"Shira-chan, breakfast!" Tokiko called out, once again clad in a naked apron as she cooked a breakfast, assisted by a surprisingly skilled Kakashi who was only wearing an apron of his own, not even bothering to wear a mask or his headband. The three genin were sitting at the table, Sasuke looking the most relaxed relaxed he had ever been with an honest to god smile on his face.

"Munyaaa… coffee…" Shirahana dragged herself out of the bedroom.

"On the table," Tokiko replied, far too used to her sister's morning tendencies.

"Not much of a morning person, are you, Shirahana-chan?" Kakashi questioned teasingly.

"Mornings are evil, coffee is the sword that cleaves that evil," Shirahana sighed happily after a sip of coffee.

Tokiko let out a groan at the reminder of Super Robot Wars. "Don't start with that stuff again, Shira-chan," she said sternly. "Especially when you think that people are reading and/or watching us."

"Awww, but I wanted someone to help me with the disclaimer…" Shirahana pouted. "I mean, we're just playing around in Kishimoto-sama's sandbox here and don't own anything."

Tokiko groaned again as the genin looked at the white kitsune in confusion while Kakashi merely patted the red kitsune's back, quite used to crazy thanks to Might Gai. "Just… eat your breakfast," Tokiko managed to get out.

"Kaaaay~" Shirahana cheerfully dug into her plate of toast.

"Well, now that we are all fed and… clothed - unfortunately - why don't we start discussing our training regime?" Kakashi suggested with an eye smile.

"Does being clothed or not really make that much of a difference on me?" Shirahana giggled, folding her arms under her breasts and squeezing them together a little. "Not like mine hide my curves anyway."

"That is true, but it still isn't actually naked," Kakashi sighed disappointedly. "I take it the two of you still have more for Naru-chan and Hinata-chan to learn?"

"Most definitely," Tokiko nodded in confirmation. "Especially now that they have access to youki and it's been settled alongside their natural chakra."

"So far we've only taught them how to use shapeshifting, but we haven't determined their natures yet," Shirahana reached into her bosom and withdrew several pieces of chakra paper, as well as a red-coloured version of it. "Chakra and youki are different, as we've already established. But have you ever wondered why I seem to have a kekkei genkai even as a summoned beast?" she smiled, holding up a hand and producing a perfect ice sculpture of Kakashi.

"Hm, it is a curious thing, I admit," Kakashi nodded in response as he looked over the sculpture.

"Elemental natures are a little different when it comes to youki," Shirahana explained, handing the sculpture over to Kakashi. "Where the Ice Release chakra-based kekkei genkai is more of a mixture of Water and Wind Release, it's one of the basic elements in youki."

"Is there a way to find their element with youki?" Kakashi questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"That's what this is for," Shirahana pointed at the red chakra paper variants she was holding up. "I had these sent from the village, this is basically youki paper. By the way, even among us kitsune we have some cases of someone having a different youki affinity from their chakra affinity. My actual strongest chakra affinity is water only."

Kakashi nodded in understanding. "Well, I can assist them with their chakra elemental jutsus," he assured with a nod. "I have a handful of lower ranked ones in each element stored," he tapped the side of his head where his Sharingan was resting.

"Copy Ninja-san, I would think you have more than a mere handful of lower ranked jutsu of each element," Shirahana chuckled. "But anyway, let's get testing. Youki or chakra first?"

Kakashi hummed in response. "Let's start with youki first," he suggested. "I must admit my curiosity on the different youki elements."

"Alright then," Shirahana's tails wagged in anticipation as she took two pieces of paper from the stack and handed them to Naru and Hinata. "Let's have Naru-chan go first. Let your youki flow through the paper."

Naru nodded as she gripped the paper and called on the youki to channel into the paper, for several heartbeats nothing happened when suddenly the paper vanished from her hand and reappeared across the room. "Uhhh… what?" Naru questioned in confusion.

Shirahana was furiously tearing through a booklet, before she dropped it to the floor. "Wow…" she muttered, looking a little lost. She nudged it over to Tokiko with a foot.

Tokiko blinked and looked it over with a raised eyebrow. "Huh… space," she said in surprise. "Teleportation, redirection and the like."

"Really? That's… COOL!" Naru cried out excitedly. "I can't wait to try it out!"

"That feels kind of stupidly overpowered, but okay…" Shirahana muttered, looking over towards her summoner. "Hina-chan next."

Hinata nodded and did the same as Naru. Her result showed a little faster as a bright flash of light filled the room, blinding everyone inside.

"Well, that was pretty obvious," Tokiko commented as she rapidly blinked her eyes, trying to regain her vision.

"MY EYES!" Shirahana yelped, covering her eyes and rolling on the ground.

"Light…?" Hinata seemed completely unaffected.

"Yup, not only are you a handy flashlight, but there are also purification elements to it as well, plus… focused light in not the nicest thing to be on the wrong side of…" Tokiko explained as she slowly recovered her vision.

"I read about it! Hina-chan will be able to shoot lasers!" Shirahana said excitedly, her tails wagging to match. She was still blinking spots from her eyes though.

"Both of those seem rather… interesting," Kakashi commented in a surprised tone. "Either or could easily classify as a kekkai genkai on their own."

"Damn right they're interesting, space is one of the rarest youki affinities out there, and light is a little further behind but still uncommon," Shirahana sighed, rubbing her eyes. "In comparison my ice is a little more on the common side…"

"Mine is fire, a very common element," Tokiko pitched in. "It's also my chakra affinity actually…"

"Thing is neither of us can train them in youki techniques for their element though…" the seductress realized.

Tokiko bit the inside of her lip. "Well… there would be one person who could," she ventured, looking to Shirahana.

"And that would be?" Kakashi questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah…" Shirahana sighed. "We might need to bring them to the village sooner rather than later. To see our Great Sage."

"Great Sage?" Kakashi looked at the pair, curiosity visible in his lone eye.

"The leader of our clan and currently the only nine tailed kitsune," Tokiko answered. "And the only one who has completely mastered Nature Chakra."

Kakashi blinked as his eye widened in shock, Jiraiya was currently one of the only known shinobi who used Nature Chakra, and he admitted he hadn't master it. And in his unmastered state he was a complete monster able to rip apart an entire army on his own. "Oh," was all that escaped his mouth in response.

