Hey guys, I finally got around to this rewrite let it be known I didn't really want to do this but at the same time I'm kind of glad I did because now I can fix the things I did wrong, speaking of I'll just list a few of those off

Haruto is basically an older copy of yuri

I neglected the main cast to the point where I couldn't casually introduce them

I made Haruto to seem like a silent person only to flip the switch randomly and make him a sadistic psychopath

And what I believe to be the biggest mistake is that I actually gave Haruto the ability to card people I don't even know why I did that it was a thing that popped in my mind and I thought why the hell not I know none of you said anything but I think that and Haruto being an older copy of Yuri might have turned some people being away from the story.

Somethings that won't change.

Haruto's deck and ace

Haruto's Appearance

Haruto's duel disk

The pairing

But overall after looking through the story I have to say… I just wasn't proud of it, like I would read the story and say, "I could do so much better" or "was I really putting enough effort in this" and I might've been over thinking it, I mean I was getting some pretty good reviews so I must have been doing something right, but I just felt like I needed to this

Anyway, this chapter is going to be the first of 4 prologues each one centering around 1 of the guardians I know theirs 5 signers (Leo fans "no theirs six") he wasn't a signer long enough for me to actually care.(i have nothing against leo i just think they picked a wrong time to do it)

Ok I think this AN is long enough let's just get on with the story ~

Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: The Rose's Demon


Running through the night of new domino city was a man that looked about 30 years old however the strange part was he looked to be running out of fear never slowing down but constantly glancing behind him.

The man turns a corner hoping to try to lose whatever was following him only to be met with a dead end in a alley way, he was about to go back but when he turned around he froze in fear because what he was running away from had caught up.

Walking down the alley was a boy wearing black unbuttoned trench coat with green trimmings, 2 silver buttons with near the collar with a chain connecting them green scarf that went up to the bridge of his nose like a mask and tented sunglasses concealing his eyes.

He also had a duel disk a lot different from the usual ones you would see, the device itself was in the shape of a black shield with silver trimmings and a circular touch screen, the most noticeable feature was that the blade that would be used for monster zones was made of green energy in the shape of a sword.

The man started backing up against the wall trying to keep distance from the boy his eyes were wide with fear. "Wait, please I know why you're here and I know what you're after." When his back hit the wall, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a flash drive and threw it at the boy. "There! That's all the data I stole from Arcadia I didn't read any of the files I swear, so please let me go!" the man shouts desperately.

The boy stops walking forward and catches the flash drive, he then inserts it in a slot of his duel disk and goes over its content, confirming it was as the man said he puts the flash drive in his pocket and turns around.

The man thinking the boy was leaving lets out a sigh of relief and tries to relax his heart, only to tense up when the boy takes a card and slams it on his duel disk.

What happened next made the man's legs give out in fear, the monster was a giant plant with flytrap mouths at the end of its stems and a big purple flower with another mouth in the center, the creature at the man who was now trembling.

"Wait! No please!" the man begged Hopelessly before the boy raised his hand and snapped his fingers causing the creature to charge towards the man.

"AAAARGHHHH!" the man's screams were heard throughout the neighborhood when people got to the scene the only thing they saw was the barely recognizable corps of the man.

-Arcadia Movement-

The boy from before was walking towards the steps of a large building, this was his home the Arcadia Movement a place filled with people with the same… gifts as him.

The boy scoffs at that last part, gift isn't exactly the word he would use to describe his abilities but then again, he wouldn't call them a curse either they do have their uses the man from earlier was a perfect example.

Realizing where his thoughts were heading stopped to calm himself taking a few deep breaths to settle down something he found himself doing quite often now, ever since he discovered his abilities he's had a bit of a temper and it seems to get worse by the week, he has checkups every other day with one of Arcadia's doctors but it never really helps.

"I don't need to see your face to tell your upset Haruto." A feminine voice said from behind the now named Haruto who turned around to see a girl with long dark burgundy hair wearing aa cloak and a white mask.

Haruto pulls down his scarf and allowed a small smile to come to his face. "Hey Aki, I see you finished with your end hope he didn't cause you too much trouble."

The girl shook her head. "No, he wasn't any trouble in fact from what I could tell he was just here to scout out the area." The girl took of her mask revealing her face she had brown eyes and a strange hair clip curling her bangs this was Aki Izayoi, Haruto's twin sister… unfortunately.

Now don't get them wrong both of them love each other dearly but that's just it they love each other dearly, neither of them are aware of the others feelings and neither of them are willing to tell the other.

Their feelings for each other started when their lives took a turn for the worse, for Aki it was because of how much Haruto sacrificed and how much pain he endured for her. For example, when they were little there were some bullies at their school threatening her and mocking her, she got so hurt and angry that she took a card from her deck and played, the kids ended up getting injured and were sent to the hospital when their father learned this he was about to slap her before Haruto pushed her out of the way and took the hit further angering their father thus causing him to take out his anger on Haruto.

