A/N: First, thanks for the taking the time to check out this story.

As an avid fan of the PJO and HOO series, one of the most appealing parts was Annabeth's and Percy's growing relationship. The fact that they are first enemies yet they eventually grow feelings for one another.

And then, well you know the rest.

That inspired me to create this fanfic centered around their relationship with a twist.

Chapters 1 and 2 will be on their years in middle school when they meet. Chapter 3 and so forth will be in their high school years.

Rated T for rather strong language in later chapters.

Disclaimer: I don't own the PJO characters. I know that's obvious but many of the PJO fanfics I've read include a similar disclaimer.

Although that would be pretty awesome. If my boy Rick Riordan is in the faintest chance reading this, hit me up! ;)

Chapter 1: Sketchbook


"Class, please meet your new classmate Percy Jackson!" Miss Anderson said out loud as she ushered Percy towards the front. An apprehensive 12-year-old Percy made his way forward. Unsure of what to say, the only thing he managed was. "Um, uh…"

"That's nice dear." Miss Anderson stated, reprimanding her students as the kids began snickering. Near the back of the room, Annabeth Chase looked up from her sketchbook of architectural drawings and rolled her eyes.

Percy Jackson was the new seventh-grade transfer kid at Goode Middle School. Normally, new students would greet their class with a "hello", even if they were feeling a little shy.

This was probably the first nonword hello given by a student.

Annabeth's large grey eyes scanned Percy up and down as Miss Anderson began to reiterate to the class her expectations for how to treat new students. Her first impressions: well, not impressed. Percy was an average looking kid who was a little shorter than she. Annabeth reasoned he was probably near her age. Percy had jet black hair and sea green eyes. He was wearing a blue Nautica shirt with images of ocean waves and, weirdly, some seaweed on it. He also was extremely fidgety as Percy couldn't stop moving and jittering as the teacher spoke. However, the most distinguishing part of Percy was his mischievous, sarcastic smile that seemed to never leave his face.

Even though she had never met this kid before, something about that smile immediately set Annabeth off, to the point of annoying her.

"So Percy," Miss Anderson began, striking a cheery tone. "Are you from out of New York?"

"Um, no. I was born here," Percy started. He then hesitantly added. "I, uh, changed schools because I kind of got kicked out from my old one." which received oohs and aahs from all the kids.

"Oh, really?" Miss Anderson replied, making a quick mental note to herself to keep a tab on this Percy student. "Well, I hope you enjoy your new school!"

"To be honest, I want to go home," Percy flatly declared, leading the class to erupt in laughter.

"Quiet down class!" she shouted, trying to regain control of the situation. "Well, now, maybe that's because you don't know these students yet. I'm sure that by the end you'll be excited to come to school!"

"I doubt it." Percy shrugged. Miss Anderson sighed. Great. Another 12-year-old kid who thinks he's sarcastic and hilarious. Just what I need! "Alright Percy," she continued, dropping the fake enthusiasm. "I think I'll pair you with Annabeth Chase in the back."

Annabeth was submerged in her sketchbook and didn't realize the teacher was calling her. Miss Anderson had to repeat herself again.

"Excuse me Annabeth!"

Annabeth put her pencil down and looked up. "Um, yes, Miss Anderson?" she asked shyly.

"I'd like you to say hello to Percy Jackson. You'll be his new deskmate for the school year."

Wait, what?

Annabeth and Percy both shouted, "No!" at the same time.

"Hey, you two!" Miss Anderson intervened. "You barely know each other! How can you already say no to being desk mates!"

"I...I like sitting alone." she tried to argue. That was true. Annabeth was the definition of an introvert. She was super shy and socially awkward. She couldn't even sit near other girls without panicking.

If she could barely sit with members of her own gender, how the heck was she supposed to sit next to a boy?

Especially this boy!

"Yeah and I don't want to sit next to a girl!" Percy exclaimed, his face visibly upset. For Percy, it was bad enough he didn't want to come to school.

Now, he had to sit next to a girl? Torture!

