Chapter 2

When I woke up again, I was hungry and scared, so I cried for someone, anyone, to pay attention to me. Rose came in and picked me up, slowly rocking me back and forth, smiling down at me. I clutched at her shirt still crying, but more with hunger.

"What's wrong little one? What is it that you need?" Rose asks, lightly bouncing me up and down. I don't know how, but I ended up projecting my feeling of hunger to her. Her eyes opened up wide in shock that I could do that. "Oh! So your hungry. I wonder how you do that... You have to be alien... Doctor did call you a Time Tot. Does that mean you're a baby Time Lord? O r would that be Time Lady in your case?"

She rambled as she made me a bottle of milk. I just quietly listened to her voice and gave little coos like the baby that I've become. Once she was finished making the bottle, she put the nipple in my mouth and I suckled on it hungrily. I stared at her while she fed me and couldn't help but to think of her my mother-figure. After I finished off the bottle Rose burped me and rocked me back and forth again. Suddenly there was a commotion outside the appartment.

"What is wrong with you? Jason? Jason?" A woman said in distress. Rose walked out while still hold me. Mickey came out from the other room and followed Rose ou the door.

"Sandra?" Rose asked the woman.

"He won't listen. He's just walking. He won't stop walking! There's this sort of light thing. Jason? Stop it right now! Please, Jason, just stop." Sandra, the woman, told Rose. Rose and Mickey looked down and saw lots of people walking through the estate. They followed the people up to the roof, where all of the people lined up along the edge. "Jason, I'm talking to you! Just stop!"

"What do we do?" Mickey asked Rose.

"Nothing. There's no one to save us. Not anymore." Rose stated. I gave her shocked look and decided to talk to her through her mind.

'That's not right Mama, Daddy just needs something to help him get on his feet again.' I told her. She gave a startled look and looked around, only for there to be no one there. I gave a quiet yawn and snuggled into her and fell asleep again.


I woke up to being picked up and put into a baby carrier that was strapped on to Rose. I gave a whine and wiggled a bit before quietly looking around. After I was put in the carrier, Rose had picked up half of the Doctor, with Mickey picking up the other side. They carried him to the Tardis and layed him by the console, while Jackie put the food down a couple of feet away.

"No chance you could fly this thing?" Mickey asks Rose.

"Not anymore, no." Rose told him.

"Well, you did it before."(Mickey)

"I know, but it's sort of been wiped out of my head, like it's forbidden. Try that again and I think the Universe rips in half."(Rose)

"Ah, better not, then."(Mickey)

"Maybe not."(Rose)

"So, what do we do? Just sit here?"(Mickey)

"That's as good as it gets."(Rose)

"Right, here we go. Nice cup of tea." Jackie said as she brought a flask out. I gurggled at her happily.

"Mmm, the solution to everything." Rose said sarcastically.

"Now, stop your moaning. I'll get the rest of the food." Jackie said while getting up and left the Tardis.

"Tea. Like we're having a picnic while the world comes to an end. Very British. How does this thing work? If it picks up TV, maybe we could see what's going on out there. Maybe we've surrendered. What do you do to it?" Mickey says while messing with a scanner.

"I don't know. It sort of tunes itself." an odd pattern appeared on the scanner after she said that.

"Maybe it's a distress signal." Mickey took a guess.

"A fat lot of good that's going to do." Rose states.

"Are you going to be a misery all the time?"(Mickey)


"You should look at it from my point of view, stuck in here with your mum's cooking."(Mickey)

"Where is she? I'd better give her a hand. It might start raining missiles out there."(Rose)

"Tell her anything from a tin, that's fine."(Mickey)

"Why don't you tell her yourself?"(Rose)

"I'm not that brave."(Mickey)

"Oh, I don't know."(Rose)

As this played out I noticed the flask of tea had fallen over and had started to drip tea. I made happy gurggles and started to bounce in the carrier. When Rose got up to walk out of the Tardis, I gave happy squeals with her smiling down at me. After she stepped out of the Tardis she was grabbed by funny looking aliens that would have made me giggle in joy, but Rose screamed in fright making me wail in terror.

"Get off! Get off me!" Rose shouted at the alien, struggling to break his grip from her. Then Mickey runs out of the Tardis. "The door! Close the door!"

