Alright new story. I've actually wanted to do this for a while but never got around to it. Before you read I just want to say a few things. One. I'm not great with grammar but I try. Two. Obviously Miraculous isn't owned by me (Thomas Astruc deserves his credit.) Three. Letting you know that another story inspired this one but only the main idea of a pregnant Marinette and the father (Adrien) not being around because he didn't know she was, all back story was my own idea as far as I know but if it isn't, it wasn't deliberately coped. Four. This is a long prologue, so buckle up, you'll be reading for a while. Five. I've noticed I tend to make stories go to fast so let me know if I need to slow down. Six. Enjoy and on with the story.


Chapter 1.
The super duo had been working together for five years and now they had both finished high school and ready to continue their life's, however they agreed to keeping Paris safe even if Papillion was gone. The final battle, about a year after their graduation had been more of a mental battle than a psychical one, and although they came close to it, the two never ending up removing the mask. About a week later when everyone was recovered, Chat asked about an identity reveal, to which Ladybug replied with a 'I'll think about it.'
Two months later Chat Noir had told Ladybug he wanted to talk, at first she suspected it was about removing a few certain masks but instead, it was about how the young boy in the cat suit had to move countries. Apparently he had found out some information that he'd wanted to know for years, of course he didn't say much because his lady hadn't given her permission on an identity reveal, so all he could say if that it had something to do with his mother.
Marinette had already had a pretty annoying few months, trying to deal with the situation of Papillion and trying to keep on top of her university studies, on top of her internship at Gabriel. It wasn't much help that Nino was moving across the city for two or three months and that Alya was busy with her first set of finals and getting her own work experience. Her feelings for Adrien had died down a bit, especially after she ever so subtly starting falling for Chat. Although she had truly excepted her and Adrien wouldn't have been more than friends when he had told them he had to move for a couple of years, all he was allowed to say was that he was going to Tibet. However, Chat Noir telling her about him moving as well, was the icing on the cake, she already starting feeling overwhelmed and a bit lonely, besides Tikki and her parents being as supportive as they could be. She had always counted on Chat to be there, it was almost like a routine for her, telling him everything she could for the last few years, and it was all just changing too fast for her.

As soon as Marinette touched down on her balcony, making sure she hadn't woken her parents, seeing it was twelve in the morning. She started to regretted the words she had said. 'No, you're just abandoning me.' Replayed in her head, those words would make her cry if she wasn't already. Those words were the last thing she said to Chat before swinging back home, probably to never see him again. She knew she wouldn't get any sleep that night, luckily she didn't have any classes or work the next day.

It took about two hours later she stopped crying, she wasn't sure if it was because she wasn't as sad or if she's had just run out of tears. She thought she might finally be able to get some sleep when an all too familiar thud came from her balcony. She raced up there as fast as she could, to see a certain alley cat. It looked as though he had fallen, he was sweeping dust from the front of his body and groaning in pain.

"Kitty." She said unsure tone. She saw the hero freeze and wince at the name.

"Oh Marinette, it's just you, what are you doi— oh sorry, did I wake you?" Chat said realising where he was.
"No, I was uhh... having trouble sleeping. I... do you want to come inside? If that's ok with you of course, we both seem to need some company." Marinette smiled weakly.

"Uhh, umm... I suppose you're right, I need a friendly face."

They talked for a few hours, neither one was tired. It was about 3 in the morning, Marinette had been trying to work up the courage to tell him about Ladybug, but she couldn't. Soon enough Chat Noir picked up on her odd behaviour, when she refused to tell him why she was down, he took to trying to tickle her. Of course Marinette ran away and when Chat tried to catch her, she tripped. The bluenette didn't even realise what had happened until she opened her eyes, a minute later. She had fallen onto Chat, their lips pressed together, her hands had tried to stop her fall so they were right next to his head, his at first tried to catch her but quickly moved his own hands to his side, to make sure he didn't accidentally touch anything 'inappropriate'. Marinette quickly pulled away, apologising profusely, Chat laid there for a minute, confused about the situation. He sat up after about a minute of thinking to hear Marinette still apologising.

"Marinette, stop apologising, it's okay, it was an accident... but I must say, you're a good kisser." He smirked, walking up next to the now red cheeked girl.

"Shut up, I doubt it, I've only kissed a boy twice now." She thought back, it was the time she had kissed Chat to break Dark Cupid's spell, and obviously the time a minute ago where she had kissed Chat again but this time by accident. While Marinette was deep in thought so was Chat, he didn't lie when he told Marinette she was a good kisser, actually it was quite pleasant. He had to admit he had contemplated if he had a crush of the girl throughout the years, but always put it aside when he remembered Ladybug. However, she had made things quite clear tonight, it left a stinging sensation in his heart. That's when Chat made a decision that would affect his whole life but not till six years later.

"Third times a charm." Chat said, grabbing her shoulders carefully and turned her towards him.

