Hello, everyone. Here is one of my first Criminal Minds fan fiction.

Disclaimer: I don't own Criminal Minds. Criminal Minds belongs to the creator, Jeff Davis. I don't own any of the original characters. I'm not going to lie, I'm über nervous about creating this story. I'll try and get to my other stories when I can; I have a serious case of writer's block, along with school, part-time job, etc.

For this chapter, it's a prologue. Enjoy and I look forward to hearing from you all.

Please enjoy and please review, too; constructive criticism is always appreciated.


So much has happened to him throughout his years…

His mother's paranoid schizophrenia…his father leaving him and his mother…the relentless bullying he faced for being a child prodigy…. graduating school early….degree after degree…joining the FBI at a young age…his first kill during a hostage situation...abduction and torture…drug abuse…his mentor leaving the team…seeing his father all so many years for an unsolved cold case and the buried memories…his godson, Henry's birth…JJ leaving the team…then Emily…only to learn that her death was faked before leaving again…losing his first love in front of him to 'this bitch of a nobody'…the two weeks alone in his apartment…letting her go…JJ's abduction...Alex left…JJ's secret...the death of his mentor…trying to grieve his death…another godson…Kate left…struggling to accept the fact that his mother may be slowly losing her memory during a game of 'cat-and-mouse'…Morgan's abduction, being a godfather again to Morgan's son, named in his honor and leaving the team…Hotch's arrest…the thirteen unsubs that escape prison, including the infamous Peter 'Mr. Scratch' Lewis…Hotch leaving the team to go into Witness Protection with his son, Jack because of Scratch…taking matters into his own hands to help his mother…wrongful arrest…hell in prison…his mother caught in the middle…another 'cat-and-mouse' game…the team's accident catching Mr. Scratch…Walker…PTSD/PTSS...probation...reinstated into the FBI…

And now this…

"You ready, little lady?" He whispered to her as he held the newborn baby in his arms. "Are you ready to beddy-bye?"

Gently laying her down in the white and pink bassinet he just bought, assembled and placed in the room as he wanted to make sure she was comfortable enough, even in her pink onesies. "Okay. There we go. Oh, shh-shh-shh. Oh, good night, sweet little Anastasia."

Anastasia slightly moved as she just barely opened her mouth and eyes. "Aw, what's wrong, Anastasia? Do you miss your mommy…and your brothers, too?"

She rubbed her sleepy eyes and pulled her tiny ears, "Oh," He soon had one of his fingers wrapped around Anastasia's little hand and his fingers gently through her curly medium brown-almost dark hair. "You know, one day when you're old enough, you'll know everything you need to know about them, but until then, what I can tell is that they all loved you more than anything else in this entire world, especially since a lot has happened to them. Do you want to know their names? Your mother's name was Geneviève and your brothers' names…were Ovid, Tiberius, Mario, and Anthony…"

A few days earlier…

"You are going find him, right?" A woman with flawlessly radiant medium-dark brown tawny-copper colored skin, a very slim face with piercing upturned-almond-shaped hazel eyes, well-arched eyebrows, Cupid's bow lips, high cheekbones and dimples, long neck and her wildly wavy and curly black-brown hair in a ponytail, asked as Reid gave her a glass of water.

"Ma'am…" Reid tries to calm the woman down.

"You don't know that man," There was panic in her voice as she smoothly rubbed her very pregnant belly. "You don't know him at all. He will…"

"Agents and officers will be driving by periodically, along with the extra security." JJ assured her.

"And I'll be able to see my sons again, right?"

"Yes, ma'am. Call us if you need anything, okay?"

"You know, if anything were to happen to me, I just to leave this world knowing that my children are loved and I all I want for them to know that they would be with people who will love them...make them feel safe…and protected."

"We got her!" Reid said, searching the rest of the house. There, he and Rossi found her on a bloody luxury King-sized bed protectively clutching onto something. Getting closer to her,

"Rossi, call an ambulance!"

"This is Agent Rossi with the FBI," Speaking into the wire in his vest, "We need medical attention! We have a pregnant woman who had just recently given birth and in complications!"

"Ms. Geneviève…" Reid said with extreme concerned.

"Please…" She said in a soft voice, holding the bloody and wet newborn baby in her arms, wrapped in a pink blanket and screaming softly. "Help my baby…"

"Ambulance should be here soon. Hang on, Geneviève! Hang on!"

"It's a girl..." She gave them a braving smile as she showed them her newborn child.

"She's perfect." Reid complimented. "What's her name?"

"Anastasia…uh…Anastasia Nicole…Mathilde…." She let out a quiet painful cry. "…uh…Diana."

"My mother's name is Diana."

