The Hidden Truth

Chapter 8

AN: Hello everyone, welcome to chapter 8 of THT and a late merry Christmas to you all. I've had a lot of things going on lately. Recently got myself a laptop so writing can be a lot easier for me. My job was making me work seven days a week, but hopefully that's over by now. I want to try and increase my update speed nonetheless, you came here for a story after all and not to hear me whine about my personal life.

This chapter is a bit different than the others, but that's how I intended it. It has suggestive themes, hinting at rape and stuff like that. This story is still a far way from lemons, for those of you that are here for it, but they do come later, just much later. I hope you all enjoy, and R&R if you can. I'd appreciate it.

Disclaimer(This is the last time that I'll be using this, so this goes for the rest of the story): GameFreak and Nintendo own pokemon and I am in no way associated with creating the content or any of its characters. I just own my characters, and that's it.

Recap: Kentral, Kayla and Ryan get healed up in Pewter City after a run in with Team X. In attempts to grow stronger as a team, the trio head back to Route 2 to train for a gym battle. After setting up camp and getting settled in, Ryan and Kayla have a private conversation that reveals the eevee might have some hidden affection for her trainer.

Route 2

The sun's light began to pierce through my closed eyelids that next morning, which wasn't surprising to me, due to the tent that we slept in being rather thin in its texture. At least it was a good silent alarm for when sunrise came to Kanto. Opening my eyes, I was meet with the roof of the nearly transparent tan tent, finding it somewhat odd that I fell asleep on my back when I usually slept on my side or on my belly instead. Despite my vision being blurry at first, I could tell that it was time to rise and shine.

I turned my head over to my right, seeing that Kayla was still in my sleeping bag, curled up in a ball of soft fluff that seemed to sneak under my arms while I slept. The eevee gave me a warm feeling that made me not want to move away from her. Giving the vixen a smile, I reminded myself that I was always grateful for having her as my partner and my best friend…

I didn't notice him right away, but I could hear Ryan quietly snoring on the other side of the tent. I turned my head in his direction, seeing that his body slightly rose before it fell again with each of his snores, reminding me of the way that Chow slept. I chuckled in silence, deciding to let the two of them sleep. They deserve a break, with all that training and not to mention the trouble we seem to get ourselves into…

I finally slipped out of the sleeping bag, barely making any noise while doing so before tip-toeing out of the tent like a ninja. I guess a walk is a good way to start the day. At least until they wake up. I shouldn't be gone for more than a few minutes...

The pidgey were soaring over the tall trees, tweeting their morning song as I strolled through the outskirts of Route 2. The grass rose to my ankles at this point, and felt like a soft cushion for each step I took in contrast to the small stones that I would find myself tripping over every few minutes. Everything seemed peaceful, no thugs around, no anything. Just pure peace, and I was enjoying it while it lasted.

"Heh, even if I did somehow get used to all of that action…" I told myself with a chuckle. "It feels good to not have to fight anyone for a while." Looking back, I really had nobody to blame but myself for always putting myself into these situations, with Kayla just wanting to tag along. I do actually think about leaving it to the authorities, but it always seemed like whenever there was a huge crime organization running around, they never looked like they were doing anything about it.

In a somewhat twisted way, this didn't annoy me in the slightest. The past couple of days have definitely been one of a kind, and in a way, have been a great way to experience life outside of Pallet Town. Through all of the action though, I think that I have made it clear I like those moments when I could just kick back with Kayla and talk to her, play, maybe battle a few people and just relax without feeling that there was a weight on my shoulders. That eevee and I really got along, and that was just putting it lightly. We were around the same age and somewhat thought alike, so it made a bit of sense to me that she'd follow my lead wherever I go. It wasn't just that of course, but I felt like we were meant for one another. My companionship with her was probably the most enjoyable part of this adventure of ours. Though it made me wonder, was she searching for something too?