"It can wait, we'll need to train their basic skills up first until they can properly use the basic non-elemental youki techniques," Shirahana smiled, patting Hinata's head. "You've got an ear showing."

Hinata blushed and the lone fox ear disappeared.

"So, let's do your chakra elements now!" Tokiko suggested as she grabbed three of them from the stack they had and passed them to the genin. "Why don't you go first, Sasuke-kun?"

"Okay," Sasuke accepted a piece of paper and concentrated for a moment. After a short while, sparks flew and the paper turned into dust and part of it caught fire.

"Lightning primary element, and fire as a secondary," Kakashi supplied with a pleased look. "I'm actually a Lightning element myself, I have plenty of tricks to show you."

"Naru-chan, you go first," Hinata took a step back and patted Naru's shoulder.

Naru nodded in agreement as she channeled her chakra into the paper causing it to immediately get cut in half. "What does that mean?" Naru questioned as she tilted her head, studying the paper.

"Wind, and it seems like a rather strong affinity to it too," Kakashi supplied. "While I do know only a handful of Fuuton jutsus, I do know another wind user in Konoha who owes me a favor."

Hinata took in a deep breath and concentrated. Her piece of chakra paper was suddenly completely drenched in water. "I think this is quite obvious…" she chuckled.

"Same as me, water!" Shirahana promptly glomped Hinata.

Kakashi nodded as he mentally considered their options. "So, since you all have a strong basis to work from, once we get through your chakra control exercises we can start with your elemental control training."

"What about doing awesome missions like rescuing princesses and assassinating tyrants!?" Naru cried out desperately. "I want to show off my badass skills."

Kakashi gave her a patient eye smile in response. "We will start doing them tomorrow after morning training," he assured her. "Today is to get a look at what we need to work on with each of you."

Shirahana stifled a laugh alongside Tokiko.

Naru pouted a bit but nodded reluctantly in response. "Fine…" she voiced.

"Plus…" Shirahana reached out and grabbed hold of Naru's tail, which had slipped out again. "You're going to out that you've become a half-kitsune if you go out with a half-baked shapeshift."

Naru flushed in embarrassment as she quickly retracted her tail back into herself. "Right," she sighed in agreement. "I can do this!"

"That's the spirit," Shirahana ruffled Naru's hair. "Once we're done with Kakashi-san's part, we'll focus entirely on shapeshifting. The goal is for you two to be able to keep it stable or else you won't be going on any missions."

"Kaaaay~" the two chorused in response.

"Alright, so, why don't we go over what chakra control exercises you all know," Kakashi said as he looked over the genin.

"Me and Hinata-chan know leaf balancing, tree walking and water walking!" Naru informed brightly, raising her hand in excitement, getting a nod from Kakashi.

"Just… the leaf balancing," Sasuke admitted with an embarrassed look.

"That's alright, Sasuke, I can help you catch up with them," Kakashi assured him. "As for you two, I'll have you start on kunai balancing," he instructed as he pulled out a kunai and began balancing it by it's bladed point on the tip of his finger. "It's fairly straightforward, but you have to also remember to condense chakra where the point of the kunai is so that you don't cut your finger."

"And I can heal any small pricks you get, so don't worry about getting hurt," Shirahana supplied. "Hmmmm, I might actually need to start thinking about quitting my job at the Love Love Chamber… if we'll be keeping this training up… or just make it a part time thing."

"Actually…" Kakashi interrupted. "You are training Hinata-chan in seduction, correct?"

"That's an idea but she stands out too much with her Byakugan," Shirahana sighed. "Anyone can tell she's a Hyuuga… even if former. She'd need some kind of really strong genjutsu to hide her appearance. Disguises don't tend to last with all the touchy-feely stuff going on."

"Well, contacts can hide her pale eyes, and I have access to specialty use ones that can shift the eye color with a small application of chakra," Kakashi replied. "Plus, do you not also have the ability to shapeshift as well?" he pointed out.

"Caged Bird Seal," Shirahana added, indicating Hinata's forehead.

"Shira-chan, I think between the three of us we can remove it now," Tokiko pointed out simply.

Kakashi raised an eyebrow at the pair before shrugging. "I'm all for it," he admitted plainly. "I never liked the seal anyways."

"It'll also mean we have to deal with the Hyuuga observers somehow if we're going to hide the fact that Hina-chan doesn't have a functional one anymore," Shirahana mused. "I do agree that the thing, even if it's fake right now, is ruining her beautiful face… but we've gotta cover our tracks first."

Kakashi smiled at them. "Well, it just so happens I have an idea for that," he commented. "She just needs it 'visible' when not doing her seduction and infiltration, correct? Then we shall put on a false one with some special chakra reactive ink, normally it is invisible to even the Byakugan, but when you channel chakra through it… it becomes visible."

"I guess it's alright then," Shirahana nodded. "And a simple genjutsu will do to change just hair color, since it's not adding anything new to perception…"

Kakashi nodded. "But that won't be all, each week, Hinata-chan, I will give you a new personality to emulate," he told her sternly. "From a common street walking prostitute from a lady of the Daimyo's court, you will live and breath that personality for the entire week, if I am not satisfied with your acting you will continue to do it throughout the following week."

"Ehhhh!?" Hinata gasped.

"Don't worry, you have a professional seductress as your summon," Shirahana smirked, hugging Hinata tight. "You can do it with me coaching you."

"My goal is to evolve your seduction skills into outright infiltration and spying skills," Kakashi informed calmly. "Your role outside of combat will to gather information for the squad so that we know what sort of protection and habits our targets may have."

"R-Right, I'll do my best," Hinata nodded resolutely.

Kakashi eye smiled at her in return before turning to Naru. "You, Naru-chan, will be our primary front line combatant," he informed, locking eyes with her. "I will also be working with you to help improve your tracking and stealth skills, your pranking skills can also translate into trapping."

Naru nodded her understanding a wide grin on her face. "So I'm going to be kicking ass then?" she asked eagerly.

Kakashi smiled at her with a nod. "Indeed," he confirmed with a chuckle. "While you won't have an outright secondary profession specialty, we will make up for that by developing your skills in several branches so that you can fill in any gaps that may appear during a mission."

