I own nothing of either Harry Potter or the movie Ever After and receive no money for the writing of this fictional tale around the two. I also do not own the copyright to the songs listed.

Music is my muse:
Song for this fic: Put Your Arms Around Me; Texas
Lyrics for this chapter: Let me believe. Cause only time can take you. So Stop.

The song and trailers for the movie can be found on my YouTube channel: Crystal Jean Red
Artwork found on my Instagram: CrystalJeanRed and done by the amazing Trinkisme. Thank you, dear

Tell Me A Fable

Chapter 10
Ever After

Three months later.

"Where on earth did you get the idea for this dress, dear?" Narcissa asked looking at Hermione in appreciation.

She smiled. "A film called Ever After, when we get back from our Honeymoon I will show it to you. Draco is having a media room put into our wing of the manor."

Narcissa shook her head at this but had to admire the beautiful gown. "This is simply divine and those shoes, my goodness but I was worried when you told us you were not going to wear robes."

Hermione smiled, it wasn't always easy fitting into Draco's life, but it was always worth it. His mother, she knew, meant well and was trying very hard to make sure the transition from war hero to the bride of Draco Malfoy was as easy as possible for her. Lucius was even trying, which in Hermione's opinion was a small miracle.

Her hands went to her hair which was floating around her in soft ringlets. Draco's only request had been that she wore her hair down. Narcissa was threading diamond dusted silver ribbons through her curls with her wand. Hermione had to admit; the effect was magical.

She wore no jewellery besides her engagement ring, Goblin silver and with a large six carat pear-shaped diamond so brilliant she sometimes got lost staring at it, flanked by two smaller pear-shaped diamonds. Her wedding band was half carat diamonds in a circle all around the band. She had been stunned by the rings. Especially when Draco had told her that every stone was enchanted with a different protection rune. Diamonds, it turned out, were wonderful stones to enchant, and her husband had made sure one of the runes would tell her if her food or drinks were spiked. She had laughed out loud when he told her this and kissed him silly.

She had laughed out loud when he told her this and kissed him silly.

As she took Arthur Weasleys' arm to walk down the silver silk runner along the aisle, she smiled at Draco standing under a canopy of her favourite flowers. He was in dress robes of course, but his silver-grey eyes burned at her with so much love she missed a step.

As she took his hand, he smiled at her and turned so they could continue the ceremony.

When it was over, she gasped as she felt the magic wash through her tying their souls together.

"Now, we live happily ever after," he teased pulling her in for a kiss.

"Says who?" She replied back cheekily.

His eyes twinkled as he bent down to kiss her and whispered. "You know, I don't know."

They dissolved into giggles after the kiss causing many in the audience to question their sanity. Draco and Hermione, however, were blissfully happy and didn't notice a thing but each other.


Two years later they had their first child, and Draco presented her with a painting. It was a perfect replica of the one da Vinci had made of Danielle in the film, and Hermione cried.

"How?" She asked looking it over.

He smiled. "It's not a da Vinci, obviously, but it was not so hard to find a painter who was willing to work with the directions I gave him."

She leaned forward not jostling their son and kissed him tenderly. "I love you, thank you."

He smiled sitting down and kissing their babes head at her breast. "I love you more, now get some sleep."

She dosed as father and son bonded, Draco walking with his son and whispering to him. She smiled, he was explaining Quidditch to the baby who apparently found it fascinating because her son was wide awake staring up at his father.

Yes, this was really a happily ever after, she thought with a yawn as sleep claimed her.

The End

Author Notes:

The dress and the rings are on my Instagram: CrystalJeanRed. I took inspiration for the rings from a celeb in the early 2000's kudos if you can guess who! I actually owned the replica of the rings and still have the engagement ring in my jewelrey box. Yes, I am that big of a dork. Moving on now. If you made it all the way here, please let me know what you liked or did not like about the story. It is always appreciated.