a/n: note at end.



the end.


i simply wished to be,

i simply wanted to be free.


they would not leave.

she would not be released.


i slowly gave up,

the words they said was enough.


she was falling.


wondering how this happened

how everything became fallen


she was



one step to fall off the cliff

just one to enter the mist


she stared.

down, down, down.


staring down from up above

wondering if i'll find a dove


only one step.

one step.

and she would fall.


and in that moment i knew

the action that i had to do


she knew.

and she would step.

it was simply fate.


and i have no fear,

for the end is near.






a/n: this month has been an amazing month for writing, ahhh i've written some of my favorite works this month. a lot of things have also happened this month: relationships. calls. a certain harrowing trip.

but anyway, this has been awesome and i'll stop being sentimental by saying: