This was my fic for Strictly Dramione's Movie Prompt Fest. It is written and will be between 20-25k words. Chapters will be short and updated quickly.

***Because I don't feel like being depressed, Fred Weasley, and Severus Snape did not die. Oh, and Hermione never dated Ronald. You're welcome!***

I would like to thank all my cheerleaders, alphas, and test readers for this story: Naarna, Crazy4wood, the dark lord herself, Duchess of the Depraved, Jessiy, and Saulé. I don't think I could have done this story without all of your support, thank you, thank you, thank you!

Hope you enjoy it,

Rating: M Lemons at the end. You were warned.

Synopsis: Hermione is trapped in her mind reliving her favourite movie after the twins use a potion on her that is supposed to help her come out of the deep depression she is in after finishing exams. Little do they know what will happen when they send Hermione into her subconscious. Hermione isn't just depressed from the war; she is utterly heartbroken because she believes she can't have the wizard she truly loves. Can love overcome such tremendous odds? Will she wake up to a happily ever after or return to her nightmare of a life where the only man she wants is marrying another?

Prompt: A Dramione take on Ever After: A Cinderella Story

I own nothing of either Harry Potter or the movie Ever After and receive no money for the writing of this fictional tale around the two. I also do not own the copyright to the songs listed.

Music is my muse:
There are three songs for this fic, all related to the movie itself.
Fable (message version); Robert Miles (It's a techno beat song that they used on the trailers)
The Mummer's Dance; Loreena McKinnett (Start of the trailer)
Put Your Arms Around Me; Texas (From the soundtrack)

You can find the songs as well as the trailer for the movie on my youtube channel.
My youtube is: Crystal Jean Red

I picked Put Your Arms Around Me; Texas as the song for this fic to start I will give you the full lyrics. It's a perfect song for the movie and in my opinion this fic itself.

Full Lyrics:
Are you ready maybe are you willing to run? Are you ready to let yourself drown? Are you holding your breath, are you ready or not? Are you ready maybe, do you long to confess? Do you feel like you're already numb? Are you sure of yourself? Would you lie if you're not?

You tire me out.
Don't want to let that happen.
A secret scream so loud.
Why did you let that happen?
Ooh, ooh, so put your arms around me.
You let me believe that you are someone else.
Ooh, ooh, cause only time can take you.
So let me believe that I am someone else.

Maybe, are you ready to break? Do you feel that I push you too far? Would you open yourself? Are you reckless or not?

(Repeat Chorus)

Sha na na na na (x9)

Ooh, Ooh so put your arms around me.
Ooh, ooh so put your arms around me. Make me believe. Take me. Take me. Somewhere. Let me believe, cause only time can take you. So Stop.

Tell Me A Fable

Chapter One
A Friend in Need

July 31, 2000
The Burrow

"What do you mean she is depressed?" George asked looking over at the girl who sat on a hill looking over the countryside away from the party.

Harry sighed rubbing his nose and taking off his glasses. "Look, Malfoy was telling us all last year, and we just thought he didn't know her well enough, right? But, he wasn't making it up. She isn't the same. He said that when she was alone with him, she would perk up, but mostly she just got worse, especially towards the end of the year."

Fred glanced up now frowning. "Malfoy?"

Ron grunted looking a bit ill. "Yeah, well, the git and Hermione spent the most time in the library. It's like her to pick up strays, right?"

George let out a choking laugh but sobered. "What did he say?"

Harry put his glasses back on and let out a heavy sigh. "She barely smiles anymore. He said when she is alone she just, sits and stares, as the year continued and once she was finished with N.E.W.T's she just-"

It was Ron's turn to sigh now. "Is giving up. She got her results, and she is just-"

Ginny spoke up now and said sadly. "Not the same. The last time I saw her smile was last summer when we went to a Muggle picture show together. I bought it for her on-" she looked up at Harry frowning.

Harry sighed. "Tape, we set up a tele and such for her. She watches the film all the time, like once a day, the only time she smiles."

Ron shook his head. "Or cries."

Ginny held onto Harry's hand. "Draco was right; something is really wrong. I know he is worried, he stops by to see her all the time, and she will speak with him but-"

Fred looked at his sister. "But what?"

Ginny shook her head. "She isn't eating this week."

George stood up straighter and looked at his twin who gave a slow nod. "Right, okay. We know just what to do."

