A/N- I would have posted this chapter a whole lot sooner but something incredibly stupid has happened. All my files and documents had been accidently erased by your's truelly. I really am a moron. I had this chapter all typed up and simply loved the outcome. I only remember half of what I wrote so this last chapter may very well turn out to be krap. All so depressing that it is. But even more depressing is the fact that all of you are highly likely to skip over this author note and not see that I do have a good excuse for not being a fast updater this time and you'll also wonder why my last chapter wasn't that great. You'll hate me, I know it. ON WITH THE FIC!

Disclaimer- I'm not creative enough to own Inuyasha. No one can outdo the great Rumiko Takahashi. NO ONE!


Bringing a Girl Home

Sesshomaru groaned for what was probably the 50th time that day. Behind him, his mother was jumping up and down like a little school girl.

"My son has finally found a girl! I'm so happy!"

His left eye starting to twitch, he turned towards the hyper woman. "Must you make such a big deal out of something so trivial?"

She stopped her bouncing to look at him with wide eyes. "Trivial? You never in your life shown interest in the opposite sex, I was beginning to think my Sesshomaru was gay!"

The silver haired boy sweat-dropped. This all could only end badly.

His mother suddenly narrowed her eyes at him. Nope, defiantly not good. He took a cautious step backwards.

"You're no longer hiding this girl from me." Abruptly, his mother started pushing him towards the front door. "You're going to go out to get her and I'm not letting you back in this house unless she is accompanying you." With that said, she pushed her son out the door.

Sesshomaru stood in front of his house, for a brief moment of shock. He had certainly not expected that.

Inside, his mother ran towards the living room. There she grabbed the phone book. "Higurashi……Higurashi…."


Kagome fumbled with her jeans button. Stupid thing had to be so darn stubborn and not button. How very annoying. The raven haired girl gave a yelp as she toppled over her pjs as they lay there innocently on the floor. Kami seemed to be against her today. Would anything work out her way?

Straightening up she glanced briefly at her reflection. Without much thought, her hand instantly came up to brush against her lips. A mental image of her first kiss replayed in her mind, causing the poor girl to blush what would seem an unhealthy shade of red. Why had he did that? Or better yet, why had she let him?


At the last minute, she ran a brush through her hair and descended down the hallway steps. Kagome walked into the living room to be greeted by the last person she expected to see. Sesshomaru stood there emotionless as ever, Ms.Higurashi by his side.

"Sesshomaru?" On its own accord, Kagome's hand shot back up to gently touch where his lips had been upon her. Their first kiss.

Seeing this, the silver haired boy couldn't help but hold a rather smug smirk.

Noticing this, Kagome narrowed her eyes over at him. Oh how she would like to slap that smugness from his face.

Ms.Higurashi beamed at her daughter. "You have been invited to the Taishos for dinner. Isn't that nice?"

Kagome wanted to respond, 'No mom, that isn't nice. I don't want to have dinner with this over smug jerk.' But she held her tongue and instead smiled. The same smile she normally gave Sesshomaru when plotting against him.

The silver haired boy took notice of this and instantly his smugness was replaced with something very close to fear. He shuddered. One could only imagine what the raven haired girl was planning. Though he was beginning to think that now the smile was more for show. She just wanted him to think he was in for trouble. Or she really was planning something and he better watch his back this time. Just peachy.

Kagome looked at her mother, avoiding the other boy's gaze. "What time for dinner?"

Ms.Higurashi smiled. "Actually you'll be going over there now. That way you can hang out with your friend."

Kagome blinked somewhat owlishly. "This very minute?"

Her mother nodded. "Now out with you two." She gently shoved them out the door.

When the door slammed shut after them, Sesshomaru got the sudden feeling of déjà vu. Had this not happen to him, earlier this morning? He narrowed his eyes. Somehow he figured his mother had something to do with Ms.Higurashi's eagerness in sending them back off. Who else was in on this?

As if things couldn't get any worse, Kagome and Sesshomaru got back to his house to find Inuyasha helping out in the kitchen.

"And what are you doing here?"

The other silver haired boy looked up from what he was doing. "Your mom called and asked if I could help with dinner."

Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow, something he did often. "I could have easily helped her out."

Inuyasha shook his head. "You have to keep your guest entertained." He directed a wink at the blushing Kagome.

"Any other surprises I should be aware of?" Sesshomaru asked in mild annoyance.

Inuyasha appeared to be in deep thought. Then he looked back over at the two. "Maaaaybe."

Sesshomaru's eye begin to twitch out of annoyance again. "Then pray, do tell."

Inuyasha shrugged his shoulders. "I really don't know a thing."

It was Kagome's turn to get annoyed. She narrowed her eyes at her friend. "Just what is going on here?"

Inuyasha ignored the question and went back to business.

Huffing a little, the raven haired girl went into the living room and plopped down on the couch.

Sesshomaru stared down at her. "It would seem you have easily made yourself at home."

She stifled a yawn. "Leave me alone. I'm still tired."

He gave her a disbelieving look. "Its afternoon."

Kagome frowned. "Yeah, I know. I just didn't get much sleep."

Sesshomaru took a seat beside her, his shoulder brushing up against her own. "It would appear that our mothers have taken our relationship in their hands. Mine always did like playing matchmaker."

Kagome merely yawned again.

Sighing, he put his arm around her shoulder. "Sleep. You could use the nap."

Nodding, she placed her head on his chest and had soon dozed off.

When he was sure that she was in la la land, he placed a gentle kiss upon her forehead before closing his own eyes.

From the door way, his mother watched with a smile. She looked down at her daughter. "Aren't they just cute?"

Rin nodded in response. "I knew Sesshio would choose her for a girl friend."


Kagome opened a sleepy eye. Then the other. She blinked a couple of times. This wasn't her room………..

From beneath her somebody groaned. Her eyes widened, slowly falling upon Sesshomaru whom blinked back at her. She blushed, realizing that she had managed to cuddle up into his lap while they slept. Little did she really know that it was actually him who had pulled her there.

That smug smirk was suddenly back in place. "Enjoying yourself, brat?"

Kagome let out an indignant snort. "Don't flatter yourself, fluffy."

Sesshomaru suddenly frowned. "It's really quiet…too quiet." He stood up, causing the girl on his lap to topple to the floor. From where he stood he could hear the raven haired girl mumble a few curses, all of which were directed at him. Other than that, the house remained silent.

Curiously, the silver haired boy made his way towards the kitchen. A reluctant Kagome was in tow. She too wanted to know just what was going on here.

When they got to the kitchen, he could hear her gasp from behind him. In the middle of the room was a table with candle light. Sesshomaru's mother had laid out the best plates and silverware.

Kagome took a step forward, examining one of the dishes. "It looks like Inuyasha made us some ramen." She giggles as she picked up a little piece of paper she had just noticed. "And it says that dessert is in the fridge."

Sesshomaru tilted his head to the side, his silver tresses falling gently across his shoulder. "And what do you propose we do about all of this?"

Kagome shrugged. "Enjoy it, I guess."


Ms.Higurashi took a sip of her tea as she glanced over at Sesshomaru's mother. "Do you think all of this will work?"

The other woman grinned slyly. "Come on, its fool proof. They're all alone with a candle lit dinner…."

Ms.Higurashi frowned. "Should we worry?"

The other mother laughed. "I can assure you that my Sesshomaru is a complete gentleman."


Kagome plopped back down on the couch with a content sigh. "That was good," she murmured. The raven haired girl gave a small 'eep' as she was suddenly pulled into Sesshomaru's lap.

"What are you doing?"

Sesshomaru turned the girl around so she was straddling his waist. "Finishing what we started in detention."

Kagome was about to respond to this when she felt the other boy's gentle lips upon her own. A warmth begin to spread through her body and she found herself kissing him back.

Sesshomaru pulled away a little as he looked into her eyes. "I love you," he whispered.

Kagome smiled against his lips. "I love you too." Not waiting for him to respond she leaned in for another kiss.

Both of them in complete bliss.


A/N- Well that's it. Hope you folks enjoyed the fic. If I get enough reviews I'll make an epilogue. And whether or not Sesshomaru and Kagome do anything in this last chapter is completely up to your imagination. ;) I like leaving teasers.