"Wait whoa!" Annabeth interjected, taking offense to Percy's comment. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Percy replied, scoffing. "You know. Girls are gossipy. And they care too much about their looks, especially their hair."

"Hey, that is NOT true!" she declared. "And, anyway, boys are obnoxious, filthy and obtuse!" Annabeth shot back which received some cheers from the girls in her class.

"Hey I'm not...whatever words you used!" he responded. Percy obviously had no idea what those words meant, prompting Annabeth to laugh at Percy openly.

"You don't even know what I'm saying!"

"Shut up smarty-girl!"

"STOP IT YOU TWO!" Miss Anderson finally intervened. She first turned to Annabeth.

"Annabeth, you have to be open to meeting new students. You can't shun them off quickly. I really want you to make a friend in school sweetie." she softly said, which got Annabeth's peers to snicker. Annabeth crouched down lower in her seat, her face reddening with embarrassment. Miss Anderson had meant well with what she said. Annabeth had a total of zero friends throughout her elementary and first year of middle school.

Unfortunately, being extremely smart doesn't exactly make you "cool" to hang out with.

Miss Anderson then turned to Percy. "And Percy, you can't generalize all girls like that. Now, you two apologize. Percy will sit next to Annabeth and that's final!" The two let out sighs and moans of frustration.

The school year hasn't started yet and it's already ruined!

"Alright class," Miss Anderson continued, "I will be writing some math equations on the board and you'll try to solve them." as Percy made his way towards the back. As he got closer, he observed Annabeth more closely. The girl had long, curly blonde hair which was tied back in a ponytail and tanned skin. She was also wearing a T-Shirt with the picture of a Greek building on it, as well as some blue jeans. Annabeth looked exactly like what Percy would imagine a stereotypical California girl would appear except her eyes; they were a startling grey. They seemed to be calculating a million things at once. And, currently, they were staring at Percy viciously as he sat down.

"Hey, smarty-pants." Percy started. He smelled noticeably of ocean water.

Ugh, Annabeth thought.

"Shut up," Annabeth replied. She then proceeded to focus back on her sketching book.

"Your name is Annabelle right?"

"Annabeth," she responded swiftly.

" You know, big-headed would be a better name," Percy uttered, smirking as Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Or maybe Miss Know It All. Or…"

"Don't you have something better to do like math work?" Annabeth interjected, perturbed by Percy's antics. "Instead of trying to show off how many immature nicknames you can come up with?!"

"Ok then Prissy Girl," Percy teased as Annabeth groaned.

Great, I have to spend the whole school year with this kid?

"Alright, class? Who would like to solve for x?" Miss Anderson asked, turning to face her students. Simultaneously, Annabeth noticed Percy slumping down in his seat, trying to avoid eye contact with Miss Anderson as she scanned her whole class for a volunteer. She quickly realized that it was because Percy was probably not the greatest at solving math problems.

As Percy continued to silently whisper some more nicknames at Annabeth, an evil and genius idea began to form in her head to shut him up.

"Uh, Miss Anderson," Annabeth stated, raising her hand. "I think Percy would like to solve this question."

Percy glanced at Annabeth, a look of horror growing on his face. "Um, no I don't…"

"Yes, that's a great idea Annabeth! Percy, why don't you try to solve the problem!" Miss Anderson happily declared, holding out a piece of chalk.

"Um, Miss, I don't think that…."

"Come on Percy! We won't bite. I promise!" Miss Anderson stated.

Annabeth then chimed in. "Yeah Percy, what's the problem?" she asked in a playful manner trying to goad Percy. "What's the harm?"

Percy glared at Annabeth, a small smile slowly but visibly forming on her face. Percy could tell that Annabeth, accurately, assessed from Percy's hesitance that he couldn't solve the problem. She just wanted him to go up there to make a fool of himself.

Even though it was hard for him to admit, Percy gave Annabeth credit for coming to that conclusion. She really is a smart girl.

The rational part of Percy told him to not go up there. But the other part, the not so rational, wanted to prove this girl wrong.

