Hello, one and all, a new chapter has been created and as I warned could happen, its not part two of Zeno's Sick. Part two is still under construction but I did finish this chapter and I hope you enjoy. This was something I had been tossing around because ever since Zamasu appeared I've been obsessed with the Human Hating God, he might be a cliche, but I love him none the less. He's just so pretty! Anyway, Snowlily246 expressed an interest in seeing Zamasu meet Rena and she managed to spark this idea! So I hope you enjoy, even if your not a Zamasu fan. He's a hit and miss, it also seems so far he's mostly liked by girls...at least that's what I've been seeing.

Special thanks to everyone who reviewed the last two chapters, I enjoyed hearing your thoughts and I hope your able to enjoy this chapter as well.

I do not own Dragon Ball Super or anything apart of the Dragon Ball Franchise.

(Parallel Universe aka Future Trunks Timeline)

One of her responsibilities as the Great Priest's wife was the children.

While they both raised their babies in the nest, once they left it the Great Priest relied on her to keep an eye on them. After all, when they left they had to become very businesslike with their father, but she was forever only a mother too them. The Great Priest liked for her to pick up on any trouble brewing in their universes.

For the most part even the more responsible of their children tended to try keep things hush-hush so if it was bad there was less of a chance it getting back to Zeno. Because while they all acted and for the most part had little love for their gods, mortals, and universes. They all agree on one thing, acting as a guardian to a universe was far more fun than sipping tea at the palace and reading.

To keep an eye on the children, Rena started a letter exchange with them. With the magic of angels, she would have the Great Priest deliver her letters to the children and they used their magic to deliver their letters to her.

Cus, wrote three times a day, seven if the day was particularly exciting which was less often seeing how Rumsshi was quite the lazy god.

Vados, Whis, Mojito, Martinu, and Awamo wrote to her once a day telling her what they did that day and sometimes even telling her their gods routine for the day.

Marcarita, Campari, Cognac, and Cukatail wrote to her every three days giving her the details of their days and what was happening with their universes.

Korn and Sour, they sent her one letter a week, writing a little bit everyday before sending her the letter at the end of the week.

She was always in contact with the children, so she knew when something happened to one of them right away which is how she knew something had happen in Universe Seven. She had not received a letter from Whis for two days now. So, she alerted the Great Priest and what he found was troubling, very troubling.

The Supreme Kai had been killed in a battle to stop the revival of Majin Buu, because Beerus was snoozing away once again while people attempted to use the monster. So, in turn not only did Universe Seven lose their Supreme Kai but they lost their God of Destruction. Which was why her son was in this state, reaching out to stroke her Whis's cheek Rena sighed, "I hate to see him like this," she muttered to her husband.

Because Beerus was gone, Whis had fallen into a deep slumber, he would only awaken when a new mortal would be bestowed with the title of destroyer. It was like the plot to a fairytale. Only no princess or prince could wake her son with a kiss. Nor could the Heimlich maneuver dislodge a poison apple from his throat. Slipping off his bed she frowned at the Great Priest, "Why do you have to bind him to his God?! Why can't you just leave them be," she asked him annoyed.

Standing across from her, taking her anger with grace the Great Priest frowned, "I made things that way in an attempt to make sure my children didn't fall prey to laziness, the fact Whis is in this state is as much his fault as it is Beerus's. If he had been a better guardian and teacher, Beerus wouldn't have slept all the time, he would have been a more active god," he told her calmly.

Fuming at that Rena turned away, she knew he was right but still she hated hearing him talk like that and acting like this was all business. Whis was his child, she wished he be more upset. Granted, Whis wasn't dead but he was asleep and who knows for how long! It could take centuries upon centuries for a mortal to rise up to the ranks of a God of Destruction!

"Rena, Whis is fine, leave him be. He'll be here till a new god has awaken," said the Great Priest reaching out for her.