Ryan. He isn't even officially my pokemon, but despite that fact, he got along with the two of us just fine. I didn't know too much about him besides the fact that he lives in and defends Viridian Forest, but I wanted to spend more time with him in the future too. That is, if the future allowed it. That reminds me, I told him we were going to the gym. He seemed confident enough for it…

I actually did forget about the gym for a moment, but it wasn't near as troublesome as facing thugs every other day. Ryan had a pretty good reason to beef with Team X, who invaded his home and kidnapped his friends. He wanted to get stronger, and there was no way that I planned to deny him any help. It did make me wonder what did those goons plan to do with all of those pokemon.

Being lost in my thoughts, I noticed the sound of worried squawks coming from in front of me. When I looked up ahead, I saw a flock of the same pidgey that I saw before, only that they were going in the opposite direction, towards me!

I covered my head and ducked for cover as the pidgey zipped by me in a flash, a few of the hurried bunch almost slamming into me before they took off into the sky. I stood up and watched the pidgey fly away, still squawking with horrified expressions on their faces. I quickly reminded myself to put on my bandanna, which was still in my pocket. I quickly tied the red cloth around my neck in hopes I could catch an earful of what they were saying, but no dice. They were already too far for me to hear them.

Everything was dead silent now, only leaving me to look into the direction of where the birds came from. I guessed that something happened in those trees while the pidgey were probably hunting for bugs. I wondered to myself if I should really go see what the big deal was, it could have just been a pokemon there that was too strong for them. I stood there for what seemed like forever until I heard something, voices to be exact.

I couldn't hear what the voices were saying, but I guessed for there to be two of them. One sounded like a guy that was yelling, not a frightened yell by the way. The yell was like someone who was determined to prove himself right in an argument, or at least they were really angry. Then I listened to the other one. This one...was much more distressed, and I couldn't tell what it was distressed about. Maybe it was just a couple arguing...but my feet were already moving in the direction of the sound. It wasn't any of my business, but this was something that I would call a nasty habit I need to quit…Without much protest from anyone else, I cautiously made way toward the direction of the voices...

I was close now, at least, that's what I could tell. The yelling had stopped a short while ago, and the only thing I could hear was some heavy breathing and someone else talking, this time only one person doing the speaking. Knowing that I was close enough, I decided to use my head for once and took cover behind a few convenient bushes for me to safely scope from. I was close enough to the possible danger zone, nearly right next to it from how well I could hear everything that was going on.

Peaking my head over the bushes and scanning over the area, I noticed that I was near a small clearing that was hidden in the dense trees, with two figures being there. The first of those figures was actually a pokemon, being a light blue in color. It had huge ears that were equivalent in size to its head, and had barbs sticking from those ears and its back as well. With its white tummy and small, but sharp claws, I could see that this was clearly a nidorina. She had a defeated and ashamed look on her face, and with her face gazing down at the dirt and grass, I could barely see her bright magenta eyes shedding tears.

All across her body were cuts and bruises, the cuts looked like they would have had to come from either another pokemon's claws or a knife. Something glimmered next to her in the grass, catching my attention quicker than I would have liked. From what I could tell of its nearly clear color and lunar shine, that would have been a moonstone, a stone that pushed nidorina and its male counterpart to evolve.

Bringing my attention to the other figure, I noticed it to be a man who was scraping something off of his boot with what had to be a pocket knife with a sadistic grin on his face. I clenched my teeth and growled under my breath when I saw his orange jumpsuit and the blue 'X' across his chest. Just who were these guys!? And why do I keep running into them!? Despite my inner rage telling my instincts to go berserk on him right away, I stopped myself when I heard him speak.

"Heh, I told you to evolve, you stupid bitch." the man told the nidorina with a snort, who ignored him as she tried to dry her tears, which only dripped over her stubby arms as she aimed to keep her grief to herself. I could hear her quietly sobbing to herself, and for some reason I thought that I cared for her more than she did for herself. Why didn't she just poison the goon!? "I was told you were the best damn nidorina out there, yet you won't evolve, making you useless for anything but a good fucking." sneered the man, chuckling to himself as I wondered what in the world did he mean by that.