Tokiko chuckled at Naru's enthusiasm to Kakashi's suggestion. "Skilled at all, master of none approach, huh?" she summed up with a knowing nod. "That can work pretty well."

Kakashi smiled at the red kitsune in response before turning to Sasuke. "As for you Sasuke-kun, I wanted to try something… different than what most Uchiha do," he said, getting a surprised look from the last Uchiha. "You will be our primary mid-to-long-range combatant," Kakashi elaborated with an eyesmile. "With the sharingan, when paired with a bow, you can accurately hit a target up to 100 yards away, not to mention your clan's natural inclination for ninjutsu will allow you to support from mid range when we don't have the option for long range combat."

"So our team will be quite well-balanced I guess," Shirahana thought out loud. "Naru-chan playing close to mid range, Sasuke-kun on mid to long range and Hina-chan supporting."

Kakashi nodded in confirmation. "That would be ideal, yes," he confirmed. "Of course it may have to change as we find that their talents may lead elsewhere."

"There's still one very big question to answer though…" Shirahana realized, glancing between the genins. "How do we explain the apparent age difference to the mission clients…?"

Kakashi hummed in response before shrugging. "Wouldn't be the first time older genin were paired with a younger one when their third either got promoted and made their own way or if they were unable to continue being a shinobi," he answered plainly.

"Yeah but… these two haven't been seen around the village in their current forms, would that be suspicious?" Shirahana frowned. "And one is clearly a Hyuuga too."

Kakashi shrugged again. "Unfortunately that one is a bit more difficult to say," he admitted as he scratched his chin in thought. "Hmm… what about this, Naru-chan made a mistake when she tried to create a new seal that accelerated the growth of their bodies?"

"She's not even a known sealmaster," Shirahana pointed out. "Maybe we might need to ask Hokage-sama and Super Pervert-san for some advice…"

"Perhaps, that is about the only thing I can think of to be honest," Kakashi admitted with a heavy sigh.

"Sasuke-san, want to play again later?"


"They might actually kill us for corrupting the two of them though…" Shirahana realized as she glanced over at Naru and Hinata who were currently attempting to bed Sasuke again.

"Hm, well, so long as she doesn't lose herself in it, they'll be fine," Kakashi countered with a slight smile. "After all, shinobi live hard lives, and as a result we must find comfort in what we can, for some it's gambling, others is sex, some have other hobbies, but so long as we don't lose our edge, then we can do as we please."

"Sure," Shirahana wagged her tails as she clapped her hands together. "Then shall we go get some training done?"

"That sounds good to me," Tokiko nodded in agreement. "Feeling a need to let out some energy in a way other than sex."

"Training!" the two half-kitsune chorused excitedly.

Wag wag wag.

"Keep your tails in, you two!"

"I guess it's going to be at least another two days before these two can take missions…" Shirahana sighed, watching as Hinata lost control of her shapeshifting again and her tail slipped out in the middle of taijutsu practice with Sasuke.

"Still, any progress is good progress," Kakashi commented with a nod as he watched the spar. "Sasuke-kun, you left foot is too far back, bring it in closer, your center of balance is off because of that!"

Sasuke hurriedly corrected his stance, actually thankful for the fact that there was someone familiar with the Uchiha's Interceptor Fist was able to correct his stances.

"Kick his butt, Hinata-chan!" Naru called out to her friend as she continued to try and balance a kunai on her forefinger.

"Your ears are showing, Naru-chan," Tokiko admonished the girl lightly.

"I'm starting to think we need to give them extra incentive to maintain the shapeshifting properly," Shirahana thought out loud as Hinata finally realized that her tail was out after it brushed across her thigh. The slight distraction cost her as Sasuke got in a punch to her solar plexus that made her stagger.

Tokiko hummed in response. "They can't have sex until they can maintain the form properly," she declared firmly. "That includes no sexual training as well."

Hinata visibly shuddered and pulled her tail back in before rushing in using the basic Hyuuga Gentle Fist stance with renewed determination.

"No way!" Naru whined plaintively as her fox ears vanished and were replaced by human ears in their normal places. "That's totally not fair!"

"Yes way," Shirahana fired back with a grin. "Be grateful we're not stopping you from masturbating by sealing your ability to cum."

"That will be the next level if they can't get shapeshifting down by the end of training tomorrow," Tokiko pitched in with a smirk.

"Eh!" Naru squeaked in response as she increased her efforts for keeping her shape shifting under control. "I'll get it for sure!"

"Well, you certainly know how to encourage them," Kakashi commented with an eyesmile. "And oddly cruel in its own way."

"I had it done to me before, you know," Shirahana shivered at the memory. "Sensei used it to break my shyness and shame at the start of my seductress training… I was backed up for days then. It's really good incentive… but sooooooo frustrating…"

"She really was, we shared a room and she couldn't stop masturbating either," Tokiko nodded in confirmation. "And in its own way it was frustrating hearing her moaning and fingering herself all night."

"And I couldn't let any of it out no matter how I tried, even with Toki-chan helping me," Shirahana groaned. "I couldn't even lactate and my breasts got so uncomfortably full with milk! I could feel them sloshing around whenever I moved!"

"It took her a week to get the training down," Tokiko sighed as she slumped a bit. "And it was a week of trying to get her off without sleep and her whining about her boobs."

Kakashi stared at the pair for several moments, a stain visible around his nose on his mask. "My sympathies," he said finally. "Must have been… eventful when the seal came off finally."

"I… might have accidentally blasted Masane-sensei with high pressure breast milk at that moment," Shirahana scratched the back of her head awkwardly. "She found it cute, drank it and wrote me a five-page review on the taste and what I could do to improve it."

Kakashi blinked in response. "I think I would very much like to meet your sensei at some point," he said finally after several moments of silence. "It would be… interesting."

"Of course you would find her interesting," Shirahana giggled. "She's a little more stacked than me right now by the way, and I'm already on the far right side of the bell curve for a kitsune."

"I'm on the more average size of the kitsune," Tokiko admitted with a shrug, crossing her arms under her breasts to bounce it a bit, much to Kakashi's appreciation. "Those two are sex fiends though, so yeah."