Big mistake.

"Alright, you know what. I'll do it!" he finally declared. Percy went up to the board and grabbed the chalk. He stared at the problem that confronted him. It was an equation 1/2(3/4x-14)=23.

Pretty simple stuff right?

To Percy, it looked like a bunch of hieroglyphics. Percy continued to stare, hoping that the numbers would magically start clicking and making sense but nothing happened. Maybe if you put down something that looks right, Miss Anderson wouldn't be able to tell it's wrong! But that wouldn't work. There was too much room for error.

So, Percy decided to do what he did best. He played dumb and joked. "I found x," he said, circling the letter in the equation. The teacher frowned as the class laughed out loud at Percy's joke.

"Not funny Percy," she replied dryly. Annabeth then took the opportunity to further embarrass him. She raised her hand.

"I'd, uh, like to solve the math equation, Miss Anderson."

Students who knew Annabeth groaned as she raised her hand. Though Annabeth was extremely shy, when it came to answering the teacher's questions, ESPECIALLY math problems, her shyness dissipated. She was well known as the "teacher's pet". She had been teased so many times for it, to the point that Annabeth vowed that this new school year she would not raise her hand at all in class.

However, at the moment, none of that mattered. All she was focused on was trying to stick it to this Percy kid as best as she could. And what better way than to correctly solve, in his face, this math problem?

Miss Anderson smiled, already certain Annabeth would answer the question correctly. Of course, Annabeth did.

"Good job Annabeth! And Percy, I would make sure I play VERY close attention to Annabeth whenever we're doing math problems," she added. Percy quickly rushed back towards his seat, cheeks red as his classmates jeered him. He refused to make eye contact with Annabeth, who was trying her hardest not to grin as he sat.

"Soooo, Percyyyy," Annabeth started teasingly looking at him. "How was that problem?"

"Shut up you Wise Girl," he muttered, face expression flat. Annabeth then laughed. Even though Percy was still angry at her for setting him up, he couldn't stay that way when he heard her laugh. It was pretty soft and cute.

"Wise Girl? Where did that name come from?" she asked.

"Oh, that name suits you perfectly!" Percy replied. "You are such a wise, and should I state the obvious, ANNOYING girl."

"Yeah well!" Annabeth responded, trying to come up with a clever comeback. Percy can act so dumb at times. She also took notice of Percy's shirt with seaweed on it again.

He can act like his brain has a bunch… a bunch of seaweed in it.

"You're a Seaweed Brain Percy," she stated.

Percy stared at Annabeth, a puzzled look on his face. "I'm a what?"

"A Seaweed Brain," she again said. "You act and think like you have seaweed in your brain!"

"Ok, you're NOT calling me that!"

"I already did and will continue to!" she teasingly responded.

"Alright shut up Wise Girl!" Percy said turning away as Annabeth laughed. The rest of class, Percy sat stoned face, well aware that Annabeth was continuing to beam besides him massively.

First, she had humiliated him. Then, the stupid dumb nickname Seaweed Brain.

Percy wanted some payback.


Thankfully, recess came quickly.

Percy decided to go and play some kickball with the other boys, still musing over his new nickname. The rest of the girls went to go play and gossip on the swings. Annabeth, however, as usual, made her way towards the table benches at the far back of the school, her architecture sketchbook and pencil in hand. Annabeth spent each recess consumed with drawing and designing new buildings. To her, the sketchbook was her most prized possession and was her friend. It didn't judge or tease her like the kids in her school. Most importantly, unlike Annabeth's experiences with trying to make friends, her drawings were permanent.

Maybe that was why she was so drawn to architecture. Her friendships never lasted.

Buildings did.

Currently, Annabeth was sketching a model of a skyscraper modeled after the Empire State Building, one of her favorite architectural structures in NYC. In her version, however, she had some key improvements; she had made the windows bigger and made the building run entirely on a combination of solar and wind power.

Pretty cool stuff.

However, out of nowhere, Percy swooped in and snatched Annabeth's sketchbook, who looked back at him, stunned.

