DISCLAIMER: The characters and places here portrayed all belong to Mr. Masashi Kishimoto. I do not have possession of them nor is it my intention to get any kind of profit with them, the creation of this literary work has only and exclusively for recreational purposes. Thank you

Oh God! I'm back after what it felt like an eternity of dealing with the damn writer's block. I'm very very sorry if I kept you waiting (and I know I did). However, here it is, the fifth part of this incestuous, filthy smut (hopefully) I hope you enjoy it


Gomenasai: A formal apology

Ohaiyogozaimasu : Good morning

Onei-chan: sister

Ottou-san: father

Sumi masen: A not so formal apology

The Tutor

Chapter 5: Of Thoughts and Corners or Neji's journal

"You know what?" Neji whispered to her ear, brushing his lips on Hinata's earlobe "as soon as I get home I'll end what I started myself" his words froze her to the bone immediately "but next time, you won't leave until I come too" his demand left her mouth-opened and he took advantage of it to stick his tongue inside and suck her lips once more. Hot and cold, stillness and motion, her body rumbled in arousal spontaneously but she still couldn't move. Hinata saw him smile mischievously and then walk away. Once again she stood there to see the last trace of him disappear

She abstractedly walked to her door, got the keys out of her bag and proceeded to opened the door…she had no success, she tried again, and again, until she realized she was trying to open the main door of a house with her bedroom key, and now it was stuck inside "Great" she thought. She then took on to the delicate process of trying to get the key out… by violently turning and shaking it

"Come on! Get out of there, you… thing!" she impatiently snarled, pulling with all of her strength

"Onei-chan*, is that you?"

Hinata heard from the other side of the door, as she heavily leaned her forehead on it "Yes, Hanabi-chan, it's me" she answered with a puff

The door got opened and her little sister looked at her confused "Where have you been? It's awfully late!" she whined "And why couldn't you open the door with your key? Have you been behind the door all this time?"

"No, no" Hinata answered, "I got late studying at school after class and I couldn't open because I tried it with a different key, which now is stu-…" Hanabi got the key out in an instant with absolutely no effort "…-uck". The sisters got into the front yard of their house

"This key?" the younger girl incredulously asked, "But it's so small, how could you confuse it with the huge main door key?"

"Well, I'm really tired, Hanabi-chan"

"You do look awful as if you fought somebody" Hinata shrugged and clenched her fists in embarrassment "Jeezz! I hope it'll take a while before I hit high school"

"It will, sweetie, don't worry" the elder sister said with a warm grin "still, enjoy your childhood before everything gets confusing"

"Hey! I've told you a trizillion times not to sweetie me!" Hanabi complained "And what could get confusing about school? Study? I don't know how that could be, you just need to pay attention"

"You're right, honey" Hinata said teasingly

"Uuuughhh!" Hanabi kicked the ground "Onei-chan! Enough with the names!"

Hinata almost burst into laughter "I most humbly beg your pardon, Hanabi-sama" she said doing an exaggerated courtesy bow

Hanabi displayed a full tantrum by throwing her sister's keys to the ground "You're being impossible! I'm out of here!" and with that, she ran away to her favorite spot. Hinata lifted her keys laughing low key, got into the house, took her shoes off and put her slippers

"…Because my sister is so annoying!" she heard from the living room as she passed by, she clearly was chatting on the phone again and had the intention to be heard

Then she stopped at her father's desk, the door was half-closed, she decided to take a quick peep; he was working, like always… always. She contemplated him signing one paper after another, she was about to knock on the door, for no real reason, but stopped just before her fist made contact with the wood, and got away.