"You don't say…" Kakashi replied, blinking several times as he looked between the pair before looking at Hinata and Naru. "For some reason, I now feel sad that I've already signed the Dog Summoning contract…"

"Their summoning contracts will probably be nullified if they end up becoming full kitsune, no point in having a kitsune summon another kitsune now," Shirahana revealed, nuzzling up against Kakashi. "If that happens we'll have to look for a new contractor. I certainly wouldn't mind you holding my exclusive contract, it's just up to your dogs if they mind their summoner also holding a kitsune contract or not."

Kakashi squee'd internally at the white haired kitsune's actions and words. "I am quite sure I can convince them," he replied vocally, making sure to keep his voice calm and controlled. "It would be an honor to be your summoner."

"Mm, I don't think I would mind either, to be honest," Tokiko added with a sultry purr as she nuzzled herself into the opposite side of her sister, making her to press as much of herself she could against his body. "Especially after your performance yesterday… don't you agree, Shira-chan?"

"Ah, but what about Iruka-san?" Shirahana realized as she smacked a fist into the palm of her other hand.

Tokiko hummed in response. "A good point, I suppose he was first…" she commented with a hidden griin.

At that point Kakashi was seriously considering murdering a fellow Leaf Shinobi so that he could keep the pair all to himself, thankfully, for the chuunin instructor, he managed to stop himself from following through with it. "I wouldn't mind sharing," he suggested finally.

It still didn't stop said Chunin instructor from getting the chills down his spine halfway across the village.

"You know, that gives me an interesting idea…" Shirahana thought out loud with a saucy smirk as she crossed her arms around her breasts right under her oversized nipples, squeezing just a little bit to get them to pop out just that little more.

"Hmm?" Tokiko hummed in response, rubbing her body harder into the jounin. "Oh, I think I like your idea," she said as she caught onto her sister's idea. "Seems like quite the… fun time."

"I'll be able to fit full-sized ones soon," Shirahana grinned, making sure to rub her hardened mountains against Kakashi's side. "I might need some help breaking them in…"

"What're you talking about?" Naru questioned curiously as she looked at the trio with a tilted head, even as she continued her chakra control exercise. "Wait… are you talking about fucking your nipples?"

Kakashi's mind froze as he thought about what Naru had said, his erection twitching in his pants - thankfully artfully hidden so that they wouldn't see it.

"Yup~" Shirahana smirked, popping the 'p' particularly loudly. "I've been slowly increasing the dildo sizes since I managed to fit them in… and I'm getting close to the bigger ones now. About 1 unit Kakashi in size."

"That… would be an interesting experience," he said finally after blinking several times. "Do you want me to help with your training?"

"Nah, I'll let you stew for a while until I'm ready," the white kitsune chuckled devilishly and poked his crotch knowingly. "By the way, Hina-chan is also undergoing the same training…"

"You're distracting me!" a blushing Hinata complained loudly.

Sasuke stumbled as he tried to attack Hinata, his mind 'helpfully' providing him with pictures of what Shirahana was talking about, falling flat on his face. "What is with my life now?" he groaned in response.

"Sasuke-san, ignore them, please," Hinata whispered as she knelt down to extend a hand to him. Twin orbs of flesh dangled in front of him, their large peaks pushing out the fabric of her yukata top. No bra.

"Hrk," Sasuke choked in response as he witnessed this, his own member making itself very known as it dug into the ground. "Urg… you're not even doing it on purpose, are you?"

"Doing what?" an oblivious Hinata asked.

Sasuke sighed as he shook his head, accepting her hand up, the crotch of his shorts tenting in an obvious manner.

"Oh man… and we can't even have sex right now!" Naru whined, fox ear flattening on top of her head.

Shirahana reached over and began rubbing Naru's exposed ear. "This calls for a little punishment…" she whispered as she lightly blew on the ear.

"Uh-oh," Naru pouted as she quickly changed her appearance back to human. "What is it going to be?" she questioned nervously.

"Ramen deprivation," Shirahana announced.

Naru's eyes widened in shock as her face paled in response. "NO! PLEASE NO!" she begged desperately. "Take sex away, make it so I can't cum, just don't take my ramen away please!"

"Actually I just got another idea…" Shirahana thought out loud as she took out a cup of instant ramen from her bosom and opened it to peer inside.

She proceeded to think for a moment before turning the open cup upside down and causing the dried ramen inside to fall to the ground, breaking into pieces and scattering all over the ground. "Ooops!"

Naru whimpered as if she were physically in pain. "No… the innocent ramen… why would you hurt such an innocent being?" she whispered in shock.

"Think of it as motivation," Shirahana giggled, pulling out the bag of seasoning and studying it for a short moment before tearing the bag open and emptying the contents onto the ground. "For every time you expose an ear or tail, I'll waste one cup of instant ramen."

Naru's eyes widened. "I won't!" she promised desperately. "Just please, stop hurting the ramen!"

"Sure, but is it alright for you to be so panicked right now?" Shirahana smirked, retrieving another cup of ramen and handing it to Tokiko.

Tokiko chuckled as she accepted it and started tossing it in her hand. "Well, don't you have a chakra control exercise to be doing?" she questioned tauntingly.

"H-hai… sensei," Naru cried anime tears as she started working on her exercise again as she made sure to keep her transformation from reverting.

"That's quite some motivation there," a wizened, if a little exasperated voice came from the edge of the training ground.

"Ah, hello, Hokage-sama," Kakashi greeted the village leader politely, turning his thoughts away from the future plans with the twin kitsunes. "How are you doing today?"

"I'm finished with the paperwork for today so I thought I'd come take a look at their training," Hiruzen nodded sagely, walking over to the group. "I would never have thought of this particular method for motivating Naru-chan though…"

Tokiko and Shirahana smiled at the elderly hokage. "Well, whatever works really," Tokiko giggled in response, keeping a close eye on her student. "Our other idea is still in play… but this is just extra motivation."

"By the way… did you have to raise them into nymphomaniacs?" Hiruzen let out a suffering groan.

The two kitsune shared a look with each other. "Well… it wasn't our intention?" Tokiko offered hesitantly. "We were just training them like we were…"

Another long, drawn out sigh from the Third Hokage. "Of course, training them like you were would result in them becoming like that…" he muttered, rubbing his temples.