"Oh." Letting out another painful cry. "Lucky you…ahhh! Oh! I…I…"

"Hang in, ma'am! You're going to be okay! Rossi, find a first-aid kit!"

"Kitchen…" She said gently.

"It's in the kitchen."

While Rossi rushed out and into the kitchen, "Please…" Geneviève said, "Don't leave me…"

"I'm not leaving you, ma'am…"

Grabbing a hold of his arm, "I need to tell you something…"

"Oh, god!"

"Prentiss! We just found the rest of the family…"

"…And her four sons…"

Washington D.C. Hospital

Prentiss said as she just got off the phone, "That was Metro PD and…"

A doctor just walked out and into the waiting room, where the team was waiting for the news,

"Well?" Reid broke the silence.

Taking a shaky breath, "I'm sorry; she never made it off the table."

All the team's faces turned somber; Rossi sighed heavily before sitting back down, JJ had her hand over her mouth, Reid looked the most upset and devastated as if he was ready to pass out.

"I can only imagine what's going to happen to that little girl." Tara said.

"I know what you mean. If it were Henry or Michael…they were almost the same age..."

While everyone else was talking around him, he kept thinking about what her mother said to him before he was forced to snap out of his thoughts,

"Reid?" Alvez asked him, "Are you okay, man?"

"You guys…. I…think I may need your help."

"You want to file for emergency custody of her?" A CPS worker asked Reid as they looked through the glass, watching Anastasia recovering in a nursery.

"Yes, ma'am. I would like to foster her."

Sighing with concern, "You do know that even in your line of work and a single foster parent, you'll be taking on a huge amount of responsibilities for her well-being; night feedings and changings, background and psychological tests, records, checkups. You do even have a strong support system outside your line of work?"

"He has us," JJ intervened; the rest of the team behind her, "He's the godfather of three boys, including my two sons: Henry and Michael."

"We're like his second family," Rossi defends him. "We're his support system and we will make sure that baby will always be safe. Can you get your superiors to at least consider him?"

"Please, ma'am. I'll do anything and everything you want me to; at least give me a chance to prove it."

The CPS worker sighed as she grabbed her cell phone, dials a number and puts the phone to her ear, "I'll see what I can do but I'm not promising anything."

Reid has not left his spot since the moment he decided to be a foster father. Still watching Anastasia recovering as he nervously waiting for an answer, he knew that she could always be placed in the foster care system and maybe she'll end up being adopted, but what if that never happened? He knew she needed someone and he wants that someone to be him. He heard footsteps; turning to his left, there were his team members.

Letting out a shaking sigh as he grabbed some hand sanitizer from his satchel bag and used some on himself, "Well?"

"You've been granted emergency temporary custody of Anastasia." JJ smiled, pulling out some papers and hands them to him.

"I have?" Reid grinned as he began to hug the team. "Oh, I don't know how to thank you all."

"You don't have to. Child Protective Services will be contacting you soon and they'll do a home inspection and assessment; they want to see if you're really the right suitable person to look after her."

"Which we all know you'll pass with flying colors."

"And I plan to talk to Cruz about giving you some time off, so she can get settled with you." Prentiss said.

"I figured you'd be hungry, so we got you a wrap from the cafeteria." Tara offered.

The team witnesses a nurse taking Anastasia out of her nursery before making her way out of the room and asked,

"Which one of you is Dr. Spencer Reid?"

"I am, ma'am."

"She's all yours." She said just as she put the baby in his arms, with a smile before walking into the room. "Be careful. Watch her head. She's in your hands now."

"Aw. She's so precious." Tara complimented as the team gathered around him.

"Reminds me of the day my daughters were born." Simmons said.

"Remember the first time Hotch brought Jack and you said, 'If you find baldness and wrinkles attractive?'" JJ asked him.

"I know. Now, I have a different view."

"Wait until Garcia sees her." Rossi said, knowing how she would react.

"Oh, I can imagine, alright." Luke said, chuckling.

"Why the sudden decision to care for her?"

"Because of her mother. I just want her to let her know that her daughter will be safe. And loved. And protected. I know I can do this. I want to do that."

Smiling, "Well, you're not alone, doc."

Later that night (Present)

Reid made sure he had every necessary he would be needing to foster her. The team has been great at everything: Garcia, JJ and Tara helped decorated the extra spare room with toys, books, and colorful decorations, Emily was able to get Reid six weeks of parental leave, Luke and Simmons helped him with the furniture—Simmons and JJ also gave him some advice on handling newborn babies and Rossi helped paid for everything.

"Like I said, one day you'll know everything about them. But until then, you deserve a good life, alright?"

He plays a white noise machine and places it by the white bookshelf; he smiled as he watched the gentle soothing sounds put her to sleep and turned off the light. "Sweet dreams, Anastasia."