Weeeell, here comes another bullshit fanfiction! XD AND YES! It's Star Wars! *claps enthusiastically*.
But no matter, is this story I have planned out for you going to be any good? Well, I hope you enjoy and please leave a comment and favorite if you like it!
This takes place somewhat between Episode 2 and Episode 3. And I will only use material from the movies and very little from the cartoons as I am not so familiar with them. I consider only the movies to be actual canon.




General Grievous conquers a new planet which isn't found on the data-tracks, and as he about to kill the royal of the planet, Princess Seeth, Count Dooku arrives and decides to offer a bargain. The neutral planet of Utaimasu would be spared, if Seeth offered her resources and loyalty to the Separatists... And for Count Dooku's most trusted General, Grievous, to take Seeth's hand in marriage.
(General Grievous/OC; AU - Rated T for violence, language).


"The General's Bride"

Chapter One:
The Surprise from the Separatists


Princess Seeth, the ruler of the planet Utaimasu, the only daughter of Queen Airseria, gazed upon the capital city of Genovise with despair and sadness. She could not assist as much as she'd like to and she knew that if she did, more people would be killed.

She figured sooner or later the Separatists would find her planet and try to conquer it. But she wasn't expecting so much damage done to her planet. She was frozen in her own disappointment and how much she knew her mother would hate her for this. Seeth knew that she would be next. Perhaps Count Dooku would negotiate something? She could only hope for such a miracle.

Perhaps the Separatists feared her and her people? They were strong and powerful beings who could control not only the Force, but also Necromancy and Magic. Perhaps that was why the people of Utaimasu were being murdered. In Utaimasu's ancient culture, Necromancy was only used for battle. But now it was beginning to be seen more for insane hexing rituals. No one had used Necromancy for decades.

But while Magic was a common trait in all people, few people knew how to fight with it. Magic was used for things that did not include violence.

And Seeth was broken as she fell to the floor and felt the every single death and pain of her people. She may not be a full Ningyo, but she could still feel all the pain and suffering inflicted upon her world. It was almost too much.

But she knew she had to at least defend herself. If she could defeat whatever was sent to kill her (she knew. She just knew) she could perhaps take back her world by setting an example for the Separatists scum who were slowly hurting her people. And scare off the bastards.

She would of never guessed what will happen though.


General Grievous watched in delight at the destruction of these strange creatures. Human in appearance but so familiar to the Jedi. It made him sick. He watched as some women and men tried to and actually succeeded to destroy his droids.

But he dare not interfere. For he had his own mission. To kill the royals. If he could, he'd smirk. Count Dooku gave him permission to kill the royals here. He was not in a good mood and did not actually want to cooperate with the rulers of this planet. General Grievous knew not why though. It could have been anything with Dooku.

General Grievous made his way through the streets, staying undetected and looking around. The structures and buildings remained unharmed or little damage was done to them. Despite the bombs dropping on the buildings. But Grievous soon found what he was looking for.

A large beautiful white palace was shimmering in the star's light as he approached it. It looked so majestic in all it's glory. Grievous laughed to himself as he thought of what would happen soon to this palace.

He entered the gardens without much trouble and quickly made his way into the palace. It was even more beautiful on the inside as countless beautiful flowers and plants decorated the walls and ceiling. And all the flowers were so nicely organized too. It would be such a shame for this to go to waist.

Encountering several guards, he fought them with minimal difficulty as he found himself knocking on a large metal door. The throne room. No answer.

"Open this cursed door!" he yelled. And a soft and sweet voice replied:

"It is open, general."

The voice was female, but Grievous cared not as he pushed the door open and entered the large room. It had an incredibly high ceiling with large banners, vertically dangling from the ceiling, of the flag of the planet, the room itself was long just like any other throne room, and the large two thrones at the end of the room were mighty and intimidating. Tall windows with glass stain of some sort of events were also prominent and quite beautiful.

In the smaller throne, sat a young woman. Grievous had to come closer to see her fully. But when he did, he was momentarily caught off guard. The woman was wearing a silky dress of different shades of blue, long and modest was the dress as it hid her legs and feet, accompanied by a long navy cape. Her brown curly hair was tied into a bun behind her head and a silver tiara sat on top of her head. Her eyes were a shimmering sky blue color with brown on the inner rim of her pupils. Her skin was pale, as if she hadn't went outside to be kissed by the star's tan whatsoever. She was beautiful, sitting on her throne with grace and dignity and a stoic face as she stared back into the general's yellow piercing eyes.

But in the larger throne, sat no one.

Grievous returned to reality only a second later when he realized something. This young woman wasn't even married. Which meant he didn't need to kill a king. Grievous stood only 20 meters away from her throne and watched the 6 guards which stood by her raise their weapons. He rolled his eyes in annoyance as he was about to withdraw his lightsaber.

"Lower your weapons." the Princess spoke, gaining the attention of the guards, but they did not take their eyes off the cyborg. They reluctantly complied, remaining loyal and trusting the princess's judgement.

Grievous laughed. "Foolish girl. You should have kept your guards careful." he taunted but the princess was not fazed.

"I was beginning to think you were the fool, general. What are you doing here?" she asked remaining brave and strong, despite the pain of those all around her, a part of her already knowing the answer.

Grievous narrowed his eyes. "Well, princess, do you know it isn't wise to insult those with higher authority than you? But to answer your question, I came to assassinate you." he said, plainly and simply, as if there was nothing wrong with what he had just said.

