A/N: There is probably a lot of errors in this chapter. I was going to do more of a job of looking over this for edits, but I have spend three hours (not all at once) trying to make a ringtone from for my mom. On garageband there is a button that lets to convert your song into a ringtone just by using itunes. I have made customs ringtones before, and I thought that this would be even essayer. However, apparently the new version of itunes doesn't support custom ringtones anymore. So the filer just just sitting in the itune import folder which might as well be the void. My mom's birthday is tomorrow, so I have been googling and repeating steps trying my best to get this to work. I did find out that once you change it to a .m4r you can just drag it into your iphone if it is connected to itunes. I still need to get it on my mom's phone, but at least I got it to work.

Sorry about the rant. Hope you enjoy this chapter.

Sasuke was able to check out the next day, only with the medic recommending they make an appointment with an Yamanaka for mental therapy.

Sasuke refused, but Tomoko said she would be interested. It was a lie, but talking might be good. There was a reason why Annalisa went into astrophysics and not psychology after all.

"That's everything. Sign here, and you two are free to go home."

Sasuke took the pen and bent over to sign the papers. Tomoko could only stand on her tiptoes as she tried to read them, but it seems that Sasuke was the only one who had to sign anything.

"Let's go." Sasuke grunted as he dropped the pen and turned around.

"Thank you!" Tomoko said with a bow, before rushing after her cousin.

Luckily he was waiting outside of the door, but it wasn't for her.

"What are you talking about? Why should we follow you?" Sasuke practically yelled, staring at the taller figure that stood in front of him.

They were wearing black with a grey armor plate and their arms exposed. Then there was a short sword ("It's called an Tanto Tomo-chan. Though, it's more part of the uniform then anything." Shisui said with a hollow laugh.) on the back still in the sheaf and the person was also wearing a white mask with a design of a...

"Puppy! You have a Puppy mask!" Tomoko realized as he clapped her hands together in excitement.

The person didn't move or reacted at all. The two Uchiha might have well been speaking to a wall.

"Come." Said a voice that sounded masculine, but Tomoko couldn't be sure.

"Is your mask a puppy because you like puppies? In my dream life I had a puppy. His name was Aristotle and was a big doggy! That me would alway take him on hikes in the mountains, and sometimes it would snow. Aristotle really liked the snow. Do you like snow Puppy-san?" Tomoko rambled as she followed the ANBU, Sasuke following a few steps behind them.

"Nii-san told me it snowed here a few years ago, but that was before I was born. I hope it snows again." She added when Puppy-san didn't respond.

She didn't know where they were going, but Puppy-san could have been one of Nii-san's teammates, which means Tomoko could trust them. Plus, they had gray hair was that standing above their mask, which means this could be that Kakashi who was Sasuke's sensei in that show. If that Kakashi was a good guy, then this Kakashi was probably a good guy too, so Tomoko wasn't too worried when she noticed they weren't heading to the compound.

Tomoko wasn't sure if she was ready to see it anyways.

"Hokage-sama already wired the bills to the orphanage account. Once you graduated from the academy, you will have access to all the Uchiha funded and property. Talk to you homeroom teacher when you want to go back to class."

With that, the ANBU was gone.

"THANK YOU PUPPY-SAN!" Tomoko cupped her hands to her mouth and yelled.

"You shouldn't thank someone who didn't even help. He was just doing his job." Sasuke said as he started walking up the stair to their apartment.

A 201 was written on the key that Sasuke was holding in his hand.

"But Kaa-chan said I always should always say my please and thank yous."

Sasuke frowned slightly, before walking faster. So much so, Tomoko made it to the top of the steps by the time Sasuke was putting the key into the lock.

The wooden floors were squeaky and rotten in the corners. The paint was water stained and there was a lot of spiders ceiling above. Tomoko didn't mind that too much, since that would mean less mosquitoes, but she also didn't want any to fall on her. There was a railing on one side that was missing a few poles, and the doors to the apartment on the other side.

"This... isn't very nice." Tomoko said as she scrunched up her nose.

There was also bags of garbage just lying outside of some of the rooms, like the occupants couldn't bother bring them down to the trash bins below them.

"Inside isn't much better." Sasuke said, and Tomoko looked past him through the now open door.

It was empty.

Sure there was a futon, and Tomoko could see a kitchen by the back window, but there was no... stuff. No scuff marks from furniture being moved, or stain on the wall where photos use to hang. Besides the dust in the air, it was like no one has even lived here before.

"Keep your shoes on. We're going to have to clean." Sasuke said as he walked with purpose into the apartment.

"What? What do you mean we have to?" Tomoko asked as she ran after the boy.

"I'm not going to waste money on a genin team when the two of us can just do it." Sasuke said, look of disgust clear on his face the longer he looked around the place.

"I don't want to sleep on the floor." Tomoko announced, still standing slightly behind Sasuke.

