Episode 1: New Friend, Familiar Daughter

On a friday late in the afternoon, the girls and the professor are cleaning the house so it will be spotless. Blossom cleans the bedroom and laundry. Buttercup takes care of the living room, and the yard. Bubbles is in the kitchen cleaning it and doing the dishes. The professor is in his lab doing some cleaning after some experiments. The girls are excited because the professor is taking them to the Townsville County Fair tomorrow, and the girls are excited. That's why he decides to have the house cleaned up before hand.

Buttercup groans looking annoyed and says, "Cleaning the house is so boring."

"Cleaning the house is just as important as fighting crime, Buttercup," Blossom says as she fold the laundry.

"Yeah, but bashing crooks is more fun," Buttercup replies.

The professor comes up to the living room as he says, "Now girls house cleaning and fighting crime are equally important, and we need to make sure they're taken care of."

"Yes professor," The girls agree.

Then he says, "Remember, after we finish our chores we're going to the carnival tomorrow."

"Yay!" The girls cheer.

"I can't wait till the carnevil tomorrow," Bubbles says in excitement.

"What do you want to do first?" Blossom asks.

"I want to go all the rides, especially the roller coaster," Buttercup answers.

"I like to do some crafts and see all the cute little animals," Bubbles says with glee.

Then Blossom happily says, "I can't wait to see the horse show tomorrow."

"Me too!" Bubbles and Buttercup agree.

"So let's clean up, and get everything ready for tomorrow," Blossom says with a smile.

After the conversation, the girls continue to do their chores around the house, so they'll be ready to have some fun tomorrow. In the kitchen, Bubbles is taking care of the dishes, and has just finish with the last of them. When she looks outside the window, she can see that she's being stare at from the tree.

Bubbles waves, and happily says, "Hi."

But the mysterious person in the tree flies away at top speed.

Bubbles flies outside, as she calls out, "Wait, where you're going?! Come back!"

"Come back from where?" Buttercup asks.

Bubbles turn around to see Blossom and Buttercup flying outside the room with concern looks on their faces.

Bubbles flies to her sisters, and says, "I thought I saw someone in the tree."

"There's no one there now," Blossom says.

"Your eyes must be playing tricks on you," Buttercup bluntly replies.

"They're not!" Bubbles protests.

Blossom gets between her sisters, and firmly says, "Girls, we have no time to argue. I'm sure whatever Bubbles saw might have been someone, but left when who ever it is got noticed."

"That's true," Buttercup replies.

Then Blossom asks, "Were you able to get a look at em?"

"Not much, I do know that it's a girl, and I thought her eyes look exactly like ours," Bubbles answers.

Blossom and Buttercup look at Bubbles with a surprised look, and are concern about it.

"You saw someone with eyes like our?" Buttercup asks.

"Yes, and her eyes are a very nice mulberry color," Bubbles adds with glee.

Blossom looks at the tree, and says, "Well, she's gone now. Let's get cleaning so we can have some fun tomorrow."

The girls decide to go back inside and finish with the rest of the house cleaning. Later in the night, the girls are fast asleep in their bedrooms, but not aware that someone is staring at them through one of the windows. The dark night is making the identity of the mysterious figure unknown, but can see the large mulberry eyes.

The next day, the girls and the professor have arrived at the carnival grounds. The girls are very excited to see all the rides, the games, the animals, and the food around the area. From the looks of it, practically everyone in Townsville are going starting to come here.

The girls happily cheers, "We're here!"

"Remember girls to stick together, and let have some fun," The professor reminds the girls.

"Yes professor," the girls agree.

Then Buttercup happily cheers, "Now let's go have some fun!"

The girls then zooms at fast speed to have all kinds of fun carrying the professor along with them. They go on a giant roller coaster, which the girls scream loud with excitement. At that case, the professor ends up getting sick to her stomach. The family then go on the ferris wheel, the swing ride, and other kinds of fun they have at the carnival. Bubbles has lots of fun seeing the animals, and get to play and talk to them. After a long morning of having fun, the girls and the professor are having lunch which is very late in the afternoon at one of the tables.

"That was so much fun!" Bubbles happily cheers.

"Yeah. It's also nice to grab some lunch," Buttercup says with her mouth a little fill.