"What's this, your little diary?" he teasingly asked.

"Hey give that back Percy!" she screamed, quickly getting over her shock. She got up and ran after Percy, who dodged and began to run away.

"Writing about your secret crush here?"

"COME AND GIVE THAT BACK PERCY!" Annabeth ran after Percy, who continued to laugh hysterically as he sprinted away towards the playground. Though she was fast, Percy was just a hair faster and had the bigger lead; Annabeth struggled to keep up as Percy continued to run.

Eventually, Percy was able to gain some distance from Annabeth. He used the extra time to open the book, preparing to see some usual girl gossip to use against her. However, he was greeted to the drawing that Annabeth had been working on.

Percy stared at it, shocked. There's no gossip. Nothing! He was also surprised by how good these drawings were; they were very well detailed and designed.

Almost professional looking.

Wow, were these really Annabeth's?

"Give me my book!" Annabeth yelled. She snatched her sketchbook away from Percy. However, he had kept his hand on the page of her Empire State Building drawing. This resulted in the page being ripped out from the book.

Even worse, it had ripped in half.

A horrified look appeared on Annabeth's face.

"No…," Annabeth cried out, stunned. "No, not..not my drawing…"

Percy looked at the now ripped drawing in his hand. "Annabeth, I didn't mean to.." he started, trying to explain himself. But he was at a lost for words.

"MY DRAWING IS RUINED!" she screamed as she snatched the broken page pieces, trying desperately to put the two together as if they would magically reattach.

However, it was ruined.

The drawing she had spent days working on, ruined.

"Annabeth, I…"

"GO...GO AWAY PERCY!" she exclaimed, running inside before Percy could finish explaining. His eyes met hers just as she was leaving; Annabeth looked absolutely broken and on the verge tears.

Percy's heart almost broke at that sight. She looked so sad at the moment. Even though she had pranked Percy and humiliated him, that didn't mean she deserved to be broken down to the verge of tears; he had just wanted to play a little joke.

Instead, he had made her cry.

What have I done…


During lunch, Annabeth usually sat alone in the back of the cafeteria, enjoying her lunch of olive pizza while reading a book. However, today, she was fixated solely on her ruined drawing.

Annabeth felt some more tears coming down her face as she used the tape she got from the art room to fix it. Gosh, she felt so weak and pathetic crying; it was just a stupid drawing after all.

Yet, she knew it wasn't just that; her notebook drawings were the most important things in her life. And now, they were completely ruined.

All because of that stupid Seaweed Brain kid.

Percy suddenly came over to her. Annabeth quickly looked away from Percy.

"Go away Percy." she coldly told him.

"I just want to apologize." Percy pleaded.

"There's nothing to talk apologize about!" she snapped not looking up. "You ruined my drawing! End of conversation."

"Please Annabeth, just.. just let me explain." Annabeth forced herself to look up at Percy; he looked extremely sad and guilty. Though she was still angry at him, she sensed that he was being genuine with his apology. She had to at least hear him out.

"Fine, but make it quick."

"Annabeth..I'm...I'm so sorry. I...I just wanted to play a little joke on you to get back for that incident in class. I saw your notebook and thought it might have been your diary so I wanted to snatch it and make fun of you. I...I never wanted to hurt you." Percy stated. Annabeth looked at him; his sea green eyes looked sad. He looked like a hurt baby seal. Annabeth softened at that sight.

"Percy, hey, don't be sad," Annabeth began, trying to comfort him.

"I'm... I'm such a bad person!" He said, his hands buried in his face. "That's probably why I get kicked out of all my schools!"

"Hey don't say that Percy!" she exclaimed. She wasn't sure what Percy was talking about when he mentioned the "kicked from his schools" part but a bad person? As annoying as he was, Annabeth had a feeling Percy was not someone who would intentionally hurt her. She had met those kinds of people before.

"Hey, it was a misunderstanding. Besides, that joke I played on you in math class was kind of mean," she admitted.

