Melissa cursed herself. She should have trusted her judgment. She knew in her heart that Noah loved Claudia deeply and losing her had been hard on him. Granted that it had been more than two months since her friend's death, but the Sheriff was still drinking his pain away. Anna, their friend and herself had been taking care of Stiles mostly so as not to burden the sheriff but today they were both unavailable and they both trusted the Sheriff to remain sober for a few hours to look after the boys. Clearly she was wrong.

They were waiting outside the hospital operating room, the Sheriff pacing-clearly worried and Melissa soothing a traumatized Scott. She had managed to convince Scott that Stiles was going to be alright yet he remained clinging to her, unwilling to let her out of his personal space. She managed to get Scott talking as to what had happened and he had given her a teary eyed description as to what had taken place. When asked about what they had been doing in the attic instead of in the backyard or in Stiles's room, Scott confessed that it was Stiles idea. He said that Stiles was missing his mommy so much and that he wanted something of her to keep with him.

The Sheriff after hearing this confession felt even more guilty than earlier. He was the one who was unable to stay in the constant memories of Claudia around the house, so he had put all her things and all their photographs away into the depths of the attic where he didn't have to face them. He had failed to acknowledge that Stiles might still need and miss the stuff around in the absence of his mother. If he hadn't put the stuff away …if hadn't been drinking …if he had been looking after his son like he was supposed to do, …IF…. IF…. IF …. Then Stiles wouldn't be in the hospital, having an operation to reattach his lost toe.

God! His baby boy lost a part of his body today and what was he doing? He was drinking, lost in his own world when he was supposed to watch out for the boys… to take care of them. He crumbled on the floor, his legs giving out, sobs wreaking his frame. Claudia would be so disappointed in him. He failed to keep the promise that he made his beloved. He channeled his shame and guilt towards resolution. He resolved in that instant that he won't drown himself in alcohol any more. He will take care of his son and he won't let any harm come to him in the future.


Melissa watched the various expressions cross the sheriff's face…. Guilt, fear, shame and later determination and resolve. She felt hopeful that this would be a turning point and that things would be better from now on.


The doctor came after what felt like hours. He assured the Sheriff that Stiles was going to be completely fine. He may face some issues with balance in the near future but in the long run he would be able to perform all the tasks like running and playing games without any further complication and like any other kid his own age.

The Sheriff was then permitted to visit Stiles which he accepted thankfully.


Later, when Stiles was brought back home, Noah presented Stiles with a photograph of himself, Stiles and Claudia.

"Thanks dad." Stiles accepted the photo with a teary smile.

"I am sorry son… for the past few months, I wasn't myself. Losing your mom was hard on me but I should have known how much harder this has been for you. I should have been there for you. I'm sorry son, I'm so so sorry." The sheriff hugged his now sobbing son into his arms and begged him for his forgiveness.

Stiles hugged his dad back just as fiercely. The past few months had felt like he had lost both his parents, his mom to the illness and his dad to the grief but now, in this moment, Stiles feels like he has his dad back and maybe all wasn't right in the world yet but it was at least headed in that direction.


"yeah, Stiles?"

"I miss mom."

" I know son, I miss her too."


"yeah, Stiles?"

"I love you."

"I love you too kiddo, to the moon and back." The sheriff whispered the words that Claudia used to say.

The End.