"I agree, it sure is nice to relax and spend time with my little girls," The professor agrees.

"I agree. We get to relax and have some fun," Blossom adds.

As the girls talk and eat, Buttercup is mostly eating, and end up goobling up all of the french fries. Bubbles and Blossom look at Buttercup with a shocked look on their faces to see buttercup has finished all of the french fries they have.

"You ate all of the fries?" Blossom asks looking confused.

Buttercup realizes she has ate all of the fries.

She turns to the professor, and asks, "Can we have some more french fries?"

"Okay girls. You stay here and I'll be right back," The professor says.

The professor gets up and leave the table so he can get some more french fries for the girls. The girls continue to sit and relax while they wait for the professor to come back. They are glad to spend some time with him, and not have to worry about crime fighting today.

Blossom lies back to relax, and says, "It's nice spending some time with the professor."

"Yeah, we get to go on the rides, get some food, and play some games," Buttercup agree, and take a sip of her soda.

"And the best part is that we don't have to worry about fighting crime or dealing with any bad guys today," Bubbles adds with a smile.

Just then, they hear something oaring, and the ground is starting to shake. They also see people screaming and running away from where is making the noise.

Buttercup looks at Bubbles with a straight look, and says, "I think we just jinxed it."

The girls look over to see what the commission is about. They see the giant red blowfish monster wreaking havoc at the carnival. The monster is knocking stuff over and stepping on some buildings. The girls are shocked to see it here of all places.

"It's that overgrown puffer fish again!" Buttercup angrily says.

"And it's attacking the carnival," Bubbles adds, looking worried.

Blossom gets up from her seat as she says with a serious look, "Come on girls, we got a monster to stop!"

The girls then fly off to fight the giant blowfish monster. They try punching and kicking the monster, but so far, it's not having any affect on it. The blowfish has become bored with the little effects, that it whacks the girls hard and all the way into a cotton candy machine. When the three is able to recover and get out, they have cotton candy all over them. But they managed to shake all of it off.

"Sure is stronger than last time we've doubt with it," Buttercup replies.

"Now what do we do?" Bubbles asks.

"Let's try the head," Blossom says.

The girls decide to try Blossom's plan. The girls are using their laser eyes on the head, and it does seem to work, but keeps moving around, and ends up getting hit by the fins and the feet. Blossom and Buttercup ends up getting hit to the kitchen of one of the food stand.

Buttercup looks at Blossom, and bluntly says, "Well that plan didn't work."

Blossom looks around as she asks, "Where's Bubbles?"

Back outside, Bubbles ends up getting hit to by the fin and is knocked into the balloon stand. Bubbles is banged up that she is having a hard time getting her focus. She doesn't know that the blowfish monster is heading towards Bubbles and is going to step on her. Blossom and Buttercup is able to get out to see Bubbles is in danger.

Blossom shouts," Bubbles!"

"Look out!" Buttercup adds loudly.

Bubbles looks up to see the monster raising his foot over her, ready to squish her like a pancake. Bubbles screams and is too scared to move, and is doomed. However, nothing seems to happen, and is wondering why she hasn't been squashed at all. Bubbles looks up and makes a shocked expression to see the monster's fin being hold by someone else, someone who is exactly like her.

The girl has the same eye appearance, but it's a mulberry color, and has the same type of dress that matches her eyes, along with the same socks and mary janes. The only difference is that she has tan skin, indigo blue hair with two mulberry streaks on each side. She has a left side swept bang that has only one mulberry streak and her hair is in two braid on each side in the back tied with two black hair ties, all the way to her ankles. Judging by her height which is taller than the girls, and the rest of her appearances, the girl is about sixteen years old, and her dress, socks, and mary janes are ripped and worn out. She is also wearing a gold locket around her neck.

The mysterious girl is holding the beast's fin with all her might and is protecting Bubbles. Bubbles realizes who is that girl is.

Bubbles breaks her silence and shockley says, "You're… you're the girl I saw yesterday!"

"I am," The girl answers.

The mysterious girl is able to give the blowfish's foot a good push making him lose it's balance. However the blowfish monster falls onto a funhouse, crushing it to the ground.

The girl realizes her mistake, and says, "My bad."

Just then Bubbles gives the mysterious friend a hug, and says, "Thank you so much for saving me."

