Author's Note: Kinda can't believe this is done! Thank you to everyone who stuck it out with me as I took FORRRREEEEEVVVVVERRRR to finish this story. When I started it, I had no idea it would take so long. Thank you also for all of the support and encouragement regarding my personal life. Last week was the three year anniversary of my divorce being final, so I'm definitely WAY past the initial grieving period that is depicted in this story. The kind words were/are still appreciated. My personal experience with divorce was an odd sort of combination of both Hermione's and Cormac's experiences, so unfortunately, I can confirm that just about everything that happened in this story is realistic. Sometimes people really suck. But thanks again! I hope you all enjoy this final chapter.

***In case you're curious, this story is written in the same universe as my one-shot Dance Amongst the Stones, a Xenophilius/Andromeda story I wrote several years ago that I'm proud of. I promised the lovely TheSlytherinRose a million years ago that I would write the sequel to that and never did. Perhaps, this can serve as a little bit of a mini-sequel…ish. The one-shot is on my profile, if you're interested.

Chapter Twenty-Four

Five of the loneliest weeks of Hermione's life passed at a glacial pace. There was some excitement when she was at the Ministry because there was so much to do to set up her new team and settle in to her new office. Once the day ended and she could no longer avoid going home, however, time returned to the slow speed she'd come to hate.

She didn't like living alone. Not even a little bit. Of course she understood the sense in asserting her own independence, but it was lonely. Every sound seemed amplified, every creak ominous. It was embarrassing that she'd had to resort to coating the entire house with intruder alarm spells just to get some sleep at night. Dark, empty rooms frightened her despite her history fighting against literal forces of evil. Her new neighbors were friendly enough, she supposed. It wasn't the same as having the comforting knowledge that just down the corridor was another soul who cared whether she lived or died.

Not a second went by when she was alone in Kingsley's grandmother's house that she didn't think about Cormac and miss him. He'd kept his distance. Whether it was out of respect or lingering humiliation, she didn't know. Rose didn't mention him at work and Hermione didn't ask. Both of them needed the time apart to reevaluate their relationship. It seemed impossible that they could ever go back to being just friends. Surely they'd moved past that.

Hermione did love him. She knew that without doubt as soon as she was living alone. It was much easier to think honestly and objectively when he wasn't hovering around in the background. When did she fall in love with him? She didn't know. Likely there wasn't even a single moment but a collection of dozens. Love snuck up on her gradually just as she lost it before.

Each night she rolled over on her side to stare at the empty space next to her. Sometimes she could almost see Cormac staring back with his cheeky grin that never failed to make her laugh. It was the loneliest part of her day. Even though they'd never technically laid in bed together talking and laughing, she could imagine it so clearly that she missed what had never happened. Her dreams were filled with him when she was finally able to sleep. She woke up in the mornings with a hollow ache in her chest, longing to feel his strong arms wrapped around her body again.

As desperately as she wanted to move back home, she didn't know how to do so. Would he be angry if she just waltzed in one day with her trunk and acted as if she'd never left? There was a fear she couldn't ignore that he might not even want her to come back. Just as she'd come to recognize she wanted to be there, maybe Cormac no longer did. She couldn't assume he felt the same way.

A knock on the front door tore her out of her depressing thoughts. She'd been standing over the kitchen sink eating leftovers from the dinner she brought home from the Three Broomsticks the night before. Every day she missed Winky and her cooking more and more. Hermione called out that she was coming but stopped to wipe her mouth on a dish towel. Visitors were rare. Likely it was only Kingsley dropping by again to make sure she didn't lack anything she needed.

When she pulled open the heavy front door to find Cormac standing there with a shy smile on his handsome face, she wasn't sure she could trust her eyes. Quite without thinking about the possible ramifications of her rash act, Hermione wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in a tight hug. His chuckle and the feel of his arms around her back assured her that she'd made the right decision. Neither of them said anything as they simply held each other for the first minute at least.

"I missed you."

It wasn't like her to be so open with her feelings, especially that feeling, but she couldn't keep from whispering the truth. His arms tightened and he brushed his lips against her hair. He didn't have to say the words to tell her he felt the same. Remembering herself, Hermione reluctantly ended the embrace. If he was there to have a serious talk with her, it wasn't fair that she all but threw herself at him. They both needed clear heads.

"Please come inside."

There was a warm inviting living room just inside the front door that had played host to decades of Kingsley's family gatherings. Part of the reason Hermione couldn't seem to get comfortable in the cozy house was because every time she turned around, she found another reminder she was living in someone else's house. She missed her bedroom, the remodeled one and the small one she'd lived in before it was finished too. Cormac looked around the room with a discerning eye that had come from being so involved in the remodeling of his own home.