As usual, she walked the stairs up, got into her bedroom and locked the door. She left her schoolbag fall from her hands to the floor and then did the same with her own body into the bed. Maybe it was just her imagination, but she felt her whole body tingling. She contemplated her bag as a profoundly enigmatic object

"Neji's journal" she whispered

Next morning, Hinata decided to spend the day with her normal occupations and read Neji's notes on Sunday. She cleaned up her room, did the laundry, visited her family and her mother's grave, came back home and did her homework. Everything, trying to ignore the thoughts on the day before, because of the violent squirms they caused on her stomach

On Sunday she woke up and got ready, wearing a girly loose dress with blue flowers, she picked from her closet a matching purse and put on it the notebook, then she got down to have breakfast in the kitchen. Once ready, very carefully, she reached the door, concealing her presence sticking to the walls and corners, procuring not to be noticed by Hanabi, whose childish curiosity allowed her to smell and inquire about the smallest thing going on; she was in front of the t.v., singing the opening of her favorite show

"We are fighting dreamers! Takami wo mezashite Fighting dreamers! ..." Hanabi enthusiastically sang and danced in her pajamas "Goodbye, Onei-chan" she said when she noticed her sister reach the door, Hinata jolted

"Goodbye, Hanabi" she responded, sighing in relief that she was too focused on her show to snoop on her life

She took the bus, which left her thirty-five minutes later on the immense gates of a park not many in her school knew. A park she used to visit with her father and mother when she was alive. She entered and walked the several gardens in it, filling her lungs with the herbal scented air. All the usual elements were there; friends (mostly seniors) were playing at the chess tables. Young families relaxed in the fields. Far ahead, there was a small lake, populated with ducks, water lilies, and boats, a place common to couples and people longing for one

She passed all these places and kept her way to a place almost no one visited, almost at the end of the park, it was fenced by bushes and trees; she stepped up through the uncut grass of the three stair rungs and respectfully entered the nook, admiring its wild beauty as though it was the first time and not the thousandth. Everything was luscious without restraint, from the small pond with thick green water, the fountain spilling herbs and flowers, the benches being slowly devoured by the vines. She sat in one that had a small space with no leaves

After a couple of minutes she opened her purse, and with a trembling hand got out the notebook. Once out, she examined every detail of the exterior. It was Neji himself transformed into an object: practical, elegant and sturdy; a french style notebook, enveloped it high-quality fabric. It resembled a three sectioned flag, with the outer stripes in dark brown, like his hair, and narrower than the central one in ivory white. It had the seal of the Hyuuga family at the top of the spine, the seal of a red flame encircled in gold. Hinata was sure that, had it been missing, no one in the whole town would have a problem recognizing precisely to whom it belonged, and also, no one would dare to look at its content without the owner's permission. Even with his permission, she didn't felt completely right about it; nonetheless, she bit her lip and reluctantly opened it right at the beginning

Monday, January 14th

I had been elected captain of the martial arts team, the group is not weak, but it is not strong either, it will need a lot of hard work if we want to get into the national championship. They don't seem to be interested in that, but I am, for I need every possible card on the deck I'll present to ANBU if I ever want to get in.

Furuta Sensei is impressed of me, he had given me great freedom to choose groups, singles, couples, etc. …

The ANBU was the most prestigious criminology and intelligence international institution in the whole world, and Neji was aiming to be accepted in their special training school, for it was the fastest and safest way to be hired by them. The demand was through the roof, he really needed every possible card under his sleeve

Personal notes: I'm succeeding in becoming more patient. This week, I held a conversation with Lee for three minutes straight and only felt slightly impatient afterward. Great progress

Hinata laughed in silence of his great progress and decided to go to the first marked page

Thursday, March 20th

The team is doing better; I've managed to improve the forms on some neglected and shyer students and gave them a deeper perspective on the basis.

Personal notes: As part of my duties as the Student's Council president, I went on checking the list of students from the tutoring program. Nara Shikamaru got assigned as the tutor of Hinata Hyuga, my cousin…

She felt a blood rush reading for the first time her own name in the document

I don't have a good feeling about this, as brilliant as he is, he's also lazy and aloof, I don't think he will take it seriously, and even the grades from a relative I don't speak to, could affect my admission chances to ANBU, since Hyuuga is a respected and well-renowned house, it's a good thing all my other cousins are doing well in their studies….