Looking between the two, I definitely did notice the connection with the cuts and bruises on the nidorina to the man that sat with her. It wasn't until I got an even closer look at the nidorina that my already gritted teeth were going to shatter due to the force they were putting out with my anger. I only just noticed the awkward way the nidorina was sitting, her body facing away from the grunt while her legs shifted about more than what I would have called normal. That wasn't even the worse detail, no.

Not by far.

There was blood. From what I gathered, there was a lot of her...special area. My face grimaced, scrunching up to the point to where I was easily giving myself a headache with all of my wrinkles. Her...womanhood was bleeding, ravaged, and I found myself disgusted from looking at it alone. I glared toward the Team X grunt as he laughed sadistically, my eyes dilating and my breathing picking up to a much faster rate than what was considered normal. This...asshole, took advantage of this pokemon...What the hell…? WHAT THE HELL! Though it was only in my mind, I had never felt hatred toward anyone more than this sorry asshole right here. To the point where he was making me shout out profanities, which I have barely ever used before, if not at all.

Laughing. He just kept laughing as the poor poison pokemon silently sobbed to herself. I couldn't take it anymore, this was going to end right here, right now.

I started to move, causing the bushes to rustle which quickly gained the attention of the grunt and the nidorina who was with him. I didn't care anymore, I was practically hissing with malice in my eyes, steam pouring from my nostrils and my ears. My hands were into fist, which were starting to shake. I was pissed, and for some reason...I found myself crying too.

The nidorina looked at me, not saying a word before the man stood up in a jiff once he saw that I have been eavesdropping on him. "Hey! What do you think you're doing!? You fucking punk, do you want to get killed!?" the grunt yelled at me, though I barely heard him in my rage. I watched his hands, his right was holding his pocket knife. It shook slightly, and his index and thumb fingers were a little too close to the blade. One wild swing and he would probably cut himself. His right hand only proved to be a decoy though, as his left was sneaking toward his belt, where a single pokeball rested. From what I could tell, this guy barely knew how to use said pocket knife, and whatever was in that ball of his he had more confidence in than his own swing.

My mind started to race quicker than what felt like time itself. I would find myself in deep trouble if that pokemon came out of its ball. I had nothing to fend it off with, not even Kayla or Ryan, who could have been very well still asleep in the tent, which was a ways away from here. I knew that I couldn't afford that type of risk, so as usual, I did something hasty.

Without a single thought, I rammed myself into the man, making him lose his breath and drop his pocket knife on the floor right next to us as I fell on top of him. I quickly grabbed to pokeball in his belt and chucked it into the distance. Who knew how far it went.

In a blind rage, I threw a relentless hail of punches straight into the grunt's face. I was instantly met with blood flying onto my face and my fist as the man squirmed and yelled under me, trying to use one of his hands to push me off. I smacked that disgusting hand away from me before I continued to rain hell on his face, which started to bruise in multiple places and bleed around places like his eye and mouth. I let out a feral roar as I gave him my combo, and I didn't plan to stop until a swift slice to my side made me give a silent gasp.

I slightly wheezed, tumbling off of the man and over to my side, doubling over in pain as I held the side of my stomach. He cut me in a really sensitive and fleshy spot, where it started to instantly leak with my blood with a horrible, stinging pain. I glared over to the man, who by now was starting to get to his feet, with my blood on his knife, which the blade he had in his hand. He was now leaking blood from said hand, but that didn't seem to matter to him when he hobbled away, not bothering to give me a second glance before he disappeared into the trees. I sucked my teeth as I continued to hold my side, cursing myself for being stupid enough to not see such an obvious attack coming. At the same time, I never expected to get as enraged as I did…

I continued to hold my wound, trying to keep my breath steady though I barely managed to keep myself from sounding hoarse. My blood was starting to leak over my hand as I looked around, eventually noticing the nidorina, who was staring at me with a blank expression that said she didn't know what to think. I finally remembered the reason that I was so enraged to begin with. I frowned at the poor pokemon, hoping that I could do something to help her out. If anything, she had dealt with a lot more pain than I was dealing with right now.