Annalisa watched a lot of scary movies, and Tomoko didn't want to run into a ghost. This was how it always happened. You move into a new house, then the walls are bleeding and the windows wouldn't open. Tomoko suppose it normally happened in really nice houses that were cheap because someone was killed, but there were spider webs! That means ghost!

"There's a futon." Sasuke said as he turned down the hall.

Tomoko stood still for a moment before racing after him.

"W-Wait!" Tomoko yelled as she grabbed his hand, not letting go even after he tried pulling away.

"Let go! Your hand is all sticky!"

"Uh-huh, I am not letting any ghost get us. That means no separation." Tomoko explained, but it didn't stop Sasuke from trying remove her.

"There's no such thing."

"Says you. I on the other hand, know better." Tomoko confidently said.

Annalisa didn't believe in ghost, so it must have just been an adult thing. Tomoko will just have to make sure Sasuke doesn't anger one.

"Whatever. Just, grab my pant leg or something. I don't want to have to take a bath before training."

Tomoko frowned slightly, but released Sasuke's hand nevertheless. She didn't grab his pants though, deciding it was fine to just stand next to him.

"Careful, the spooks always some when you least expect it." Tomoko told Sasuke as the placed his hand to open one of the two doors.

"There is no one where besides us-" Sasuke said just as he opened the door and something bolting out.

"I told you!" Tomoko said as she grabbed Sasuke's hand.

"It's just a rat."

"But, don't rat carry, like, a bagillion diseases?"

"Hn. We really need to clean this place."

They spent the whole morning just cleaning the place. It ended up being mostly Sasuke while Tomoko complained, but the job got done. Then the two realized there was the issue of food, and left the apartment to get lunch and other stuff.

By the time they came back from shopping, there was boxes filling the living room.

"Oh, I guess puppy-san got all of our clothes." Tomoko said when she opened one and saw the Qi pao Shisui got her last year.

It doesn't even fit anymore, but at least now Tomoko didn't need to head back home. She will one day, but not now.

Maybe in a year.

"Hn." Sasuke walked right passed everything and just started putting things away.

Tomoko would have thought he also would be happy about not having to go back to get their stuff, but he is a weird boy. After Tomoko pushed all the boxes that her hers to the side of the room, she watched as Sasuke tried making them dinner using their leftovers from lunch.

"Hey Nii-chan? You're going back to the academy tomorrow right? Can I come!?" Tomoko asked as she jumped onto one of the counter tops to help.

"Do you even know anything yet?" Sasuke asked as he shoved the pile of food into the microwave, making a face before typing in some numbers.

"I can read, and my writing is really good!"

"I was talking about ninja stuff. Besides, you can't start classes until you're five."

"Are you sure?" Tomoko asked, hoping that she could convince Sasuke otherwise.

Kaa-chan and Tou-chan were very persistent on Tomoko waiting until she was five, but she didn't want to be stuck with a Genin team babysitting her for the next two years. She could hardly stand that one day where Kaa-chan and Tou-chan were both gone on missions and Shisui was helping with the Chunin exam. How bad would it be when Sasuke is at school?

"Yes. The teachers would kick you out as soon as you start making a ruckus."

"But what if I didn't make a ruckus? Then could I come?"

"Do what you want. But i'm not going to help if you get in trouble." Sasuke said as the microwave beeped.

"That's fair. I'm going to get my stuff all ready for tomorrow!" Tomoko said as she bolted out of the room.

"Hey, do you have any friends? What's your sensei like? Have you started spearing yet? What about learning about chakra?" Tomoko asked as she watched Sasuke lock the door.

The boy ignored the questions and just started walking.

"Have you learned any of the jutsu? Nii-san really liked the replace one before he learned the body flicker." Tomoko continued as she skipped after Sasuke, only stopping once they got the the stairs.

"...are you ever quite?"

"Yes, but are you ever loud?" Tomoko asked, looking up at Sasuke.

"Hn." Sasuke grunted before walking down the steps.

Tomoko was forced to run down in order to keep up, but once they got to ground level she started skipping again.

It was a little cloudy, but overall a nice day. Tomoko waved to all the people despise the whispers that always come when the civilians thought they were out of hearing range.

"Those poor things."

"I can't imagine how they must feel. And did you hear it was the boy's own brother?"

Sasuke clenched his fists tighter each time, and Tomoko felt that her smile was even more forced than before.

"I can't wait to start learning about chakra. Nii-san said that during his chunin exam he fought a puppeteer and she was able to control the puppets with only her chakra. How do you think she did that?"

"I don't know. How are you going to sneak into class?" Sasuke snerared.

"Walking. If you act like you are meant to be there, no one will act why you are." Tomoko said with a cocky grin.


Tomoko stopped skipping only when the building was visible. She has been there before when her dad had to pick up a mission and forgot to drop her off first, but that wasn't on the lower floor where classes were held.