Slapping his hand away, Rena leaned over to kiss her son's cheek before turning away from his bed and stepping out of the room. Sighing at her attitude, the Great Priest gave his son a glance before frowning, he knew what Rena wanted. She wanted him to be more upset about his son being in this state, and he was, he wasn't an unfeeling monster. That said he was also upset that his son more or less put himself in this state.

How many times did he warn all of them to find god candidates? Countless, but did they ever listen no, well this is why he wished they listen. Now Whis would be unconscious for decades because he didn't follow that simple rule and have someone waiting in the sidelines.

Closing the doors fully, he hurried after Rena and the two of them walked through the halls of the palace, "Rena, I was hoping I could ask you a favor," he said.

Getting a glance from his wife, the Great Priest went on when she gave him no word of protest, "Majin Buu can't stay in a world without a Supreme Kai. I know you don't like to go out, but I was hoping you might help me relocate the creature till gods can return to Universe 7," he said.

"Relocate the Majin creature, why not just bring him back here?" asked Rena confused.

Crossing his arms, the Great Priest frowned, "Unfortunately, Zeno-sama is scared of the Majin creature so we can't keep him here," he said. Peering over to her husband, Rena frowned as he explained, "He's always had trouble erasing something he's fearful of and he doesn't wish to take a chance of the creature releasing itself and him being unable to erase it. It's impossible for the creature to be released without outside help though, but this is sure to affect his sleep schedule. We can't have his health affected," the Great Priest explained.

Crossing her arms, Rena sighed, "I didn't know that, but if it worries him that much I have no other choice than to find the Majin creature a new place of rest. We certainly can't leave it where it is with no god to watch it and make sure it isn't meddled with," she muttered.

"Thank you, Rena," said the Great Priest gratefully.

Frowning at that Rena chose to say nothing, sighing at that the Great Priest darted in front of Rena reached out to grab her chin, "Rena, I understand your angry, but please don't be so cold. You know I'm worried about Whis as well, I don't want him in a coma either. I told him countless times to have mortals lined up for this position, so this would never happen," he said softly.

Looking away from his gaze, Rena bit her lip, "I know that," she said tearfully. Reaching up she brushed away tears from her eyes, "Sometimes I wish you would just show more emotion toward incidents like this!" she told him.

Smiling at that, the Great Priest pulled her in and placed a gentle kiss to Rena's lips, "I know you do, but, I have to keep up certain appearances to help keep others in place. I can only show the facade behind the mask to my darling wife behind closed doors. While I'm in the open I count on you to shed tears for both of us," he confessed.

At once Rena's expression soften as more tears filled her eyes, wrapping his arms around Rena as she sobbed against his shoulder. The Great Priest looked at the wall coolly, two Gods were gone and Whis was in slumber…he had a feeling that more bad things were to come. Could it be the Majin creature?

No, he didn't think that could be it, but he did feel as something was on the horizon.

Pulling away once Rena's sobs subsided he pulled back and cup her cheek, brushing away a fresh tear with his thumb, "Go freshen up, I'll return once I've secured the Majin creature, please have something in mind by then," he said.

Pulling a handkerchief from her sleeve, Rena nodded, "I think I already have someone in the mind, I'll be ready to go by the time you return," she told him.

Nodding at that the Great Priest turned away and made his way toward the exit summoning his staff along the way. Taking her own leave, Rena returned to her quarters and washed her face, gazing at her reflection she sighed. Whis was out of commission. She wouldn't hear her little boy's voice for a good long while, that thought alone brought tears to her eyes.

Wiping them away she stepped away from the mirror and went to her wardrobe to search for a more fitting dress to wear and finally she settled on a cream color one with white lace and satin sashes. Slipping into everything she combed her hair and slipped into a matching bonnet. All the while as she readied herself, she pondered who to leave it with.