Mickey gets there just before the alien does and closes the door. The aliens then began to cheer. I was still wailing in fear, but then Rose started rubbing my back calming me down to quiet sniffles. I cuddled into her and began sucking on my thumb.

"Rose. Rose! I've got you. My Lord. Oh, my precious thing. The Doctor, is he with you?" Harriet asked her in hope. She also gave me a glance over, almost as if to make sure I was fine.

"No. We're on our own." Rose stated, and then the alien began to talk in it's strange language.

"The yellow girl. She has the clever blue box. Therefore, she speaks for your planet." the man beside Harriet translated for everyone.

"But she can't." Harriet protested loudly.

"Yeah, I can." stated Rose, about to step up.

"Don't you dare." Mickey told her.

"Someone's got to be the Doctor." Rose argued.

"They'll kill you." Harriet told her.

"Never stopped him." she said stepping up to address the aliens. "I, er, I address the Sycorax according to Article Fifteen of the Shadow Proclamation. I command you to leave this world with all the authority of the Slitheen Parliament of Raxacoricofallapatorius, and er, the Gelth Confederacy as er, sanctioned by the Mighty Jagrafess and, oh, the Daleks! Now, leave this planet in peace! In peace."

The aliens bursted out in laughter at Rose's words.

"You are very, very funny. And now you're going to die." the man translated for them again, as the alien talked.

"Leave her alone!" shouted Harriet.

"Don't touch her!" Mickey shouted.

"Leave her alone.' Harriet said again. Mickey and Harriet were held as the lead alien stepped up to Rose and me.

"Did you think you were clever with your stolen words? We are the Sycorax, we stride the darkness. Next to us you are but a wailing child. If you are the best your planet can offer as a champion" once again the alien was translated by the man.

"Then your world will be gutted" said the alien in english this time.

"Then your world will be gutted" repeated the man translating everything.

"And your people enslaved." said the alien, again in english, or what they believe to be english.

"Hold on, that's English." said the translator.

"He's talking English." Harriet said in shock.

"You're talking English." Rose stated in shock to the alien.

"I would never dirty my tongue with your primitive bile." the alien said in disgust.

"That's English. Can you hear English?" Rose asks the others in happiness. I was giving happy squeals as I felt another mind probing mine.

"Yeah, that's English." Mickey said, agreeing.

"Definitely English." the translator said as well.

"I speak only Sycoraxic!" the alien said.

" If I can hear English, then it's being translated. Which means it's working. Which means..." Rose said turning slowly to the Tardis with everyone else. Then the door opens to reveal the Doctor awake and perfectly fine. I squealed again trying to turn and see him myself.

"Did you miss me?" asked the Doctor. I whined when I couldn't get a look at him. the alien then cracked his whip at the Doctor, but he catches it and pulls it out of the aliens hand. "You could have someone's eye out with that."

"How dare!" the alien growled. the Doctor then takes a thick club off another alien and breaks it across his knee.

"You just can't get the staff. Now, you, just wait. I'm busy." he says while walking towards us. "Mickey, hello! And Harriet Jones MP for Flydale North. Blimey, it's like This Is Your Life. Tea! That's all I needed, a good cup of tea! Superheated infusion of free radicals and tannin. Just the thing for healing the synapses. Now, first thing's first. Be honest, how do I look?" he asks Rose.

"Er, different." Rose said unsure of what to say.

"Good different or bad different?"(Doctor)

"Just different."(Rose)

"Am I ginger?" the Doctor asks, but I interupted their conversation with a squeal and gurggle. He looked down at me with a smile, then looked back to Rose. "Am I ginger?"

"No, you're just sort of brown." Rose stated in amusement.

"I wanted to be ginger. I've never been ginger." he said in complaint. "And you, Rose Tyler, fat lot of good you were. You gave up on me. Oh, that's rude. That's the sort of man I am now, am I? Rude. Rude and not ginger."

"I'm sorry. Who is this?" Harriet asks.

"I'm the Doctor." he said.

"He's the Doctor." Rose stated.

"But what happened to my Doctor? Or is it a title that's just passed on?" Harriet asks.

"I'm him. I'm literally him. Same man, new face. Well, new everything." the Doctor stated.

