Hey all. So I've had this story in my head for a while and finally decided to put it on paper. It is based on the tale of Robin Hood in the world of Zelda. It is in no way perfect and still a work in progress, but I thought to share it anyways. It will switch between Zelda and Link's POV. I will try to update it as soon as I finish new parts. I hope you enjoy my story.

The Shadow Knight



The impending storm brought a chilling wind, yet I remained leaning against the stone railing of my balcony. I was too upset to care. The castle gardens below me were losing their enchanted glow as dark clouds began to cover the bright full moon. It was as if Mother Nature had known of the turmoil occurring in the kingdom of Hyrule as well.

My father, His Majesty, had taken leave to the neighboring kingdom of Darivia to negotiate terms of a potential alliance. Whilst he was away, his right hand Duke Levington was supposed to rule in his stead. All would have been fine, except for the Duke's unexpected and controversial passing. In the chaos of anarchy, the prince of the kingdom of Erevan, Prince Ganon, had arrived to take control of the throne. He had claimed that the King was dead as well. As princess, I tried to fight for the power, but the prince had armies of beasts to enforce his rule. His trusted accomplice, Count Valin, had made sure that the people knew that. And so, I became a prisoner in my own castle.

My suffering was heightened when the prince began to show his interest in me. Once he had the control of Hyrule, he consistently made advances on me. Using flattery, he tried to gain my trust...and my hand in marriage. As I was in my twenty-second year, it was not improper...it was a common way to unite two kingdoms. Knowing this, he hoped to appeal to the people through matrimony with Hyrule's beloved princess. I resisted at first, as I distrusted the prince greatly and had no trace of love in my heart for the man. He had a malevolent look to him and his touch was rough. I recoiled every time he tried to take my own hand in his. When I rejected a kiss from him one night in the castle corridors, he snapped. His false face left and an angry one replaced it for a moment...however he didn't lose his composure long. The day following that, he announced his betrothal to me and I felt my heart sink. I knew I had no power now that it was publicly disclosed.

What really tore my heart apart was the effect his rule had on my kingdom. Since the usurper had taken the throne, Hyrule had descended into madness. The common people suffered under the new law. Taxes were raised to unheard of amounts and many people collapsed into poverty. At first riots swarmed the streets of Castleton day and night, but the prince sent his soldiers and beasts to silence them. Count Valin had become the head tax collector and by force made them pay; most times with all the coin they had. Now the people, my people, lived in fear…and there was nothing I could do.

Yet, hope flowed through me as I wandered the castle corridors one evening. I had overhead two servants talking in hushed tones and crept silently behind them as they strolled, listening to their forbidden conversation. They talked of a savior, a hero of the people…a man that stole from the nobility and gave to the unfortunate. He was only seen at night, an archer wearing a dark cloak with a hood. No one had known his true identity or his face and was called Robin Hood. Some believed that the Goddesses sent him, yet others believed that he was once a knight…

That was all that I had heard about this mysterious hero before the servants entered the kitchens. I stopped and almost smiled to myself that day. There was still good out in the kingdom…fighting for the restoration of balance. My hopes were short lived though. Prince Ganon had heard of this Robin Hood and deemed him an outlaw. He offered a handsome reward for his capture and posted wanted posters all through Hyrule. I often find myself wondering if this hero is still out there.

A crack of thunder and lightning in the sky snapped my thoughts back to reality. I stumbled back from the railing and tried to calm my quickened heart rate. I entered my chambers and closed my balcony doors and stood still, feeling alone. I wished not to remain in my prison cell…the weather had yet to confine me to the indoors since the usurper had taken over. Suddenly I found myself grabbing my old thick, hooded cloak and made my way out of my room. I knew it was a reckless decision, but I left anyways. I could not bear to remain confined in theses stonewalls any longer. Sneaking out the back corridors of the castle, I made my way to the market of Castleton.

I kept my large hood over my head, only showing my long icy blonde curls to the world. I trusted that I would not be recognized, especially in the darkness. As I arrived at the market, I was positive that I would remain unknown…there was not a soul in the previously hectic marketplace. The stalls were deserted, with the cloth awnings torn and falling apart. I sighed and continued on, hurrying my pace as it began to rain. Things were more disastrous than I originally was led to believe. The Prince had ruined everything that Hyrule once was.

As it began to rain harder I sought out shelter, arriving at a popular tavern. I opened the door and stepped inside the busy bar. I was surprised at how crowded the place was, and sat at the last table available in the corner. A barmaid gave me a mug of ale and I politely took it. Looking around I felt a mixture of hope and sadness. Most everyone was dirty and wearing rags for clothing, making my old cloak look luxurious. Still, despite their pitiful appearances, most people seemed to be having a grand time. Most were drunk, enjoying the intoxication of their ale. Women were on men's laps and barmaids flirted with men that were alone. The more that I looked around, the more I began to feel anxious; a princess did not belong in a place like this. Immediately I regretted my impulsive decision earlier and stood up to leave.

I walked out into the rain and turned back towards the castle. I walked for a short time before hearing footsteps splashing behind me. I turned and saw a burly man following me and he flashed a smile before starting to run towards me. Everything went numb as I realized his intentions, but somehow my legs broke into a sprint. I had never been more afraid as I heard his splashing steps get louder. I turned into a narrow alleyway, hoping to lose him.

Suddenly I tripped on one of the uneven cobblestones on the street and came crashing to the ground. A sharp pain went through my side as I hit the cold, wet pavement. My hood flew off and water and tears soaked my hair. I scrambled to get back up but the man snatched me by the ankle. He pulled me back to him and pinned me to the ground. He leaned in close and I heard a scream…but it was not my own.

The man released me and shouted in pain. I looked wide-eyed as the man turned away and I saw an arrow sticking out of his back. Bewildered, I frantically looked around, trying to find the source of the shot. I could see no one in the rain and darkness. I heard a soft thump and saw another arrow fly from a rooftop above. The man released another cry as the second arrow hit him in the arm. He retreated, running back down the alley until he was gone into the darkness.

In my panic, I could do nothing but lie there in the rain. My breathing and heart rate would not slow despite my efforts. I refused to believe the events that had just transpired. Suddenly someone was kneeling by my side; I had not heard them approach. I gasped in surprise and fear at the dark hooded man before me. As my tear-filled vision focused, I could only make out spiky blonde locks under the darkness of the hood. I felt him gently touch my arm in reassurance. My heart nearly stopped as I heard his captivating voice.

"Are you alright, My Lady?"