Hinata closed the notebook for a moment and took a deep sigh, staring at the pond…Was she causing any trouble to him? ... She snapped out of the bitter feelings and went back to the pages, stopping here and there to explore his thoughts

the student council has accorded to present the petition for…

My literature project was a success and will be promoted in this year's…

She realized only the personal notes at the bottom really talked about him, the rest was just an academic binnacle. Perhaps that was the reason for him to feel confident of sharing something so private, she thought. After all, this was nothing like a girl's diary

…Ah, the other name…

Tuesday, March 25th

P.N.: Lee keeps insisting me to convince Tenten to have a date with him…amongst all people, to ask that to me. I know I shouldn't have got along so much with him, now he thinks I'm his best friend. Nonetheless, I've accepted, to challenge my diplomatic skills…

Friday, March 28th

...P.N.: I decided to take the matter of my cousin in my own hands; despite our null bond, I took Nara's place as her tutor, he looked quite relieved. After an extracurricular martial arts practice, I met her for the first time, I thought I'd feel disgusted by her presence, I even kept my training clothes, just to feel more comfortable in such awkward situation; actually, moving aside her insecurity and stuttering, it wasn't so unpleasant. Strange enough, I think I actually enjoyed her company, I don't think she enjoyed mine, though… I don't blame her.

Hinata thought about that first day, he seemed everything but comfortable by her side. And as for her… he was right, if given the chance, she would've move out from the country in that first moment when she turned to face his severity and his arms crossed, all combined with his knocking-out-people suit made a terrifying sight out of him

Wednesday, April 2nd

P.N.: Every time I try to talk to Tenten about Lee, she wants to change the subject to "us", that topic is not going well…

She couldn't blame Tenten for falling for Neji, if she had fallen in love with him from his cranky and incomprehensible angle, how would it be when he was being nice and friendly? Her stomach churned at the thought that soon she would find out

Friday, April 4th

P.N.: Today, some serious thing almost happened. At my time with Hinata, she kept staring at me repeatedly; I don't know how, but on a moment of a low guard, it caused my hand to pose on her leg …obviously she asked me about it, I told her it was to make her focus… I hope she bought it…

She felt so dumb, she actually believed him that time

so, improvising, I stood like that the whole time, feeling the soft skin of her thigh, fighting the urge to feel the rest of her body. It gets worse….I was correcting a math problem with her and reached closer, I was so tempted to kiss her, I contained myself in time and made a distraction. After that, I couldn't help the need to keep touching her and massaged her shoulders before parting, she squirmed and gasped and clenched her legs in such way that I don't think I will be able to forget in a long time… I don't know what I've got myself into; I never expected to be so attracted to my own cousin…

She abruptly shut the journal and noticed she was breathing as if she just ran a marathon, and her face felt just as hot. She took a moment to let that heavy lot of information sink on her head. He was right, they were cousins, although they had such a distant relationship, she barely could remember interacting with him as a member of her family. They were so little when everything changed

Monday, April 7th

I spoke with Tenten quite straight, I told her about Lee's intentions. She told me she wanted nothing of the sort with him, thus, she tried to kiss me. I rejected her, there's only one girl I want to kiss and it is definitely not her…

Friday, April 11th

It finally happened. I kissed Hinata, twice, and I was about to do more than that to her; it's curious, she seems terrified of me, but I felt as though something in her eyes incited me to do it, I dare to say she was willing to kiss back, at least for a moment. Her effect on me is so strong; she's driving me crazy …

Wednesday, April 16th

I've been looking for Hinata all week, but she has been avoiding me…I guess I have no right to expect anything from her, I must've confused her intentions. But I've never felt this way, I have to confess my feelings to her, if only to get over with them…

Thursday, April 17th

At last I met Hinata, but it turned out all wrong, Tenten has been saying at my back that she's my girlfriend, and unfortunately, Hinata was one of the people she told that. Of course, when she told me, I was so furious that I forgot to confess, I even let my anger dominate me again and menaced her, I'm such an idiot…

So even perfect elite characters like Neji felt dumb from time to time, how unexpected

That's why she's been avoiding me; she must have thought of me as a jerk, treating her as a side affair. I faced Tenten in front of Hinata, I don't know if things got clear enough, we didn't really treat the matter, nor I talked about my feelings, but I did apologize on my behavior and offered to change her to another tutor; she insisted on staying with me, and although I deeply appreciate her trust, I don't know if I have the strength to resist her. This is the hardest thing happening to me in a very long time…

That was the last note, Hinata wondered what would Neji had written about their last session, which was by far the most intense, hadn't he gave her the notebook

