It was the dead of winter in Storybrooke and Regina was chilly just standing in her kitchen with the heat on full blast. This news apparently had not reached her younger lover. She could hear Emma laughing and talking on the front porch. It aroused her curiosity and she grabbed her coat and moved to the front door, peering out at Emma. The blonde was deep in conversation, cheeks rosy in the cold air, highlighting her smile even further. "Miss Swan?" Emma looked up and quickly wrapped up her conversation, promising to call again before hanging up. "You didn't have to do that." Emma only grinned and walked up to her girlfriend, snaking a hand beneath her coat and against her back, yanking Regina into her arms. She carried the brunette back into the house and into the foyer, kicking the door closed and pressing Regina against it. "Emma, what-" Emma grinned and kissed her before she could finish. Not that she minded.

"I want you to meet my parents." Emma whispered.

Regina rolled her eyes. "Emma, we both know I am too well aware of the idiots who gave me the wonderful gift that is you and by extension our son."

"I love how you insult my parents and compliment me in the same sentence." Emma smirked. "But I'm not talking about Snow and David. I'm talking about the people who raised me." She looked down, suddenly appearing shy and meek and her cheeks reddening, although not from the cold this time. "The Swans."

"You've never spoken about them." Regina said, although they had to be the reason why Emma spent her weekends out of Storybrooke.

"Well, a few months ago we were trying to kill each other, and the usual group of monsters that managed to show up." Emma shrugged. "We never really had the time. Anyways, I started telling my little sister about you and she wants to meet you."

"I would love to meet her, Emma." Regina said sincerely, feeling a bit nervous.

Emma sighed. "Mom is gonna kill me."


"Because I haven't been home in so long and when I do go back, I'll be coming back with a son and a girlfriend she didn't even know I had. And Neal…"

Regina scowled. "What about that poor excuse for a human being, much less a father?" She demanded. That bastard had tried to take both Emma and Henry from her and was a complete and utter bastard and a fool. He was not well liked within the Mills household.

"We're gonna have to hide him. My mom, my dad, my brothers, my older sister, all of them are going to murder him if they ever find out our history. If they don't already know. If Mom doesn't kill me first. God!" The blonde ran her hands through her hair and walked into the kitchen. Regina removed her coat and followed. Emma leaned on the kitchen island. "I think they'll love you though. And Henry. I just have to talk to them first before next month."

"What happens next month?" Regina asked.

"Family vacation. We pick a new place every year." Emma said with a smile. "We've done it ever since I was a kid. One time we went to Sydney, another time we went to Croatia, then South Africa, and Dublin." Seeing the blonde so happy was rather strange to Regina. The way she went on and on about a family she had never met but clearly meant the world to her.

"And where will you be going this year?" The queen inquired.

"To our lakehouse." The blonde answered. "I talked to Evie and she said there was plenty of room for all of us."


Regina arched an eyebrow and Emma suddenly raced out of the kitchen. She returned with a photo album and flipped through the pages until she found a picture of a beautiful blonde woman. "My little sister." They sat down to the kitchen island together and Emma turned to a family photo that couldn't have been taken more than a year or two ago. Emma and Evie were easy to pick out. Emma pointed out her younger brother, Jacob, his twin, Dianah, her mother, Grace and her father, Xander. Jacob was very handsome and he had a beautiful smile, just like his father. As was her older brother, Jackson. Xander seemed an imposing man with a boyish grin and bright blue eyes. Dianah was very pretty as well, although Regina noted she looked nothing like Jacob. Grace was very beautiful and the photo seemed to capture her pride perfectly, pride at being surrounded by a wonderful family. Almost every single one of them were blonde and blue eyed, like a family of models. Jackson was the only natural brunette and Dianah's hair had been dyed multiple shades of gold and her eyes were hazel.

"My sister is really nice." Emma said. "Like almost annoyingly so. She has a real heart of gold."

"What does she do?" Regina asked, thoroughly enjoying the bright smile that lit up her lover's face.

"Doctor of course. My brothers work for the FBI. Jacob works in the Behavior Analysis Unit, I think. They study criminal behavior and stuff. You'd be surprised that that is the career he chose after all the trouble he got into when he was younger. Jackson is like a genius, literally. He has a really high IQ. He transferred to Interpol in London a few years ago so we rarely hear from him. I think he wants to be the next Sherlock Holmes. Dianah's not really related to Jacob, we just call them the twins because they're the same age. She's a police consultant who doubles as some kind of underground cage fighter. She's the crazy one." Emma smiled and pointed to her parents. "That's my dad. He was a bail bondsperson too until he retired. My mom was a detective, but she got injured on the job and ended up being a lawyer."

"That's impressive."

"Not really, she hated it. She made a ton of money from it but...she wasn't happy. I talked her into joining the force with me. That was before that mess with Neal, and she was my partner. I don't want to brag but Sherlock and Watson had nothing on us."

Regina turned the page and gestured to the picture of a little Emma and what looked like a little Lily. "I never knew you two were such good friends." After finding out the truth about Maleficent, it took only a phone call from her lover to get Lily to Storybrooke. She knew they were friendly towards each other but she never knew they grew up together too.

Emma scoffed. "She's my best friend. We trained together. I helped her get into Quantico- the training school for the FBI- and she helped me be a detective." Emma's smile started to fade, her entire demeanor darkening in seconds. "She has a temper, always got into fights at school. Literally two days after she transferred she got suspended." The blonde chuckled sadly. "We were always so afraid of her messing up her chances for the perfect life and I was the one who messed up."

"No, you didn't, Emma." Regina frowned.