I had little strength, but I forced my legs to pick myself up. My legs slightly shook with each step I took as I wobbled over to the nidorina. Before I could get too close however, she growled at me and took a defensive stance on all fours, though she stumbled a little due to the sudden movement after not so pleasant events.

"Stay away, boy!" hissed the poison type, making me instantly stop in my slow tracks as her barbs raised up defensively. "Touch me, and you die." If she had fur, it would be standing on end the exact way her barbs were. I gulped and stepped back as her magenta eyes seemed to burn with an inferno, and she stared me down. She was serious, and I wouldn't dare try to touch her without having the proper antidote to counter her poison.

I weakly pulled my pokedex out of my pocket, which I decided to bring along with me just in case I ran into some interesting pokemon, and pointed it in the nidorina's direction as she stood her ground. I read the information I found in my head. Nidorina, known as the Poison Pin Pokemon. They usually are docile with a gentle and caring nature. The horn on its head develops slower than their male counterparts, and they prefer not to fight. When they do fight, they prefer physical attacks such as clawing or biting. Despite being gentle in nature, never upset one.

That last sentence seemed more believable than the rest. This nidorina literally just threatened the guy that saved her while having a stinging cut in his stomach. So much more gentle and caring, but this nidorina did seem different than others of its kind in the physical sense too. Her thorns were longer than what was normal, and she stood a few inches over three feet tall, definitely bigger than the average height for them. Though I couldn't tell from that alone whether or not she was stronger than any other of her kind like that thug suggested.

"Look...I just wanna help you out. Just look at you, you're hurt pretty bad. I can't…" I had to take a deep breath, with the pain in my side only starting to sting more as seconds turned into minutes. "I can't leave you out here like this…"

The nidorina stared me in the eyes for a short moment, as if reading my mind to see if I were telling the truth. I got my answer when she turned her back toward me and crossed her arms, keeping in mind to keep her barbs raised at me.

"No, now leave me be." was all I heard come from her in a stern voice.

I grumbled under my breath to her blunt answer as she turned her head to look at me, only giving me an angry frown that said that she clearly didn't want my help. The pain in my side was getting worse, and I knew that it would be a bad idea to stay out here without help much longer. I certainly didn't want to leave this nidorina hanging, and I wasn't going to.

My face straightened as I went silent, pulling a pokeball out of my pocket and pressing it so that it would enlarge. The nidorina's eyes dilated to specks as her nostrils bursted with steam before she took her defensive stance once again, clawing at the ground as if to intimidate me. "What the hell is your problem!? Go away, I swear I will kill you if you even dare to- Eep!"

My pokeball accidentally bounced off of her head before absorbing her inside with a bright flash of red. I didn't mean to hit her on the head, maybe somewhere like on the arm, but I didn't exactly have the best aim when I actually haven't captured a wild pokemon for real. Kayla was already willing to leave with me, and Ryan wasn't exactly my pokemon either. Either way, this isn't something that I would actually like to celebrate at the moment. There was no question about it, I did what I had to do. With all of the pain she went through already, it was clear that she was too weak to break the hold of the pokeball, and she went in without a single nudge. The first thing I needed to do was head back to the campsite and pack it up…

I had finally made it back to the campsite after a half hour with careful steps. I had gotten used to the pain just enough for me to walk a little like normal, though each of my steps made me feel as if I were weighed down by bricks. By what must have been coincidence, Kayla and Ryan were just stepping out of the tent. Ryan wiping his eyes of post sleep debris while Kayla attempted to focus on grooming her fur, which was all ruffled up after a rough night's sleep, she probably had a bad dream or something.