From that day onward Haruto guarded Aki from everything whether it be physical abuse or verbal he took it all but that's not to say that he was able to protect her from everything, at their school it became an unspoken rule that if they wanted to mess with Aki they had to deal with Haruto first and that's what they did they would keep him occupied and then mess with Aki.

Aki would tell him to stop him to stop seeing how protecting her always got him hurt but he would always say that she was more important, that di0dn't stop the guilt however there was never a time she didn't think that maybe he held just the tiniest bit of resentment towards which was why she could never bring herself to tell him how she felt.

For Haruto it was because she never left him, no matter what they had been through she was always by his said, when he suggested that they left duel academia behind she followed, when they got into the underground dueling circuit she stayed by him, he may put up a front but he was affected by what happened to them just as much as she was.

The looks on people's faces, the things they would shout at them and their titles "the Black Rose Witch" and "the Venom Demon" yes it all bothered him, but she was always there to help him through his pain his sorrow, he knows that if it wasn't for her he would have gone insane by now.

They told themselves that even if the other would except their feelings, that kind of love is just wouldn't seem right in the eyes of others, of course each of course both ignored the fact that none of what they do would be right in the eyes of others.

Haruto took off his glasses. "Well I guess we should go report already wouldn't want to keep Divine waiting." Aki nodded and the two were about to enter the building before a voice stopped them.

"Actually, Divine is already aware of your success and has another mission for you Haruto." They look to the door to see a woman with blond hair in the standard Arcadia uniform she had glasses and was holding a tablet constantly swiping.

"Sarah it's been awhile!" Aki exclaimed happily, Sarah was one of the only friends Aki had at the Movement they got along really well but could argue from time to time but that's what most friends do.

"indeed, but it seems that we both have been busy maybe we should schedule a little girl's night out at one sometime." Sarah says with a smile, they looked like they were about to go on about what they could do but Haruto stopped them by clearing his throat.

"Sorry to interrupt but could you just tell me what Devine wants me to do so I can get it done and go to bed." Haruto asks feeling tired because he was already woken up by the alarms blaring before he was sent out to deal with the guy from before.

Sarah rolled her eyes before she handed him her tablet showing him a picture of a man with slicked back hair in a business suit. "This is Bryce Furukawa, he's an investor for Kaiba corp. and probably one of the most arrogant people you'll ever meet." Sarah says making Haruto confused.

"Ok so he's a typical business man why should I care." Haruto asks.

"you should care because he's the one who was paying the guy who stole the data, which I should probably be taking back to Divine." She says before holding out her hand.

Haruto gives her the flash drive and takes the tablet reading over the information, before nodding and hands the tablet back. "Alright I'll be on my way then." He turns to Aki. "You might as well head to bed by the time I get back the sun will probably be up." Haruto says annoyed that he just can't get some sleep.

"I'll try to get Divine to let you sleep in tomorrow." Aki says before her and Sarah walk into the building and Haruto goes to pay Bryce a visit… no one interrupts his sleep.


Bryce was on his way home just getting off work, normally he would take the train home but he was too tired to deal with a lot of people right now so he decided to just call a cab but he said it would be while so here he is waiting.

He was also waiting on an update from the people he sent to Arcadia to collect important data from there systems but they should have reported back by now he was starting to think they had failed.

While in his thoughts he didn't realize a plant like tendril slither towards his feet before wrapping around his ankle.

"Huh?" Bryce looked down noticing the tendril before it slams him into the building and pulls him up to the roof.

"GAH!" Bryce lands on his back hard, he tries to sit up but a boot the foot then stomps on his chest, Bryce then looks to see Haruto with his scarf up and his sunglasses on and a small plant like hydra next to him.

"Y-you're the…" Bryce stutters in pain.

"Shall I go down the list." Haruto presses his foot down harder. "First your little friends decided to sneak in our home, then they trip the alarm and wake me from my wonderful sleep, the I have to go and track them down, and finally instead of getting to go back to sleep I have to deal with you!"

Haruto stops to take a deep breath and calm himself not wanting to lose control but in doing so he misses Bryce take out some pellet and slam it on the ground.

Haruto jumps back in shock allowing Bryce to roll away and get some distance. "I should have figured those idiots would fail so hard to find good help now days."

Bryce stands and dust himself off. "I'll admit I didn't think they'd send you after me well, at least not this soon." Bryce says with a smirk. "But then again you are their best and it's only right they send their best after THE best."

'I hate this guy even more' Haruto thinks feeling really annoyed with this guy. "Listen I'm tired and I'm sure you're in pain, I suggest you make this easy."