"You...You don't understand!" he started. Percy looked as if he was about to add something but Annabeth stopped him

"Percy, look!" Annabeth finally said, her tone and expression serious, which shocked both she and Percy. "You are NOT a bad person! What you did was a mistake and you didn't mean to do it to hurt me. I'm still kind of angry at you, but I forgive you."

Percy had a gracious look in his eyes, immediately lightening her mood."Can...can we start our friendship over? Let's just forget any of this stuff happened."

"Okay, Seaweed Brain," she said, smiling slowly which made Percy smile. For the next few minutes, they sat next to each other eating their lunches in silence. Eventually, Percy broke the silence.

"I wanted to say, you're drawings are really good Annabeth," he commented.

Annabeth almost laughed, as if she didn't believe what he was saying. "You're just saying that to be nice."

"No, I mean it." Annabeth saw Percy's face, which was dead serious. Her face then lit up.

"You...you really mean it?." Annabeth had shown her some of her peers her drawings before, only to be bullied and teased for it, calling the drawings "nerdy".

This was the first time one had complimented them.

"I wouldn't be saying this if I didn't mean it. You really have some talent!. You should become an architect."

Annabeth smiled at that comment. "That's..that's my ambition. To become an architect. My...my mother works as one." she said, her voice lowering as she said the word "mom". Annabeth was extremely sensitive when it came to the topic of mothers; her own had left right after she was born. Annabeth never found out why. However, from what her dad told her, she was extremely into architecture, probably explaining why Annabeth also loved architecture.

"Really wow. Have you designed any buildings with her?"

Annabeth's face grimaced when Percy asked that. "I...I never met my mother. I just know that she was an architect." she said in a pained voice.

"Oh," Percy slowly said. He didn't add an "I'm sorry" like many other kids did which Annabeth appreciated. The words "I'm sorry" never felt genuine.

Percy then added. "I know how you feel. I never knew my father that well either."

Annabeth gave him a sideways glance. "Really?"

Percy nodded. "Yeah. I only get to see him once a year, twice if I'm lucky. He works for the government in oceanography and shipping. He's always super busy so he's never home at all."

Annabeth gave a sympathetic nod to Percy, who graciously accepted it.

"I have a feeling your mother would have loved your drawings if she saw them." Annabeth's eyes glistened. If there was one thing she wished if she ever met her mother, it was for her to see at least one of Annabeth's architectural drawings.

"Percy," Annabeth asked slowly, thinking about Percy's comment about being a bad person. "What...were you talking about when you said you were expelled?" careful to choose her words properly

Percy's expression sullied. "I...I was at four different schools before moving here. I was expelled mostly for fighting against the school bullies They would pick on the other kids in school. I felt really bad for them. I...I stood up for them. "

"That's not fair!" Annabeth commented. Whenever she would be bullied at school, no one would stand up for her. "You were just trying to protect them!"

Percy shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah, well, the bullies were smart; they were able to frame it like I was the one who started the fights. No one wanted to show that they were wrong so of course, I'm the one getting expelled. And since that's on my record, teachers always put the blame on me when fights break out."

Annabeth put her hand on Percy's shoulders, trying to comfort him. "That's really brave that you did that. No one would have done the same, Percy." She then added, "That's why you're a good person."

Percy looked at her graciously. "Thanks, Annabeth. I'm lucky to have a...a friend like you," he said

Annabeth smiled. "I'm glad to have a friend like you as well, " she said.

Friend. That word and concept were foreign to her. Yet, it seemed as if Annabeth had just made a friend in middle school.

The rest of the day went pretty well.

By school's end, Annabeth's mood had improved significantly. She had nearly forgotten about the incident. As Annabeth got to know Percy better, she realized how extremely funny and great he was to talk to. They were joking and laughing like they had known each other for years.

"See you tomorrow Seaweed Brain?" Annabeth asked, smirking as they exited the school.

"Yeah okay, Wise Girl!" he grinned. He was growing less and less annoyed at the nickname she gave him. Annabeth smiled to herself as she headed towards the subway to go back to her house in Brooklyn. She was actually looking forward to school the next day.