"Would you like something to drink? I don't have much but I have tea or I could open a bottle of elf-made wine."

"Tea would be great."

Hermione berated herself internally as she led him into the kitchen. Why would she offer him wine when she'd made such a big deal out of his drinking when they were together last? She hoped he didn't think she was trying to lure him into a trap just so she could lecture him again. In truth, she hadn't even been thinking clearly. He made her nervous. She wanted the wine, but was glad he asked for tea.

The kitchen was silent save for the sounds she made brewing the tea. She could feel his eyes on her from the chair at the kitchen table she'd offered. Was it normal to be so nervous around the man she still considered her best friend? She hoped it wouldn't last forever. Never being able to speak freely to him again made her sadder than she could describe. When she served the tea and was able to sit down in the chair next to him, she blurted out the first question she could think of.

"How was Morocco? I've always wanted to go."


"That's what your calendar in the kitchen said the night I…"

Left hung in the air unspoken. They were going to have to talk about her running out of the house without giving him any notice at some point. There was still so much unresolved between them.

"I didn't exactly go to Morocco."

"What do you mean?"

His blue eyes dropped to focus on his teacup. There was tension in his shoulders that hadn't been there before she had a dozen questions and no clue where to start.

"The calendar wasn't a lie. I was supposed to go to Morocco, but one of my coworkers went in my place. I… how much has Rosie told you?"

"Nothing. She hasn't even mentioned your name to me since the day she told me I should move out."

He caught her eye with an amused half-smile. Did he not know his cousin was the first one to suggest she move out? Or was it something else? She thought she might be willing to commit murder to read his mind. Where was a Legilimens when she needed one?

"That's the Hufflepuff in her. Fiercely loyal, my cousin. And protective."

Hermione learned long ago that just because someone was Sorted into Hufflepuff it didn't make them a weak or soft target. If there was one person in her life she had no intention of ever crossing, it was Rose Zeller. The woman would kill without hesitation to protect her loved ones. It saddened her greatly to think that Rose thought she needed to protect her cousin from her.

"I didn't go to Morocco because I took a leave of absence from my job for the past several weeks. I'll be returning to work in the morning. I'd love to see your new office if you don't think it would be too much of a bother."

"Of course not. Please come. I love… I'd love to show you."

At least she finally understood why she hadn't even bumped into him in a lift the previous month. She'd been afraid he was hiding from her just as she used to hide from Arthur and Harry.

"Why did you take a leave of absence? Is everything all right with your family?"

He smiled, but didn't manage to hide the pain behind it. All she wanted to do was reach out to him, touch him, offer him whatever comfort he required. It pained her to see him upset. How much of it was her fault? Would he have been better off if she never bumped into him in the stairwell?

"My family is fine. I took a trip somewhere my dad suggested. When I was young, my dad… you wouldn't know this now, but he used to drink too much too. Almost cost him his marriage. Mum told him he could stop drinking and have a family or die alone. There's a hospital, I suppose you could call it in Scotland. I spent thirty days there doing some sort of magical detox. Supposedly, it's easier than how Muggles do it, but I can't imagine how that's possible."

Hermione's eyes burned with hot tears. When they began to roll down her cheeks, she tried to wipe them away with her sleeves before he noticed. As hard as she tried, she failed. His face turned red with shame and he couldn't look at her any longer. She wanted to scream at him that there was nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about. Never had she been more proud of him. If only she could get control of her tongue and stop crying, she might be able to tell him so.

"I've always drunk too much since I played Quidditch. I was better when I got married. Far from perfect though. When I lost my family, I…"

"You don't have to explain."

"But I want to. I don't want to keep anything from you ever again. Even if I've fucked everything up, I still want to be your friend."

She reached across the table to hold his hand. How could she explain to him that she had no intention of leaving his life without a fight in such a way that she wouldn't frighten him? Only weeks away from him and she worried she'd go mad. A lifetime without Cormac was a nightmare she wanted to avoid. Just the fact that he squeezed her hand back and didn't let it go was encouraging.

"I've been drinking too much for years, hurting everybody I love in the process. Dad's been trying to get me to go for over a year. Clearly I've not been as good at hiding as I thought I was. I'm not promising that it'll be easy or I won't ever fail, but Hermione, I'm trying very hard to be a sober Cormac."

She stood abruptly from the table, dropped his hand, and hugged him again tighter than she had before. Even with him still seated and her on her feet, the embrace was comfortable. Keeping her tears off of his shoulder was impossible when they started to fall again.

"You know that's not exactly what I meant that night in the kitchen."

"No, I know, and I'm not doing it for you or my dad or my mum or even to keep Winky from worrying so much about me. I don't like who I become when I drink. That night in the kitchen I scared myself."

