One month.

That's how long it had been since he returned home from Hogwarts.

One month.

That's how long it had been since he found out she went missing.

Remus Lupin was sat in his room, looking out the window, thinking about his twin sister who had mysteriously disappeared four weeks earlier. He remembered the day he found out like it was yesterday...

'You'll write over the summer?'

'Of course, Moony.'

'Well, Padfoot and I'd better be going.'

'Same. Bye, guys.'

'See ya, Wormtail. Well, Prongs, let's go.'

'Bye, Moony.'


As his three friends walk off, Remus is left alone on the platform. He looks around, trying to find his family. Eventually, he sees his parents and runs up to them, wrapping them in a hug.

'Mum, Dad! I missed you!' he says, pulling away. He sees grim expressions on Hope and Lyall Lupin's faces. 'What's going on? Wait...where's Frisk?'

'She...she went missing,' Lyall says.

'W-wait, what?!' Remus gasps. 'When? What happened?'

'A week ago,' Hope replies. 'I went in her room and...and she was gone.'

Remus took a deep breath, forcing the back the tears. He and his twin had been inseparable. Even after the...incident...when they were both four, Remus and Frisk Lupin were closer than two peas in a pod.

In fact, when the incident had happened, Frisk had been the driving force that kept Remus from...well, ending it all. On multiple occasions, Remus thought about tying a noose around his neck and knocking away the stool, or getting a knife from the kitchen and slitting his wrists. Once, when he was ten, he had bought a pack of sleeping pills from the pharmacy and snuck them home to his room. He had just been about to swallow them all, hoping to end his life with an overdose, when Frisk came in. She wacked the pills from his hand and consoled him. Ever since, he'd never attempted suicide again.

While Frisk didn't possess magical abilities, like her brother, she did have something else. She had a great amount of strong determination that she seemed to spread to all those around her, especially Remus. It was because of this that he'd continued with his cursed life. However, since her disappearance, Remus had felt his determination and will to live slowly fade away.

Remus turned his head away from the window and stared at his wand in his hands. He took a deep breath before raising it to his chest.

'...Avada...Ked- '

At that moment, there was a knock on the door.

Remus looked from his bedroom door to his wand and back.

'Oh...come on,' he said, placing his wand in his pocket. Both his parents were at work and he felt obliged to answer the door.

He guessed death would have to wait.

He left his room and went into the hall, going up to the front door. He opened it and saw a skeleton.

Yes, reader, you read that correctly. A skeleton.

Remus began to wonder if he had successfully killed himself and this was the Grim Reaper coming to take him away.

The skeleton wore a blue hoodie with a white shirt underneath. It also wore black basketball shorts that had grey stripes on the sides. To top off its 'I can't be bothered' look, it wore a pair of pink slippers.

Not exactly what he imagined Death to look like when he read the Tales of Beedle the Bard.

'uh, hey,' the skeleton said. 'i'm sans. sans the skeleton. my family and i just moved in next door. my bro thought it would be fun to have a house warming party and invite the neighbours and forced me to do it. all the other houses i went to resulted in me having the door slammed in my face. heh, i guess this is already better progress. so, uh, you and your family wanna come?'

'Um...w-well, I, uh, sort of had plans...' Remus said.

'oh, okay. well, sorry for bothering ya,' Sans shrugged, turning away.

As the skeleton walked away, Remus began thinking. Maybe having a night of fun and laughs with his new neighbours might be nice before he kicked the bucket.

'Wait!' Remus called after Sans. 'What time should I come over?'

Sans' grin grew. 'sometime between five and six.'

'My parents will still be at work then but I can come,' Remus replied.

'sounds good, kid. i'll see ya there.' He began to turn and walk away. 'oh, wait, i'd better say: my bro and his friend, undyne, are gonna be cooking spaghetti. so, uh, unless you like burnt and/or disgusting spaghetti or are okay with eating tori's b-scotch and cinnamon pie all night, i'd bring a snack or something with ya.'

'Okay,' Remus replied. 'Well, I'll see you then. It was nice to meet you.'

'nice to meet you too,' Sans said, before vanishing in blue wisps.

Remus blinked, rubbed his eyes and blinked again. He had definitely just seen that.

Pushing the questions he had to the back of his mind, he turned back inside, shutting the door behind him.

He had some baking to do.