friend and pulls her into a hug. Beca let the tears flow for a minute or two.

"What am I going to do, Amy?," Beca asks through her tears.

"I don't know, Beca," Amy says. "But I'm here for you. You know that, right? Anything you need, I'm there. And you have CR to help, too."

"Thanks," Beca says.

She pulls herself together and wipes her face. She puts on a smile and goes into the dining room to be with her kids.

Amy stayed around to help Beca get dinner together for the kids. It was getting close to bed time when Dylan asked where mommy was. Tears welled up in Beca's eyes and Amy gave her a sympathetic looks. Beca took a breath and let it out.

"Amy, could you take Sophie into the play room?," Beca asked.

"Sure," Amy said and picked Sophie up, tickling her as they left the room.

"Come here, guys," Beca said sitting down on the sofa. "I need to talk to you about something."

Dylan and Billy came over and sat on either side of Beca. She put an arm around each of her sons and looked down at them.

"Um, mommy's not here," Beca said. "She decided she wanted to live somewhere else so she's moving to London."

"Are we moving to London?," Dylan asked, eyes wide with excitement.

"No, sweetie," Beca said. "Mommy's moving all by herself. So, it looks like you just have mama now."

"Can we see her?," Billy asked looking up at Beca with tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry," Beca said her voice thick with emotion. "But, I don't think she wants us too."

"Doesn't she love us anymore?," Dylan asked eyes shiny.

Beca's voice caught in her throat. She had to swallow several times to remove the lump from her throat.

"She doesn't love mama, anymore," Beca finally said.

Beca was shocked when she felt Dylan hit her. He kept hitting her and screaming at her.

"Make her love you again," Dylan cried. "Make her love you so she'll come back."

Tears fell from Beca's eyes as she sat there and let her son take his frustration out on her with his little fists. Billy was crying now and Beca's heart was breaking. Dylan's hits weakened and she grabbed him in a hug, her tears mingling with his. She reached over and pulled Billy to her as well. She kissed the tops of their heads.

"I love you guys so much," Beca said softly. "Mommy will be working for grandfather and maybe if you made her a card telling her how much you love her, we can get grandmother to give it to her. How about that?"

"Yay," Billy says. "I make mommy card now."

Billy goes running off to the play room to find his crayons and paper. Dylan looks at Beca. Beca uses the pads of her thumbs to wipe away his tears.

"She's never coming back, is she?," Dylan asked quietly.

"No, baby, she's not," Beca said and started sobbing.

Dylan put his arms around his mama and held her. He smoothed his hand over her hair like she had done for him so many times when he was sad.

"It's okay, mama," Dylan said softly. "We'll be okay."

Beca kissed Dylan and thanked him for making her feel better. Later, Amy helped Beca get the kids bathed and put to bed. They were sitting in the living room drinking a glass of wine.

"I'm going to stay home this week," Beca said. "I can work here and you can have CR email me anything the she needs my help with. I need to figure out the timing on schedules for school and whatever. Jeanine kept everything on a calendar stuck to the fridge so hopefully it will be easy."

Beca stopped talking and looked at the wine in her glass. She had tears in her eyes. She looked up at Amy.

"I'm so screwed," Beca said. "I don't even know my own kids' schedules. How am I supposed to do this?"

"Hey! You're a great mom," Amy said. "You'll get through this. Let's check the calendar and see what's going on this week."

The two women get up and go check the calendar.

"This week doesn't look too bad," Beca said. "Dylan needs to turn his permission slip for the museum tomorrow. I'd better check his backpack to see what I need to do with it."

Beca walks over to Dylan's bag and finds the permission slip. She takes it back to the kitchen.

"He needs to turn in $20 with the slip," Beca said. "Shoot, I don't have any cash. Do you? I'll give it back to you once I get to the bank."

"I got it," Amy said. She handed Beca the money.

Beca signed the permission slip and put the money in the envelope. She put it back in Dylan's bag.

"Done," Beca said with a small smile. "Let's see, Dylan's soccer practice is on Tuesday and Thursday at 4:00. Tuesday shouldn't be a problem, but on Thursday Sophie has a checkup with Dr. Beale at 4:00. Oh, God, what am I going to do?"

Beca was started to panic. Amy told her that she'd talk to CR and get the afternoon off. She'll pick up Billy and Dylan and take them to Dylan's soccer practice.

"You're a Godsend, Ames," Beca said. "I think the rest of the week I can handle."

"And, if you feel overwhelmed," Amy cut in. "Call me! I love those kids and I love you. Once you're more comfortable, we can look for a nanny. That way you can be in the studio when you need to be and have someone watching over the kids."

"I'll think about the nanny," Beca said. "We were against having someone else raising our kids."

"That was when there were two of you," Amy said. "You could tag-team and things were easier. You're only one person and as much as I said I'm always there for you, I may not be able to be sometimes. A nanny would be the best way to go."

Beca sighs. She knows Amy is right.

"Can you and CR come here for dinner tomorrow night?," Beca asked Amy. "I'd like to sit down with both of you to talk about what my being out of the studio for the week will actually entail. I don't want to leave anything undone or have everything thrown at CR."

"Beca," Amy said. "You own the place. You can do whatever the hell you want. Don't worry about it."

"Just ask CR to come, please?," Beca asked.

"Okay, okay," Amy says. "We'll book out early and be here around 5:30. Is that okay?"

"Perfect," Beca says.