Reluctantly, she pulled back form their embrace to look at his face. At first he didn't want to meet her gaze. Only when she gently brushed her fingertips along his stubbled jaw did he look up. One glance in his stormy blue eyes and she wanted to hold him tight again. She chose not to, however.

"I was an arse that night. Accusing my uncle of trying to seduce you? That was wrong and I should apologize to him for even thinking it. Insecurity isn't an attractive quality, is it?"

She smiled and leaned in to lightly kiss his cheek. As she began to pull back again, Cormac caught her before she could move her face away. The atmosphere changed at once. She kept forgetting to breathe the closer his lips moved towards hers. Were they about to share their first entirely sober kiss?

A klaxon-like screech burst out of the breast pocket of his robes right as their lips touched. Frightened by the horrible, unexpected noise, Hermione nearly screamed. The moment thoroughly ruined, she tried to calm her racing heart. Cormac ripped a heavy envelope from his pocket, threw it down on the table, and silenced it with a spell. Ears still ringing, she wasn't sure whether to laugh or run far from the offending parchment. Why would an obnoxious sound come from what looked to be a harmless piece of correspondence?

"That's part of the reason I'm here." Cormac pointed at the envelope. "Silencing charms don't last long. Not even Winky's. She said it arrived a few weeks ago, but only started making that horrible noise this afternoon. Poor Matilda was in the middle of a nap when it first happened. She flew out of the window and hasn't come home since."

Timid, Hermione reached out for the envelope. It didn't feel dark in any way, but she knew she couldn't be too careful. A scan of it with magic didn't indicate anything particularly nefarious either. Written across the front in an elegant, formal script was "Ms. Hermione Granger and Guest". Her hands trembled as she broke the seal. There was a real concern it would start making that terrible noise again.

When she read the card inside, all fear disappeared and she had to laugh. Once she knew who sent it to her, she understood why it was equipped with such a unique warning spell. Evidently it was considered very important that she read it. Her bad habit of ignoring her post for weeks at a time was longer a secret.

"It's a wedding invitation. Today is the last day to RSVP. The alarm must be on there to remind guests. Wish I'd known that charm was possible when I got married. The number of guests who didn't RSVP was appalling. Don't they understand how terribly rude that is?"

Suddenly embarrassed, she stopped herself before she launched a full tirade against the unthinkable act of showing up to a wedding without letting anyone know. It was a subject she felt quite passionate about. When more people arrived to her wedding than she expected, the anxious bride almost had an emotional breakdown. She would always be grateful for Charlie's calming presence as she stood in the window of Arthur and Molly's bedroom watching the arrivals. By far the calmest of all her brothers-in-law, he simply reminded her that his mother always cooked more food than necessary and replication charms could create more chairs. Hermione supposed that after facing potential death every day around dangerous dragons, an overwrought bride was nothing.

"Who is getting married?"

"Xenophilius Lovegood and Andromeda Tonks."

Entirely surprised by the bride, Hermione had no idea Tonks' mother even knew Luna's father. A year earlier when she'd had such a wonderful conversation with him, he mentioned he had a charming friend in a similar position to him and thought they might be able to move on together when they were both ready. Holding evidence that life could still go on even after terrible loss brought even more tears to her eyes. She feared she must look a frightful mess. Cormac either didn't notice or was polite enough to pretend otherwise.

"Xenophilius Lovegood? The editor of the Quibbler?"

"Yes, his daughter Luna is a dear friend I have terribly neglected. He was very kind to me right after Ron asked me for a divorce."

"Kind? How kind?"

Snorting at his raised eyebrow, she had to laugh at the very idea that anything could've happened between her and the eccentric wizard. After a playful slap to his arm with the back of her hand, his faux serious expression melted into his own laugh.

"Then you must go if he was so kind to you. And mark me down as your guest. There's no way I'm missing the chance to go to a Lovegood wedding. My mum still talks about his wedding to her distant cousin Pandora."

"You want to be my date?"

"Well, yeah."

"To a wedding?"

"Love, I'd want to be your date to the market or to take the rubbish to the bin or anywhere else you'd want to go, but yes, I especially want to be with you at your side for the first wedding you're going to since your divorce. Believe me when I say that first wedding…"

His heavy sigh rustled the discarded envelope on the table. It was evident he knew what he was talking about. Hermione hadn't considered how upsetting a wedding might be. There'd been no wedding in over a year that she had any desire to attend. Either she neglected the invitation until it was too late or she hadn't been invited to begin with. Weddings always made her think of her special day with Ron. She didn't want to be alone.

"All right then. It's a date."

