Note: Sorry readers, but this is not about Mona Lisa as the lizard. This is a crossover with Monsters, Inc. I'll place it in the crossover section later. I just want it to get some looks at first.

I know Randall Boggs was a villain in his movie, but for some reason, he just has a look about him that he's someone who's worth redeeming. I felt that some of his talents could be even be made to help the turtles out, should he ever have met them. Randall did used to be a good guy in Monsters University, when he was young.

Reviews are always welcome, but no flames please. And if anyone is familiar with both of Randall's movies, they are Monsters, Inc and Monsters University. I know not everyone is crazy about Disney characters, but at least try to give it a chance. It might be better than you think, especially once Randall joins up with the turtles.

This has been fun to write. I did kind of make this an AU, where some ideas in the story are mixed up that inspiration came from some of the shows.


Randall Boggs had been down in the bayou in Louisiana for over a year and he had traveled all over the bayou and even close to New Orleans. He hated being here in the human world, just trying to survive. The thought of killing himself had crossed his mind many times.

He had learned from a young age to be a loner. But, now that he was totally alone and no one around to talk to, he did crave some others to talk to. He often talked to himself out loud, though he called himself crazy for doing it.

He had moved far away from the trailer house that he had first landed in when his rivals, Mike and Sullivan had thrown him through an activated door. He still had scars on his body to remind him. He was lucky he had escaped at all. That woman had wanted to KILL him!

From what Randall had studied of these emotional retards in college, they didn't understand a lot outside their own little world and of course, were easily scared by anything they didn't understand and would take any opportunity to dig a knife in where it hurt. It was ironic that his world depended on their fears as a power source. Now he was the one running scared. The best thing he could do was avoid contact with them all together.

Randall was a survivor and he was nothing if not adaptable! He needed a plan and fast.

Randall spent most of his time now raiding their trashcans for food. Lucky for him with his ability of camouflage and climbing trees and walls came in handy. And it wasn't that difficult sneaking into their fridges either, sometimes raiding chicken coops. He had to eat to live after all.

Randall had been chased off of properties when he had been seen, but he always got away.

He had a found a backpack in the trash that stored everything useful he had found. He made sure to keep things small and only things he needed, including the six water bottles he had found intact.

When he had been seen and chased out of the human's habitats, they always seemed to refer to him as a earth type of lizard or alligator... whatever they were. Lucky though that he passed for one of these common reptilian creatures. It was a good cover story when he was chased away, but he would have always have to keep going back.

Besides scavenging for food, Randall would spend his time checking every closet he came across in the hope of getting back home. So far he had had no luck. If he didn't know any better, he would say all the closet doors in this part of the country had been destroyed. That's what he would do if he was trying to keep someone from getting home. But he had to find a way, so he could take revenge against those who put him here.

"That Wazowski and Sullivan!" He spat their names like poison. They were nothing! He was the brains! He was the smart one. He had discovered that the humans weren't toxic! He had designed and built the machine. He was going to save the company from the scream energy crisis and be the hero for all his race! …. and they had just taken it all away from him! His glory! His fame and his ideas all for themselves, leaving him here to rot, trapped in the nest with a scared and violent, selfish race of creatures that were hell bent on destroying anything not like them... or sometimes each other, for whatever reason! Heck, they even seemed to be out to destroy their own world.

Here, his race was struggling to survive while these humans just consumed and wasted all the resources they had!

It wasn't fair!

Why did Sullivan stop him from taking that human child? What resources he would have taken from the humans would have only been a fraction of what they took from everything else!


It was now April and spring was blooming anew. It might have been a warm winter down here in the south more than it would have been up in the northern states. Small blessings. Being cold blooded, Randall wouldn't have handled the cold weather well... but how was he supposed to survive long term? There wasn't much left for him here except a growing reputation that seemed to be attracting hunters. The possibility of him ending up in someone's trophy case was rapidly growing. Sooner or later he would have to move on.