She rose from the bench, left her spot and wandered aimlessly around the park, going through the passages she just read in her mind, sighing a lot. She stopped by the lake, it was later and there were more couples this time, she contemplated them. Could she and Neji be a happy couple like them? They couldn't tell their parents, nor let anyone at the school to notice, it would be a scandal and the ANBU's deans would judge it as an abuse of his position as her tutor, not to mention the incestuous nature surrounding their liaison

She kept walking, contemplating the trees, the dogs playfully chasing each other, the people chatting with their friends, and amongst everything, a young man with a white loose long sleeve shirt, long chestnut hair and light denim pants caught her eye with his magnificent posture, he was handsome… just as handsome as…

Hard to believe but true, it was Neji walking towards her "O-ohaiyo gozaimasu* Neji-sempai!" she bowed as soon as they were close enough

"Ohaiyo, Hinata-chan" he smiled to her "please don't be so formal with me outside the school"

She looked embarrassed "Sumi masen*…but, how do you know this place? And how did you know I'd be here?"

"How do you know this place?" he answered narrowing his eyes in a cryptic expression

"I used to visit it with my family when I was little"

"Precisely, don't you remember joining my family and me here?"

"Of course!" she exclaimed when his words abruptly brought the memories he was asking about, the few times she saw her uncle and father treating each other like brothers "But… that doesn't explain how have you found me here today"

He laughed mouth-closed "I'm not here just for you, I come to train here every weekend" she noticed the navy style sack hanging on his shoulder, surely containing his uniform and other things for this purpose

"Really?" she asked sort of incredulous "But I've never seen you here"

"I've never wanted you to see me before, and no offense, but you could be more observant"

"I guess you´re right" she admitted with shame

"Come with me" he exhorted her with a soft voice


"To my training spot" he said walking first to their destination, making sure she wouldn't stay far behind as they walked

They arrived at the grove of the west wing of the park; she never showed much interest in it before. As they got deeper into it, the ground became wilder and wilder, filled with gigantic tree roots and sharp rocks they nearly had to climb. They reached a small cliff which had blocked by a yellow caution tape the only way up made of more rocks

Hinata hid her mouth behind her hands nervously "Neji-kun, w-we aren't supposed to pass"

"I promise it's safe, and I know the guards" he calmed her and leapt over the tape effortlessly, then grabbed her beneath the arms when she got near enough "hold on to my shoulders and jump" she placed her hands on his muscular shoulders and jumped as high as she could, passing her legs over the tape; he easily and gracefully lifted her body in the air and landed her on the other side

She took the first look at Neji's spot "Is it really here where you train?" she asked in shock

"Yes" he answered quite proudly

The place was a hopelessly bumpy piece of ground with no vegetation at all, full of what she suspected were leftovers of the construction of the park: mounds of dirt, dry tree trunks, boulders, even broken statues, it was a disaster zone

"But it looks so…coarse" she said, turning her voice into a whisper at the last word. They went to sit on a trunk

"Don't worry, I know it is" he appeased her patting her shoulder "in here, training gets more intense and thus more effective"

"Oh, in that case, why don't you bring your teammates along with you?"

"I come here not only to train, but to ponder on things too; solitude allows one to become aware of the self, as you might have noticed"

"Why do you say that?" she asked confused

"You also come here alone to think" Hinata shrugged uncomfortably "I do not spy on you" he explained "I can always see if that's the case, even from afar, because you bear it on your face, plus, it explains how you never notice me being here"

"Oh" her face didn't change that much

He understood "Not everyone can guess that, I'm especially skilled at reading people" she eased her mien at last and she giggled in relief before the strange place absorbed them into its peaceful environment, although it was not nice per se, it had a wonderful view to the sky, filled with long, thin, shiny clouds that day

After a moment of tranquility, she broke the silence "I…brought your notes, I've just finished reading them"

"I see" he said still half-abstracted, but then he noticed her insisting glance and asked "is there something you'd like to ask me?"

"They got me thinking" Hinata took a second before her next words, which she let out very cautiously "i-isn't it odd that w-w-we're cousins …bonding this way?"