"Third times a—" She was cut off by another mouth on hers, she knew this was wrong, she shouldn't deceive Chat like this but it was to... wrongfully right? Chat wanted it, they weren't being forced by a magic spell and it wasn't an accident, he wanted it and being truthful, deep down, she did too. Although they went a bit far, too quickly, actually a lot far, especially when one of them is moving to a different country and the other one was just down the hall from her parents.
In the morning, she was only partly regretting it. She only had two moments of doubt, when Chat explained to Marinette that he was leaving the country and that it wouldn't be able to turn into anything more and asked if she wished to know his identity, which she replied with a 'no'. She didn't think she would be able to live with the guilt if she did. The second is when she watches him without saying a word about her two most hidden secrets.
One. She had been the evil girl to not understand, he needed to do this, for his family, which came first.
Two. She was now in love with the stupid alley cat.

For had been two months since Nino moved across the city.
Two months since she got over Adrien.
Two months since she instead fell in love with her kitty and two months since she watched him leave her balcony, even though she was sure neither of them wanted it.

"Alya, I don't know if I can go out tonight, I'm really tired and feel like throwing up." Marinette complained to the ombréd haired girl, sitting on the couch in front of her.

"Come on Marinette, that's been your excuse for the past month, we finally both have holidays and Nino's finally moved back, we need to go out."

"Alya." Marinette sighed.


"Can I be completely honest with you and you promise not freak out because I'm already having my own mini panic attack on the inside right now."

"Of course, I've been your best friend for five years, I would actually be more surprised if you kept something from me." Alya said, obviously trying to comfort her friend.

"Uhh... ok... well ummm, so please don't assume anything because I don't know myself."

"It's alright, take your time."

"Welllll... I may or may not be like a month or two... late..." Marinette said with caution.

"Late? ... Wait! Oh my god, you mean... oh wow... ok, I'm doing my best to not freak out for your sake, but I'm gonna call Nino, and hopefully he can pick up 'something' from the chemist." Alya said before grabbing by her phone and waiting for her boyfriend to pick up.
It was about ten minutes later that Nino showed up with a plastic bag and a worried look on his face.

Being a mum was something Marinette knew she would want, but she was hoping to get a secure job and maybe start a down-payment on house instead of just moving in to her first apartment. It didn't register at first because she knew there was only one possible father and he could be anywhere in the world. She had been looking at the two pink lines that confirmed what she was trying to avoid knowing.

"Marinette? It's been awhile, is everything ok?" Alya yelled. Marinette exited the bathroom, her pregnancy test in hand.

"So what's it say?" Nino asked, his eyebrows raised in a worried look. All he and Alya saw was a little nod before she started crying. It took about five minutes for Marinette to calm down before she was calm enough to answer their questions.

"Ok the first question is, what are you going to do with it?" Alya asked

"I know I'm keeping it, I could never give it up, a full grow baby or not. I just don't know how I will handle it."

"You will figure it out Mari, you're a creative girl." Alya reassured.

"Oh no." Marinette suddenly said.

"What?" They couple said in time.

"I have to tell my parents."

"Marinette, your parents are Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng, I'm sure they will be more than happy."

"I guess you're right." Marinette laughed.

"Can... can I ask a question." Nino said cautiously.

"Yes?" Marinette replied.

"Who's... Who's the father?"

"I knew this question was coming, I'll be back in a second." Marinette stood and left to her bedroom, opening her closet, where a small kwami had been listening in on their conversation.
After a small conversation with Tikki, they both agreed it was the best and safest option to tell the truth. So that day Marinette told and proved to some of her closest friends, that she was Ladybug and the father of her unborn child was no other than Chat Noir.

It had only been maybe three four months since Adrien left for Tibet. He was given the ok by Master Fu and had Plagg with him, which he was secretly glad of. Unfortunately, the 'mission' to find his mother had destroyed his phone, the only thing he still had with from Paris, and along with it, all his friends contacts. He worried what they would say about him cutting off all contact, would they forgive him? When would he actually be able to go back.
The answer to he didn't even know.

"Ma, I've been gone six years, six years! How can I expect them to forgive me? I don't even know if they are still in Paris." Adrien sighed.

"Adrien, dear, if they are truly your friends they will forgive you and I'm sure you'll be able to find them, you have to remain positive. You found me, and forgave me as well, it's not a whole lot different." Emilie, Adrien's mother, smiled at him just as they felt the plan touch down.
Adrien thought on his mother's words, she was right, well at least we hoped. After he caught up on some sleep, he headed out, he had missed walking the streets of Paris, he missed running along the rooftops as well. He leaned against a door, listening to the city traffic. After checking the time, he began walking, not even making it five steps before crashing into someone that was trying to enter the building.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was off in my own little world." Adrien apologised.

"It's alright, dude, sorta used to it." The voice replied with a laugh.

"Nino..." Adrien blinked. He couldn't believe how good and bad his luck was at one time.

"Yeah, who are yo- no way, Adrien Agreste. I thought you were... like dead or something, dude." Nino said with a raised eyebrow, clearly annoyed now.

"You're right, I'm sorry, I have an explanation, it might not be the best one but I can try." Adrien began.

"Alright, I'll let you try but you only get one shot, what you did was a pretty hard to get through." Nino winced as he said this, almost as though suppressing some memories.

