On the night of Halloween, a girl who is indeed a demon used to be a normal girl. On every Halloween night she comes to take away your life when you are sleeping. Now you would ask the question why does she do it? I'll give you the story of this girl who was a normal girl. This happened so many centuries ago, back in the 1700s there were the witch trials, and this girl seemed to be a witch she has Raven black hair and she was very pale. To the people who thought she was witch decided to put her though the witch trials. Back in that day, she was killed by drowning her, when she died people relaxed and said oh so she was a normal girl. Now this was October 31st in the 1700s, when she died she became a demon due to those people who thought she was a witch, so now you know her story. Now in 2017, she will appear with the exact same outfit, black dress, black shoes and now her eyes are pitch black. On Halloween night, she will be stalking around in alleys to find her next victim. She will jump out on you and she will use her razor sharp teeth and claws to take down her victim, then she'll drain your blood and then your soul. This girl's name is Raven she's 13 yrs old due to being killed at the age; she will come and haunt and taunt you until you go insane. She will kill you in your sleep, so my one warning is to be aware of Raven the demon girl. She will keep on haunting and taunting you, when Halloween comes, so I tell you, be careful on Halloween night, she might be lurking in the shadows. Raven is a demon girl who will feed off your fear, your blood, and your soul, so be careful or she's come to you.