Naruto: Shattered Destiny:

Chapter 1: Child of the system


Those words hover above me, I reach my tiny hands out to touch the strange white letters, they're so pretty!

"Keiki, Keiki Sekine." A gentle voice names me. "That's the name I want for our child."

"It's a beautiful name, I like it." Another voice agrees. "Welcome to our family, Keiki-kun."

I don't understand any of what they're saying, but I'm mystified as the large white things vanish from sight. I'm tired, so I rest.

The next thing I remember is running along the pier by my home, the gap in between now and then doesn't concern me. I'm playing with my favorite stuffed sea otter plush whose eye I'm still trying to find! But not right now, now it's play time.

"Keiki-kun!" My name is called.

"Yesh?" I call, stopping in my tracks.

"Rice balls are ready!" Mama calls again.

"Yeehee!" I giggle running back to my home. On the porch is my mama with a plate of rice balls, delicious…. Delicious rice balls. With my free hand I grab a rice ball and wolf it down as fast as I can.

"Slow down! You'll choke." Mama says worriedly.

I grunt my reply as my throat is too full for much else to be said. "Juri honey!" I can hear my papa call. "Come look at this." He calls.

"Coming!" Mama calls, taking the plate of rice balls with her so I don't choke when she's not around. I follow her because she has the rice balls. "What is it?" She asks as we near the stairs to the basement.

"Do you know what this is?" He asks, holding up a giant rat by the tail, it's dead.

"A sit!" I say excitedly pointing at the rodent, happy that I know what it is. My parents share a look, mama shakes her head and papa nods understandingly. "A sit?" I repeat confused, did I get something wrong?

"It's a rat, Keiki." Papa says rubbing my hair. "Not a sit."

"A at?"

"Yes, a rat." Mama nods encouragingly. "Was that the only one down there?"

"No, I could hear them scurrying around… Something's wrong with them, I'll go post a notice, it shouldn't be any higher than a D-rank mission." He promises.

More At's? They're bad, I should do something about that. As the thought passes my mind a bunch of white words show up in my vision.

Quest Added: Child Exterminator:

Eliminate At's: 0/20

(Optional): Obtain a weapon before going downstairs

I glance at the quest before it fades away. When Mama and Papa aren't around I'll go down and elim… min…elimin... get rid of the At's. "I'm going to go sort the paperwork needed for this, I'm not comfortable with a nest of rats in our basement." Papa tells mama.

"How long do you think it'll take?" Mama asks.

"I'll be there and back in about… an hour tops, Juri honey." Papa guesstimates.

"Don't worry about us, I'll keep an eye on Keiki-kun." Mama says taking my hand. "Take a rice ball to go dear." She insists.

"Thank you." He kisses her cheek, takes a rice ball and hurries out the door with the large dead at in his other hand.

"To the kitchen, Keiki-kun." Mama says lovingly guiding me away from the closed basement door, my goal. "You can have as many rice balls as you want."

"Yeesh pleeesh!" I speak up eagerly. She sits me down at my seat at the table, the one place indoors that I'm allowed to make as much of a mess as I want.

However I really like the rice balls my mama makes, they're so sweet! So I don't make as much of a mess I'd normally make.

I get through four rice balls when my stomach rumbles in a bad way. "Uh oh." I pipe up.

"What's wrong?" Mama glances over her shoulder.

"Pee pee!" I say urgently throwing my arms into the air. "Pee pee, Pee pee!"

"Oh!" Mama hurries over, lifts me out of the seat and onto the ground. "Hurry!"

The two of us rush to the bathroom. I was potty trained early, I have the golden star to prove it! "No peek." I tell my mama.

"Sorry." She says with a smile, leaving me alone in the bathroom.

I do my business and almost flush the toilet when I notice mama's perfume… what does it smell like? I quietly swipe the bottle off of the counter and spurt it at my face with eyes closed.

The smell has me silently gagging for breath, it's so bad, mama shouldn't have this! I toss the bottle into the toilet and flush it.

And flush it.

And flush it.

And flush it.

"Something wrong?" Mama calls through the door.

And flush it.

"Yeesh." I say looking into the brown stew, it's starting to smell.

The door opens and mama looks into the bowl. "It won't flush?"

"Yeesh." I say without looking away from the bowl. My mama's perfume clogged the toilet.

She flushes the toilet, the stew inches closer to the rim of the toilet.

What happens if it overflows? "No." Mama grabs my arm as I reach for the handle. "It's clogged, go back to the kitchen and help yourself to the rice balls until I get back… okay?"

"Tay." I walk back to the kitchen and eat another rice ball without a care in the world.

But then my brain gets to work. I'm unsupervised, I can go elim… elimin… ate… elimina…

Get rid of the at's! What's a weapon? With a shrug I walk to the basement and open the door.

Quest updated: Child Exterminator:

Eliminate At's: 0/20

(Optional): Obtain a weapon before going downstairs(FAILED)

Quietly and quickly I walk down the stairs and into the dimly lit cellar, I can hear that at's scurrying about. "Go way at's!" I scold them, I can feel their eyes on me from their hiding places.