Tokiko let out a weak laugh in response as she rubbed the back of her head. "Sorry 'bout that…" she murmured in embarrassment.

"I am seriously reconsidering my choice in letting you two remain as their effective guardians," Hiruzen glared at the two, with the full force of an annoyed grandparent. "I would have assigned either Kakashi or Iruka to observe as well, if not for the fact that you've already corrupted both of them."

"No~" Naru pouted at the Hokage in protest. "Toki-chan and Shira-chan are awesome though! And we wanted them to train us!"

"What's done is done though," Hiruzen's shoulders sagged dramatically. "I can only place the blame at my own feet for not properly paying attention to their upbringing myself. However, I had better not hear about either of the two girls being… public nuisances, am I crystal clear?" he declared, releasing a not insignificant amount of killing intent directed at the two kitsune. As expected of the God of Shinobi, its full force was comparable to some of the eldest kitsune back in their village…


"We promise they won't become public nuisances!" Shirahana was instantly doing a dogeza before Hiruzen's feet, cold sweat dripping from her entire body as she shivered in fear.

Tokiko was right beside her with sweat on her face. "We wouldn't dream of letting them do that!" she added in.

"And you, Kakashi… I expect you to rein them in if things get overboard," the subject of the killing intent-infused glare switched to the one-eyed shinobi currently sweating bullets while hiding behind a certain book he had pulled out of his pouch.


"Of course Hokage-sama," Kakashi replied without hesitation. "But… just so you are aware, I do plan on training them to take advantage of their talents."

"Ka-Kakashi-san… it's upside down…" Shirahana weakly pointed out that Kakashi wasn't doing a very good job of hiding behind his book.

"Oh quiet you," Kakashi glowered at the kitsune, the book having changed back to the right side up in an instant.

"I also expect you all to protect the two of them from unscrupulous people," Hiruzen added with a sideways look directed at seemingly nowhere in particular.

"Of course, Hokage-sama," Tokiko agreed instantly, following his line of sight only to see nothing. "Anyways, Hokage-sama, we weren't sure how to play off their new appearance to… well… everyone."

The Hokage studied the two half-kitsune for several moments. Hinata and Sasuke had stopped training and had come over to see what the commotion was about. "Indeed, the differences are impossible to gloss over. It will be better to play it off as the result of an experiment gone wrong, however we will need to explain away the experiment. Let's see… the Sealing Division and Medical Division have recently been cooperating on attempting to develop a seal to stimulate the body's natural regeneration, though the results haven't been promising. We'll have a special request come in for testing the prototypes, and Team 7 will accept them and meet with an accident, accelerating Naru's and Hinata's aging instead of healing wounds."

Tokiko blinked at his quick response. "How… often have you done something like that?" she questioned, looking a bit nervous.

"You tend to learn a few tricks for disappearing people and covering up incidents after half a century of experience as an active shinobi," Hiruzen chuckled good-naturedly, tipping his hat. "Team 7, the compensation for this mission will be transferred to you in a week's time and it'll be recorded as a D-rank mission. Try not to show yourself around the village until then. I advise you henge yourselves in the meantime. By the way, it seems Naru-chan is about to lose another cup of ramen."

Naru's eyes widened fearfully as the tail that was beginning to peek out vanished. "No!" she whined looking to her teachers fearfully, although Tokiko was looking rather distracted as she smacked her head against a tree.

"Why. Didn't. I. Think. Of. Henge!" She punctuated each word with a slamming of her head.

"Aaah, Toki-chan, our problem was explaining the age gap, but since it's settled now we can just use the Henge to disguise them as other people until their new cover story checks out…" Shirahana hurriedly pulled her sister away from the tree, which was now looking rather… chipped.

"Gah, we should've still thought of it for getting around the village instead of invisibility illusions!" the red head cried out in frustration.

"It was good practice for me anyway!" Shirahana insisted. "We'll get them to master their shapeshifting within the week so at least they don't blow their human cover after they return to active duty…"

"It will help your case if your team is seen regularly going in and out of the hospital's laboratory section these few days," Hiruzen added after a moment of thought. "I can't pull away enough active shinobi of sufficient clearance to do it, so you two will have to Henge into the two girls from when before this mess happened and do it in their place. As full grown actual kitsune the change in balance should be easy for you to get used to, right?"

Tokiko nodded in agreement. "It won't be an issue," she confirmed with a nod. "We'll start going in tomorrow and the fourth day we won't be seen leaving, correct?"

With a poof of smoke, Shirahana suddenly turned into the younger version of Hinata from before her conversion into a half-kitsune. She turned around a few times and inspected herself, before nodding at Hiruzen quietly.

"I was… that small before…" Hinata blinked in awe, peering closer at her younger doppelganger.

Shirahana, still in Hinata mode, blushed and ran to hide behind Naru in a perfect imitation of the former Hyuuga's previous behaviour, peeking out from cover periodically.

Tokiko quickly followed suit as she changed into the child form of Naru, complete with her wide vulpine like grin. "You ready to hand the hat over to me yet, jiji?" she questioned in a perfect imitation of the jinchuriki.

"It's… almost scary how accurate they are," the real Hinata murmured.

"Well, we did spend quite a long time with you girls," Shirahana-as-Hinata spoke in Hinata's voice with a very un-Hinata-like smirk, crossing her arms under her chest and squeezing to make her bust more apparent through her thick jacket. "I'm confident I got your three sizes perfect too. Being an early bloomer sure is nice, isn't it?"

The Naru look-alike sighed in a very un-Naru like way. "Shira-chan, you can't do your usual teasing as Hinata-chan…" she pointed out.

"It's possible to some degree actually," the Hinata lookalike squashed herself against the Naru lookalike's back. "See? Stacked enough."

The lookalike Naru gave her a deadpanned look. "As in the Hinata-chan that everyone knows doesn't act like that," she countered with a roll of her eyes. "Not everything has to be sexualized y'know."

"Yeah, I know…" Shirahana-as-Hinata pouted before transforming back in a puff of smoke. "Just having some fun."

Tokiko reverted her own transformation as well. "I'm just worried because if we screw this up, it'll be them that feels it, not us," she admitted, looking over to the two half-kitsune.