She had plenty of choices to pick from, Lord Liquiir and Lord Iwne's universes were her first choices, but with each year their universes grew the more work they had. It was getting that way for Geene and Arack as well. Not to mention of those four she only knew Liquiir and Geene. So no, all of them had too much on their plates. After them she would choose Heles and Belmod, they were making a lot of progress however so, no again, she rather not burden them with the creature.

The three that weren't doing so well though; Sidra, Champa, and Quitela they were definite veto.

Quitela would release the creature and attempt to make it his own, she didn't trust the sneaky little god in the lightest. He was lazy and egotistical, along with underhanded. Then giving the creature to Sidra's universe would be the same as giving it to Quitela. Out of all the paired universe relationships theirs was the second strongest right after the twins Champa and Beerus. Only instead of being on equal grounding Quitela held the upper hand over Sidra.

As for Champa…no, he just lost his brother.

The duo might fight like they hated each other, but they loved each other.

Which left her at the last person, Rumsshi, despite Cus's utter adoration, she wasn't sold on the man but, she was fond of Gowasu. Smiling at that Rena nodded, yes, rather than leave the creature in the hands of the God of Destruction she would give him to the Supreme Kai. Gowasu was quite old and seen many things during his reign he would have wisdom to leave the creature be.

Turning around, Rena made her way out of the room and found her husband waiting for her, "I'll take the Majin creature to Gowasu. He'll kept it out of mortal hands and isn't foolish enough to tamper with it or completely forgo it. Not to mention Rumsshi isn't foolish enough to try and get the creature for his own," she told him.

Bowing his head at that, the Great Priest smiled, "An excellent choice, when you have explained the situation to him and are ready to return please press this and you will return to my side," he told her passing over a small white button.

Taking the button from him, Rena sighed as he next summoned his staff, with a wave a large rough ball appeared next to her looking like a mutant walnut. Once she touched it the Great Priest waved his staff again and the world shimmer around her. She disappeared from the palace and as it disappeared from view it was replaced by grassy plains, a yellow sky, and a dirt road.

Removing her hand from the ball, Rena stepped away and took a moment to get her bearings and found Gowasu's courtyard and quarters were a good measure behind her. Gazing at the ball she frowned and turned away, all this chaos due to this odd egg and its contents. Walking down the path she listened to sound of her footsteps, they were joined by soft winds. The Kai worlds truly were the definition of tranquility, but a little to plain and boring.

According to Cus's letters, Gowasu was finally planning for his retirement and had found himself a student to take his place. To Rena's shock, rather than the spare few Supreme Kai's from their home planet to choose from, he decided on a young plain Kai from the northern quadrant. He was apparently a prodigy when it came to battle prowess.

If he trained in his free time that would explain his power, last time she updated her Universe Ten Star Maps she found a very low number of life growing planets. It truly was a shame. Gowasu in the beginning had been so forward and eager to create. He had so many planets get deemed failures by his fellow God, who would unsparingly destroy without discussion.

It was truly amazing how arrogant the Gods of Destruction where, they were her husband's biggest source of grief. Finally reaching the doors, Rena paused to knock but waited when she heard voices inside and the faint sound of roars. Forgetting her manners for a moment she opened the door and peered in to find Gowasu with another.

This man was younger with mint green for his coloring, he had a rather wild Mohawk, and very sharp grey eyes that looked on in disgust. A scowl marred his otherwise handsome face and he was fairly tall and for the most part wore a duplicate of Gowasu's uniform just without the puff sleeves. So, he was Zamasu, Cus had been correct he was quite the looker!

Listening to their discussion for a moment, Rena frowned when Zamasu spoke with palpable hatred for the mortals they were observing…or rather for mortality as a whole. She wouldn't say his dislike was wrong, after all mortals were a very hard race to like when you took them as a whole. She would know, seeing how she herself was mortal. Honestly, she just didn't under her husbands fondness for her kind, while at the same time completely thankful for that fondness.

No sooner did the boy finish though, Gowasu began, berating the boy telling him what their place was, well that just wouldn't do. Slipping inside she frowned, she would apologize for barging in, but for the moment she needed to remind Gowasu what his teacher taught him.

