After Obi-Wan and Luke were gone, Jupiter knew that it was her time to leave. She returned to her shuttle with Master Yoda who came to wish her well and send her off. "A great mystery, the future is. Learn from your past, but also heed the trials of the present, you should." He told Jupiter wisely as he came to a stop, looking up at her even as Jupiter knelt down to face him properly, fear and uncertainty flickering in her eyes.

"Master Yoda, are you certain I cannot persuade you to come with me?" She asked him, resting an arm on her knee. "We will need you to lead and guide us. You are the Grand Master after all, there is no on alive more suited to rebuilding the Jedi Order than you."

"Time for me to act, passed it has. No more intrude on the younger generation, I will. Brave younglings, you all are, but strong in the Force also." He told her pointedly, his wizened voice one that Jupiter had often turned to for guidance and wisdom throughout her years of training and even when she became a master, she would turn to Yoda for a second opinion. "Confidence I have that you will do many more great things, worthy to be recorded in the archives."

"But Master Yoda, I am still very young. How will I know what to do if danger comes for us again?"

"Trust in the Force, you must, and yourself also. Intuitive, you are, connected deep into the Force you have become and wise beyond your years." Nodding his head to approve his own words, Master Yoda gave a final smile to Jupiter before he took his lightsaber from his belt and handed it over to her, making her start in surprise and begin to protest but he lifted a hand to respectfully silence her. "No more use I have for this. Take it. When balance is restored, place my lightsaber in the hall of records, you should. A memory, of who I once was."

"Master…you are speaking in such a way that makes it sounds as if you do not intend to come back." Jupiter whispered, holding his lightsaber tightly in her grip as she lifted her sad and seemingly ancient eyes to meet his. "Is this true?"

"Old I am, young Jupiter. Live much longer, I will not. Become one with the Force I shall and train in solitude. Train also, you shall. Listen to the will of the Force, let it be your guide." Lifting his hand to pat her shoulder, Yoda gave one final smile. "Go now, protect and teach. That is your mission." Unable to restrain herself, Jupiter pulled Master Yoda into her embrace, wanting to hold him for the first…and the last time. For a brief moment Yoda was surprised but he quickly relaxed, leaning his head into the young woman's shoulder and resting against her until she slowly put him down.

"We shall meet again through the Force, master. I can sense it." Jupiter said to him softly. "I wish it did not have to end this way, even though we were at war I was intensely happy for all that I had and for the friends that I loved. I hope that this is the last time I must say goodbye."

"Letting go is the first step to healing, young Jupiter. Carry them with you, you shall." Lifting a hand in farewell, Jupiter rose to her feet and bowed deeply with unbound respect for the Grand Master before finally, she turned to her shuttle and entered, leaving Master Yoda behind as she activated the systems and flew from the base, going through her breathing exercises to remain calm. Settled, Jupiter entered the coordinates to rendezvous with the other Jedi, opening up the private channel to make contact. "Roo? Roo can you hear me?"

Beeping rapidly in response, Jupiter listened carefully before instantly relaxing. "I am glad you all got there safely. Inform the Jedi Masters and Knights that I am en route to their location, once I am there we shall plan our next step." Roo answered with various beeps and whistles. "Repeat that again, Roo, did you say that you had collected my bag from the temple for me?" He whistled. "You are amazing my little friend. Hold tight, I am on my way."

Entering into hyperspace, Jupiter raced across the stars to reach the other Jedi, whom she had sent into hiding to keep them safe from being discovered. There were very few places a Jedi could hide, however there were still some places left in the universe that lay forgotten and abandoned. This place was perfect. Being strong in the Force, it would effortlessly hide them within its protective cloaking where they could re-establish their order and train in secret. For the time being, training the padawans and younglings took priority. Typhon was nestled in the Deep Core region of the galaxy, and although it was under the Republic's control, Jupiter had erased all knowledge of it from data within the Jedi Archives and it had been left untouched for many centuries. No one would find them there.