"It shouldn't be too difficult, all we need to do is walk from home to somewhere to meet up with Sasuke-kun, then head to the hospital," Shirahana pointed out happily. "Then head straight back home afterwards, easy peasy! What could go wrong?"

Tokiko froze before turning to her sister with a glare. "You had to say it, didn't you?" she growled as she felt a sense of foreboding fill her.

"Ah," Shirahana hurriedly clapped her hands over her mouth. "Should I pray to Murphy?"

Tokiko groaned loudly in response. "Murphy doesn't answer prayers, just ruins things because people tempt fate…" she explained with a weak groan.

As it turned out, there were some things that could go wrong…

"Oh, Sasuke-san, Naru-chan, Hinata-chan! What brings you here today?" a certain platinum blonde-haired Yamanaka held up the trio of genin and disguised kitsune on their way to the hospital.

"Ah… hello, Ino-chan," Tokiko-as-Naru greeted in return. "Jiji gave us a mission to help out with some research development at the hospital!"

Shirahana-as-Hinata was secretly very glad she was Henge'd as the far more reserved version of Hinata that didn't have to do much talking and abandoned Tokiko as she shifted to the opposite side of Sasuke away from Ino while pulling up her hoodie and nodding back in reply.

Her sister didn't miss the movement and sent a hidden glare her way as Sasuke simply 'hn'd' at the Yamanaka.

"I still can't believe you beat my scores on the test and got on the same team as Sasuke-kun to boot…" Ino groused, glancing at Sasuke for a moment. "And even Hinata-chan was luckier than me even though she got the lowest scores in the class… here I am just stuck with these two bozos."

*munch munch munch*


"I had to train my butt off to get those scores!" Tokiko-as-Naru shouted proudly. "Toki-chan drove me hard to study at home to…" she forced a shudder to run through her body. "She threatened to withhold my ramen ration!"

Ino made a face. "Uwaaah, she's a real slave driver alright… I might actually have preferred Mizuki-sensei to Tokiko-sensei, her training is just her way of having fun beating us kids into the ground! And she shows off too much all the time!"

Shirahana-as-Hinata was very, very careful not to snicker as she pulled up the collar of her hoodie to disguise it as a cough.

Tokiko-as-Naru barely managed to control the twitch of her eyebrow at the Yamanaka's words. "She's not that bad… she got you and Sakura-chan off that ridiculous diet didn't she?" she questioned, forcing her voice to remain casual.

"It wasn't that ridiculous," Ino grumbled, folding her arms. "I'm growing extra flab now because she forced me off it though. Maybe she finds it alright because she's using all that extra meat to seduce Iruka-sensei, I heard from the other teachers that she brazenly went and seduced him in the staffroom together with her sister! The nerve of them! Tokiko-sensei's alright with seducing Iruka herself but she wouldn't let me go out with Sasuke-kun! Double standards!"

"Pfft," Shirahana didn't quite manage to stop that snort, but only Sasuke and Tokiko heard her.

Tokiko's eye did twitch in response. "Yeah, but she did it when she wasn't teaching us," she pointed out. "You were trying to do it right in the middle of her lesson."

"But you can't deny she did give him a show in the middle of class every now and then!" Ino argued passionately. "I wish I had a body like hers though…"

"I can tell you she doesn't get it by dieting and not training," Tokiko replied, giving Ino a beatific smile that somehow seemed strained. "She trains quite hard herself and doesn't allow her body to stagnate."

"You… do you like Tokiko-sensei?" Ino narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Of course!" Tokiko-as-Naru replied. "She pushed me to be my best!"

"Even though she takes your ramen?" Ino pried deeper.

"Well… that hurt, but I can't really argue with the results," Tokiko replied, scratching her cheek. "After all, I went from the bottom of the class to the top, didn't I?"

"You've changed a lot, huh…" Ino sighed. "You used to be such a ramen-loving prankster."

"Hey! I still love ramen!" Tokiko protested. "And Kakashi-sensei says my pranks can make for awesome traps if I change a few things!"

"Ah, I recently heard some rumours about Kakashi-san also being involved with Tokiko-sensei and her sister though… how shameless of them," Ino mused.

"I don't know about that…" Tokiko replied as she tried to keep her eye from twitching. "They seem to more free spirited than anything…"

"But they already have Iruka-sensei, don't they? I heard Tokiko-sensei's sister is famous in the red light district as a prostitute too," Ino sighed, rubbing her head. "No wonder she turned out like that…"

"Ino-chan... shut the fuck up about things you have no knowledge about," Tokiko commanded, a smile on her face that was completely countered by the killing intent she was radiating. "Tokiko-sensei and Shirahana-san were kind enough to take me in when no one else would, I will not stand for you insulting them in front of me."

"Uwaaah… uh… okay…" a thoroughly cowed Ino began backing away as she was assaulted by premonitions of her death. "What is… this feeling…"

Sasuke snorted in response. "That's what happens when you piss off a real kunoichi," he commented as he and the two disguised kitsune began walking farther into the hospital.

"Far more real than she thinks," Shirahana-as-Hinata whispered to Sasuke with a muffled giggle.


The next day, a far more troublesome opponent than Konoha's resident Gossip Queen made an appearance.

"Hn," Sasuke replied as he eyed the Hyuuga across from him, his face in a complete deadpan.

Shirahana-as-Hinata was sweating bullets while hiding behind Tokiko-as-Naru. "I know our Henge is Byakugan-proof, but this is still nerve wracking!" she whispered to her disguised sister.

"Birds of a feather gather together I suppose," Neji Hyuuga turned his nose up at Team 7. "Those who are fated to be failures in life."

"N-Nii-san…" the disguised Shirahana croaked rather convincingly.

"Silence. You who are no longer part of the Hyuuga have no right to call me that anymore," Neji growled.

"Hn, maybe losers should shut up," Sasuke said with a cross look as his onyx colored eyes narrowed. "You're just wasting the air that your betters need to use."

"Oh? A freshly-minted genin like you is fated to lose in a confrontation against me," Neji snorted. "A failure of an Uchiha, you haven't even unlocked your kekkei genkai yet."

Sasuke snorted, letting the insult slide off of him. "At least I'm strong enough to make my own destiny rather than hide behind 'fate' and the responsibility that comes with being a human being," he retorted sharply.