She scribbled down her acceptance of the invitation and wrote down Cormac as her guest. While she assumed the alarm spell would break once she replied, she didn't want to risk it sounding again. Excusing herself, she stepped outside to summon one of the village's post owls. Once she slipped a few knuts in the pouch around the creature's leg, she attached the rolled up reply. She watched it fly off for nearly a minute to calm her nerves. Being alone again with Cormac without the chance for another alarm to interrupt them left her both frighted and exhilarated.

He hadn't stirred from his seat at the table. Giving her a smile when she returned, Hermione could see a physical change in him from just five weeks earlier. Unable to pinpoint exactly what it was, she stared as she leaned against the doorframe to the kitchen. Cormac laughed again. She was certain she'd never grown tired of hearing that sound.

"Do I have something on my face? Or in my teeth? Winky made her spinach this evening for dinner."

"I do miss her cooking."

Looking pointedly at her discarded leftover takeaway, he smiled.

"Can't say that I blame you."

"And no, you don't have anything on your face or in your teeth."

Hermione crossed the kitchen to sit in the chair next to him again.

"I meant what I said earlier you know. I missed you, Cormac."

He gently tugged on the end of one of her curls.

"Not nearly as much as I missed you, love. Not possible."

Part of her hoped that he would try to kiss her again. With no interruptions, there didn't seem to be any reason not to try. The moment he pulled his hand away from her hair, she knew that he wasn't going to. A stone of disappointment settled in her stomach.

"When Rosie told me that she suggested you move out of the house for a little while, I was furious. Never wanted to strangle my cousin before, but I was pretty close that day. I'd already decided I was going to ask Gareth to take my place in Morocco. I wanted to see you, to apologize for… well, I suppose for my behavior and running out on you again. I'll never apologize for kissing you."

His wink was meant to lighten the mood and to a small extent, it helped. She offered him a small smile in reply, not speaking to give him the chance to say all that he wanted to say.

"I went to your office. She said you'd just gone to speak to the Minister and might be gone a while. Then she said and I quote her exactly, 'What the fuck are you playing at, you big, dumb arsehole?' I didn't know what to say because I had no answer or excuse for anything I've done. She told me that she suggested you move out. I didn't understand at first. I was so angry, but then she explained that maybe it would help us figure out if we really loved each other or if we just cared because the other was there and we were lonely. I hate when she makes sense."

"I know what you mean. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you I was leaving. It all just happened so quickly and I thought you were in Morocco. Then… well, I didn't know you were gone. I just thought you were purposefully avoiding me."

"No, no. You have nothing to apologize for. I'll admit I was furious when I got home after work and Winky told me she'd already helped you pack and move out. Not furious with you. Furious with myself. I went back to the pub in Knockturn Alley I'd been in the night before."

"Knockturn Alley? Why would you go there?"

"Less chance of running into someone I know. Didn't work though. Dad found me."

His heavy sigh was full of shame. Hermione reached for his hand again. The physical touch calmed them both. When he looked up again to try to smile, she could see his blue eyes full of tears. How she longed to kiss them all away! It wasn't appropriate though. Not in that moment. He wasn't technically hers to comfort. Not yet.

"Rosie had a bad feeling. Told my parents. They went to our house and found Winky sobbing. You were right. Dad does have a way with her. She told him everything and I mean everything. About the bottles she found. About the fight we had. About how she was terrified that I would hurt myself. I don't know how he knew where to go, but he did. Maybe he went to every wizard pub in London. Or he put a tracking spell on me. Doesn't matter. He found me sitting at the bar with a full glass of fire whiskey just staring at it. I hadn't taken a single sip. No idea how long I'd been sitting there. All I could think about was how if I was a stronger man, maybe you wouldn't have thought you had to move out."

"Oh, Cormac, that's not at all…"

"It's all right, love. I do understand why you needed this break. I think I needed it too. Dad brought up the hospital again. Fuck, I'm not even sure that's what you call it. I said I would go. He slammed a couple of sickles down on the bar and took me straight to Scotland. I slept in a strange bed that night with borrowed pajamas. Never felt like a bigger piece of shite than I did that night."

Hermione didn't know what to do or say or even if he needed her to do anything. Sometimes the best support a person could offer a loved one was an open mind and listening ear. The entire time he spoke, she never released his hand. Just kept rubbing gentle circles on his skin with her thumb. Whether it was comfort for him or for her, she didn't know.

"I want to be a better man, Hermione. Not just for you, but I'd be lying if I said you weren't the biggest reason. I had to talk to a lot of Healers there and I talked to other patients too. They all said that it was a bad idea to start a new relationship for at least the first year…"

The stone of disappointment sank even further in her stomach. Months earlier she had been the one to tell him that she wasn't saying no, just not yet. If she could ask him to wait for her, she could do the same for him. It didn't mean though that she was pleased by the prospect of waiting. She would do it. Whatever he needed.