"But you can't be." Harriet said.

"Harriet Jones, we were trapped in Downing Street and the one thing that scared you wasn't the aliens, it wasn't the war, it was the thought of your mother being on her own." the Doctor said to her.

"Oh, my God." she said in shock.

"Did you win the election?" he asks her.

"Landslide majority." she said, still in shock.

"If I might interrupt." said the alien man.

"Yes, sorry. Hello, big fellow." the Doctor said to him.

"Who exactly are you?" the alien man asks him.

"Well, that's the question." the Doctor said in thought, while I let out a giggle and clapped my hands making Rose look at me in amusement.

"I DEMAND TO KNOW WHO YOU ARE!" alien man shout at the Doctor.

"I DON'T KNOW!" the Doctor yelled back. "See, there's the thing. I'm the Doctor, but beyond that, I just don't know. I literally do not know who I am. It's all untested. Am I funny? Am I sarcastic? Sexy? Right old misery? Life and soul? Right handed? Left handed? A gambler? A fighter? A coward? A traitor? A liar? A nervous wreck? I mean, judging by the evidence, I've certainly got a gob. And how am I going to react when I see this, a great big threatening button. A great big threatening button which must not be pressed under any circumstances, am I right? Let me guess. It's some sort of control matrix, hmm? Hold on, what's feeding it?" the Doctor opens the base of the pillar under the button. "And what've we got here? Blood? Yeah, definitely blood. Human blood. A Positive, with just a dash of iron. Ah, but that means blood control. Blood control! Oh, I haven't seen blood control for years. You're controlling all the A Positives. Which leaves us with a great big stinking problem. Because I really don't know who I am. I don't know when to stop. So if I see a great big threatening button which should never, ever, ever be pressed, then I just want to do this." he pushes the button.

"NO!" Rose and Harriet shouted together, while I giggled loudly. For some reason I could see all possibilities that could happen in this moment. I looked at the Doctor and let out a whine my head was starting to hurt with all I could see until the possibilities settled on just a single possibility. I pushed my face into Roses chest shaking at what I had just went through.

"You killed them!" the male that was translating earlier.

"What do you think, big fellow? Are they dead?" the Doctor says to the alien.

"We allow them to live." the alien said grudgingly.

"Allow? You've no choice. I mean, that's all blood control is. A cheap bit of voodoo. Scares the pants off you, but that's as far as it goes. It's like hypnosis. You can hypnotise someone to walk like a chicken or sing like Elvis. You can't hypnotise them to death. Survival instinct's too strong." the Doctor stated.

"Blood control was just one form of conquest. I can summon the armada and take this world by force." the alien said nastily.

"Well, yeah, you could, yeah, you could do that, of course you could. But why?" the Doctor asked. "Look at these people. These human beings. Consider their potential. From the day they arrive on the planet and blinking step into the sun, there is more to see than can ever be seen. More to do than. No, hold on. Sorry, that's The Lion King. But the point still stands. Leave them alone!"

"Or what?" the alien asks.

"Or..." the Doctor says while taking a sword from an aide and runs back towards the Tardis. "I challenge you." the aliens started laughing loudly. "Oh, that struck a chord. Am I right that the sanctified rules of combat still apply?"

"You stand as this world's champion." said the alien.

"Thank you. I've no idea who I am, but you just summed me up." the Doctor said, throwing his dressing gown to Rose.

"So, you accept my challenge? Or are you just a cranak pel casacree salvak?" the Doctor asked. This insult makes up the leader's mind.

"For the planet?" asks the alien.

"For the planet." says the Doctor. Then their swords clash against each other.

"Look out!" Rose shouted.

"Oh, yeah, that helps. Wouldn't have thought of that otherwise, thanks." the Doctor said sarcastically. The leader is the more experienced swordsman, making the Doctor retreat up a tunnel. "Bit of fresh air?"

I knew nothing more after Rose followed them outside. I was too exhausted to stay awake any longer.

A/N: Hey everyone! Sorry, it's been awhile since I've updated, but I've been busy with my two year old. Hope you enjoyed the new chapter. If you have any ideas for this story don't feel shy about sharing all ideas are welcome, as they say, "There are no bad ideas."