In the words of Mushu from Disney's Mulan: "I LIIIIIIIIVVVVVEEEEE!"

Hello friends! I have returned from the depths of not writing (shameful, I know). So sorry about that. I got real lazy over the summer, then school started up again...But here I am, and here is me first multi-chapter fic! Dedicated to all ye wonder women and men...especially the WonderTrev shippers :)



All he had time to register was the butt end of a spear coming straight for his face, and a brilliant flash of pain as something connected with his cheek.


And just like that, Steve Trevor found himself lying flat on his back, squinting up at the cerulean sky through a reddish haze. A circle of female faces swam at the edges of his vision, every brow wrinkled with a sort of incredulous expression.

"I did not even strike him with all my strength, General," he heard a deep voice saying.

There was a high laugh from somewhere above him. "If he cannot take even one blow, he can never hope to learn our arts."

"Silence." The ringing tone of command. The General's face came into focus, blocking the glare of the sun from Steve's eyes. Her eyes were stern, her jaw set in a grim line.

"Get up, soldier."

Stifling a groan, Steve rolled over onto his stomach and pushed himself up on his hands and knees. His cheek was throbbing.

"Don't suppose you've got a beginners' class I could start with, instead?" he laughed weakly.

The stern-eyed woman ignored him. "Again."

The deep-voiced woman, the one he had been sparring with, held her spear in readiness. Sucking in a breath, Steve tried his best to imitate her posture.

At a word from the General, the stick swung at him again. This time, he managed to block it. His military training kicking in, he ducked under the next strike and landed a blow on the woman's leg.

She staggered. For about half a second.

Then she looked back up at him with a terrifying smile.

Steve closed his eyes...

Oh, shi-

... and felt a blow in the stomach, then on the head.

And everything went black.


A/N: So what do you guys think? I know it's not too clear what's going on yet, but never fear! The next chapter will go back to Steve's arrival at Themyscira. Thanks for reading...and please please please review!