Randall had his backpack all ready. Loaded with some food he had stolen and water. Plus his tools for hunting if needed...What he didn't have was his glasses. They had been left back in his world. How he wished he had them to help him see. Because of this, he could only travel during the day, as long as he made sure to stay out of sight.

He knew where there was a gas station in New Orleans. A big one where all the trucks stopped. He could hitch a ride on one... At this rate, he didn't care where he was going, he just had to get out. Somewhere more busy. A new town meant new children. New children meant new closets. More chances of him getting home.

All day he waited for his opportunity and soon it was near sunset. He couldn't see good, but he soon spotted a large delivery truck. The man left pushing a crate of sodas into the station, leaving the door to the truck wide open. This would be his only chance.

Being careful to watch out, Randall quickly scurried his way to the truck, sliding into the boxes. Right after finding his hiding place, he heard the truck doors close. Not knowing or caring where he was going, he was finally on his way out of here.


Randall had enjoyed his ride on that truck for two days, when supplies got lower, he knew he had to get out. He had eaten and drank some of the truck's supplies and packed some more for when he busted out.

The truck had headed north. He was now up in Virginia. He had been to Virginia before, but obviously never seen outside a kid's bedroom. He knew nothing about the human world other than the isolated little swamp town he had been in already. This was a whole new ball game and Randall would be lying if he said he wasn't scared. He had been at the top of his game, now he was living like a parasite in the back of a truck in an alien land... What life choices had led him here? Where had it all gone wrong?

It was incredibly noisy by the time he got the chance to slip out... way too noisy than what he was used to. Randall found himself at yet another truck stop. Well he could score another ride right here. He just needed to refill his water bottles first.

Randall spent the remainder of the day watching the truck stop from some hidden grassy spot on the edge of the truck stop. He would wait till after dark before finding a new ride.

After dark, the station was more or less empty. He used the bathroom to refill his bottles before getting ready to jump onto the next truck that stopped here. It was rather late by the time one did. Lucky for him, this was another big truck, and a dark one so it would be easy to blend against it. Randall wasn't sure if he was lucky enough to find another truck with food in it. He would just have to make do.

The lizard monster made his way over towards his new ride as the driver went to use the bathroom, walking right past him while he was in invisible mode. Randall couldn't help but stare at the man as he passed. He didn't look like the type of human that would scare very easily. In fact, he looked like one that would do the scaring. But it was the big picture drawn on his arm that caught the monster's eye. It looked odd... his entire arm had the image of some kind of purple lizard creature that looked a little like him on it!... Only it had a longer nose. Most certainly the image represented something from his world...

Maybe this human male had received a visit from a scary monster as a kid? Who knows. Either way, Randall took it as a sign that this was his ride. Where ever it was heading, Randall decided that the next stop was the best place to stake out and look for some doors. If it was a big town, it was more likely Monsters, Inc had access there.

The truck went more northward. This one was bound for New York City.

Randall had had a lot of time traveling, which gave him a lot of time to think. Think about his life back at home and where it had all gone wrong and what he was going to do once he got back. Two days passed by as he thought about this question. He would enjoy planning his revenge, but right now he was more worried about himself around these humans. The more he watched them, the more he feared them. How ironic.

Randall's belly rumbled. He was hungry. Almost two days without any more food. He looked around the truck. There was just large long boxes everywhere. He had no idea what was in them, but he couldn't smell food. Still curiosity got the better of him. He didn't have much else to do right now anyway except mope over how he had lost everything to a big blue hamster and a stupid green ball! What the hell right?

The purple lizard slid his way over to one, pulling out one of his sharp tools from his backpack. A long, flat sharp one he had soon pried the lid open and what the monster saw made his blood run cold... colder.

Guns! Big guns... big bazooka type guns! Monsters didn't use guns in their world. But from his human studies back in college, he knew these things were used a lot by humans... to... to kill each other... or things they were hunting. Randall had had the misfortune of being on the receiving end of a few when he was chased out of their houses. They made a loud Bang! sound when they went off that made every one of his scales flick up on end... And now he had stumbled into a place where the humans were supplying them!