The guards raised their weapons. Seeth was growing frustrated. "Lower your weapons and leave us." she ordered, strictly and strongly. One guard, who was dressed in a way that made him seem important, gave her a disbelieving look.

"With this menace?" he asked, gawking at his highness. Seeth gave him an impatient look and the guard sighed. "Men, out." he ordered as the guards quickly left the throne room. When everyone had left and closed the door, Seeth stood up from her throne and slowly stalked towards the general, removing her navy cape and revealing metal armor around her right arm all the way up to her shoulder.

Grievous was taken aback by this but quickly recovered. He gave her a surprised look. "It would seem that you are incredibly brave and willing to expect death, yet you are also incredibly stupid, princess." he said, giving her a sardonic look. Seeth smirked as the metal around her arm started to shift and warp into a sword that she held in her hand now. Grievous took pleasure in watching the brave woman continuously stalk towards him until she was standing in front of him. She had to look up to meet the tall being's eyes.

Grievous tilted his head downwards to look at the strange woman. "Brave, I am. But stupid is a word I'd use to describe you." she said, seriously as she narrowed her eyes. Grievous laughed.

"You really shouldn't have done that, princess." he said as he teased her face with a single claw. Seeth's eyes narrowed at the half-Kaleesh as she slapped his hand away and swung her sword at him with such speeds. The general barely dodged it as he jumped up with equal speed and landed several meters away from her. He laughed

"You really do want to die painfully don't you, princess?" he asked as he withdrew two of his lightsabers and charged at her, swinging both lightsabers in a circulating motion as he attempted to intimidate her. Seeth was prepared as she caught one of his lightsabers attempt to cut her half as she blocked it with her own sword. To Grievous' surprise, it didn't cut in half. It didn't even dent the large metal sword.

The general went on the offense as he continuously attempted to cut her limbs off, the young princess was quick to block them all with some effort. She and he were equally impressed with each other's skills. They traded blows with each other, until Grievous saw an opening and with the back of his lightsaber, hit her in the side and made her shout out in pain as she fell to the floor, her sword sliding away from her.

Seeth attempted to summon it back to her hand with her own abilities, but it was too far away as Grievous slammed his foot next to her and she yelped in fear as she directed her eyes back to his own. She laid in fear for a few seconds before her face turned cold and accepting as she closed her eyes, accepting defeat.

Grievous chuckled as he raised his lightsabers over his head. "Well, princess, this ends here I suppose. This was entertaining, but all things must end." he said as he watched her beautiful eyes close and her lips part so she could slowly breath. Grievous found himself captivated by such a sight of peace, but he rolled his eyes at himself and he swung and-

Something blocked his lightsabers. Grievous at first thought it was her sword, but he realized that the object blocking his lightsabers was a glowing red color. Grievous' eyes widened as he looked up to see Count Dooku standing there, besides the princess and holding his own red lightsaber with a single hand, and blocking Grievous' lightsabers.

Grievous staggered back at the glaring expression on Count Dooku's serious face. "C-Count Dooku? What are you-" Grievous asked, shocked yet curious. Dooku's eyes narrowed momentarily at Grievous before he turned to the fallen princess who had opened her eyes and stared in shock at Count Dooku. He kneeled down and offered her a hand to take. Princess Seeth hesitantly took it as he helped her up.

Dooku then turned to Grievous, "What are you doing, General Grievous?!" he demanded, and Grievous became confused.

"Count Dooku, you personally gave me orders to eliminate the royals on this planet." Grievous answered, taken aback by Dooku's approach. Count Dooku went silent as if he had remembered something and then turned back to Seeth.

"Princess Seeth, do let me apologize for such hostile behavior from my general. But since I am here, I suppose we could negotiate." Count Dooku suggested and Seeth thought for a moment before sighing as she nodded.

"Yes, Count Dooku. I am ready to negotiate."

Dooku smiled, "Princess Seeth, I will spare your people and have my droids leave your planet, but only if you promise me three things." he said and Seeth nodded.

"Alright, state your bargain." she said, trying to be formal.

Dooku lifted a finger, "The first end of the deal is that you will surrender your planet's resources to the Separatists if I require them." he stated and paused. Seeth nodded.


Dooku lifted a second finger, "The second part is that you must not communicate with any members of the Republic under any circumstances." A pause.


Dooku lifted a final finger, "The final part is this; you are to take General Grievous' hand in marriage. And he must stay here with you as your planet's new king." Seeth gasped at this as her eyes widened and she avoided looking at the general. General Grievous was equally shocked at this but his reaction was not silent.

"Count Dooku, please reconsider the final end-" but before he could finish, the tip of Dooku's lightsaber met Grievous' neck and the general silenced himself.

"You are to marry Princess Seeth and take the throne with her. You are to stay here with her. I would send a governor, but rumors about spies amongst our men have grown. And the rumors are true. I am detecting several spies in our governors. So as one of the only people I can trust, I entrust you to marry." Dooku said, strictly as he glared at Grievous. "Do we understand each other?" he asked, daring Grievous to say the wrong thing.

But Grievous sighed as he nodded angrily. "Yes. Yes we do." he said in a low voice as he turned away from the princess in spite. Seeth noticed this and sighed. Dooku took notice of her discomfort and relaxed.

"I will give you two 5 months to get to know each other. After that, you will marry." he said, softly as he walked towards the doors, which were now open. "Remember, five months. We shall remain in contact, General Grievous." Dooku added as he left the throne room and close the door behind him with the help of the Force. Leaving the Kaleesh and the Half-Ningyo in awkward silence.