As her shuttle carried her across space, Jupiter pressed her eyes shut and leaned back in her seat, thinking. She had an item of importance from everyone in her life that she cared for and loved. Dhea and Master Windu's lightsabers, Shmi's handkerchief, even Padme had gifted her the locket where she now carried a lock of hair from the four people who were her closest family. Keyes had parted with her after giving up his own life, a gift in itself but had also crafted her a bracelet with parts from the fleet that she had once commanded. She even had kept a hold of Ahsoka's padawan chain. The only person she did not have something materialistic to remember them by was Obi-Wan, and that stung her painfully. From all this, Jupiter learned one thing. She simply could not let go of those that she loved, her attachment was too strong. Even though she was able to move forwards, they always remained there hidden, embedded in her memories for her to carry for the rest of her life.

Perhaps now was a new age for the Jedi Order, a time where new teachings could begin or at least, a new approach. They had been destroyed because one of their own loved too greatly and feared the loss of the one they cared for most, however even as Jupiter tried to think she could find no means to combat this type of emotion. Love was a force to be reckoned with, it had given her strength in her times of need, yet it also held powerful destructive capabilities. Because Anakin loved Padme, he had turned to the Dark Side to seek enough power to keep her from dying, but had ended up killing her himself because of it.

Shaking her head, Jupiter allowed herself to drift in limbo for some time until finally, her journey came to an end. As the signals flashed to signal her exit from hyperspace, Jupiter looked forwards and saw a lush planet appear before her, large and imposing as already she could feel the power of the Force that dwelled there. As she entered the atmosphere, a storm began to stir, reacting to her arrival even as Jupiter landed under the cover of a ruined temple, lightning flashing in the sky until she meditated briefly, calming the atmosphere around her before again opening her eyes.

"Master!" Several voices cried out in relief and Jupiter watched as a flock of younglings and padawans ran to her, each of them crowding close as their eyes betrayed their relief and the fear they had felt when she had not followed. "You made it master, we were so worried about you."

"Peace, little ones. We are safe here for the time being." Jupiter assured them gently, reaching out and placing her hands on their heads. "I trust you have all been on good behaviour?" Teasing them with a gentle tone, Jupiter smiled. The younglings all relaxed when they saw Jupiter's familiar smile, encouraged by her calm collectiveness even though it was all a façade. Walking forwards they all remained close to her side, wondering what they were to do next however Jupiter made them retreat to their camps to wait a little while as she discussed with the other Jedi what was to be done.

Jupiter was glad to see that more had survived than she had previously believed. There were other younglings and padawans present as well as Jedi Knights, however as Jupiter went upwards through the ruined temple that had once been a proud jewel within their order, she found three masters gathered where the old council chamber used to be. They had been waiting for her. "Master Jupiter. It is good that you are returned to us. When you did not follow, we feared you may have been killed." Master Sinube said to her, bowing his head upon her entering and she returned the gesture.

"There were affairs that required my attention. I apologise for causing concern, however now we have a task at hand. We must protect the younglings at all costs, which means remaining in hiding until such a time we are at a strength where we can challenge the Sith once more." She began, instinctively taking control as she stood before the crippled table, glancing across the broken and time weathered seats. "I propose that we remain here, safe from detection, and continue to train the next generation with our combined skills. I believe we can accomplish this."

"What of other Jedi? Master Yoda and Master Windu, did they survive?" One of the other masters questioned, however Jupiter lowered her head. Reaching onto her belt, she silently placed both Master Yoda's lightsaber on the table as well as Master Windu's. They were so distinctive that they were of course instantly recognised, so the masters bowed their heads in silence, mourning the losses.

"We are all that is left." Lifting her head, Jupiter gave a soft smile. "For the time being. I am confident that other Jedi escaped the madness of the purge, I can sense it strongly. It is my intention to find these Jedi and bring them back to safety, however I must act alone in this endeavour. Too much movement of too many Jedi will cause a ripple in the Force and the Sith will surely sense it. We cannot allow them to find our location."