"I thought that at first too, but morality couldn't stop me from liking you as much as I do" Neji confessed eyeing her very seriously "look, sometimes things don't necessarily fit within society's rules, but I believe that what comes so naturally and so strong, even against all logic, can't be something that bad, not when we're not involving anybody or anything else. But if you feel too uneasy being with me, we can stop" he finalized, gently squeezing her hand

"What?! No!" she exclaimed grappling to him in anguish "I don't care that much for it! Honestly!"

He laughed out loud "Relax, it was just an offer" then he pulled her towards him and cradled her in his arms "I want you to feel good about this" he rests his head on hers affectionately "I don't think we are wrong to feel the way we do"

"Neither do I" she answered lifting her sight to him

"Then let's keep the rules of the world out of this" he whispered, getting closer to her "this is only between you and me" he stroked her cheek and cut the last of the distance between their faces. Their lips entwined again for a large number of minutes that didn't seem to last long enough to contain their feelings, she softly kissed the rim of his lips, he matched her moves but let her set the pace, feeling her delicate body trembling and her shy moves, like the touch on his forearms, her eager breath entering his mouth. She subtly clasped one lip at the time between hers and his skin bristled. She trailed her hands vividly through the length of his arms and glided her mouth to one of his ears to nibble it. Her breath fanned his hair, he clearly heard how her passion was rising like the foam of boiling milk; his face contorted in a beautiful expression of pleasure. She passed from his ear to his neck, clinging her round and feminine chest to his, flat and firm, making him clench his jaw

"I don't care about our blood tie, I want you so much, Neji" she murmured with a trembling voice

"I can tell" he agreed in bliss

Hinata drew away slightly and fidgeted her fingers in front of her mouth "But…why are you not touching me?"

He grinned and said in a soothing voice "I have a good reason for it, you will find out later" then grabbed her hand and pulled her towards his body, she did nothing but stare at him confused and curious; her hands stood suspended between the two bodies "It's nothing you should worry about" he affirmed "trust me. Now, let yourself go, have no restraint with me"

Still shy, but encouraged by the words she hears for a second time now, she slowly sits on his legs, and the look on his eyes is supporting, so she goes straight to him, kissing and biting his lips, like he had done to her last Friday, her hands venture through his scalp, squeezing locks from the beautiful chestnut mane at his nape. Neji welcomes every gesture by getting lost on it, she moves her body closer to his until they get attached by the pelvis, but before doing anything else, she stops

"What i-if I…ask t-to be t-touched?" she asks blushing

"Then I'll touch you the wherever and however you ask me to" he says sitting tall and straight, making his desire for it plausible "as long as you do it without stuttering"

She recoils from him and frowned "You really hate when I do that, don't you?"

"I don't hate it, it is just unnecessary"

She turns her face away, pouting "I don't do it by choice" she complained

He grabs her chin and returns her face to him "I know it's not like that" he said comprehensively "but you need to learn to control it, so go ahead, tell me loud and clear what do you want me to do and I assure you, I'll be delighted to please you"

She stares at him with a stiff expression "Please, kiss me, Neji-kun"

He shook his head "Don't be polite, demand what you want"

She sighs in despair, then clinches her teeth "Kissmehardnow!" she manages to exclaim, rushed but intelligible.

"That's better" he says rushedly before clasping her neck to kiss her, tasting her lips hungrily, his tongue raids her mouth like a horde, he clearly wants to make hard for her to breathe; she gasps and sinks a hand underneath his shirt, she squeezes the muscles on his back, waist, and arms, he grunts and arches his back feeling her nails trace from his shoulder blades to the base of the column

"Remember what I told you on Friday" he warns to her ear, keeping his voice steady and firm through his raising heath

She ponders his words briefly "You're right" she concludes, and pulls his shirt up "lay down". He stares with curiosity, but allows her to undress him and lays on the trunk. Neji is a vision of seduction: the hastiness in his eyes, his lips plump and wet, the subtle swaying of his chiseled body, she roams through it with her mouth and hands, kissing, licking, grabbing everything that is on her reach, he jolts every time the attention goes to his belly, so she decides to play that area the most. Neji sinks his nails on the wood, forbidding himself to do anything beyond shaking like a leaf behind her luscious, exquisite body; the pleasure becomes agony, and the agony becomes a challenge to bear when he feels her insistently rubbing his manhood above his clothes. Suddenly her face appears over his, flushed as only hers could get