"Lord Gowasu, I think your being a little harsh," Rena called out in a loud firm voice.

At once both kai jumped and turned toward her, seeing Zamasu gaze at her in confusion and suspicion she smiled as Gowasu turned flustered and panicked, "Re-Reverend mother," he yelled.

"Reverend Mother," whispered Zamasu peering between the two.

Giving him her kindest smile, Rena turned to Gowasu, "You seem to be forgetting your master's lessons, Gowasu-san. Every generation of kai deserves to be heard from the young to the old, while the old have much wisdom to impart upon the young, the young have fresh eyes. While we grow accustom to the world around us and get familiar with the patterns that are laid out in front of us time and time again, we often miss key points that can either help us achieve victory or ensure our defeat. We need the young to bring in new eyes and ways to look at the world, if we don't then we are just ensuring the possibility of our work being wasted," she told him.

Frowning at that Gowasu's shoulder's dropped, "I…suppose that is true," he uttered dejectedly.

Chuckling at that Rena turned toward Zamasu who gazed at her confused, "That said, I think outright extinction might be a bit harsh, after all, that society is still in its infant stage," she told him amused.

Furrowing his brow at her words, Zamasu peered over to the orbs, "Infant stage?" he questioned.

Nodding at that Rena gazed up at the planet and sighed, "Almost all races start off like this and its only natural they would do this. After all they're new to the world and know nothing. Everything is alien and new, they fear everything because their world is harsh and when you only feel fear more than often you lash out. With no mother to soothe those fears it will only grow. This stage will stick for quite some time due to that, fear and mortals are not a good mix unfortunately," she told him.

Frowning at that, Zamasu eyed Rena for a moment before peering up once more, "What would you have me do if not terminate?" he asked.

Blinking at that, Rena chuckled, "Oh, it's not my place to order a god, young one. You are the future of this universe and your only limited by your imagination! While it will do you good to heed your masters wisdom, you should also remember that you don't have to be him. You are a different individual and that means you can do things your way, but it always good to use the structure the previous Supreme Kai leaves you to build upon. You would also do well to remember that a god is only a god when he has mortals…planets aren't what Kai's watch. Not to say your wrong in thinking they should be more respectful to their homes," she told him.

With that said, Rena turned to Gowasu and bowed her head, "I apologize for barging in without warning, I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me," she told him.

Shaking his head Gowasu laughed, "Please there is no need to apologize, Reverend Mother. This is truly a great honor to both our universe and myself. You are always welcome here, both me and Zamasu are thankful for your words of wisdom. I hope you will give him the same support you have me when I first started as the Supreme Kai," he said.

Smiling at that, Rena nodded, "I'm always at service to the gods and I'm more than willing to use my experience to help you find your answers. So, if you ever need anything don't hesitate, my Lord," she said turning back to Zamasu to bow her head.

Jumping slightly, Zamasu gave a jerky bow back not quite sure how to handle this woman who blindsided him. Clearing his throat, Gowasu peered over to Zamasu, "Would you please get tea, Zamasu. Reverend Mother please come sit, what brings you here," said Gowasu leading her away.

Watching at the two moved toward Gowasu's table, Zamasu eyed Rena's back in wonder before turning away to fetch tea. She looked like a mortal, but her energy told a different story, along with her age if she was actually around when Gowasu was a young man. He knew there were races of mortals that lived long, but not that long without outside assistant.

Sighing Rena frowned at that question, "Nothing good I'm afraid, the Supreme Kai of Universe Seven has passed and in turn the God of Destruction. Now my poor Whis is locked in slumber till the next God arises and only time and fate know when that will be," she said remorsefully.

Wilting slightly at that news, Gowasu frowned, "Lord Shin, that is a shame, he was so young and new to his duties. I expected great things to come from him," he said.