In the dim light I can see a hatchet by the door, I grab it and wield it in both of my tiny hands.


A red bar, a green bar and a blue bar appear in my sight.




What does any of this mean? My vision is cluttered with messages, frankly I'm getting overwhelmed from-



The words disperse as an at leaps through the letters and at me, with a squeak I bring my hatchet up in front of my face, the at's jaws lock onto the hatchet and it tries to gnaw through while it's claws dig into me.

-5 health.

-5 health.

-5 health.

I push the at off of me, the blade of the hatchet catching it's jaw-

+5 Two Handed XP (5/75)

And drawing blood, the at's jaw hangs loose. It jumps at me again with claws raised, I panic and swing wildly at it.

+5 Two Handed XP (10/75)

+5 Two Handed XP (15/75)

Quest updated: Child Exterminator:

Eliminate At's: 1/20

Is it dead yet? The words have stopped appearing but I don't know what it means. More growling as another At jumps out of the darkness.

It jumps at me much like the last one, except this time it lands on the axe's blade miraculously.

+5 Two Handed XP (20/75)

It pushes itself off of me, but not without a fair share of scratches. -5 Health

-5 Health. Not again! I jump on the At before it can get upright and carve the axe into it deeply before the words can obscure my vision any further.

+5 Two Handed XP (25/75)

+5 Two Handed XP (30/75)

Quest updated: Child Exterminator:

Eliminate At's: 2/20

Once the words stop coming I stop attacking it. This is for Mama and Papa, I'll get rid of them all!

You have contracted Rabies.

What's that? The words fade without giving me my answer, I don't feel any different as the red bar refills. Two At's come out of the darkness, growling and low to the ground.


I yelp as the words appear, the at's hesitate at my sound, unsure what it means.


"Flames?" I say, but it comes out more as 'fums' instead. My right hand erupts into flames, the at's squeal and leap away as three others take their place.


Eff.. ect… "Flames!" I throw my flaming hand out as an At jumps at me, it's engulfed in flames and thrashes about on the floor.

+8 Elemental Ninjutsu XP (8/75)

+8 Elemental Ninjutsu XP (16/75)

Another At jumps on me gnawing at the arm throwing fire at it's freind. -5 Health

-5 Health. I stagger, trying to dislodge it with the axe.

+2 Two Handed XP (32/75)

-5 Health

+3 Two Handed XP (35/75)

-5 Health

+2 Two Handed XP (37/75)

"Git oaf!" I tell it as it jumps off of me, limping and whimpering. +8 Elemental Ninjutsu XP (24/75)

Quest updated: Child Exterminator:

Eliminate At's: 3/20

The At on fire stops thrashing about, it even set one of it's friends on fire

+8 Elemental Ninjutsu XP (32/75)

The At's are scared of me, my fire in particular. What's death? I don't like that, it sounds scary. I spin around and light the At's surrounding me on fire.

+24 Elemental Ninjutsu XP (56/75)

Eliminate Ats: 5/20

The stream of fire cuts short and I can feel the exhaustion.


I stop trying and the exhaustion fades away immediately. If I can't use Jutsu anymore, why is my hand still on fire? An At jumps at me, boldened by the sudden cut off in the flame.

My response is to palm it. +5 Taijutsu XP (5/75)

As expected, the At's fur smolders from the flames as it tries to keep itself from catching… Why am I not getting hurt from the fire, Isn't it too hot to touch?

Another At! +3 Two Handed XP (40/75) my axe cuts into the At and I use my shoulder to push it away.

Do I have enough Chakra yet? +8 Elemental Ninjutsu XP (62/75) A short spurt lights the At that leapt at me on fire.

(6/20) And it stops moving.

"Keiki, where are you?" I can hear mama call.

"I'm otay Mama!" I call back habitually.

I grab the axe with both hands, the fire vanishing from my hand and block another At. +5 Two Handed XP (45/75) It drops to the ground, scrambling to get to it's feet but I don't let it.

+10 Two Handed XP (55/75) (7/20)

"Keiki What are you doing down there, why's there so much smoke?!" Mama screams, running down the stairs.

The At's retreat from Mama's presence, I chase after them. "Come back here!" I demand the cowardly At's.

"Keiki come here!" Mama calls, making me hesitate momentarily.

"But I'm gitting rid of the At's for you, mama." I plead, stopping for my mama.

"Are you okay!? You're bleeding!" She stops seeing me with the axe and covered in blood, her eyes widen in absolute terror.


"Upstairs. Now."

"I'm sorry Mama!" I start tearing up, dropping the axe and run to my mother. "I wanted to hip."

"Where did all the smoke come from?" She asks accusatorily.

"I can fire." I hold my hands out and both of them ignite into flames. An At squeals nearby and I throw fire at it. +16 Elemental Jutsu XP (88/75)

Elemental Jutsu is now level 2 (13/100). +2 Character XP (2/75)

"My g-goodness." She catches herself. "Upstairs, now." She grabs my arm and pulls me upstairs.