"Which class is your?"

"The one on the left." Sasuke said, before turning sharply because he meant the one they were just act, not the upcoming left.

"That was rude." Tomoko complained to herself, but walked into the classroom with her head held high.

There was only a few kids there. A small girl with the Hyuga clan symbol on her back, and a boy with sunglasses and a high collar not too unlike theirs. Tomoko thought they looked friendly and wondered if Sasuke would want to sit next to either one.

Sasuke ignored them both and walked to the far side of the classroom.

Tomoko rolled her eyes, but followed nevertheless. She ended up seating behind Sasuke, since the boy seemed to be a magnet for attention.

Sasuke turned back to look at her, but didn't say anything even as she brought out a pen and paper. Tomoko doodled some drawing as she watched all the kids that entered the room. Most came in with a friend or as a group, probably playing outside before deciding to go in.

No one noticed there was an extra student with them, even when the teacher arrived.

"Sasuke-san, good to see you are with us today. If you need anything thing, feel free to ask." The man with a scar across his nose said with a kind smile, before turning to face the class.

"I hope you all finished your reading, because we are starting with a test this morning!" He yelled, and most of the class groaned.

There wasn't anyone sitting next to Tomoko or Sasuke, but Iruka still didn't realize anything was up. Tomoko grabbed the paper with a quiet thank you, before getting to work. It wasn't even that hard. A few of the questions Tomoko had to think about, but most of it would have been what Annalisa called common sense questions.

"Wait a second..." Iruka said suddenly, and Tomoko smiled sheeply when Sasuke turned to look at her.

Tomoko was hoping it would take long, but all academy senseis are chunins.

"WHERE IS UZUMAKI?" He yelled and Tomoko almost fell out of her seat.

Sasuke looked similarly shocked, but only for a moment.

"That loser." He said with a frown, giving Tomoko one more look before turning back to the front.

"Stay here and finish the quiz. AND NO TALKING!" Iruka said before using a body flicker to get out.

The class was silent for only a few minutes before the conversation started. Tomoko finished, and still no one has noticed her. She almost wanted to sit next to Sasuke to see what the girls who keep eyeing him would do.

"Naruto go take your seat. And I WILL be seeing you in detention during lunch today." Iruka said as he dropped a skuany blond haired boy.

"Whatever." The boy said as he stuck out his tongue before running to his seat.

Which so happened to be where Tomoko was sitting.

"Eh? Why are you sitting here?" Naruto said, but thankfully Iruka was yelling at the other kids for cheating while he was gone.

"It's quite. Is that alright?" Tomoko asked, watching as the boy seemed shocked by her answer.

"Um, ya, I don't mind sharing!" Naruto said as he plopped down next to Tomoko, fixing the goggles that were a little loose on his forehead.

"So, who are you? I don't think I've seen you here before, and you really young too..." Naruto started to ask before Tomoko put a finger to her lip.

Naruto closed his mouth at once, before looking around in supination.

"I'm not really allowed to be here, but I want to see how long it will take Iruka-san to notice." Tomoko explained, and instantly Naruto's eyes light up.

"You mean you're pulling a prank?"

"I guess you could say that." Tomoko said, liking the thought of that.

Shisui told Tomoko the stories of all the pranks be pulled before they forced him to graduate early. Tomoko wouldn't mind trying to reenact some of them.

"Don't worry, as the master of pranks I'll keep your secret safe." Naruto said, and Tomoko remember that Show Naruto was able to graffiti the hokage faces without anyone noticing until the last moment.

"We should pull a really big prank some time, but if we keep talking Iruka-san will notice." Tomoko said, looking at Iruka who seemed to be calming down from his rant.

She completely missed the look of Naruto's face.

"Okay. Sure." Naruto said.

Tomoko gave a nod and a smile before turning back to her doodles from before, only now she was also writing down what Iruka was talking about. It was turning out to be really interesting as Iruka started a new unit about survival training. Even Naruto started trying to take notes.

During lunch Tomoko waved goodbye to Naruto as she eat with Sasuke. They had to hid since that group of girls from before keep trying to tell Sasuke how sorry they were and even Tomoko was getting ancy hearing their apologies. Tomoko didn't even think it was their idea, probably their parents hope the girls might be able to marry Sasuke some day. Most were civilians and Tomoko knows they have more 'traditional' views.

After lunch the afternoon was similar since Taijutsu classes were stalled since their teacher was an Uchiha. Tomoko ended up going home with only Naruto noticing that she wasn't a student.

A/N: First off, thank you everyone who favorited/followed this story so far. And such nice review too! Thank you so much lizyeh2000, thanzintay.2000, rickrossed, mari, and BlackDove WhiteDove.

Also, I would to hear what kind of pranks you think Shisui did before he graduated. I felt like he would be the kid that would do stuff like get three chickens and label them 1, 2, and 4.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you all have a good night/day!