"I agree, this is a good plan." A master as ancient as Master Sinube agreed with Jupiter, inclining her head towards the much younger but incredibly strong Jedi Master. "We should also attempt to rebuild as much of this temple as possible. We will require technology. Materials. We cannot survive out here for long on the provisions that we brought with us and this is hostile territory. We do not yet know what is out there."

"It is alright, Master Viola, I can tell you exactly what is out there and you are right, it is hostile." Jupiter agreed. "However the Force guided me to choose this place for our isolation, so I know that we will survive and manage one way or another. For now, we should place restrictions and regulations in order, such as what to do if we need to escape quickly." The others all hummed in agreement so they sat down and discussed exactly what was to be done. Jupiter assisted setting all plans in place before offering to scout the surroundings herself, taking with her Master Windu's lightsaber as well as her own. She could feel a strong connection to him through the Force as she carried it, so she did not allow it to leave her side.

As she left, a loud and insistent beeping sound caught her attention and she turned, instantly relaxing as Roo rolled towards her. "Hello my little friend, I am so proud of you." She praised, rubbing Roo's head affectionately as he beeped once more. "Alright, show me where you stored my belongings. I am most grateful to you, Roo." He whirred smugly, making her chuckle as Jupiter rose up to her feet once more and followed Roo to the shuttle that he had guided himself. Her belongings were all contained within the backpack, safely hidden in the storage compartment so Jupiter left it there, however she placed Master Yoda's lightsaber inside to keep it hidden and safe before leaving everything for her to return to later. "Roo, I need you to scan the surrounding area and tell me everything that you find. Are you able to do that for me?"

Roo assured her that he could, however he also warned her that he was running low on power and since there was nowhere for him to recharge, he would soon shut down completely. Jupiter assured him that she would find a way of returning power to the temple so that he could recharge again soon. Relieved to hear his mistress assure him that he would not become scrap metal and spare parts, Roo made the scan then gave his report. "Interesting, a settlement not far from here…perhaps it is the old Twi'lek immigrants' dwelling when they moved here all those years ago." She murmured to herself before nodding to her droid. "Stay here Roo and be on guard for anything suspicious. If you hear or see anything, contact me immediately." With a final beep, Jupiter went off into the forest. The Force was stronger here than she had sensed anywhere else before, so she used it to her advantage.

In the distant mountains she could sense bloodthirsty creatures but they very rarely seemed to come down from their caves, therefore were not a threat at the moment however Jupiter was not about to risk them deciding to take one of the younglings to cook them over a fire. She would warn all younglings and padawans that they were not to leave the sanctuary unless accompanied by a Jedi Knight or Master and that no one was permitted to leave a certain radius for their own safety. Continuing forwards, Jupiter eventually located the old village that had been built long ago. It was abandoned, she could sense no life forms, however it still had technology and a power generator that she could easily link back to the temple. All she needed was time and the right parts to fix what had obviously deteriorated over time.

"This will be more of a challenge than I anticipated. All the same, there is no choice but to persevere." Sucking in a deep breath Jupiter began to work, restoring the power to the settlement and sent a transmission to Roo to inform everyone at the temple that more suitable living quarters had been located. They would use the temple for training, however for the moment it was too unhospitable to make a home inside as it threatened to collapse at any moment. Jupiter assisted with the transfer, carrying supplies as the droids flew the ships to tuck them away in the landing bay where they were out of sight.

She carried Emma in one arm and her backpack over the other shoulder, one of the younglings holding her hand. Emma was overjoyed to have Jupiter being her carrier and she clung on tightly, giggling happily as she gripped onto Jupiter's hair, trying to get her attention and every time she pulled, Jupiter chuckled and this only prompted to do it again. The forest had also made its home at the old settlement, however it was easier to combat than at the temple. "This is perfect! It's got technology, working water, electricity, everything we could possibly need!" Jinx called as he tested out the controls and the lights came flooding back on, though it took them a while to start up again and several things sparked at his face in protest. "Though we could use with a new suppressor."

"And new wiring for this entire panel." O'Mer agreed so Jupiter thought for a moment.