Bryce just smirks. "Oh, trust me it'll be easy." He says before activating his duel disk.

"Whatever let's get it over with." Haruto says

"Let's…" they then both shout. "Duel."

Bryce LP: 4000 x5

Haruto LP: 4000 x5

"I'll go first." Bryce says drawing a card

"First I activate two copies of the spell Six Samurai United." He states as the 2 cards materialize

"With this whenever a Six Samurai is summoned I can this card gets 2 Bushido Counters, and now I summon Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki!" a samurai wearing brown armor and 2 mechanical arms on his back and wielding 4 swords appeared.

LVL: 3 ATK: 200/DEF: 2000

"and when he's normal summoned I can special summon another Six Samurai monster from my hand, like The Six Samurai – Nisashi." A samurai wearing green armor and wielding 2 energy swords.

LVL: 4 ATK: 1400/DEF: 700

"and when there's a Six Samurai with a different name on the field Kageki gains 1500 ATK points."

ATK: 200-1800/DEF: 2000

"Now I activate the effect of my 2 Six Samurai United, by sending them to the graveyard I can draw a card for ever Bushido counter on them Each of them has 2 so I'll be drawing 4 cards." He draws his cards and after looking at him his smirk widens.

"I'll set 2 cards face down and end my turn." His 2 cards materialize. "Now please make this interesting."

Bryce LP: 4000 x4

Haruto LP: 4000 x5

Haruto says nothing and draws his card, looking through his hand before he picks a card.

"first I summon Predaplant Spinodionaea." A plant like spinosaurus with a flytrap on its spine appeared.

LVL: 4 ATK: 1800/DEF: 0

"and when its summoned I can place a Predator counter on a monster you control and if their level is 2 or higher it's level is then reduced to 1, and I choose Kageki." He says before a small plant like creature appears and bites into Kageki.

LVL: 3-1

"Now Battle! Spinodionaea Attacks Six Samurai Nisashi!" the dinosaur charges at the samurai and tears through him.

Bryce LP: 3600

"I activate my trap! Shien's Scheme!" Bryce's card flips up. "When a Six Samurai is Destroyed by battle, I can special summon 2 Six Samurai from my hand, like Legendary Six Samurai – Kizan and The Six Samurai – Yaichi."

LVL: 4 ATK: 1800/DEF: 500

LVL 3 ATK: 1300/DEF: 800

"and when I control at least 2 Six Samurai with a different name Kizan gains 200 ATK and DEF points." Bryce says as a yellow aura flows around he warrior.

ATK: 1800-2000/DEF: 500-700

"It doesn't make a difference because at the end of the damage step if Spinodionaea battled a monster with an equal or lower level I can special summon a Predaplant from my deck, like Predaplant Chlamydosundew." A plant like frill lizard appeared on the field.

ATK: 600/DEF: 200

"and this little guy is special because it can fuse with any monster on my hand or field but it can also fuse with any monster you control with a Predator counter like your Kageki." The lizard wraps its tongue around the samurai and they both swirl in a vortex.

"beautiful flower with a deadly fragrance, become one with a noble warrior and create a new terror! Fusion Summon!" Haruto clasps his hands and a creature emerged from the vortex. "Come forth! The deadly botanical abomination! Level 7! Predaplant Chimeraflesia!"

The same creature as before emerged and let drool fall from its mouth.

LVL: 7 ATK: 2500/DEF: 2000

"and since you don't have 2 other Six Samurai on your field Kizan's points return to normal." Haruto sates as Kizan grows weaker.

ATK: 2000-1800/DEF: 700-500

"Now I use its effect, once per turn I can banish 1 monster you control whose level is equal to or lower than its own, I choose your Kizan." Chimeraflesia grabs ahold of Kizan and devours him.

"Dammit." Bryce Growled out.

"I set 2 cards face down and end my turn." Haruto says as his 2 cards materialize.

Bryce LP: 3600 x2

Haruto LP: 4000 x3

Bryce draws his card with a frustrated look on his face before it goes back to his usual smirk. "alright I'll admit your good but now I'll get serious."

"first, I activate Dark Hole, this destroys every monster on the field." Bryce says as a massive whirlpool of darkness appeared on the field and swallowed up their monsters.

"then I activate my face down, Call of the Haunted and bring back my Kageki."

LVL: 3 ATK: 200/DEF: 2000

"and since I control a Six Samurai I can special summon Grandmaster of the Six Samurai." And old man with long hair and an eye patch appeared on the field.

LVL: 6 ATK: 2100/DEF: 800

"and since I have another Six Samurai Kageki gains 1500 ATK."

ATK: 200-1800/DEF: 2000

"and since I have at least 2 Six Samurai monster I can summon Great Shogun Shien." Warrior wearing red armor concealing his entire body emerged.