However, as Percy headed downtown on the 6 train, he couldn't stop but remember Annabeth's pained face and crying when he accidentally ruined her drawing. The sadness, the pain; it was something that he saw in the kids that were bullied in his previous schools. To see this girl, who seemed so sweet and innocent, also broken down into tears had shocked him.

He took out the money in his pocket and counted it, $20 in total. He had been saving it up to buy a new skateboard or surfboard.

However, that would have to wait.

Percy went to Soho to one of the arts and craft stores around the area. He looked around for some sketching utensils, as well as a new fancy sketchbook. Of course, Percy knew zero about arts and crafts. He used his best assessment as possible. Percy settled on a shiny, gold bounded blue sketchbook; it was pricey at $12.

Hey, can't be stingy now! You're doing this for a friend!

"Excuse me, sir," Percy came up to one of the men who was stocking up on art supplies. "Do you do engravings for sketchbooks?

"Why yes, we do young man!" He then grabbed the sketchbook and asked: "And what is your name?"

"Um, it's not for me. It's for a friend. Her name's Annabeth. Annabeth Chase." Percy replied

"Aww, how sweet of you!" the man exclaimed, eyes lighting up. Percy blushed a bit but tried to hide it. "I'll make sure that I'll make it extra special for your friend." as he went to the back of the store.

Yes please do! I really need this to work out!

The man then came up out to show Percy the sketchbook; it had Annabeth's name inscribed in bright, gold letter in the front center. Percy whistled. "Wow, that's really good." he commented as he took the sketchbook from the man.

"Well, it's for your friend. Hope she enjoys it." the man said winking at him. Clearly, he thought this Annabeth girl was Percy's girlfriend, WHICH SHE WAS NOT Percy would point out.

"Thank you, sir!" Percy quickly responded as he made his way towards the cashier. On the way back home, Percy had one thing on his mind.

I really hope Annabeth likes the gift.

Thank You

The next day, Percy walked into his class to find Annabeth already there.

"Hey, good morning Seaweed Brain!" she started grinning as he took his seat.

"Hey Wise Girl." Percy said, smiling slowly. He then cleared his throat. "I, um, got you something for what happened yesterday."

Annabeth looked at him, taken aback. "Percy, you didn't have to…"

"No, I wanted to," Percy firmly said. He then showed Annabeth the sketchbook and the sketching utensils.

Annabeth sat there shocked. This was the first time one of her peers had ever given her a gift.

"Percy, it's...it's beautiful," she replied as Annabeth took the sketchbook. It was gold bounded and blue. It already had Annabeth's name printed on it in a fancy inscription.

It was perfect.

She then looked up at him. "I don't know how to..." Annabeth suddenly got up and hugged Percy.

"Thank you." she whispered to him.

Percy sat there, stunned as Annabeth hugged him. Her hug was extremely soft and warm. He also began to take in little details, like the fact that Annabeth's hair smelled like lemon soap. Or that her blonde hair was really shiny and curly.

"Um, uh, no problem. " Percy stuttered messing up his words while blushing. This was the first time he had ever hugged a girl that wasn't his mother. "N..n..noo problem at all Wise Girl!" he awkwardly told her, giving a grin.

Annabeth smiled as Percy called her that. Initially, she was annoyed at that name.

However, she began to get used it, actually kind of hoping Percy would call her that. It was a cute nickname.

"Thanks, Seaweed Brain," she replied. Annabeth couldn't help but continue to smile during the rest of the school day.

Percy was growing on her.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

If you do like it, please do follow/fav/review. Even if it's a simple, "good job" or "nice work" kind of comment. A lot of readers I think don't understand just how far a simple review can go to brighten an author's mood and continue to motivate them.

As a fanfic author, reviews are ways I measure if people are appreciative and grateful of the time and effort that I put and spend into making chapters. And I do spend a lot of time on this story, as you'll see in the coming chapters. So if you like it, please do review if you can!

Thanks and have a great day.
