Bonus Chapter

(Drafts that Ana wrote to Christian when she was in Santa Fe with Mila but never sent them.)

To: Christian Grey.

Subject: Pregnant.

Dear Christian,

I'm pregnant. This is not a hoax, I really am pregnant. I know we didn't plan this, but we can definitely go through this. I didn't mean to run away like a coward, being here in the south makes me realise what a stupid mistake I did. We're miles apart, yet my heart yearns for you. I know you must be angry, confused even but I will come back, I promise.

Yours, Ana.

To: Christian Grey.

Subject: Baby's gender.

Dear Mr. Grey,

I am 15 weeks pregnant as of today. I just found out that we're having a girl! I told the guy (yeah it was a guy, the female nurse was on a leave or something) who was doing the ultrasound to write the gender down on a paper because this neighbor of mine wanted to throw me a gender reveal. She made me cupcakes and when I bite into it and saw the pink icing, I couldn't stop crying. Partly because I wanted a girl and it came true, partly because you aren't here to share this joy with me. I am very lonely here baby and I want to go through this journey of having our first child together with you. You're having a daughter, Christian! Get ready to take care of another girl in your life haha.

Yours, Ana.

To: Christian Grey.

Subject: Labor.


Don't freak out.. but i'm probably in labor right now. I know its only 34 weeks.. maybe it can be a false alarm. Maybe it's just Braxton Hicks. I don't know and I don't know what the fuck to do. I'm very scared and confused. I'll give you an update soon.


To: Christian Grey.

Subject: Our daughter is here and her name.

Dear Christian,

Our baby is healthy and has already started giving me sleepless nights! And she's only a week old! It was a very intense labor journey.. so many hours of constant pain and yet she wouldn't come out! I had to finally go through cesarian and kid you not its no joke. I cried when I first saw her. I couldn't stop the tears because I wanted you to be there, wanted you to see our daughter come into this world. I also have a name in mind for her.. how does Mila Lively sound?

Love, Ana.

To: Christian Grey.

Subject: Mila's first word.


It's been a while since I wrote here but to be honest your daughter is as stubborn as you. No proper pattern of sleeping and for some reason she throws up whenever I give her formula. Also, guess who just spoke her first word?! It was the cutest thing ever! And what was her first word? Dada. I think I cried a bit on that. Funny how her first word was someone she has never met. Oh yeah, also, her name is Mila Lively Steele. I didn't want to complicate things here so I figured let her last name be Steele for the time being.

Yours, Ana.

To: Christian Grey.

Subject: I'm coming home.

Mr. Grey,

I can't take this anymore. I am crying as I type this. I am such a reckless person. I separated a father and his now five month old daughter. You don't deserve this, Mila doesn't deserve this. I have to make it right. I am coming home, Christian, I am coming soon like I promised. It is time for me to make things right, it is time for you to meet your daughter. We're coming home, baby.

Love, Ana x.

A/N: Wow it is done.. it really is done. So first off I wanna say a big THANK YOU for clicking on this story and waiting for months for an update and finally completing this story! I literally cannot thank anyone enough for this *insert a picture of me crying whilst I write this*.

Now explaining my absence. Yes, I was in a very very terrible phase of my life in the past 5-6 months. I had back to back 2 extremely important exams and then terrible mood swings and it's even hard to put it in words. But gradually I got over it. Also, I don't know if I told you this but Ava Meyers is my pen name, the name I like to go with for my stories. My real name is Aayushi. (Wow I finally said it!)

I had also written the epilogue in September last year itself but it was so bad that it didn't give this story the justice. So I kept on procrastinating the rewriting part (because i'm lazy af) until one day the story just magically disappeared from phone. By then I had also lost all motivation to write until two days back I made a firm mind and wrote these two chapters! And i'm proud of it okay?

So i'm going to end my rambling here to say a proper goodbye to you guys. I had written this story for the sole purpose of improving my writing skills (which i did if you compare my first chapter to last) and also because I had this story in my mind for a long time. I swear I wouldn't have gone this far without you beautiful people who read my story. Y'all are amazing and I LOVE YOU SO FREAKING MUCH!❤

Once again: THANK YOU and i'll maybe pop here once or twice with a bonus chapters for you guys. No promises at all lol. I started this when I was in senior year of high school and now i'm almost a sophomore in college. Seems like an end of an era. Imma cry now. Okay bye.

Until We Meet Again, xoxo ~ Gossip Girl. Just Kidding. Ava❤