Harry grimaced. "Look, nothing that will hurt her right?"

Fred looked insulted. "Course not, we have been working with the mind healers you know. We have a potion we can give her, charms her mind, so she works out what's bothering her in a dream, and I reckon in twenty-four hours she will wake up our old Hermione."

George nodded smiling down at the three looking at them with hopefulness and weariness. "Yeah, nothing to it, worked great so far in the test trials, we will be supplying it to St. Mungo's by next year."

Harry gave a firm nod and pulled Ginny into his side. "Right, thanks."

"Don't mention it," Fred said.

George nodded laughing his face a bit serious. "No really, don't mention it. Hermione will be spitting mad any of us even had this conversation."

Ron sputtered and nodded his ears going red. "Right, too right there."


Draco Malfoy sighed as he walked into a place he had never expected to come, let alone under invitation. He walked over to Harry Potter and handed over his package, "Happy Birthday, prat."

Harry took it with a small grin. "Right, thanks for coming Malfoy."

Draco sighed. "How is she?"

Harry didn't pretend not to know who the 'she' was, he sighed and gestured at the hill where the lone figure sat with her long hair blowing in the wind, her arms around her legs and her cheek on her knees. "She hasn't moved since she handed me my gift. But we have it handled."

Draco looked over and felt his heart hitch, damn, but she was worrying him. "Any of you tried talking to her like I told you to?"

Ginny sighed. "All of us, she smiles and listens but, she isn't herself."

Draco sighed but nodded. "Right, so pretty much what she has been doing all along."

Harry nodded. "Yeah, pretty much. Why not just tell her you fancy her and ask her out?"

Draco grimaced staring straight ahead. "Because with her in this mood I don't reckon the conversation will go the way I wish it to," Harry grunted at that and nodded as Draco sighed. "Well, I will be by tomorrow to check on her."

Harry looked up surprised. "You leaving already?"

Draco grimaced. "I have to go to the Ministry function, the one you lot got out of."

Ginny smirked. "Sorry, Malfoy, we had other plans."

Draco, after he finished his N.E.W.T's, had taken up a place with Magical Law Enforcement having been cleared of all charges from the war, seeing as how he had been forced to become a Death Eater all along anyway and had been sending messages to the Order secretly. Ironically, until the war ended, Draco hadn't even known that his godfather and father had been spying for the Order as well.

Ron grimaced but didn't say anything rude. "Well, have fun then."

Draco raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, I will do that."


Hermione looked out at the sunset. It was pretty, she thought. She could hear the party going on behind her but couldn't raise herself to care. It had started last summer before term when she had discovered she could never get her parents back. This appalling numbness. Her passion, her gumption, her will to live. It had started to go numb. Now even her magic seemed to be deserting her. She hadn't even wanted to eat this last week, and she wasn't hungry. Tired, totally knackered really, but any hunger for food or life. It was gone now. Just gone.

She looked over as someone sat on either side of her let out a small breath. The twins, clearly distinguished now as one was still without an ear. George was on her left and Fred on her right.

"Hello, love," George said putting an arm around her.

"They sent you over to get me?" She asked.

"Yeah," Fred said handing her a drink. "Come on, drink up before Mum notices you and starts force feeding you."

George snorted. "Right, can't not be eating or drinking here, love. You should know that."

Hermione sighed realising they were right and gave a wan smile as she downed the drink. It was about thirty seconds after she swallowed that she realised something was off with the pumpkin juice.

"Did you spike my —" before she could finish her eyes fluttered shut as the twins apparated her away smirking.

Author's Note:

This movie came out the year I graduated from high school on July 31, 1998. I was dating a boy who worked in a theatre, and he took me to see it as a date, he even got me the movie poster. I once owned Utopia by Thomas Moore, a second edition (it was lost to black mold in a military house five years ago) I owned the VHS and then later the DVD and watch it a few times a year. The songs from the trailer and end credits are on my I-tunes, and I even owned the Score (lost now to military moves). On my wish list is to own a copy of the painting of Danielle made my da Vinci in the movie. Cinderella has always been one of my all-time favourite Disney movies, this take on the story won my heart completely.
If anything can compete with Harry Potter in my life, it would be this incredible script, movie, and the stunning performance Drew Barrymore gave as Danielle de Barbarac. This film is a feminist Cinderella full of passion and wit.

If you have not seen the film, do it, do it now!