Frowning at that, Rena furrowed her brow, "He wouldn't have needed to die so needlessly if Beerus was competent enough to do his job, no matter how long I live I honestly don't understand how my children choose their gods. Korn, Marcarita, and Mojito were so careful with their selection, Lord Liquiir was a wonderful edition and he's done so well since taking over for the previous god. He had his work cut out for him too, he and Lord Iru worked together seamlessly. Then Lord Sidra, Mojito had such high hopes for him, I think in part that might have led to Sidra's downfall. He wished so much to please Mojito that when he made a mistake and disappoint him, he lost his confidence. Now the poor man is always second guessing himself and is often too late to do anything. Then Lord Belmod started off slow but he's truly began to find his feet, I think Lord Khai is part of that reason. Marcarita noted after she advised him to begin working closer with him, he really began to take to his job. I only hope his student will be able to hold a candle to him," she said.

"Lord Belmod is thinking of retirement?" asked Gowasu surprised.

Smiling at that, Rena nodded, "I wouldn't be surprised if the two of you reach retirement at the same time, have you thought about what you will do?" she asked.

Frowning at that question, Gowasu sighed, "I had thought of going back to my home world, but I'm not entirely sure. I'm worried about leaving Zamasu on his own. I might delay those plans and stay with him for the first decade or so before leaving," he said worried.

Chuckling at that, Rena reached over and patted Gowasu's hand, "I know pushing the bird out of the nest is hard, believe me each time I send off my children I am beside myself with fear and worry. Yet, even with all that we must send them off with the lessons we've passed onto them and hope that impacts them for the better. Zamasu seems to have pure enough intentions, maybe a little harsh but even so you shouldn't dismiss his ideas so readily. He'll respond better to guidance, then scolding," she told him calmly.

Nodding at that, Gowasu frowned, "Yes, yes, I know, so my Lady, what about Universe Seven brings you to me," he questioned.

Sitting up Rena frowned, "With the deaths of Lord Shin and Lord Beerus the creature known as Majin Boo is now without an overseer. I know this is a lot to ask of you especially considering the risk but would you be willing to keep the creature locked away here till new gods have been chosen. It could lead to Universe Seven's end if he was to wake up without anyone to stop him," she explained.

Standing up Gowasu bowed his head, "It would be my honor to keep the creature under lock and key, Reverend Mother," he said.

Standing up herself, Rena smiled, "You have my thanks, not to mention Zeno-sama's, he was quite worried about having the Majin Creature at the palace," she said.

"It's my pleasure, it's the least I can do," said Gowasu.

Telling him where it was, Rena watched as Gowasu left the courtyard and no sooner did he leave his apprentice arrived with a serving cart in hand. Pausing when he found only her, "Lord Gowasu has stepped out to take care of the business Zeno-sama needs," she explained to him.

Nodding at that Zamasu slowly made his way over toward her, gazing at the tall Shinjin, Rena smiled, "Has the change from the Northern Kai to Supreme Kai-in-training been difficult?" she asked him.

Shaking his head, Zamasu frowned, "I don't want to be rude, but may I ask how you know me," he asked her perplexed.

Smiling at that, Rena chuckled, "Forgive me, you've been Cus's favorite subject since you arrived, she writes about you whenever she meets you," she told him.

"Cus writes you," asked Zamasu.

"All the angels like to write me about their days, it's one of many ways Zeno-sama's palace keeps an eye on the universes" answered Rena.

Getting a quiet nod from Zamasu, Rena watched him curiously, "You must feel quite proud of yourself, after all its very rare for a Shinjin of normal birth to be considered for Supreme Kai, if you complete your training, you'll be only the second to achieve this honor," she said.

"There were others before me?" asked Zamasu shocked.

Giving him a nod, Rena hummed, "If I remember correctly, a young man in universe eight over six hundred million years ago was the only one to officially be made Supreme Kai. His reign was quite peaceful, and he created many wonderful planets, unfortunately he stepped down and passed on his position. Despite his aptitude at his job he got a lot of lip from his fellow kais and he did not get along with his God of Destruction. When that god of destruction decided to retire, he had had enough and wished to be done. That year Universe Eight got two new gods and they've been doing a wonderful job. I do wish he would have stayed on though; he was so dedicated and innovated," she said.