I couldn't help but smile at the sight of my friends, making the events of earlier nearly fade away. Of course, nearly wasn't near enough. My expression instantly changed to a frown the moment they noticed me, along with the blood over my hand and thick wet spot under the tear in my shirt.

Kayla and Ryan both dashed over to my side before I even knew it, the both of them shouted "What the heck happened to you, Kentral!?" The both of them examined me as they threw question after question at me, like 'Who did it?' or 'Why didn't you tell us to come with you?' Sadly, there wasn't much time to answer these questions, at least not in my mind. The burning pain in my side was only getting worse, and stinging with my hand gripping around it, making me not even want to try to hold it anymore. I was about to go into tears honestly, but I forced myself to be strong.

"I'll have to fill you in on the way," I told the both of them, who both gave defeated sights after giving me the eye. They knew that I would let them know eventually, but for now, I wanted to get everything patched up sooner rather than later…

Pewter City

The trip to the pokemon center had been a somewhat awkward one, mostly due to the numerous times Ryan swore under his breath. He was angry to say the least, but I think that he was very torn up about what happened to me and how it happened. With the mention of Team X as well, he would have been more than angry, that would add another tally to the list of his friends harmed by Team X. Well, at least I thought we were pretty good friends by now, and he helped keep me on my feet thanks to his vines being decent crutches.

Kayla on the other hand was really comforting. All the way until we walked into the doors of the pokemon center, Kayla stayed by my side, nuzzling her body into my leg and telling me that everything would be alright. She was really cuddly today and I had no idea why, though I was used to her being rather affectionate. Needless to say, the two of them helped me push the pain in my side to the back of my head and focus on getting treated. Hopefully that treatment would soon come with the surprised nurse that we were walking up to. The looks that everybody was giving me in the pokemon center told me that they wanted to know what happened just as Ryan and Kayla did before I filled them in.

"Do you think that nidorina will be alright?" asked Ryan bitterly. As for the reason Ryan was swearing under his breath, it wasn't just this Team X business, but he was also already not too fond of the nidorina that I met. He didn't like the way she had such a prideful attitude after what happened to her. Even if he was a little prideful himself, he knew when it was time to ask for help. Maybe I was just more naive than I thought, but I figured that I shouldn't have caught her without permission, even if that's how most trainers do it, I just wasn't brought up that way.

"I hope so, Ryan. I'll admit, Team X is really starting to get under my skin. I thought they were just normal thugs that steal and stuff like that, but after all of this, I'm not too sure if this is the worse that they've done…" I told Ryan, meanwhile not realizing that the nurse that I stopped in front of gave me a crazy look, seeming more focused on the fact that I was having a conversation with a cabbage dinosaur who couldn't speak out of his species name. I didn't pay any mind to her look until I was done talking to him and turned to her. The nurse forced a smile on her face.

"May I be of assistance?" she asked me, mostly referring to the cut in my side. I had a whole story to tell her if I planned to help this nidorina as well as myself. With that mindset, I started to tell the nurse everything that happened before I met the nidorina…

My story left the nurse with a somewhat shocked but more disgusted expression. She cringed through most of the more graphic details that I wish I hadn't gotten so deep into explaining. I had the nidorina's pokeball in my hand from the moment I started explaining her physical status.

"Don't you worry! I'll take care of your nidorina right away! Give me the pokeball!" announced the nurse before she snatched the pokeball from my hand in a flash and disappearing down the halls in the back, like a snap of my fingers. I looked between my now empty hand and the halls, still trying to process what just happened. All of that, and I didn't even get a bandage for my side…

After finding an assistant that happened to be helping out around the pokemon center, I considered myself lucky to finally have some wrap around that annoying cut so I could finally stop thinking about it and worry about more important things. Kayla, Ryan, and I were left to twiddle our thumbs and wait for word on the nidorina. Not like I really had a choice, she was considered my pokemon now and I couldn't just leave her here, especially with the way she acted toward me. It made me wonder how was she was doing with the nurse…

Kayla was nested into my lap, which I didn't have much of a problem with. I mostly passed the time by running my fingers through her soft, caramel fur, which she purred contently to. She was practically near asleep as her tail swished and swayed from side to side. Ryan sat in his own chair with a frown on his face, the reason why he was in a bad mood being obvious by now.