"…but I hardly think that you and I are a new relationship. I think Christmas was going to happen eventually."

"I think you're right."

"So I'm not going to ask you to wait for me. Not for a year. Hermione…"

He released his hold on her hand to lightly brush his fingertips against her cheek. It took all of her self-control not to kiss him. No matter how much she wanted to, she would wait for him to do it first. She certainly wasn't going to interrupt him just to throw herself at him.

"Hermione, I may have been drunk that night, but I wasn't lying. I've been in love with you since the night I held you in the stairwell. Little by little, it grew. If you don't feel the same way for me, I'll understand, but my heart is too fragile to be broken right now."

"Cormac, I don't want to break your heart."

"I know you don't, but I want you to be positive before this goes any further. I'm going to go home in a few minutes and other than dropping by your new office tomorrow, I'm going to give you your space until the wedding. No matter what you decide, I'll still be your date. You're not going through the torture of a wedding alone. But, I want you to use these next few weeks to decide if you want to love me… or leave me alone."

The terms were fair and he was absolutely right. She needed to be completely sure before she did anything. With a chaste kiss on her cheek, he bid her a good night. Alone once again, Hermione didn't think she would need weeks to come to her decision.

Cormac was true to his word. After a polite, friendly visit to her new office the day after his visit to her hopefully temporary home in Hogsmeade, he'd left her alone. With three weeks left to go until the wedding, she worried she wouldn't be able to make it until their date. It was too tempting to pack up her trunk, return to his house, and declare she had no intention of ever leaving again.

But she knew she had to respect his wishes. She promised him she would think about a relationship with him seriously before she did anything. Even just the thought of breaking Cormac's heart made Hermione tear up. Maybe some people were callous enough not to care whether or not their actions left a lasting, painful mark, but she did. She would rather stay away from him for the rest of her life than hurt him. If that wasn't proof she loved him, she didn't know what was. Of course she had to remind herself of the uncomfortable truth that there was a time in her life when she felt the same way about Ron. Even if it was never her intention to hurt her ex-husband, she did many times. She still felt regret for her numerous failures.

Hermione tried to use the time alone wisely. Instead of lamenting the fact that she was lonely and bored in an empty house, she reflected on all of the changes she'd made over the previous year and few odd months and thought about the ones she still needed to make. Before she could allow herself to settle into a relationship with Cormac, she needed to be certain she was all right on her own first. Just as he needed to learn how to live without dependence on alcohol, she needed to remember what it was like to not depend on another person for her own happiness. Loved ones should enhance one's life, not be one's life. Cormac had enough pressure without the addition of being responsible for her happiness too.

For one of the few times in her entire life, Hermione could say confidently that she was standing on her own two feet. Finances used to worry her, but thanks to her new position, a job she actually loved, she had more money in her vault than she needed. Watching her savings slowly but steadily add up both excited her and calmed her down. Her basic needs would be taken care of. There was no reason to continue to stress. Much of the pressure was off her shoulders with her finances more in order. Until Ron asked her for a divorce, she'd never really considered what it would cost to live alone. She'd never done it before. When she left Hogwarts, she moved into a spare bedroom at Number Twelve at Harry's insistence. It wasn't until he and Ginny got married that she and Ron found their own flat.

If she wanted to try, there were some friendships she could attempt to repair. Some, she knew, would be best left alone and resigned to the past. Very few friends lasted a lifetime; most only lasted a season or two. Being truly alone helped her see her failures and recognize where she could improve. Ignoring correspondence would be the first habit she needed to break. She didn't have to actually seek out her old friends, but she should at least stop ignoring them when they tried. There would be no more hiding, under her desk or otherwise. She was an adult. Though it was most likely that she would never be as close to her old friends as she used to be, she could make an effort to be more visible and available. Her wounds were licked clean a long time ago.

A successful life was a never-ending series of attempts to improve. Hermione knew she would never be perfect no matter how hard she tried. Humans were cursed to be flawed and imperfect. As long as she tried every single day to be better than she was the day before, she could be proud of who she was. Some days she would fail and fail miserably, but she could forgive herself if she tried again the next morning. Life was made up of the little moments, the daily triumphs. She would need to learn how to be kinder to herself.

In the end, she came to appreciate the weeks spent in Hogsmeade. The charming house would never be home, but it offered a much needed respite from the complications she'd inexplicably manufactured to make life harder. Everyone needed a chance from time to time to stop and reflect. Rose had been wise to recognize that's what Hermione needed to do. She would always be grateful to her former assistant she'd been pleased to be able to promote to her new team.