"I never came across anyone else who gain my position, I thought I was the first and only one to receive this honor," uttered Zamasu.

Frowning at that, Rena closed her eyes and ponder that, "Oh, I heard that when a Kai fails to gain the title of Supreme Kai their files are destroyed. They don't wish to have those files around because they may discourage others. The previous kai however, wished to have his file sealed because he didn't want to discourage anyone else from attempting to become the Supreme Kai. My husband keeps all the files however, he has me read them and give him summaries of what happen. He likes to keep on top of all things concerning the Gods," she told him.

"Who is your husband?" asked Zamasu curious.

Clapping her hands, Rena blushed, "Oh dear where are my manners! I've just been blabbing away to you like a mad woman without even introducing myself," she said. Grabbing her skirt, she fanned it out and curtsy, "I apologize my young lord, I'm Rena, otherwise known as Reverend Mother, I'm the wife of The Great Priest. I'm one of the three mothers to the angels, in fact I'm Cus's mother. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance" she told him.

Looking at her shocked, Zamasu took a step back, "The wife of the Great Priest?!" he exclaimed.

Nodding at that, Rena sighed, "That always seems to surprise people and I'm not really sure why, my husband isn't that hard to get along with," she said calmly.

Taking a nervous step back, Zamasu shook his head, "It's not like that, my lady. It's just surprising…I never thought the angels were born through, I suppose the usual means would be the correct terminology," he said bewildered. He always assumed that Cus has born like him in a sense just from the Great Priest's power.

Shaking her head, Rena smiled, "No, they were made and born the usual way, I carried at least five of them and raised six. Also, please you don't need to refer to me as, my lady, after all I'm simply my husbands wife, I don't hold a prestigious position. So, there's no need for honorific with someone in a lower position than you. You can just call me Rena or Reverend Mother, that nickname has caught on since Lord Geene for some reason," she told him

Eyeing Rena, Zamasu frowned in wondered, what was she? It would be rude to ask her outright what she was, but he was very much curious. She looked like a mortal, but there was no way the Great Priest would lower himself to lie with a mortal. Maybe she was a former Goddess who gave up her position to be his wife. The energy she displayed was similar to Cus's however, not quite the ki of the gods, it was just a touch different. Not to mention incredibly gentle, there didn't seem to be a malicious drop within her energy.

Feeling the question pass back and forth, in his mind Zamasu got no more time to ponder it when Gowasu returned. Heading toward them Gowasu bowed his head, "I've locked up the Majin Creature in an underground cellar that hasn't been used for a very long time," he said.

"The Majin Creature, as the same creature who devoured and killed the kais of universe seven," asked Zamasu horrified.

"The very same," said Gowasu.

Looking at his master confused, Zamasu stepped forward, "Should we not call Lord Rumsshi to come and destroy that cursive creature once and for all?" he asked confused.

Shaking his head, Gowasu frowned, "Zamasu, that creature, while very deadly and needs to be watched, is not our universe's problem. For Zeno-sama we shall watch over the Majin creature and make sure he doesn't escape till new gods have been assigned to universe seven, but that is all we must do," he explained.

Frowning at that, Zamasu shrank back, "I don't understand why the Supreme Kai of Universe Seven would just leave that creature be. Why not insist his God of Destruction destroy that thing," he cried.

Watching Zamasu's stricken form, Rena frowned, "The original Supreme Kai of Universe Seven knew that they couldn't win against Majin Buu without Beerus who is never awake. He was chaos incarnate, the day he went into battle, without the knowledge of the others, he passed his status to his young apprentice. He always wanted Lord Shin to take over for him, he felt he would be the best and would even out Beerus," she told him.