"O'Mer, Jinx and Zatt, I need you all to make an inventory of all the equipment and parts we will need. Order them by priority and I will do the same. Roo, you can recharge here for a while then I need you to check on the generator and scan through communications. I want to know everything about this place and make sure that no distress signals can be sent out. We do not want anyone to find us here if absolutely necessary." Jupiter started to instruct. "If anyone does arrive, then deny all knowledge of the Jedi Order. We are travellers seeking a new home, that is all."

"Yes Master Jupiter." They agreed before moving forwards with their chores. Jupiter stayed several days attending to everyone's needs, finding suitable land to begin growing their own food and instructed the others on what they could forage or hunt, teaching them which plants to stay away from and how to set up sensors around their perimeter to alert them if anything tried to come too close as she repeatedly warned them of the Flesh Raiders that inhabited the planet. Jupiter felt that they would not be in danger so long as they lived peacefully, however hunger could drive any creature to desperation, and she did not believe these creatures were reasonable. They would go after the younglings if they thought they could manage it.

In the meantime, Jupiter continued to teach the younglings, taking their classes and helped pair the three older padawans to new masters so that their individual training could continue. She had assigned Khalifa, Katooni and Petro the task of taking care of the three or four infant younglings, teaching them how to provide for their needs whenever a senior Jedi was unable to care for them. Khalifa took her responsibilities very seriously and adopted the younglings under her wing, rising to the challenge in the face of adversity. She had been trapped on an island and hunted like an animal for several years yet survived, Jupiter suspected that this was nothing in comparison yet she knew the fear that the others must be feeling, so she thanked Khalifa privately for her compassion.

For foraging and hunting, that task was left to the older and more experienced Jedi, however Jupiter did assign Gungi and Ganodi the task of setting up walkways up in the trees and means by which they could keep lookout of their surroundings. After several days, however, Jupiter had a very long list of items they desperately required, so she took the list and headed to her shuttle with Roo intent on retrieving the supplies. "Are you sure we can't come with you? We'll be able to help." Jinx said to Jupiter as Roo prepped the ship.

"I know it is difficult, padawans, but you must remain here where it is safe." Jupiter instructed them softly and with fondness. "There will be a time when you will be able to go back out into the galaxy on your own, however at the moment you are too vulnerable. The Sith will still be hunting down any Jedi that they can lay their hands upon and even though you may be just one, they will sense you the moment you move back into the Republic's clutches, or rather, the Empire's." Patting their heads Jupiter drew herself up to her full height. "A lot rests upon your shoulders now and it is a burden I wish I did not have to give you, but these times are dark and we now depend on one another to survive. Train well, listen your masters. They will teach you all they can and one day, when hope is once more returned, we may be able to restore ourselves to our former glory." With on last smile, Jupiter entered the shuttle and prepared to take off.

It was easier to conceal herself when she was alone, drawing the Force deep within her and locking it away so that she could pass almost unnoticed by anyone around her. This would be the key to moving around the Empire, however Jupiter concentrated her focus on either neutral systems or the Outer Rim territories where the Empire's hold was not yet as strong. Whilst she was in the galaxy, she began to meditate, searching for other Jedi out there. For a long time she found nothing, depleting her hope that any had survived, however an instinct in the back of her mind told her not to give up hope yet. After all, there was Luke and Leia to consider, they will no doubt be Force-sensitive, the question remained whether or not they should be trained.

Approaching an Outer Rim territory planet, Jupiter began her descent, pondering quietly to herself. She looked down at her apparel quickly, realising that she would have to find a change of clothes. Although her hood was drawn up and she wore a wrap over her top half, anyone who knew her well such as Anakin would recognise her instantly. Also, she had nothing much to barter with. They had scrounged together whatever they could salvage back at the Typhon temple and the Twi'lek settlement, however it was not much.

Stepping off the shuttle, Jupiter exhaled softly at the coldness that touched her skin yet the rocky and sandy terrain contradicted to the temperature. "Roo, stay with the shuttle. Do not allow anyone to try and salvage from it." She instructed before entering the city. Searching for inspiration, Jupiter walked slowly through the streets, glancing left and right to try and find a means in which to earn money. Credits were not much use out here and most items seemed to be traded off with another. Jupiter could potentially trade her lightsaber and receive everything she needed instantly, however that was illogical. The value of her lightsaber was too great. That would be her absolute last resort.

