After all of the confusion, do you still want to stay? Death was everywhere; you saw it with your own eyes. So far, you've gotten much more than you've bargained for at Green Hills Insane Asylum.........

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"CHARLES!" Phoebe screamed again. She could feel him everywhere. Phoebe stood in a long hallway, staring down. At the very end, she saw him. Charles, as she had last seen him. So young, helpless.

"Why'd you leave me!?" He cried. Phoebe began to cry as well.

"I didn't know! I'm so sorry!" Phoebe cried. Charles stared.

"It's too late for I'm sorry now."

Phoebe was thrown to the ground, hitting her head onto the concrete. She pushed herself up and looked behind, trying to see what had caused such a horrible blow. She already knew. The demon was behind her. Just like in her dream, wailing and crying, pulling at his own skin. Phoebe grunted as she tried to pick herself up to run, but she was too busy, and tired of running. No, she wasn't going to run anymore.

"I've accepted that this is my fate!" She screamed. The demon neared her, pulling her to her feet by her hair and tossing her aside. It began running towards little Charles.

"Phoebe! Don't let him get me again!" Charles screamed. Phoebe looked around, and saw Ross standing behind her, along with the others. Ross didn't know what to do. Everything he had ever believed in was a lie, considering that he had seen everything with his own eyes. Phoebe was right, and he never should have doubted her........ Or should he?

"PHEOBE? YOU DON'T REALLY BELIEVE IN THIS STUFF, DO YOU?" Ross shouted to her. Phoebe looked at Ross.

"What are you TALKING ABOUT!?" She yelled back. She threw whatever she could towards the demon, including the crucifix, but she couldn't stop him. He was there, grabbing on to Charles, getting into his brain to drive him crazy, turn him into what he would later become anyways.

Rachel caught on.

"NO, REALLY! YOU DON'T BELIEVE THIS IS ALL HAPPENING, DO YOU?" She yelled. Phoebe looked at the others, who stared yelling out rants about why none of this was real.

"AYDEN MADE IT ALL UP!" Monica screamed.

"It's all a HOAX!" Chandler added. Joey was gone. Phoebe looked back at the demon to realize he seemed very strange about these words.

"SAY YOU DON'T BELIEVE!" Ross yelled. Phoebe looked at the demon. She knew he was real, he had to be. Then she saw Charles, she had to try.

"I don't believe in you." She whispered. The demon stared at her carefully, so she said it louder. "I DON'T BELIEVE IN YOU!" She shrieked. He began towards her, dropping Charles completely.

"Yes you do! I'm PART of you!" he growled.


He began to back her into a corner, just like in her dream. 'Stop it!' she thought. 'You're not REAL!!!'

His power was gone. She could tell by the way he was looking less and less evil. He went to reach for her, to pull her down and kill her, but he couldn't. Phoebe had realized the best thing in the world: He was mortal now. Phoebe felt into her pocket and pulled out the crucifix, before stabbing it into his stomach. The demon smiled but realized that she had caused a great deal of pain, and looked down. Blood.

Phoebe grunted and slid the crucifix deeper, hearing ripping of his transparent flesh. She let him sit here a moment, and felt her eyes well up. No longer were his eyes evil, but the same as her little brother's. Her little brother was dead.........again. She pushed him off of her crucifix and watched him fall to the ground, taking a final breath, and fading into dust.

Phoebe fell to her knees and sobbed. The group stood back, as little Charles walked towards her. He placed his hand on her shoulder.

"I'm going to go now." He said quietly.

"I'm so sorry." Phoebe sobbed. He shook his head.

"I can finally rest in peace." He whispered. "And so can you. Sleep." He said, before walking away.

Whispers and talking filled the hall, as ghosts and spirits of nurses and patients made their way through walls and out of the hospital. They were free. Ayden was dead, and Charles was gone, so all were ready to go.

"Go into the light." Ross said aloud. Phoebe looked back at him and smiled.

"That's my line."

"Hey guys." Joey said entering the hallway. Everyone stared.

"Where were you?" Chandler asked. The lights flickered on, and the sound of doors unlocking filled the room.

"It's a long story........." Joey said. "You'll all see soon enough."

"Hello? Anyone in there?" a security guard asked. The group didn't even bother getting their things; they'd let someone else find them. They were ready to go home.

"Good job Phoebe. You made a believer out of me." Ross said sweetly. Rachel gave Ross a long kiss, and Phoebe a hug.

"And me."

"And me." Monica chimed simultaneously with Chandler.

"I couldn't have done it without you." Phoebe said smiling. "And now there is a world at peace in Green Hills Insane Asylum."

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Ross gripped Rachel's hand tightly, as Chandler did to Monica. Joey and Phoebe nestled together as all, and an audience of about 200 stared at the movie screen. It had turned out, that really, Joey had spent his time while Phoebe battled the demon getting all the footage from the room with all the cameras, and made a movie far better than the Blair Witch Project, because this was real life.

As the credits rolled, a man in a black suit walked up to the podium with an envelope.

"And the winner for the Sundance film Festival is..........Joey Tribbianni with GREEN HILLS INSANE ASYLUM!" Joey smiled and accepted his first award ever. Maybe he was a better director than actor? Joey stepped up to receive his award.

"I'd just like to thank my friends, Ross and Rachel, congratulations on the engagement-" Rachel glanced down at the giant ring. "Monica and Chandler, for always being there-"Monica and Chandler smiled. Although their little affair was still a secret except to Rachel, the secret would be out soon enough. "And Phoebe, my girlfriend. Without you, none of Green Hills would have come to live the way I had planned. Thank God, my producer, and agent, Estelle. God bless!" Joey smiled, holding it up. "Oh, HI mom!" He added.

Phoebe had quit her job as a medium and began writing books, while Joey went on directing. They were married soon after.

Monica and Chandler had an on again off again wedding date before finally getting hitched in Hawaii, with only a small ceremony of six people. They had three boys.

Rachel and Ross finally learned to agree on one thing: They loved each other. Married, family of two girls and a boy, and a lifetime of happiness was their reward.
So have you decided? If you hear a noise, do you follow it and find it? If you see something out of the corner of you eyes, do you follow it? Most importantly, if you see your chance for love, friendship and perfection, do you follow it? All was revealed in Green Hills Insane Asylum.