Some people thought Sawada Nana got really lucky with her lot in life.

A handsome foreign husband, a nice house in the suburbs, and a cute daughter.

Nana couldn't help but laugh whenever she heard those fools speaking as if they knew a thing about her life

Though there were others that clearly remembered too sharp smiles, shadows hidden behind caramel eyes, and purposefully overlooked bloodstained clothing.

(Those were the ones that smiled along and didn't say a thing, after all it was none of their business if some brute couldn't understand when he'd become prey)


It hadn't been hard to entice her darling, he was so thoroughly smitten with the naïve, sweet, and kindhearted Japanese woman that he easily let himself get carried along in a whirlwind romance and never noticed her subtle manipulations, he never looked further than the visage of the clumsy barista she presented.

After a while it was not unusual to find a blonde foreigner seated by the window, entranced by the beautiful brunette.

After a measly four months of dating there was a newlywed couple in Namimori, and when seven months later the Sawada's welcomed a baby girl into the world many nodded their heads as if that was the last piece they needed to solve a puzzle.

After all a shotgun wedding, while still sneered at, was more reasonable and accepted than having a child outside of wedlock.


Nana liked her darling, for short amounts of times that is.

It was quite lucky (for the blonde) that his job kept him away from home for large extents of time. Mou, she would have hated to become a widow so soon after getting married.

Iemitsu would visit his civilian wife and kids every few years and play at having a normal life, while Nana got a steady income and the cutest baby girl ever. The visits started to taper off after three years and now there were only a few phone calls every now and then, apparently there were some problems at work, not that she cared, she still received the money and got to raise her baby how she wanted.

Her little Tsu-chan became even cuter as she grew up, she was a delight to be around, she was quiet (some would say too quietbut they usually shut up after she gave them a too broad smile, her baby girl was perfect) and took to the more gruesome parts of cooking like a duck to water (she was ecstatic when Nana let her gut her own pig. Her technique could use a little work but her grip was splendid), she learned so quickly.

Truly Nana couldn't ask for a more wonderful daughter.


Later, when she found her Tsu-chan with orange flames blazing upon her forehead and standing next to a charred up husk of a man in the back yard with a fascinated look present in her eyes, she would listen to her baby pout and apologize because 'I didn't mean to burn him that much Mama, now he's useless, we can't even practice now', she would be so proud and ferociousness would burn through her because her baby girl would be brilliant.

She would coo and ruffle her hair after those pretty flames went away, she would smile, fangs hidden underneath the sharpness and tell her how proud she was.

After getting rid of the body (it was pretty useless) Nana would sit inside with her daughter, drinking tea and think back to those pretty flames her daughter had, she'd think back on her darlings job, the overheard phone calls she used to catch and the strange conversations involving words like flames and the weather and Clams and would decide that she needed more information.

Since (if her assumptions were correct) her husband hadn't deigned to tell her their daughter might spontaneously burst into flames she decided not to tell him she had done so (and killed her first man by doing so), so she had to go to the next best source at her disposition.

The Hibari's had a reputation in town, and Nana remembered her high school days fondly where she and Kumiko would non-verbally recognize each other and keep to themselves. Nana knew she had a daughter three years older than her Tsu-chan, the parents liked to complain that she was too unladylike and violent, but could do nothing to stop it, having the might of the Hibari backing her up.

Nana though she would make a perfect friend for her little one. Tsuna was now seven and about to enter her first grade of Elementary School, it would be good for her to begin making friends early on.

Having decided that, found Sawada Nana and her daughter Tsunayoshi inside the Hibari Estate waiting for the Matriarch to receive them.


Hibari Kyouya had been present the moment one of her Mother's subordinates had informed her of a Sawada Nana and her daughter having come to ask for an audience.

Her Mother's countenance changed immediately, though you wouldn't notice if you weren't looking for it, her shoulders straightened, her neck bent slightly and she held her hands at the ready, the most noticeable was the savage way her mouth formed a smile, like a Carnivore finding a worthy challenge.

Kyouya was Curious, even more so after her Mother told her that they would be meting with one of the few Carnivores that lived in town (apart from themselves), her Mother considered everyone to be Herbivores and had taught her the way the Animal Kingdom worked, it was why she had no father, the man showed his herbivorous nature after Mother became pregnant, apparently he hadn't had any plans to marry. Mother made sure he wouldn't be able to.

The two Sawada's looked entirely harmless, they were radiating sunshine and rainbows, she would have liked to dismiss them as herbivores after all, but the third lesson Mother taught her was that harmless looking Carnivores were the most dangerous, since they could camouflage their Carnivorousness and pass as herbivores in the herd.

(The first lesson was to choose her own path and bite everyone to death that opposed her.

The second was to choose a good mate, if she ever so desired, for Hibari's only chose once)

The older Sawada was engaged in wordplay with her Mother so she focused on the younger one, the brunette was drinking tea and Kyouya took the opportunity to observe.

Fluffy hair, petite build, small height, and an overall delicate demeanor.

With qualities like that it would be easy to pass as an herbivore, Kyouya thought.

Then Tsuna lifted her face, and amber eyes met steel-grey. Kyouya was paralyzed, her blood was pumping she wanted to bite someone to death. The little Carnivore's eyes, they didn't hide their darkness like the Older Carnivore did, they displayed it and dared you to approach, they enticed you, trapped you, Kyouya liked those eyes, and with a sudden savage grin on her face she thought, yes, she would keep them, and bite anyone to death that opposed her.


(She always took her Mother's lessons seriously after all)