Neji can feel she's about to 'coyly ask for something', he snaps out of his hormonal trance "Be firm" he almost yells, she flinches "I'm your boyfriend" he adds softer "you can be confident with me" he caresses her cheek

She hides her face on his neck, then gets close to his ear and mutters almost inaudibly "I want to see you… down there, undo your clothes for me" he opens his mouth in shock, and although she lacks the confidence he was demanding, he let it pass

"As you wish, my lady" he raises his hips and pulls down his pants and tight black boxers "you can see now". Hinata stays still, with her face buried in his neck, instead of turning her sight to it, she sends a hand to explore; Neji laughs before feeling her trembling touch on his bare semi-hard penis "Take your time" he suggests, she nods and lays her body on his, he allows himself to hold her by the waist, just to make sure she won't fall, he says to himself

"Neji-kun, how should I touch you?" Hinata fights to control every sound that comes out of her, just hoping it would be enough so she won't have to repeat herself firmer

"Place your hand like this" he says wrapping himself with her tiny timid hand "now glide it, up and down…yes… that's good, tighter" his voice chokes under the gasps yet it still has a tone of bossiness

She feels the limb get harder as she manipulates it, as though it has live on its own, her skin gets sensitive "I like how it feels to do this" she whispers grazing her lips on his earlobe

"I'm glad" he grunted tormented, she moves to notice the tightness on his jaw and the hesitating up-down moves of his free arm, it all revealed how hard he was trying to remain passive on the game: the sounds, the contortions of his body, his search for something to hold onto, other than her curves

"Touch my legs… and bottom" she requests seductively with utter conviction; she contains a moan at the feel of vehemence of her lover slithering through her lower body "go below the dress" she adds almost unconscious; he stops himself to pin his sight on her eyes and clings their foreheads together, then he traces her again, starting from the waist, stopping a moment in one of her cheeks, lingering his way to that creamy skin. Hinata's heart races up with every millimeter he touches, until she feels Neji's fingers in her hamstring, the marvelous roughness of his dangerous hands, her whole body electrifies when he owns her buttocks, hips, and thighs, and she kisses him while intensifying the pace of her stimulation on him, and he responds more aggressively, pressing her thighs with the obvious intention of brushing her crotch. They both lose themselves in this vicious circle of libido happening on that secret corner of the family park. After a few minutes, with Neji nibbling her neck, she turns her sight, maybe for the inertia of the movements, and sees for the first time that part so mysterious and foreign. She opens her hand and sees a thick rod-like limb, topped by a pinkish tip coming out of the skin. She plays a few minutes more observing his sex and her own movements, while he shakes his hips involuntarily, until she decides it's enough to the sight and hides her face back on his neck, her heart pounds on her chest

"Are you scared of what you saw?" he asked amused of her reactions, rubbing her back

"No, it's just something so new for me, I'm a little overwhelmed"

"Let's take a minute then" he's about to fix his boxer and pants. Hinata stops him by the arms and straddles him, her hair covers most of her face, her labia is directly on top of his hardened penis and starts to rock her hips in a clumsy fashion, nearly as she imagines it should be done, the face of her tutor reflects the success of her nerve, prey of the pleasure, yet she's not done, she undoes the buttons of her dress and exposes her breast, tightly enveloped on a white lace bra

"Touch me everywhere, Neji, kiss me, I need to feel you" she begs. He lifts himself to a sitting position contemplating her, allowing his lust to tense on the surface like an arrow before shooting, before involving on a new game with no rules. He makes her his own, submerging his face in her chest, it smells feminine and delicate, with a mixture of lavender and cinnamon, she whimpers feeling his tongue meander in the crevice of her breasts. Just like the last time, he frees her breast from the garment to feast his senses; enveloping one and another nipple with his lips as his hands squish the delicious orbs; her body tenses around him, holding him tighter than she had held anyone before, the move of her hips turns instinctive, deep and harmonious against his manhood until reaching the perfect position to stimulate herself. He can feel she's close to coming, and that drives him wild to no end. Their sounds and breaths entwine as they kiss once more, until Hinata's imminent burst makes her break contact, "Neji, I'm gonna…aahh!" she comes hard against him, muffling her screams with her hand. The waves of her orgasm hit her body several times from the inside until losing strength and fading, and she relaxes her tired body, too lost in the ecstasy to notice the state Neji is in