It actually had only been about ten minutes after she left that the nurse was coming back to meet us, with a somewhat distressed look on her face. The three of us raised our eyebrows at the nurse, waiting for any kind of news that had to do with the nidorina. The nurse sighed and lowered her head.

"She's...a little hard to get under control. She growls and threatens me with her horns whenever I try to get close to her." said the nurse, making Ryan roll his eyes while Kayla and I sighed in defeat, me guessing that something like this would happen. "But...the weird thing is that she didn't try to escape or anything, she only kept pointing at the pokeball that you owned and then out of the room. It's my guess that she wants to see you…" the nurse said, placing a hand on her chin as the three of us looked toward one another with confused expressions.

"Well, guess I'll go do that then…" I said to everyone, standing to my feet after Kayla hopped off of my lap while Ryan had a face that told me that he thought I lost my common sense.

"Kentral, you can't be serious about it, at least don't go alone in there. We'll come with you." said Ryan to me in a hurry. Too bad that I had that gut feeling that told me to do it on my own.

"No. I have to go alone. It's my responsibility after all." I looked toward the grass type. "Don't worry, I have the feeling that I'll be okay." After saying that to Ryan, I felt Kayla's small paws hold onto my hand. I looked toward the fox, who had a weak smile on her face. For some reason, her touch gave me a boost of confidence.

"Just be careful in there." warned the fox, who now let go on my hand. I gave Kayla a confident nod…

I was now in the hallways of the pokemon center, where all of the patient pokemon were supposed to be getting healed of serious injuries, emergency checkups, and so on. The halls were dimly lit, making for a somewhat refreshing atmosphere, but I wasn't here to soak in the AC neither. There was only one door that was open, left slightly ajar to be more accurate. The nurse told me that this room was the one, and I would believe it too because the nurse said that she didn't try to escape. It only made me wonder what the deal was with this nidorina. I placed my hand onto the door, taking a deep breath before I walked inside and reluctantly closed the door behind me.

"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" I heard a feminine voice yell, instantly making my body push back against the back door as I chattered my teeth in fear. I was now staring at an angry nidorina who was yelling at me from the bed that was in the room, which she didn't try to move from for some reason. "I told you to not help me! I didn't need it!" she hissed, suddenly dropping her tone significantly from that near scream. Now her tone was a lot more like a wife scolding her husband for leaving the toilet seat up, or telling her child to finish their homework. She didn't seem that angry now, nor did she try to attack me. Not even a slap across the face. She was irritated for sure, but definitely not threatening me anymore. Maybe it was just because she was actually my pokemon now, but I couldn't be sure. I didn't know if she had her own trainer or pokeball before, whether or not she was kidnapped from the wild or someone's home or anything about her before what I saw today.

I decided to catch my halted breath so I could explain myself. She crossed her arms while raising an eyebrow with what I could only explain as the most smug straight face I have ever seen. "Okay look, I was already mad and only trying to help you... I honestly thought that it was wrong to catch you like that without your permission. I'm sorry, alright?" Even if she wasn't a wild pokemon for real, she was still technically my first catch, and it was only because I felt like I had no other choice.

The nidorina closed her eyes and slowly nodded, as in she was actually trying to hear my story out. I did help her after all, so I was at least glad that she was trying to cooperate with me. That, I was really thankful for already. "I guess I was just worried about your safety," I continued to explain, before the nidorina opened her eyes and looked at me.

"Okay, forgiven. But I am curious about something." she said, catching my attention fully before she pointed a claw to my bandanna that was around my neck. "Can you really understand what I say with that bandanna?" The nidorina seemed to be impressed with my ability to understand her, and it was needless to say that I was impressed with the fact that she actually knew about the bandanna's power too.