And he was called the monster?

Randall knew now that he was in the wrong place. He had to get out of here. Humans in his opinion were bad enough, but these were the worse types. Those who handled weapons like this were the most dangerous because they didn't think twice about hurting innocent like he was going to do with that little human girl... Randall shook his head pushing the troubling thoughts out of his mind. He had to think about the here and now.

He went for the truck door, but it was sealed from the outside. He was stuck there until they got to New York! Great! Just great!


Some hours later when the truck did start to slow down, Randall readied himself to make a break for it. High up, holding to the side, he could scurry out onto the roof when they opened the doors. If he could just hold his camouflage until he got a good distance away - ?

The truck stopped and before he heard the driver get out, the door flew open and Randall saw the biggest giant gorilla human he had ever seen! His eyes widened in shock and he flinched away at the sight of him, glad that he couldn't be seen. This man too had a purple lizard like... well like 'him' marked on his arm... but for some reason now that didn't give him much comfort. It seemed to be the mark of something that looked like him meant something bad here.

The giant man then started shouting orders for the truck to be unloaded. Men instantly started flooding into the truck. Randall was getting cornered, trying to stop himself from getting knocked about by the boxes. He had to get out of here! He could easily get away if it was just himself, but he needed his backpack of supplies too, and unlike him, they were NOT invisible. As soon as he started moving, even if it was fast, someone would see a bag moving by itself... oh he should have thought this out better.

He would have to make a run for it.

Randall listened to voices on the outside the truck. He only had a chance holding onto the ceiling of the compartment. Once the next set of boxes were out of his way, he would have a clear run to get up onto the roof.

The forklift truck appeared quickly making a way for him. The only thing that could be seen was his pack floating along the top of the boxes in the air.

"Hey, what's that?" Randall heard someone say, but he didn't slow down.

"Hey! Stop!" The man yelled.

"What are you yelling at Spike?" Another PD asked. "Hun's going to kill you if this shipment isn't unloaded on time."

"But... but I just saw a backpack. It was floating! It just went over the top of the truck." He said, almost mortified.

"Yeah, right. Maybe the truck's haunted." The other one laughed. The one called Spike sneered, but just went back to work. Curious, but not much he could do about it now.

Randall's spotter looked around and saw the pack had disappeared. It had moved fast. There was no sense in trying to catch it now. He went back to work, but longed to know what it was.

Randall had run so hard and he had climbed up to a building to get away. In relative safety, he finally let himself be seen again. He put his pack down to catch his breath behind a workshop house on the roof.

He was glad that he was out of that truck. When he caught his breath and looked around, from the noise around him and the buildings, he knew he was in a big city somewhere. He had just wanted to get out of that nasty bayou. He would find out where he was.

The buildings looked to be pretty close together, so even he could jump them. He remembered his jumping in the door chase back at Monsters, Inc, chasing his enemies down.

He began his move into the city. He took it slow so he could look around and be safe.

Night was beginning to settle in as the sun had just gone down. Randall knew he would need to find a place to stay for the night. Taking these rooftops might be dangerous in the dark.

He jumped over ten rooftops before finding a roof that had a water tower on it and he climbed up to it. This would be a satisfying lair for the night anyway. He would work on a real lair later, but right now, he had to explore this big city. He needed a map.

He had been used to sleeping in trees, and sleeping on this wooden floor was almost no different.

He was later woken up by a thunderstorm towards dawn. He had slept a good portion of the night away. At least he had shelter from this storm.

Down in the bayou, he hadn't always had shelter to escape to during the heavy storms like the hurricanes.

Randall was so tired from traveling that he made sure the coast was clear and he went back to sleep. He wasn't going to travel out in that. He was just so glad to have shelter for a change. Storms and cold rain didn't always agree with him. He could get sick easily.

It rained throughout the day. Randall did refill his water bottles with the rain water. It gave him something to do when he was up. He hoped for a better tomorrow to get further away from here.