"He was always insightful…but a little to laid back," said Gowasu mournfully.

Nodding her head, Rena sighed, "Yes, he was, but he was wise, he knew the job had enough pressure and Lord Shin would work himself to an early grave if he didn't teach him just right. As he was trained in secret the two of them developed a very close relationship. Though the lacks training meant he never quite got the entire training leaving him woefully ignorant to many things. I don't think he even knew his and Lord Beerus's life was connected, otherwise he would have gone about things differently. He would have risked Beerus's wrath, anyway, the reason he never attempted to have Majin Buu destroyed is because Buu absorbed his fellow comrades," she explained.

"What does that have to do with anything?" asked Zamasu confused.

Holding up a finger, Rena frowned, "Buu's absorption is like a double-edged sword, while he does gain a power up, he can also gains traits of the people he absorbs. When he absorbed the former Supreme Kai, he became much tamer and more child-like…innocent almost. Though that too became a double-edged sword. It made him less evil, but easier to manipulate. I think, so long as he showcases that innocence, Lord Shin could never truly destroy him because he holds hope that there will be a way to pull his master and his friends out from Buu," she told him.

Shaking his head, Zamasu scowled disapprovingly, "That is foolish," he snapped.

Shrugging at that, Rena smiled, "Not an untrue statement, but foolishness is something we all fall prey to and it's an unavoidable trait, unfortunately. After all love is by its very nature an agent of chaos and his love for his friends is the cause of his foolishness," she told him.

"Shinjin and love are inconceivable," snapped Zamasu passionately.

"Well that's just untrue, everything with a consciousness loves something be it a person, a cause, a duty, various actions, or maybe even a planet," Rena hinted at.

Blushing at once, Zamasu peered away unsure what to say back to that. Chuckling that she managed to tongue tie him, Rena bowed her head, "It was lovely to see you once more, Lord Gowasu. It was also a pleasure to meet you as well, Lord Zamasu. I hope you didn't find me to preachy, and not to risk sounding like a broken record, you might reconsider what you want your role as a kai be," she told Zamasu politely.

With that she pushed the button and was whisked away back to her husband side leaving only a flash of light and small bubbles of energy to remain in her spot. Watching as the bubbles popped and sparkled, Zamasu didn't pull his eyes away till all traces of Rena were gone. Finally turning to his master, he peered up curiously and cautiously, "I didn't wish to come off as offensive, but might I ask what the Reverend Mother is?" he questioned Gowasu.

Eyeing Zamasu curiously, Gowasu smiled, "Tell me, what do you think of her before I answer your question, Zamasu," he asked his pupil curious.

Raising his eyebrow slightly at that, Zamasu peered up toward the sky and gave a small smile, "I think Reverend Mother is quite wise. She sees things I don't and has an intriguing outlook on the world that I find rather refreshing and perplexing. She must be someone truly great to be the Great Priest's wife and the mother of the angels," he said.

Chuckling at that, Gowasu headed for the table, "I hope you'll remember those words, Zamasu. I hope you won't let your own mind twist your heart because it can see correctly. Lady Rena is a mortal," he told him calmly. Seeing Zamasu stiffen at once he nodded when the man shook his head, "It's true Zamasu, Lady Rena was born a mortal in the now extinct Universe 16. Truth be told though that she's become more than a mortal, she's transformed into a new being," he commented amused.

Shaking his head as Gowasu sat down for tea, Zamasu frowned, there was no way Lady Rena was a mortal, she was so…respectful and knew her place! Mortals didn't understand their role was beneath a god's foot, she didn't dare over step her place within the world, where even that place might be. He wasn't sure, but she was certainly respectful. Eyeing his master, Zamasu let out an irritable sigh, this was just Master Gowasu's way to force a fondness for mortality upon him. Rena, he didn't know what she was, but there was absolutely no way she was a mortal.

The Great Priest would never marry a mortal.

I hoped you enjoy that chapter.