"Bark all you want, you cannot overcome your fate," Neji turned away from Sasuke dismissively. "I'll be happy to show you the difference between us."

"Hey, Neji-kun, don't be like that!" a brunette with her hair done up in Chinese buns hissed at Neji as she grabbed hold of him and began trying to drag him away.

Sasuke sneered at the Hyuuga. "Unlike some, I don't need to insult others to make me feel better about my life," he told the white eyed male, before smirking a bit. "Besides, why should I care about the words of a virgin?"

"I fail to see how that relates to fate," Neji snorted, but the girl beside him had her jaw on the ground as she caught the hidden implication behind Sasuke's outburst.

"You… you… what?" she tried to pick her jaw back up.

Sasuke grinned in response. "What? I can't bring my clan back by just sitting around," he shrugged in response.

"This conversation is meaningless," Neji declared as he made to leave, completely unfazed.

His teammate was pale white as she stared at Sasuke incredulously. "Who… who was it?"

Sasuke raised his eyebrow in response. "I fail to see why it's any business of yours," he replied. "Plus, can you imagine the response of some people?"

"Well, yeah, but aren't you a little… young?" the brunette gasped.

Sasuke pointed at the leaf emblem on the forehead protector on his forehead. "I'm expected to kill people for a living now, I think sex is the last thing people are worried about me doing," he pointed out.

"Don't tell me, it's… one of those two?" the brunette glanced over at the two girls beside him.

Neji twitched slightly.

"Again, don't see how it's any business of yours," the Uchiha replied with a blank look. "But I would suggest you keep your rabid Hyuuga on a leash before someone puts him down though."

"Hmph," Neji left at a brisk pace.

"I humbly apologize for my unyouthful teammate's actions!"

Giant black caterpillars on his brow, check. Perfectly bowl cut hair, check. Green jumpsuit, check.

The trio stared at Rock Lee in shock. "It's one thing to see a cartoon… another to see the real thing," Tokiko quietly whispered to her sister, her jaw slack a bit.

"I can feel the energy radiating off him…" Shirahana whispered back. "His brows too… first time I've seen such bushy eyebrows…"

"I will make sure to make him reflect on his actions!" Rock Lee shouted energetically. "I am Rock Lee! The unyouthful teammate of mine is Neji Hyuuga! And my last teammate is the youthful Tenten!"

"It's… nice to meet you…" Sasuke said after several moments shocked silence. "And… I honestly think I like you better than the Hyuuga there. I'm Sasuke Uchiha."

Tokiko's eyes widened in shock at Sasuke's words. "Did… he just say he likes him better than Neji?" she whispered in shock. "Oh… uh… I'm Naru Uzumaki, a pleasure?"

Shirahana nodded dumbly. "N-Nice to meet you…" she made sure to introduce herself in Hinata mode. "I'm… Hinata…"

"Umu! It has been a pleasure to meet you! Now, we are on our way to the Hokage Tower to accept a mission! I hope to meet you again soon! May your Flames of Youth burn ever stronger!" Rock Lee saluted as he rushed off towards said tower, yelling loudly as he left, "YOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUTH!"

"Hn, he seems nice," Sasuke commented idly as he began walking to their designated area, leaving two baffled kitsune behind.

"Sis… I think we fucked the timeline up something bad," Tokiko whispered to Shirahana with a scared look on her face.

"I agree, our plan to de-emo Sasuke went too well…" Shirahana whispered back. "I think we broke him."

"For all we know… Itachi could show up wearing a pink leotard and makeup," Tokiko murmured, shaking a bit. "Madara could be an eccentric old man mumbling about the 'golden days'."

"Toki-chan, your imagination is scary," Shirahana muttered.

"It is," her sister had no problem admitting that fact. "Why did you have to tempt Murphy?"

"Hey, I didn't tempt Murphy about Sasuke's first meeting with Rock Lee though?" Shirahana replied as the two disguised kitsune picked up the pace to catch up to Sasuke.

"Yeah, but you asked the forbidden question," Tokiko hissed. "I thought you were smarter than that! Nothing is ever easy, especially with shinobi involved!"

"Muuu… I won't make that mistake again," the disguised ice-using kitsune murmured.

"Good, now let's go get this done," Tokiko sighed in relief as they entered into a isolated room that looked to be a lounge area. "I'm going to keep working on that," she informed as she held up the scroll that contained her notes on the Hirashin. "Right now all I can do is the absolute basics of it. Mastering this jutsu is a completely different story from even learning it."

"We'll work it out together," Shirahana released her Henge with a sigh of relief, returning to her usual form. "Hey Sasuke-kun, want to take a look too?"

Sasuke raised an eyebrow before glancing at the scroll of complex fuuinjutsu diagrams. "Nope," he said after a minute of staring at it and failing to comprehend a single bit of it. "One glance and my eyes are going crosseyed."

"Hey… those two are…"



"Errr… Shikamaru-kun, Choji-kun… they look kind of familiar…"

*munch munch munch*

"Troublesome gossip queen."

"Oi, I heard that. They have Konoha forehead protectors, but I've never seen them before… and why are they with Sasuke-kun?"

Shikamaru sighed as he narrowed his eyes scanning the pair carefully for several moments. "Okay… either they're related to… or they are Naru and Hinata," he commented in disbelief.

"You're kidding me, right?" Ino raised an eyebrow. "Last I saw they were still around our age. And if they're related I find it weird how they're walking beside Sasuke-kun… I smell a scoop!" her eyes flashed eagerly as she grabbed her other two teammates by the shoulder and began dragging them along following behind the odd trio with surprising strength.

Hinata sighed to herself. "Somehow I knew this would happen…" she whispered quietly to Naru.

Naru nodded in agreement, her sensitive ears picking up the entire conversation behind her. "This is going to be rough," she mumbled as she heard the murmurs of the assorted civilians that saw them.

The two half-kitsune had mastered their shapeshifting already, and were out and about with Sasuke in their first public appearance since the 'accident' that had aged them up into adults. Currently they were headed for the Hokage Tower to report in and accept their first mission. Of course, Kakashi had promised to find them a good D-ranked one.

Sasuke, for his part, sent icy glares to any civilians that even looked like they were thinking of raising a fuss about his changed teammates. Hey, you have sex with someone, you will end up feeling attached to them in some way, especially if it continued to happen.