I go upstairs as Mama puts out the fires I made with a piece of paper that explodes water… I want one.

Once the smoke is gone Mama comes up, I'm waiting for her on the couch, trembling slightly… I only wanted to help. She goes into the kitchen and returns with a box. "You shouldn't have gone down there." She sighs, setting the box next to me and opening it. It's full of things I mostly don't recognize, besides the bandaids.

"I wanted to hip, mama." Snot's already coming out of my nose.

"Are these bites? What am I kidding, they are." She says to herself.

"I got a lot of them." I try and justify it.

"Where did you learn to… to throw fire?" She asks dousing my wounds with stinging water.

"Downstairs." I wince. Effect added: Disinfectant.


"Just now."

"Really?" She looks me in the eyes and I nod.



"What's Rabies?"

"Where did you hear about that?"


Mama's concern deepens. "How?"

"Sometims I see tings." I tell her matter of fact. "Tey tell me tings."

"What things?"

"Book?" I ask her.

"You see a Colouring book?" She asks me, confused as she finishes up.

I giggle. "No silly, Draw!"

"Oh! After I'm done with these." I don't like this water, it hurts! Shouldn't I be getting words about my health?

A few minutes later She's done. "Okay, Stay here… I mean it."

"Otay Mama." I nod contently. What's Rabies?

She comes back with my colouring book and pack of crayons. "Can you draw what you see?"

"Yup!" I say opening my book to a blank page and readying my crayon. "I forgot." I deflate.

"How do you get it to appear?" Mama asks encouragingly, but also with skepticism.

"A lot of it was while I was elim... elimin-"


"Yis! Elim…

"In." Mama tells me helpfully, already suspecting what I'm going to say.



"tIng, the At's."

"You're not going downstairs again." Mama tells me, giving me a look that sends a shiver down my spine.

"Otay Mama." I nod. "But I can do this!" Excitedly I ignite my hands with Flames and hold them out, the crayon smokes and I drop it on the couch.

"Keiki!" Mama smothers the crayon with a cushion.

"Sory!" Horrified I hold my hands to my mouth, still not hurting myself.

"Careful!" Mama pulls my burning hands away from my face. With a long and loud sigh she rubs her temples. "I wonder what Jutsu that is." She says looking at my hands.

"Oh!" The flames end as I grab another crayon and start drawing frantically. "I amember!"

"Flames?" Mama asks as I finish writing. "You see words?" She asks.

"I do?"

"Wait here." Mama closes the box and takes it to the kitchen, returning with a can. "What does this say?"

I squint. "In… st… instant… Noooooodles?" I try.

"Oh my, stars above." Mama settles down in the couch. "You can read better than you can speak." She says with realization.

"I can eed!?" I say with joy.

"A-about the Rabies, what did it say?"

"I member!" I jolt it down in my book.

"I-is this true?" She asks horrified, knowingly, and in denial.

There is a knock at the door and mama rushes for it. "Hello!" She says out of breath.

"We saw smoke coming from your house, is everything okay?" One of our neighbors asks.

"Yeah, my son was playing with fire… Everything's fine now." She tells them, glancing at me.

"Sory Mama!" I get on my knees and bow deeply.

"There's some rats in our basement, he wanted to help." She further explains.

"You should have a shinobi take care of it."

Mama nods. "My husband's gone to set a mission up." She assures them. "Hopefully it'll be taken care of sometime this week, next at the latest."

"My daughter's a jounin, I'll tell her about it and see if it can get dealt with today."

"You'd do that?" Mama asks in surprise. "Which one is she?"

"You've met her, Sakuko."

"I haven't seen her in years! How is she?"

"She has a team of her own to train, she says it's like taking care of children!" There's is laughter from them and my mama.

"Since it's a false alarm we're going back home, but if you need anything don't be afraid to call us."

"Okay bye." With a smile she closes the door. "Keiki."


"Once your father gets back we're scheduling a kekkei Genkai Test." She tells me.

"Hat's tat?"

"It's a test to… see if you can do things that nobody else can."

"My fire?" I ask, putting the crayon aside first before igniting my hands again.

"That, and your reading ability."

"Can I have rice?" I ask nicely.

"No, you went downstairs and scared me to death." She says angrily.

"But I want Rice!" I think there's still some rice balls left.



There's a knock at the door and papa comes in. "I'm back, it was faster than I thought." He says pleasantly. "I ran into a shinobi on the way, she helped me get everything sorted and even said that she'd take a look at it when she has a free moment." He says like a man who's won the lottery. "Something's wrong?" He asks finally noticing the feel in the atmosphere.

"He went into the basement." Mama says simply.

"I can fire!" I hold my hands up proudly, the flames crackling fiercely.

Author's Notes: Not gonna lie, I've always wanted to make a Gamer fic but the MC was born into it, not reborn into it. I hope I've given some information as to how the gameplay is going to go (Don't worry, it won't be this obtrusive for long) and overall, I like where this is going already… and I'm not even planning it (mostly…. partly) so I'm open to suggestions, but for gameplay I'm going to refer to the Skyrim Wiki for the most part