I nodded. "Yeah. So you know of it too, then?" I asked, the nidorina nodding right after me.

"Yes, more than you might think. I learned a lot of it from this guy that I met one day." said the nidorina. I was beyond curious of what she actually knew about my dad's keepsake, but there would be time for it later if she were willing to talk anymore about it. I was more concerned about the nidorina's well being, as well as herself naturally.

"May I ask your name? If you have one, that is." I asked her, walking over to the side of the room before sitting on the floor, completely ignoring the chair that was right in my face a minute ago.

"It's...Arabelle. Yours?" the nidorina told me, slightly blushing under her cheeks. That was a strangely elegant name for a nidorina, but it was actually a cute one, and I felt like she wore the name well. I wanted to try and make conversation with her, attempting to break the awkwardness of Arabelle's attitude towards me and the nurse earlier. I couldn't believe how cooperative she suddenly was.

"My name's Kentral. Happy to meet you, Arabelle." I told the nidorina with a smile. "I'm also curious of a few things as well, but I feel like it would be too rude to ask right now…" A nervous chuckle escaped my throat before Arabelle sat up straight.

"Then allow me to feed your curiosity for you, and I'll try to make it short and sweet. I was captured in the wild for your human studies on pokemon I suppose. They were going on about something involving the fact that I had perfect...I Vees or something like that. I was soon sold off to some rich man, but I never got to know him for too long. After a week or two of living there, that's when Team X suddenly raided the house for a robbery, eventually murdering my first trainer and torching the house after making off with a lot of money as well as myself before the police could show up. Below average response speed as usual in Kanto." Arabelle explained. "You with me so far?"

I silently nodded to Arabelle's question, forcing myself to loosen my hands that at some point became fists. If my nails were claws, I would have surely made my palms bleed out with how hard I was clenching them. "So," Arabelle continued "Next thing I knew I went from Celadon to Pewter. The guy that had me tried to force me to evolve so he could give me to his boss and get a promotion. Needless to say, I didn't want to evolve, not for him nor anyone. Everytime I didn't…" the nidorina gave a sigh between her words as I lowered my head, knowing what to expect next.

"He'd just sick his arbok on me, which was actually trained for fighting and immune to my poison. After getting a beating from that lowly serpent, that thug would recall it to its ball before he would have his way with me. Honestly, everyone thinks I'm strong, but I'm really weak, because I have never had anyone teach me how to fight, so if he threw that arbok out, it would have been curtains for you. You really dodged a bullet," Arabelle joked weakly, a tear trailing down her eyes, thanking whatever god there was up there that part of her life was over.

I snarled under my breath as my hands instantly turned back into fist. I tried to keep myself under control, but each time I heard mention of Team X and their misdeeds, it started to really get me furious. I knew that Team X were a group of no good thugs, but raping pokemon, better yet raping anyone...was a new all time low for them. All I wanted to do was just go on a journey, and maybe find out something about my parents on the way...Since I met Kayla, that's all I wanted. Team X seemed to attack anyone, and everyone that I met, first Kayla and I, then Ryan, and now Arabelle! Who was next!? Even if it were unintentional, Team X was starting a war with me inside of my head, and I wanted it all to end!

Arabelle had a curious expression on her face, that I didn't clearly notice due to being a little too deep into my thoughts. "Kentral, have you met with those people before?" the nidorina asked me, I sighed to myself when I heard that question.

"Oh I can tell you a lot of stories…"

I briefed Arabelle on all of my run ins with Team X, how they interfered with my life as well as the others that I've met so far. With the event that happened today, that totaled to four, within the past week. That is certainly more times that I've run into the same gang that anyone would call normal, and I hated it.

"So I guess that they're a pain in your side just as much as mine." Arabelle asked me, and what else would I do but nod in agreement? Everytime I see them running around, their crimes get worse and worse.