"I'm having a house warming party this afternoon, give me your phone number and I'll text you the address, everyone close to us will be there it's better if you explain to everyone." Nino explained, Adrien agreed and gave his childhood friend his new number before they parted ways.

As Adrien was being driven to the address he was sent, he couldn't help but think how much Nino had changed, but ever so subtly. He had grown a bit and there was an obvious difference in the pitch of his voice. Also the facial features had become more masculine and he had switched to a smaller frame of glasses. He was wearing a blue t-shirt and a black hoodie that had the sleeves pushed up. You could see some tattoos on the left arm and he also noticed two sliver earrings on each ear, that match the sliver chain of his navy blue jeans. The most noticeable differences that only people from his childhood days would be aware of, the boy had changed his cap for a proper Snapback, even though it was still red and his earphones had been replaced by a cordless ear piece.
How much did the other's change? Of course he felt guilty about not being able to contact them, but hoped them would understand. He continued his thought for about ten minutes.

Adrien's car stopped and he got out to see a very typical Nino style house, the house had a matte black door with a music note door knocker, Adrien laughed, memoires of his own returning. It took about half a minute before the door opened to reveal Nino, dressed in the same outfit as earlier. Nino gestured him inside, closing the door, he leads Adrien to a bunch of voices.

"Who was it, babe?" A voice asked.

"Well I found this rug rat out on the streets had he wanted to explain, so I'm giving him a shot." Nino said as Adrien followed behind. There was a gasp from the room, he looked around to see many familiar faces, surprising enough he recognised everyone in the room. Rose and Juleka sat on the far end of the room chatting to Nathaniel, while a small group of Alya, Chloe and Marinette. They all changes a bit but Marinette, she had changed a lot but being totally honest he still had a sore spot for her.

"Adrien...?" Chloe whispered.

"The one and only Adrien Agreste isn't dead in a gutter?" Alya almost shouted.

"Hey guys, nice to see you all again, you might not believe me but it really is."

"So my dude, you gotta a lot of explaining to do. Give us the info." Nino said, receiving quite a few nods, so Adrien sat down just as Nino did.

"Well, even now I'm not a loud to say much but when the chance arises I'll tell everyone everything in full detail. What I can say right now is that I was mugged. My phone, wallet, passport even, all stolen. I had nothing left of my life back home in Paris, it almost caused me to fall into a depression at one point. This 'mission' of mine, it meant I wasn't allowed to get a new phone or have any contact with you all. I ended up finding my mother, which was how I managed to come back. That was emotionally draining enough, waiting for the day I could come back to my childhood friends really felt longer than you thought. I thought about you all every day, how you all were doing and how your lives were going. I never lost contact with guys on purpose. I would do anything to make up for the years I've lost with you people. I only came back two days and I had already began to set things up to find you guys, but I ran into Nino before that happened." Adrien finished, his explanation was confusing but it seemed to get the message across.

"I think we need to talk this over quickly, come on guys, we'll go to the kitchen." Alya said beckoning the others to follow.

"I'll stay here, I'm gonna talk to Adrien a second." Marinette said as the other's left.

Adrien turned his head to Marinette, she had surly changed the most psychically, Juleka came in a close second. Marinette's bangs had grown out a bit and the bit that used to be at the top of her eyebrows was now hanging out of her messy bun, close to her jaw. She was wearing a black long sleeve, that went off her right shoulder, there was a small slit in the sleeves where her thumbs went through. Her red skirt went mid-thigh and underneath she wore cream stockings. She had her classic black flats still but the shoes she wore today were more pointed at the ends and had a more 'feminine' aura.

"Look Adrien, I can tell you're telling the truth about most of your explanation. I really don't mind if you're lying about some parts, you will have your reasons. However, for me to forgive you, you must promise me one thing." Marinette said, looking directly into his eyes. Something he wasn't really used to, it only really happened in their last year of high school and when he was Chat Noir. The thought caused a slight emotional pain when the memory was in his mind for too long.

"Anything, what is it?"

"This time around you can't just leave and show up six years later, if you want to be our friend again you have to promise not to ditch us. I know it wasn't really your fault but Nino had a lot trouble with your 'disappearance' and so did Alya and I. We all worried, and I don't want them to go through that again." Marinette said with a slight sadness in her voice.

"I promise." And it was the truth, if they were really going to forgive him this easily then he would never do that to them again, he could only image what they went through.

"Well that's good to know." Alya's voice said behind them.

"Yeah, because we talked it over and we will to forgive you dude, with some effort of course. I don't think that I would've no to your apology, you were a great friend and I can't let someone like you go" Nino chimed in. Adrien thanked them all over and over again. When a scream came from the other end of the house.

"What was th—" Adrien was cut off by three little figures running past him, one went to Alya and the other two Marinette. Each child yelling 'Mama, mama.' at said women, Adrien thought it was adorable, that was until his mind had time to process it.

"Wait! Mama?" Adrien said looking back and forth between the women and children.

"Surprise?" Alya, Nino and Marinette said in unison, while the others laughed.

End of Chapter.
This is the new and improved chapter, hope you all enjoyed. Till next time…