Sorry, this chapter took forever to get out I meant to post every Friday but I haven't had time to write anything, but end of quarter week is over. Which means that my workload has gone back to normal. So I should be able write 2 chapters a week and post them on Saturdays. I am going to keep this posting schedule until the first two weeks of January. I am letting everyone know in advance that I probably won't be able to post during that time because my workload triples during end of quarter.

I woke up the next morning, nobody was beside me. That's weird, I sit up and see Dimitri lying on a makeshift bed on the floor.

"You could have slept on the bed."

He rolls over, "how did you know I was awake?"

I laugh softly, "I slept beside you for two years Dimitri, you don't sleep on your side."

He smiles slightly at that, "We haven't worked anything out yet, Roza. It didn't seem right to crawl into bed with you."

I sigh, "I guess you're right." At this I get out of bed and head to the kitchen distinctly remembering him saying something about getting food last night.

"Donuts," I cry.

I can hear him laughing from behind me, " I guess somethings never change."

I don't answer him because I have already started eating.

I am running late to Bodyguarding Theory, Stan is going to kill me. Sure enough I walk into the room just as he has started to teach, I try to sneak past him but he catches me.

"Ms. Mazur do you care to explain why you are late to my class." He says, it obvious that he is going to make a scene.

"Running late, sorry Alto." I answer him hoping that he will let it go today because I so didn't get enough sleep for that.

"I see, let me guess you had more important things to do. Why don't you tell the class what was so important that you couldn't bother with being on time."

Now I am irritated so I say, "Well, let's see just about anything was more important because is the world's most boring class and you aren't teaching anything I haven't already learned."

He looks pissed, "I see, well since you know everything. Care to explain how you could take a Moroi student out of the Academy, when guarding 101 says that you should always try to stay in the safely boundaries if possible. "

Crap, he wants to play it like that, "It also says to do what your instinct tell you is best. Which you would know of course since you taught the class that told me to kidnap the princess for protection."

His face goes completely red, if I wasn't already in trouble I would have started laught.

"GET OUT OF MY CLASSROOM NOW," he yells, wow I must have really got to him.

"Is there a particular place you would like me to go or…"

"Headmistress' office NOW."

As soon as I leave the classroom I burst into laughter, until I hear a voice behind me.

"What did you do now." I turn to look at Dimitri.

"I put on an amazing performance Comrad you should have been there to watch," I answer still laughing.

"Ms. Mazur," He says formally because we are in a hallway. "Getting in fights with teachers is extremely inappropriate."

"Your telling me, now I have to go to Kirova office and listen to a lecture. I can see the laughter on his face.

"Why don't you come train with me, I explain to Alto that it was a punishment for getting kicked out of his class."

Turns out he wasn't kidding about it being a punishment. He made me do a 15 mile run in an hour, it was killer. As I'm changing for my combat training class I hear my phone ring.

"Hello, old man."

"Is that anyway to speak to your father kiz." I roll my eyes.

"Get to the point, papa, or I will be late to combat train."

"Well aren't you testie today, maybe I just called to say hello to my only daughter."

Two things everyone should know about papa, number one he never does something without a reason, and number two he never gets straight to the point.



"Papa, I have to go, I really am going to be late to combat training."

"Fine, Fine, I have business in Montana this week, so I will be coming to visit this weekend."

"Really your coming to visit this soon." I say excitedly.

"Yes, well it is St. Vladmir's family visitation weekend. Oh, and I do believe that you will need a dress for the Equinox dance next month."

"Yeah but you never come on the visitation weekend.'

"Don't you think it is time I come to at least one," He chuckled. I knew at this point he wasn't going to tell me why he was really coming this weekend,

"Have you spoken to Janine," I ask him.

"Yes, she is rather angry with you."

"Oh, and she couldn't tell me this herself."

"You asked Kiz," he answers simply.

"I know, thanks for coming to visit. I love you papa."

"I love you to Kiz, now get to class before you late."

Between my classes and extra training the week passed by rather fast. Dimitri and I were talking, somewhat, but no real progress had been made. Visitation will start in about an hour so I go to the cafeteria to meet up with Lissa and get something to eat, of course.

When I sit down I see she is sitting with Christian. He was her ex-boyfriend, they had broken up when her parents died but the had been together for a long time before that. Even longer than Dimitri and I had been together. Even their parents thought that they would get married someday.

"So I guess this means your back with fire boy," I glance at Lissa.

"Yeah, we worked it out," she answers sounding really happy.

"Good for you, not so good for me now I have to see pyro everyday," but as I tell her this I am smiling.

"Yeah, well it's not so fun for me to sit by a psycho at the dinner table every night but I guess we will have to just have to deal with it."

"Hey, are your parents coming to family visitation," I ask him, his parents travel a lot and usually leave him behind with his aunt. She is usually the only one to come visit.

"Yeah actually in the last two years my parents and I have gotten on better terms."