"Despite everything that they did, there's something more to it. I feel like it's personal but I don't know why. I truly do hate them and want to see them taken down." I told the nidorina before clenching my fist. Arabelle went silent, nodding to my statement, she was looking down to the orange sheets under her, seemingly deep in thought about something.

"Hey, do you really want to screw with them?" Arabelle asked me with a smirk, which made me raise my eyebrow at the blue reptile. Despite being confused as to what she meant, I nodded an agreement. Just how did she plan on accomplishing that though…?

"Let me explain." Arabelle started. "I heard that asshole that I was with talking about an operation that they had going on in the pewter museum tomorrow. Apparently, they are supposed to be getting supplies and they have some pokemon that they have recently captured also being shipped across the region, a trade perhaps. Putting a stop to these plans will really screw them over, serves them right."

Wait a minute, those captured pokemon could be Ryan's friends! Boy, would he be relieved to hear this, but this is all pretty strange. How could we pull this off…? I thought to myself.

"Well, I guess I'm interested. Though, I haven't heard of anything weird going on over at the museum before, it should still be worth looking into…" The four of us could get every thug there behind bars, so we at least had to do something about it. "Why aren't the police doing anything about this though?" I asked Arabelle, who rolled her eyes.

"You wouldn't believe how easy it is to bribe the local police to keep their mouths shut when you have nearly the whole world supplying you with money. It's a shame, but it's a near guarantee that they won't do a thing to help us out until we can at least get most of the gang down. I wouldn't trust the police enough to tell it to their faces, some of them can be a little corrupt, so I wouldn't tell them something that screws with their bigger paycheck…" informed Arabelle, making me slightly shiver with the thought of how big of a situation I was getting myself and my friends into this time. If anything though, I knew both Kayla and Ryan especially would help me out here. I nodded to the nidorina.

"Okay, so I guess we're doing this tomorrow." I told Arabelle with a small smile. Something told me to help this girl out, after all, she wanted to live a normal life just like me before Team X interfered. We all had something in common, and it seemed that Arabelle wanted to join me for the wild ride. Arabelle gave me what looked like a genuine smile for the first time since we met, her bright magenta eyes staring into my own. She actually looked a little cute if I were to be honest.

I felt enough confidence to walk over to the bed where she sat, where she shook my hand in her claws a little bit without me having to lift a finger. I think I had just made a good friend and ally. "I'm going with you, naturally, so I guess I will cooperate with the nurse as long as you come back for me. Are we clear?" Arabelle asked me, making me chuckle a little before nodding to her.

"You have my word."

With the nurse waiting outside just to make sure I wouldn't come out suddenly feeling ill, I gave her the okay to head in Arabelle's room and do her thing. She certainly was an interesting nidorina alright, with a lot more story behind her than what she let on. It made me wonder if there was actually had a reason behind her name, which I honestly couldn't stop repeating in my head.

I met up with Kayla and Ryan, who were awaiting my return on the seats where I left them. "So, what's up?" Kayla asked me. "You were in there for over an hour."

"The main thing is you might as well expect that nidorina to join us soon. Her name is Arabelle." I told the two pokemon, who gave me surprised expressions, wondering what could have possibly gone on in there that made her want to come with us so quickly. "I guess I should explain, I think she's a lot nicer then she lets on…" I said with a chuckle.

"Yes please!" Kayla barked, while Ryan just waited for me to explain, still a little bitter toward Arabelle. I told them everything that I knew that I didn't consider too secretive so they could understand fully. Oddly enough, that explanation didn't take nearly as long as I thought. "Anyway, she's gonna help us get your friends back," I said to Ryan specifically, "...and bring down a big operation that they're doing! It's time that we give Team X a taste of their own medicine!"

Ryan and Kayla gave each other surprised looks before looking at me again to see that I wasn't joking around when I smacked my fist into my open palm. Both pokemon suddenly had huge grins on their faces before we all shouted…


Which of course earned the attention of nearly everybody in the pokemon center…

End Notes: I honestly don't have much to say besides that I think I predicted Let's Go Eevee with this story.