When the first Saturday in May finally arrived, Hermione was certain she'd never been more excited for a single social event. Barring her own wedding, of course, she'd also never been more anxious. She wanted everything to be absolutely perfect. If she was lucky, it would be the last first date of her entire life. Feeling like she was getting ready for the Yule Ball all over again, she took her time. So much time in fact that when she heard the knock on her front door, she was still struggling with the zipper on the back of her new dress. She'd hoped that when she opened the door, Cormac would be dumbstruck with how perfect she looked, not on the verge of laughter as she continued to pull on the offending zipper with red cheeks.

"Love, stop squirming. You're going to rip your dress."

He placed both of his hands on her shoulders and gently spun her in place until her bare back was exposed. Suspecting he might have tried very hard to hide his deep inhale, Hermione smiled when he failed. Goosebumps spread up the sensitive flesh on her back. Often wondering what was on his mind, she didn't even have to guess as he very carefully and very slowly slid the zipper up. When the light blue silk fell into place, she shivered at the soft press of his lips on the back of her neck.

"Every time I think you couldn't possibly get even more beautiful, you surprise me."

A delicious shiver shot up her spine at his whisper. He pressed another kiss at the top of her exposed collarbone.

"If you keep at that, we'll miss the wedding."

With a heavy sigh, he straightened up to his full height. She smiled at him over her shoulder, seeing clear evidence in his blue eyes that he wouldn't mind spending the evening right there. Maybe if it had been any other wedding she would've given in to the temptation, but she felt like she owed it to Xenophilius to be present. He was the first to offer her any tangible hope when she first felt her world spin out of control. She wanted to be there to celebrate his happiness.

"All right, I'll be a very good boy… for now."

He added the last two words of his promise in a whisper that she felt down to her toes. It was going to be a long night indeed if he kept up his cheeky behavior. Was he so certain that she was going to decide she wanted to love him that he was already planning their celebrations? Or was he hoping that any insinuations of pleasurable activities might encourage her to make the decision he wanted if she hadn't already? Either way she supposed it wouldn't make a difference. Her mind had already been made up.

"Where is the ceremony? Do we need to Apparate?"

"No, it's just on the other side of the village. We can walk there. I imagine Andromeda wanted her grandson Teddy to attend and he's still at Hogwarts."

Once outside in the early evening air, Cormac didn't hesitate to slip his hand into Hermione's. There was no question if it was proper or if he was allowed. No worries that the gesture might be misconstrued by bystanders or Hermione herself. He laced his fingers through hers as if it was the most natural action in the world. She felt her heart-rate speed up. It'd been so long since she knew for certain that she was in love that she hardly knew how to act. Was it written all over her face? Was she about to make a complete fool of herself?

The walk through the village of Hogsmeade was quite pleasant. Neither of them saw the need to fill the minutes up with inane chatter. It felt good to be quiet with him again. She'd missed just being in his presence. All of those nights in front of the fireplace were some of her favorite memories. Was she expecting too much to wish for thousands more?

Over long before she was ready for it to be, they heard the festive sounds of the arriving guests and see the top of the massive white tent. Seeing the crowd gathering at the entrance, she was pleased that there were so many people there to wish the happy couple well. Or, perhaps like Cormac, they were curious about the unique wedding ceremonies the Lovegoods were known for. Every time she thought about Luna's wedding to Rolf, Hermione couldn't keep from laughing. It was hard to describe as anything other than chaotic. Ron gave up trying to count all of the bizarre creatures the groom's family brought with them. She was certain she'd never laughed so hard when he had to wrestle his watch away from the family of nifflers that slipped out of the pocket of one of Rolf's American cousins.

Almost as if she conjured him just by thinking his name, Hermione saw Rolf standing just a few steps away holding the hand of each of his twin sons. She pulled Cormac with her to greet the wizards. After a quick introduction between the two men, she hugged Lorcan and Lysander tightly. They'd gotten so big she almost didn't recognize them. A perfect balance of their father's best features and their mother's, she knew they would be head-turners when they were older.

"You look well, Hermione. I'm so pleased you were able to come."

"Thank you. I know I should apologize for staying away for so long…"

Rolf smiled and held up a hand to stop her from rambling any further.

"You have nothing to apologize for, but in the future, Luna and I would love to see more of you." He turned to Cormac. "And get to know your wizard."

It was the first time anyone had ever referred to Cormac as hers. She wondered if she should correct Rolf until she saw the pleased grin on her wizard's face. No, she wouldn't take that moment away. Besides, if all went as planned, he would be hers.

"Where's Luna? I would love to talk to her."

"She will be here for the reception. Xeno and Andy chose to have a private bonding ceremony in a place that is special to them both in Dorset. Teddy was given permission to leave Hogwarts for the day. He's standing with Xeno and Luna's standing with Andy to officially bring our families together. The boys and I are in charge until they get back."

"Oh, we shouldn't keep you from greeting your other guests."