"That's great fire boy." I really am happy for him.

"Is your father coming," asks Lissa.

"Yeah, he is but we are leaving campus tomorrow, he said that you are to come with us because we are going to shop for dresses."

"Okay, well we should head over," Lissa says. Wait, she is nervous, why is she nervous and why can't I figure out what she is thinking? As soon as we walk in Moira wraps Lissa and I in a hug.

"It's so good to see you girls, I am really glad you are back." As she and Lissa start talking I look over to see Tasha. She has a man standing right next to her that I have never seen before and she is holding a baby.

"Tasha, it's good to see you. Is that your baby," I ask her.

"Yes," she says with the proudest smile, "Rose I would like you to meet my husband Eric Stone, and our son Jonathan Stone."

"It's nice to meet you, when did you to get married," I ask.

"A few months after you left dear," she answers before hugging me tightly. "I know you were upset when you found out about me and Dimitri, but it was long before you were together. I have long since moved on and we are just friends." The thing is as mad as I was at Dimitri for not telling me, I actually really liked Tasha.

Before we can talk a voice comes out of the crowd, "I thought this was family visitation, and yet it seems I am the only one who hasn't seen my kiz." I turn around and hug my father and as soon as I let go I see her, Janine Hathaway.

"Why are you here Janine."

"Excuse me that's no way to talk to your mother," she says to me cooly.

"Oh, your my mother now are you funny you didn't feel that way when you walked out," I snap back at her.
"Rosemarie Hathaway Mazur, this is not the place to hash out the past." She says this in her guardian voice.

"What's this about then," I yell, I haven't learned that voice yet.

"Your punishment Rosemarie, You broke the rules here and I don't feel like they were hard enough on you. I think that you should really learn you lesson because that definitely wouldn't have been appropriate when you become a guardian."

"Are you fucking kidding me Janine, you show back up after a decade to tell me that my punishment was too light."

"Yes because right now, I have never been more ashamed to have you as a daughter." Now she is yelling too.

I turn around and walk out, as soon as I am out the door I am hit with a flashback of Janine's last visit.

I was 7, my mother had come to visit but as soon as she had walked through the door, her and papa had gone into his office and they had started fighting. I inched closer to the door to listen in.

"I want Rosemarie to get sent away to St. Emiliani, where we can watch over her training but not be a part of her life." Janine is again using her guardian voice."

"No", Papa says simply.

"Ibrahim, I don't want to feel obligated to come visit my daughter all of the time, and growing up here is making her soft."

"I said no," he repeated.

"Ibrahim, I won't give up my life to raise a child."
"Nobody is asking you to. The day you told me you were pregnant, I said I would raiser her and I stand by that." Papa is raising his voice, I don't think I have ever heard him get this angry before.

"I can't handle this anymore Ibrahim, I can't keep taking off time. I never wanted to be a mother. I wish I had never had her." She sounds hysterical.

"Janine, I am going to raise my daughter," papa says softly.

"Fine, then you are going to raise her alone." She came out of the office, looked straight at me and then walked out. That was the last time I seen my mother.

Somehow I had ended up at the chapel on the other end of campus. I sat down in the back row and just stared ahead until I heard a voice coming from behind me.

"Kiz, you okay."

"Why would did you let her come here papa, you said I wouldn't have to see her." I was starting to break down.

"Kiz, despite her lack of, of appearance, she is your mother and I believe that she loves you."

"Papa, she showed up here after a decade to tell me that I am a disappointment to her."

"Kiz," he says softly, "your mother, as you know she has always been married to the job, and well she never wanted to have children. I believe that you of all people can understand that." He was right, I did understand that at least. Dhampir woman that had children lost a lot of respect. The Moroi thought that they were blood whores and therefore weren't worthy to protect them. If they stayed a guardian the Dhampir would look down on them for not raising their children, and if they left guardianship to raise their children, many Dhampir would believe that they were bloodwhores as well. It was a lose/lose situation no matter what. This is why those women who do decide to become guardians, rarely have any children.

"I understand why she didn't want to have children papa, but she did have one and I just don't understand how she can refuse to acknowledge me. Simply because she didn't want me."

"Yes, well she came here, and that is a start. Maybe, Kiz you should give her a chance."


"I understand but you should at least think about it Kiz." He says this as if he didn't hear my answer at all.

"No, I don't want to forgive her or give her a chance."

"Alright, well you have more family in center that you should probably at least say hello to."

This is the first time I look up at him, "Who else is there?"

"Well, you will just have to come back in and see now won't you."

"Is she still in there." I ask him, pretty sure he wouldn't tell me if she was.

"No she left."

"I'll walk over in just a minute."

"Okay, but Kiz you can't avoid her forever, especially not if your going to work in the same profession."

With that he heads back out into the night.

I hear the door open again and before I can tell my father that I am leaving now, somebody grabs me ties a blindfold over my eyes and hits me in the head.