"I did. I lost my badge because of that watch thing with Neal and going to prison. No other department would hire me after I spent time in jail, that's why I had to become a bounty hunter. Not that it was a bad job because Dad was one, wasn't what I wanted. Mom could've gotten me a job I suppose, but then she would be so disappointed and she would know everything."

"I'm sorry." Regina kissed her cheek.

"Don't be." Emma's face brightened up instantly. "I have you. So it's all good." She grinned and picked up Regina again to kiss her. Regina wrapped her legs tightly around her waist and returned the kiss wholeheartedly. They were so lost in each other that they didn't hear their son enter. Henry cleared his throat, drawing their attention. "Hey kid." Emma smirked, kissing Regina's cheek before putting her back on the ground. "Come here, I want to show you something." Henry gave each of his mothers a hug before joining Emma to the kitchen island.

"Who are they?" He asked, looking at the photo album.

"These are my parents, kid." Emma beamed. "The ones who adopted me and took care of me."

Regina folded her arms, watching with a smile at her family. She loved the way Emma smiled, speaking about her family. She loved the way Henry's eyes brightened with interest and awe as he listened to every tale, every story about the family he didn't know he had.

"Can I meet them?" Henry asked.

"Absolutely. We're gonna go to the lake house in a couple weeks. You can meet everyone then. I have to go make the plans." She raced out of the room again and Regina fought back the smile that kept trying to take over her face. She sat down to the kitchen island and ruffled Henry's hair.

"You should get a haircut before we go."

"Think they'll like me?" He asked softly.

"They will adore you." She assured him.

"Why do you think Mom waited so long to tell us?"

"Well, it's the first time Storybrooke has been quiet. It could've just slipped her mind." Personally, she didn't really care. So long as Emma was hers now.

"What about Grandma and Grandpa?" Henry inquired.

Regina shrugged. "We'll just have to see about that, won't we?" She smirked. "Homework. I'll make you lunch." He nodded and gently closed Emma's book before getting to work. Emma ran back in the room with exciting news.

"They're all dying to meet you guys. Mom started screaming, she always wanted grandchildren and I'll be the first to give her one." Emma said proudly.

"Did you tell her her grandchild is 11?" Regina asked.

Emma's smile dropped. "We'll cross that bridge when we get to it." Her smile rose again. "I just...I can't wait for you guys to meet them."

Regina smiled. "Relax, Emma, please. You're making me nervous. What if-"

"Nope, don't you dare." Emma cut her off. "They will love you. I know it. Especially if you show Dad that right hook of yours." She grinned.

Regina nodded and finished making Henry a sandwich. She placed it next to him and turned to her lover. "Are you...the only adopted one?"

Emma shook her head. "Evie is her only biological daughter. The rest of us were adopted because Grace was told she couldn't have kids. She started adopting before that anyway. I was just the last one. She said her family didn't feel complete until I was in it." Regina smiled at the light in Emma's eyes. This was a side she had never seen of her girlfriend. "You know my red jacket? Mom gave it to me. She gave me a swan necklace too, but I lost it. I was gonna get a tattoo in place of it, but I chickened out at the last second."

Regina pulled Emma into her arms. "Tell me more."


"About your family. Hell, you know all of mine."

"I do." Emma blushed. That night had been very intense for them and it was the first time that Regina had told someone her complete story from her side. She still felt goosebumps from that night, from having Emma hold her, from having her cry with her and telling her that everything would be okay. It was the first time Regina had believed those words.

"Mom, who is this?" Henry asked, having gone back to the photo album. He pointed to a picture of an older woman, possibly in her 40s or 50s, holding a detective's badge. She was very beautiful as well, with a classic beauty that you wouldn't expect. She had vivid blue eyes and long blonde hair that ran down to her waist and was starting to turn gray.

"That's my grandma. Grandma Rose."

"She was a detective like Grace?"

"Yep." Emma grinned, kissing Regina's forehead. "She was a master interrogator. She taught me how to use my superpower. I wonder if she'll come to the lake house too. Hell, if you two are coming everyone will probably show up. Maybe even Jackson." Her phone started ringing and she stepped away from Regina to answer it.

Regina turned back to cleaning up the kitchen. Her hands were almost shaking at the prospect at meeting Emma's family. Shaking with fear and hope. After their pasts she was sure David and Snow only tolerated her relationship with their daughter. They never said anything but they didn't need to. She knew they disapproved. Perhaps Emma's adopted family would see her differently, without the past of the Evil Queen she was always dragging behind her, weighing her down. It could be perfect...if they approved.

"Emma!" Lily yelled, appearing in the kitchen. She threw her arms around the blonde as Emma hung up the phone. "Did you get the news?"

"Just did!" The pair squealed like children until Regina cleared her throat.

Lily took a step back. "Sorry about that, Regina."

"What news?" the former queen inquired.

"Me and Mom are going to the lake house too so she can meet my adoptive dad." Lily jumped up and down excitedly. "This is gonna be so much fun!" The pair ran out of the room but Regina could hear them talking quite clearly.

Regina smirked, watching them go. "They're like children." Henry commented.

Regina laughed. "You're just now realizing this?"


Read and Review!

Hey guys, new story. My other updates are coming soon but until then, have fun with this. Also, because I'm still working on my skills with describing characters I decided to include a list below of the characters and the actors they would look like so you can get a good picture of them. I'm trying something a little different with this story so I hope you like it. I have a few chapters ready to go so if I get some good reviews I'll post another one as soon a possible.

Jacob- Alex Pettyfer

Evie- Natalie Dormer

Xander- Chris Evans

Grace- Katheryn Winnick

Max- Luke Evans

Jackson- Sam Claflin

Rose- Connie Nielsen

Dianah- Ellen Hollman