"It's no problem, but are you going to be alright?" The girl asks.

"I'm fine," Bubbles answers with glee.

Blossom and Buttercup fly over to Bubbles and the other girl, and they can see that Bubbles is alright.

"Bubbles, you're okay," Blossom says, relieved that Bubbles is alright.

Buttercup comes up to the new girl and asks, "Who are you?"

"No time to discuss this now, we need to stop that thing before it destroys anything else," The girl says.

The Powerpuff Girls look to see the monster is getting up, roaring at them. Meaning that the fight is not over yet.

"She's right, we have a monster to stop," Blossom says with a serious look.

"And it looks like we can use your help," Bubbles says, turning to their new friend.

The girl smiles, and says, "I'll be happy to help, and I think I have an idea."

The girl then whispers her plan to the girls, and they seem to think it's a great idea. With that, the four girls go into action. The girl gets in front of the monster, and uses her laser eyes at it, getting the monster's attention.

The girl calls out, "Hey multi eye, why don't you pick on someone your own size, or a five feet of your size!"

The monster has become angry and tries to hit the new girl, but she is too fast for it. While the blowfish is distracted, Blossom and the others fly behind it, and ready for the second part of the plain. The three hold hands and spin around in circles, then they use it to spin like a wheel, and is able to hit the monster on the back. The girl then hits it at the front, and makes it loose all the air it contains, until it becomes small as a cat. Buttercup then kicks the little monster back to where it comes from. The four girls land on the ground to see the monster is gone, and is able to save the day.

"Another monster bites the dust," Blossom declares.

"And it's thanks to our new friend here," Bubbles happily adds.

The girl giggles and says, "Thanks, but you three should have most of the credit."

"No way, you were awesome," Buttercup says.

"And you saved me too," Bubbles adds.

"I think I speak for my sisters that you did a fantastic job, and helping us stop that monster. However, we like you to answer our question," Blossom asks.

"What's that?" The girl asks.

"Who are you?" Blossom asks her question.

Then Buttercup asks, "Where did you come from?"

"Who made you and what other kinds of powers do you have?" Bubble adds to the questions.

The girl becomes nervous, and says, "Well… you see… I'm actually trying to…"

But before she can say anything else, she hears a male voice calling out, "Girls!"

The four girls turn to see Professor Utonium walking over to the scene with a bowl of french fries.

The professor says, "I'm back with the french fries, and heard you had to fight a monster and…"

Before the professor can finish, he notice the four girls, but gasp at the sight of the older girl.

With a stunned expression, he quietly says, "Berry!"

"Berry?" The girls questionably replies.

The girl looks at the professor with a confused look. She then feels like she is remembered something she has forgotten for a long time.

The girl calls Berry, questionably says, "D-dad?"

"Dad!" The girls shockley exclaims.

Berry then start to slowly walk past the girls, and make her way to the professor. Buttercup is about to stop this, but Blossom and Bubbles present her from doing so, and just want to see what happens. When Berry reach in front of the professor, she shows him her locket around her neck. The professor hold onto it, and opens it to reveal the picture of himself at a younger age, and the same girl around the PowerPuff Girls' age.

Berry starts to smile, shed tears, and happily says at a quiet tone, "D-daddy, I… I finally found you."

"She then gives the professor a hug in happiness and relief. The professor hugs the girl he calls Berry soon after with a smile, and shedding tears himself. The girls can see that the two know each other, and are starting to feel happy. Just then, the girl has lost consciousness and loose grip on the professor. The professor catches her before it, and hold her tight.

Bubbles gasps, and screams, "She fainted!"

The girls flies to where the professor and Berry is, to see if she's okay. They looks to see that the girl has fainted and yet still crying and holding a while on her face.

Blossom asks, "Professor, what happened?"

"Why she fainted?" Buttercup adds.

Then the three asks, "Who is she?"

The professor looks at Berry with a concern look, and answers, "Don't worry girls, Berry's safe now."

The girls and the professor look at the girl, Berry with concern looks on their faces. They can see that Berry is unconscious and might be like that for a while. The girls are not sure what's going on, but one thing they do know is that the girl who looks like them with the same clothes, name start with B, same type of appearance is their sister… the sister they never know has existed until now.