LVL 7 ATK: 2500/DEF: 2400

"and when he's on the field you can only activate 1 spell or trap card each turn." Bryce says with a smirk.

"Now battle! Shein attacks you directly." The samurai charges at Haruto with his sword raised before Haruto takes a card from his hand.

"I activate the effect of Predaplant Sarraceniant from my hand." A strange plant like ant appeared on the field however it was colored blue indicating that it was in defense position.

LVL 1 ATK: 100/DEF: 600

"when you declare a direct attack, I can special summon him to the field." Bryce just growls at this before continuing his attack making Shien slash through Sarraceniant.

However just after that a portal opens from the ground and Sarraceniant drags Shien down.

"What!?" Bryce cries out in shock.

"at the end of the damage step if Sarraceniant battled a monster that monster is destroyed." Haruto says with a dull voice.

"Grrr Fine! Grandmaster attacks you directly!" the old man then charges at Haruto.

"I activate Draining shield!" one of Haruto's face down flipped and a green energy shield appeared around him.

"This negates your attack and I gain life points equal to the attacking monsters ATK points." Haruto says as his life points rise.

Haruto LP: 6100

"Grrr Go! Kageki Attack!" the samurai charges at Haruto and this time it connects.

Haruto LP: 4300

"Now I end my turn." Bryce says through gritted teeth.

Bryce LP: 3600 x0

Haruto LP: 4300 x2

*Sigh* "I think we've wasted enough time." Haruto says as he draws his card.

"I Summon Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio." A plant like scorpion appeared on the field.

LVL: 3 ATK: 1200/DEF: 800

"When this is summoned I can special summon another Predaplant from my deck, like Predaplant squid Drosera."

LVL: 2 ATK: 800/DEF: 400

"and now I activate Polymerization, and fuse my Ophrys Scorpio and Squid Drosera." The 2 monsters rise in the air and begin to swirl in a vortex.

"2 Beautiful flowers with a deadly fragrance! Become one, with the hell beneath your petals, and give birth to a new terror! Fusion Summon!" Haruto clasps his hands together and the vortex began to take shape. "Come forth! Poisonous dragon with hungry fangs! Level 8! Starve Venom Fusion Dragon!"

The vortex finished taking shape, revealing a viscous purple dragon with plant like mouths on each its shoulders and tendrils on its hips with another set of mouths connected at the ends and yellow and red orbs all over its body, the dragon roared loudly before snarling viciously at Bryce and his monsters.

LVL: 8 ATK: 2800/DEF: 2000

"When Starve Venom is Fusion Summoned it can gain the ATK of 1 Special Summoned monster you guys control like your Grandmaster!" Starve Venom's tendrils shot out and bit into grandmaster absorbing its power.

ATK: 2800-4900/DEF: 2000

"What!?" Bryce shouts in shock but before he even had a chance to recover 2 small plant like creatures from before appear and bite into Kageki and Grandmaster.

"when Squid Drosera is sent from the field to the Graveyard every special summoned monster you control gains a Predator counter." Haruto says Causing Bryce to grit his teeth

LVL: 6-1

LVL: 3-1

"Now I activate the effect of the Squid Drosera in my hand by discarding it I can select 1 monster I control and it can attack every monster with a Predator counter." This Caused Bryce to take a step back with sweat forming on his head.

"Now Battle! Starve Venom Attacks Grandmaster of the Six Samurai." One of Starve venoms tendrils came out and launched itself at Grandmaster and tearing him apart.

Bryce LP: 800

"Now it's Starve Venom attacks Legendary Six Samurai Kageki!" Haruto shouted out Harshly and Starve Venom rose in the shot a beam of energy towards the energy and caused an explosion launching Bryce off the building.

"AAAARGHHHH!" Bryce Cried out as he fell.

Bryce LP: 0

Haruto: WINNER

The cab Bryce had called just arrived and noticed he wasn't there so he decided to step out and have a smoke, but as he was about to light it something crashed on top of his cab.

The driver jumped back and looked closer at what fell but stepped back in horror realizing it was Bryce, he looked up at the building and his eyes went wide see the mighty form of Starve Venom before it flew off with Haruto on his back roaring in the night.

While riding in Starve Venom Haruto was thinking about what happened tonight, why would Bryce want that data could he have been trying something against Arcadia or maybe something against its members and if so could he had been targeting Aki or maybe him.

In the end he decided it didn't matter either way Arcadia was his home and Aki was his Rose.

And he would destroy anything that would take them away…

Well that's it please tell what you thought about it and pm me with any questions you may have or put them in the review also I decide to change how I answerd questions people with accounts I'll pm you a response and guest I'll answer in the next chapter.

Well til next time cya~