"Please go inside and enjoy yourselves. I'm sure when the wedding party returns they will find you."

He lightly kissed her cheek and shook Cormac's hand for a second time. Just as he'd done when they stepped out of her house, her wizard reached for her hand again. She wondered if she would ever stop feeling thrilled at his touch. Hopefully not.

"I'm sorry you won't get to see the actual ceremony. I'd imagine it would've been quite interesting."

"It's all right. I understand the desire for a private ceremony. Not sure I'd ever be able to stand in front of hundreds of people again either. Especially not without half a bottle of fire whiskey first."

"I feel the same way."

"Oh, look at that. We're agreeing on the sort of wedding we want. Now some might say we're being premature, but…"

His wink made her laugh and shake her head. Knowing he was only teasing, she tried not to allow her mind to drift to the distant future when that might actually be a consideration. Hermione knew her heart wouldn't be able to take another divorce. A wedding was in her future if, and only if, she was certain that it would be the last. She also attempted to ignore that small voice in the back of her head promising her that it would be. There was no reason for them to rush into anything. They had all the time in the world.

Neither of them were able to move very far before bumping into someone else they knew. It seemed that everyone was curious about the two of them. Each time Cormac reached again for her hand, a knowing smirk would pop up on the face of the person they were talking to. Hermione hoped that there would be more in the morning newspaper about the wedding and reception than about her relationship. To her great relief, Rita Skeeter wasn't anywhere near. She vowed to herself that if she happened to see a beetle in the tent, she wouldn't bother avoiding crushing it with her shoe. The world would've been a better place if she'd left the horrible bitch in her jar.

"My boss is over there admiring the cake. I should at least go say hello, but I'm not going to force you to come with me. He's perhaps the most boring man that ever lived."

"Surely not worse than Professor Binns?"

"All right, most boring man still alive."

"Are you sure?"

Cormac nodded as he released her hand. Seeing a table filled with an assortment of drinks, she made her way through the crowd to find something. Incessant small-talk wreaked havoc on a person's throat. Only one other witch was staring at the assortment when Hermione was finally about to get there. Scanning the table, she was disappointed to see it held mostly bottles of elf-made wine and expensive fire whiskey. She'd already decided that she wouldn't drink around Cormac. It was the least she could do to be supportive.

"Excuse me, I don't mean to be a bother, but do you know what this is?"

The other witch pointed at the large glass cauldron filled with a deeply purple punch of some sort. Hermione approached it cautiously. Considering the Lovegoods had a hand in the refreshments, she knew it was possible whatever it was wasn't remotely drinkable.

"I'm sorry, I don't."

"Oh, thanks. I'm just trying to find something that doesn't have any alcohol in it. That's all I've been able to find."

"Let me taste it."

She emptied a small amount of the liquid into one of the glasses next to the cauldron. There seemed to be an odd smell emanating from it, but with the large amount of drinks close by and the tables filled to bursting with food, she couldn't be certain. As she took a hesitant sip, Hermione got her first clear look at the woman's face. Never once speaking to her before she didn't recognize her voice. Her face, however, she would never forget. Many times after she saw the page in the Daily Prophet of her ex-husband at Dean and Seamus' wedding, she tortured herself by staring at the face of the woman he'd been on a date with. Seeing her again at the Leaky Cauldron on New Year's Eve confirmed her identity if not yet her name. The shock of being alone with her ex-husband's new girlfriend made her temporarily forget what she was doing. Once the foul concoction touched her tongue, she regained her senses. Just as she was trying not to gag, the younger woman got her first good look at her lover's ex-wife.

"You're Hermione Granger. I didn't realize. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have…"

Hermione placed a gentle hand on the woman's forearm to try to stop her nervous rambling. Her light blue eyes hadn't blinked since she recognized just who she was talking to.

"It's all right. Yes, I'm Hermione. And you are?"

"Orla Quirke. I was a Ravenclaw a few years behind you. I don't expect you'd remember me."

"I'm sorry. Hogwarts seems like another lifetime ago."

She set the dirty glass down on a tray next to the table. It was instantly whisked away.

"And no, there doesn't appear to be any alcohol in that…" Orla filled a glass with a smile and started to take a sip. "…but I wouldn't drink it. It's Xenophilius' gurdyroot infusion."

Immediately the poor witch regretted her decision. It was impossible not to chuckle at her dramatic gag. Her glass fell to the grass under their feet. She covered her mouth with a hand and closed her eyes tight. A flash of red hair and black robes appeared.

"Orla, darling, are you all right?"

All of the pieces clicked together. As Ron's entire focus was on his witch who was still trying not to throw up, Hermione noticed the protective way he shielded her with his entire body and the minuscule bump of her belly that wouldn't have been noticeable if someone wasn't actively looking for it. She felt the hot tears of rage and jealousy fill up her eyes.

