Hello my lovelies. I am back with a new story even though I should be worrying about my other stories that I am working on updating little by little. Anyways, this story has been bouncing around in my brain for some time now so I thought that I should upload it and see how many people like it. Without further ado, I give you the first part of Sweet Dreams.

o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o Sweet Dreams o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o

"Hello Desdemona," a faintly accented voice from a man with stormy blue eyes and brown hair who looked to be in early adulthood.

"Storm!" a girl with flawless mocha skin greeted, bright silver eyes gazing up at the taller male happily. "I was wondering when you'd get here."

"I had nest matters that required my attention," he explained as he sat down on the grassy hill right next to the girl.

"Was it Stan again?" Desdemona asked with an eyeroll. She was completely used to the cowboy vampire's antics by now.

"I am afraid so."

"He really is a handful," she laughed softly while she leaned against the man's side.

"Hmm," Storm commented. A contented sigh left Desdemona's lips when Storm raised an arm to wrap it around her waist.

"I wish I could actually be here with you," Desdemona sighed with a frown.

"As do I," Storm agreed sadly. "I may be able to touch you and faintly smell your scent, but it is not enough. I cannot feel your warmth and if I am not concentrating, I cannot smell you."

Desdemona's silver eyes showed her sadness at Storm's words as she placed a hand on his cheek.

"I could get a plane ticket to Dallas," she offered. "I'm off from classes until August and all I need to do is get time off work."

"I would love that illuminatio mea (my light)."

The two then settled into each other comfortably as they watched the stars above.



"It's been exactly three years from tonight that we met."

"Is it? I feel like it has been shorter."

"You tried to kill me," Desdemona pouted playfully.

"You tried to tackle me to hug me," Storm deadpanned, his ash blue eyes showing no humor while the subtle wind blew through his carmel colored hair.

"To be fair, I have grown up with the knowledge of mates since I was born," Desdemona huffed. "I have been waiting for you my whole life."

"I believe I have more years over you," Storm smirked softly. "After I had learned of the possibility of mates a thousand years ago, I have been waiting for you."

There was silence until Desdemona bumped into Storm playfully.

"You're either a child or very stubborn," she grumbled, trying in vain to hold in her smile.

"Says the one who caught my gaze and then proceeded to have a staring contest."

"I see no point."

Through the course of their talk, both could feel the oncoming dawn.

"It is time for us to part," Storm admitted with a sigh as he rose to his feet then helped Desdemona to hers.

"Before you go," Desdemona began with a blush on her cheeks. "I need to ask you something."

"Whatever you require, only ask of me and I shall do my best to fulfil it," Storm promised while he looked down into her eyes.

"Will...Will you give me my first kiss?"

The only thing that betrayed Storm's surprise was the silence that went on for a few minutes.


"You have never been kissed before?"

"On the cheek, but not on the lips," she admitted. "I've been saving my kiss for my hugr*."

A low purr of approval began in Storm's chest as he pulled Desdemona close and tipped her face up by her chin.

"I am honored by your gift," he whispered against her lips before he finally pressed his lips to hers. There was no spark like Desdemona expected, nor did Storm make the kiss frenzied. Instead, she only felt a sense of completeness and contentment. Storm on the other hand felt her aura become a soothing balm on his soul and the beast that lay slumbering inside. The sweet kiss lingered when Storm pulled back to let Desdemona catch her breath.

"How was your first kiss?" Storm asked her softly.

"Better than I imagined," she smiled up at him. "There is another thing I wanted to tell you."

"What is it little one?"

"I love you Goðrik de Gaul."

Again the man was greatly surprised while Desdemona nervously waited for his answer.


She could not utter any other words past his name for her form began to fade from sight. As she faded more and more, she looked panicked. Her silver eyes flew about as if to find what was causing her to fade but came up with nothing. In her desperation to not leave, she reached out towards Godric in hopes that he would reach back. There was half a second of shock running through Godric's mind before he reached out to her.



His touch was enough to keep her there for a few more minutes longer, but in the end she knew they were going to be parted.

"Godric, I need you to answer me," she insisted. "I need to know if you love me."

"Desdemona, I-,"

Godric never had the chance to finish his sentence because that was when she was ripped from the little haven that they had created together so that they were forced apart.

*Hedr= Soulmate/Mate

There you have it folks. I have four more chapters already typed up so they should be posted shortly. As always if you have any questions, comments, or concerns about this story shoot me a pm or leave a review. Remember, reviews are magic!