"Step right up! Step right up, gamble just a little and you're guaranteed a one in three chance to earn back your money with interest! Who's interested?" The voice caught her ear and Jupiter turned, seeing a gambling stall set in a rather shady part of the market, Jupiter slowly began to move towards it. The human who owned it was a little stunted and had several teeth missing, noticeable when he grinned up upon seeing Jupiter approaching. "Pretty lady, feeling lucky?"

"Perhaps. What is the return rate?" She questioned, seeing that the game was simple. It appeared that the gambler had three bowls in front of him and no doubt would ask you to choose the one which held the stale peanut underneath. An idea immediately came to mind.

"A rather sizeable forty percent interest upon your investment. All you have to do is find the peanut after I switch them around. How much are you investing then, sweetheart?"

"I would politely thank you not to endear me." Jupiter answered, arching an eyebrow under her hood. "And I have nothing substantial to trade, except perhaps my shuttle. Singular transport Aria Echo version sixty three, perfectly conditioned with pilot simulations and automatic management systems. You may go and see it for yourself if you like, but this is the model I mean." She pulled out her holocaster and showed an image of her shuttle which immediately caught the gambler's eye. "Valued at five hundred thousand credits, however I am willing to make things a little simpler. If I win, you simply give me one hundred thousand credits worth of the currency you use here. If I lose, you may keep my ship. Do we have a deal?"

"Done!" He instantly agreed, knowing that it was a bargain he could not refuse. The small smirk on his face immediately told Jupiter that he planned to cheat, or at least try something to ensure his win so Jupiter watched carefully as he lifted up all three bowls one after the other, revealing the peanut to be in the centre one so Jupiter reached out with the Force, sensing it carefully. His hands moved so quickly that soon the bowls merely became a blur, however as he tried to remove the peanut altogether, Jupiter gave a small cough and waved her hand as if to bat away an insect, however as her fingers wriggled she pulled the peanut back under the bowl until finally, he was finished. "Now! Choose wisely." He advised, chuckling.

"Hmm…" Jupiter mused, reaching out and hovered her hand over each one, slowly moving back and forth. "I admit, you were too quick to follow. There is absolutely no chance that I could guess for certain, so I shall trust fate. This one." Jupiter pointed and the gambler smirked, reaching out and picked up the bowl.

"Sorry sweetheart but…wait, what?" He stuttered, seeing the innocent little peanut sitting there. Jupiter smirked victoriously.

"I believe it is my win. I shall take my earnings now and be on my way." She informed him, however the gambler remained in a state of confusion and astonishment.

"But that's impossible! How did it…I don't understand…it has never failed before…shop's closed, you didn't see anything!" He shouted, shrieking horrifically and tried to bolt for freedom however Jupiter shot out her arm, slamming it against him and he flipped over his feet before landing on his back once more, yelping in fear before grunting as he lost the breath in his lungs. "You crazy…"

"Since you refuse to give me my earnings, you have forced me to take drastic measures, sir." Jupiter spoke calmly but there was a deadly tone to her voice, eyes gleaming dangerously at the gambler who swallowed fearfully, frozen in place as Jupiter stood over him, blocking his way. "Now, I suggest that you either keep good on your word or show me a means in which to earn currency quickly, otherwise I may have to take my payment by…other means." The insinuation was not lost upon the gambler who hurriedly nodded his head.

"Alright, alright, I'll show you how to earn cash 'round here, just please don't hurt me! I need my hands, they're fairly important in my line of work you see." He insisted so Jupiter inclined her head, allowing him to get up. He shot her a dirty look, dusting himself off as he staggered to his feet, clutching his side where he wheezed. "Skrag almighty, who the hell are you, lady? What's your name? Pretty sure I never seen you 'round here before." Thinking for a moment, Jupiter tilted her head towards him as her chosen alias immediately came to mind.

"My name is René. René Tan-Jinn."