"Thanks, Sasuke-kun," Hinata offered the younger-looking Uchiha a soft smile. "We're drawing a lot of attention, aren't we? I can feel them staring…"

Sasuke looked back at her, squashing the slight irritation of the fact that she was taller than him, before shrugging. "We're teammates," he replied finally. "Not to mention you're kunoichi of Konoha now. Legally, if I try anything, I can put them in jail, or just simply tell my horde to boycott their stores."

"Naru-chan, you've been kind of quiet for a while… it's not like you," Hinata glanced over at Naru.

Naru flinch a bit. "Sorry, it's just… so much noise," she admitted with a grimace. "And… emotions? I think? It's weird, I can sense… something from everyone around me, I just… never really noticed till now cause everyone around me was… well… happy."

"Ara, I think you're sensing lust there," Shirahana abruptly appeared behind the three of them together with her sister, tapping Naru on the shoulder with a playful giggle. "Don't worry, the two of us will be hanging around as well in case anything happens. You two have become more than a little sexy after all, and Hina-chan seems to be unconsciously copying the way I walk."

"I… can't help it, it's hard for me to balance otherwise," Hinata blushed slightly, crossing her arms under her bountiful mountains as her hips swayed slightly from side to side in a somehow erotic manner as she walked.

Tokiko rolled her eyes as she patted Naru's shoulder. "Just filter through them, don't make them your own," she advised with a smile. "Your feelings are your own."

"That goes double for Hina-chan as a seductress," Shirahana added, breathing gently into Hinata's ear. "You're supposed to be making people submit to you, not the other way around. Of course, it's alright to have a little fun with them…"

"Hauuu…" Hinata held back a shudder at the sensual action. "R-Right…"

"Hm, that reminds me, I need to give you a personality to emulate for the week, don't I?" Kakashi questioned with a tap on his chin as he faded out of the crowd, joined them and looked over to the former Hyuuga who had frozen in surprise. "I think… your first one should be… high-class courtesan, like one you would see with a daimyo."

Hinata thought for several moments before rearranging several pieces in her mind. "As you wish, Kakashi-sama," she chuckled, pulling out a sensu fan from her bosom and covering her mouth with it delicately, adjusting her walking stance.

The jonin looked her over carefully. "Pitch your voice to the more husky side," he suggested. "And don't pitch your hips too much, while you are trying to draw them in, you also want them to think they can never afford you."

"Ara, but Kakashi-sama can definitely afford me, riiight~?" Hinata whispered sensually, making said adjustments as a smirk spread across her face, moving over to bump into his side softly.

Kakashi hummed in response. "Better," he announced proudly. "Now, let's see if you can keep it up for seven days, also, from this point on, you should consider Sasuke-kun to be your client."

"Of course, Kakashi-sama," Hinata nodded. "But must I show myself in this state to all my classmates as well? I feel it may be a little… inappropriate."

Kakashi thought about it for a moment. "Yes, you will," he continued. "And you will convince them that it is a true thing," he continued. "When the week is finished you can tell them it was training, but for now, I want you to convince them that you are a high class courtesan hired by Sasuke-kun."

Hinata's eyebrow twitched. "Very well, I shall allow them to grace me with their presence then."

"No matter how you look at it though, she's Hina-chan and it's going to be hard to explain it to them if she can't break that persona," Shirahana pointed out.

"That's apart of the training," Kakashi commented idly. "First, being able to maintain the persona even if you are witnessing something highly stressful, like a teammate being tortured, so that you will have a better chance to rescuing them later. Two, being able to recover your own personality after the mission is finished without losing yourself to it."

Hinata's eyes hardened. "I will endeavour to complete this training to the best of my ability," she whispered quietly.

Shirahana sighed. "Well, alright then," she acquiesced, knowing full well the requirements of the job, having undergone similar training herself before. "Still… Kakashi-san, are you really going to have a high-class courtesan take D-rank missions?"

Kakashi eye smiled. "Adaptability, Shirahana-chan," he commented, turning back to Hinata. "I am not expecting perfection, Hinata-chan," he told her gently. "So long as you are putting in your full effort, I will be happy because you will be making progress, just tell me if you need to revert, and we can find someplace private for you to do so."

"Why, may I ask, will there be a problem with someone of my standing taking D-rank missions?" Hinata affected a more prideful air as she turned up her nose.

Shirahana snorted and buried her face in Kakashi's back to hide her laughter.

Kakashi chuckled in response. "No problems at all, Hinata-chan," he assured her with a smile. "You are doing great, keep it up."

"Suspicious…" Hinata's eyes narrowed.

"Man… I wonder what kind of mission we'll be getting?" Naru questioned with a curious air. "Ohhh! Will we be rescuing a princess? Or assassinating a tyrant? How about infiltrating Iwa?"

"You'll find out soon enough, Naru-chan," Kakashi assured with an eyesmile. "I'm… certain you won't expect it."

"This work is beneath me," Hinata sniffed as she lounged around on the porch of the house, watching as Naru and Sasuke worked.

She, however, did have a single Shadow Clone helping them out, having learned the jutsu from Naru, fuelling it using the extra chakra she had obtained from turning into a half-kitsune. That particular clone wasn't doing her high-class courtesan act - in fact it was apologizing to Naru and Sasuke that her original couldn't really help without breaking her act.

"It's alright, clone-chan," Naru assured with a grumbled as she glared at her sensei who was observing them in clear amusement. "I'm blaming him more than anything."

"Don't forget the garden bed along the side of the house!" Tokiko pitched in cheerfully from where she was sitting.

"Nice job figuring out a way to help though, Hina-chan," Shirahana giggled, sitting beside Hinata playing with her hair.

The former Hyuuga's cheeks coloured slightly.

"Oh by the way, it seems to be about that time of the chapter…" Shirahana thought out loud as she reached into her bosom and withdrew the 'Chapter End' card she was always carrying around. "We'll see you around, readers!"

"Don't," Tokiko advised the nearby client who looked at her sister in confusion. "You'll just hurt your brain thinking about it too hard."

"Given up trying to stop it?" Kakashi questioned curiously.

"After that Yamanaka ran screaming after just scanning her head? Yes," the red headed kitsune sighed in response as she slumped.