"I'm fine, Ron. Stop. You're making a scene."

He wasn't. Not really. Only two other people in the entire tent were watching. Until Hermione felt the comforting touch of Cormac's arm sliding around her waist, she thought she'd been the only one. She couldn't express in words how grateful she was for his presence. Ron didn't even notice them standing there until he was convinced Orla was telling him the truth. When he turned, his cheeks flushed a deep red. Perhaps better than anyone else in the world, Hermione knew the differences in his flushes. He was embarrassed and nervous too. Putting aside the irrational emotions still surging inside her, she offered him a bright smile. Gently patting his elbow, she lowered her voice so no one outside of their little group could hear.

"I suppose congratulations are in order. Ron, I'm happy for you… truly."

It was mostly the truth. As the seconds ticked by and she became less and less shocked by the news, she felt her anger lessen. When her ex-husband smiled, she discovered she was happy. Still a little jealous though. That feeling probably wouldn't go away any time soon, if ever.

"Thank you. We haven't told anyone yet. It's still pretty early."

"We won't say a word, mate. Congratulations."

Ron accepted Cormac's extended hand. His ex-wife thought she noticed a flicker of his own jealousy in his eyes for half a second. She had to smile. Jealousy was one of those emotions that didn't always make any sense at all.

"Keep her away from the gurdyroot infusion, Ron. It's hard enough to stomach even when you're not… well, you know."

"I'll never forget drinking it at Luna's house during the war. I thought I was going to die."

"I think we all did."

There were few memories from that last year of the war that could make any of them smile. Forgetting that the imbibing of the disgusting gurdyroot infusion took place just a short time before they were almost captured by Death Eaters, she could laugh at the memory of their faces. The gentle squeeze of reassurance on her waist brought her back to present time.

"Congratulations, Ron, Orla. Enjoy your evening."

Cormac deftly moved Hermione through the crowd after she said her last words. Not caring where he was taking her, she almost cried in relief when he found a flap in the tent that took them to a private corner of the garden. A few of the other guests were nearby, but he led them behind a large hedge. When he was convinced no one could see them, the thoughtful wizard pulled his witch into his arms. She was content to lay her head on his chest and wrap her hands around his back. Unsure how long they stood there in silence, she'd never been more sure in her entire life that she'd made the right decision.

"I'm sorry I can't give you the Quidditch team you want."

She never meant to say what she was thinking out loud. Maybe she never would if circumstances had been different and she hadn't just discovered by accident that her ex-husband was finally going to be the father he'd always dreamed of being. All traces of her rage and jealousy were replaced with a deep sadness and a feeling of inadequacy and regret. Cormac tightened his arms and kissed the top of her head.

"I'm sorry I can't give you that either, love, but that doesn't mean we are doomed to misery. There's a lot to life. Maybe ours will look a little different than other people's, but I plan on being disgustingly happy no matter what. And you never know. It's possible we'll find more lonely souls to fill our home. Could be more drunk house-elves."

She snorted into his chest. His mouth split into a big grin as he continued. Every word he spoke filled her with more hope. She felt lighter.

"Could be new or old friends who are lost. Someone who has lost their family. Maybe even someone who has never had a family. Whatever our family looks like, whether it's full of old or young or in-between, they'll be ours."

"You seem awfully sure that there's going to be a second date after this one."

Cormac gently pushed her from his chest. The backs of his fingers brushed the tears off her face.

"I'm so confident that there's going to be a second and a third and a fourth and a millionth that I'm going to drag you back into that reception, show you the best first date you've ever seen, and first thing tomorrow morning, I'm helping you pack. You're coming home with me."

"I don't think I like that plan."

"You don't?"

He raised a single eyebrow. She shook her head.

"No, not at all. I think a better plan would be to wait until late afternoon to come back to pack. When this reception is over, we're going home and I'm afraid we're going to be too tired in the morning to pack."

"Oh? Is that so?" She nodded. "You're right. Your plan sounds better than mine."

With no screeching invitation to interrupt them, Hermione leaned up to press her lips against his. She wasn't prepared for Cormac to break the kiss so quickly and push her away. Though he didn't release his hold on her arms, she didn't understand what he was doing.

"Remember what I said. Either love me or leave me alone."

Never more sure of anything in her entire life, she kissed him again. The sounds of cheers from inside the reception tent and announcement that the bride and groom had arrived was as effective an interruption as the invitation. This time, however, when they broke apart, they were both smiling. Hermione reached for his hand again to lead him back into the party. With him beside her, she didn't fear anything or anyone.

"I have plans for you, Cormac McLaggen. Lots of them. Just so there is no confusion, I have no intention of ever leaving you alone."

The End.