"Hinata... don't stop now… I'm coming" he demands growling while he moves frantically below her weight. She immediately tries to recover the pace, but her energy is drained and she moves weird and uneven

"Neji, I think I can't…"

"Don't worry" he lifts her body and lands it on the trunk, it's his turn to savage his hardness against her crotch, he rocks so hard that the cortex of the fallen tree scratches the skin of her back, but she barely feels a thing, observing in awe his face filled with lustful agony, he moves harder and harder until he violently stops with a loud grunt that escapes his clenched teeth; she feels a warm moist in her thighs and buttocks

He lets his body fall and rest onto hers, she wraps him in a perfect embrace, as though they were the last matching pieces of an impossible puzzle. The peaceful silence almost drove their satiated selves into slumber

"Do you…" he asked sleepily "do you…need to do something else in here?"

She had to fight the tiredness away to be able to respond "uhm….no, not really"

The navy style sack laid long forgotten next to the trunk, until its owner reached it and pulled out from it a little towel he used on his practices and destined it to wipe the thick white liquid off his body, once he was done and his pants back in place, he focused on her, cleaning her as much as he could, just out of pure luck, her dress was almost intact, except for some really tiny drops here and there

"Come on" he said "it's better if we move from here now"

"But first" she added, handing out from her purse the small notebook "here, I'm done with it and it's safer if you have it back, arigatou for your trust"

He smiled at her "Anytime" he said and took his journal to place it in his sack

They left the odd spot holding hands and getting playful (she got playful around him, and he consented it as he didn't refuse), but that ended as soon as other visitors were on sight; very casually, Neji distanced himself and broke the mood, Hinata mumbled in protest before realizing she had no idea what to say, he gave her an apologetic face. That would be the way of their romance

The rest of the trip to Hinata's house was very much like that, subtle looks and dissimulated touches; at the bus, she traced his arm with a finger, and he responded the same way on her legs, ascending to her weak spot, which she eagerly encouraged opening her legs so he could easily go further, before someone sat near them and he had to pull himself out of his teasing. They both turned the other way, frustrated

They left the bus right in front of where she had taken the one in the morning. They stood a few moments looking at each other, no words, no goodbyes, but a deeper language lingering in their smiles, and then they went on separate ways.

Hinata checked her watch before pulling her keys out to open the door. It was awfully late, her father would be well aware of her absence by now. So she opened the door cautiously, crossed the front yard without a sound, and braced herself to enter the house, she knew there was no point in trying to escape the next thing; a second after she got in, another door opened, the one from the tea room at the end of the corridor

"Where have you been, Hinata?" her father asked with a deep, cold voice when he emerged from the room like a shadow, like a ghost, keeping a side stand

"Ano…" her stomach churned "I went for a walk at the mall, and I… got distracted and lost the track of time, gomenasai, ottou-san*" she bowed in exculpation and hid her trembling hands behind her back; her father slowly turned his face to her, and she felt her shoulders turning almost into rock

"You visit the mall frequently but never had you taken so long to get back home, and you better not do it again"

"It will never happen again" her father's silence indicated her that she was free to leave, so she walked to the stairs releasing half a sigh

"Hinata" he stopped her "why is your dress dirty and wrinkled?"

She turned to him again, trying to sound coherent "I… I…stumbled with something on the floor and fell"

"So all of a sudden you have become clumsy enough to fall over and get home later than you were expected" Hiashi smeared, staring directly at her daughter's eyes, face neutral… unsettling "Leave" he mustered clenching his jaw

Hinata directed her feet to her room at a normal pace, controlling her urge to run away. Once inside her room, door shut and her back against it, she wrapped her torso with her arms tightly, wishing for Neji to be there with her, if only to give her strength with his presence

She closed her eyes and remembered all she could about him, until she got to feel his warmth again… for the briefest moment