Okay so, I'm not a smut writer so racy stuff ain't exactly my forte sooo I had to do the unthinkable... yep, that's right... *sobs*... I skimmed through 50 Shades of Grey, Darker AND Freed.

My eyes guys... my poor eyes.

-I'm Not Scared Of You-

: :

Lady Cecelia stared at Alberto's enlarged member and nearly fainted. Perhaps this was what those ladies of the town had meant when they called him extremely blessed.

"My dear, you seem surprised." he smiled roguishly at her expression.

Her face quickly hardened into a glare.

"Nothing about you will ever astonish nor impress me, Alberto."

He grabbed her and brought her close to him; she could feel his minty breath against her face and feel something else growing excited.

"Well, we'll have to fix that, won't we?"

And he...and he...

Damn it. What did he do? I nearly screamed in frustration at my inability to write anymore. Usually I could bang out a couple of paragraphs and call it a day, but this was my most difficult chapter yet. Lady Cecilia, who had long been resisting the handsome Duke Alberto, was lured into his bedroom and.. and what? That was the thing, I just didn't know. Would they sleep together or would they keep dancing around each other?

I closed my notebook and put it into my binder labeled Chemistry, that way the gossip mongers (Susana), wouldn't get a hold of it. Susana was practically allergic to schoolwork and Boomer knew better than to invade my privacy.

I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand and knew someone was watching me. I glanced around my Biology classroom quickly; most of the students stared blankly as Mr. Roberts described the Digestive System. My gaze landed on Brick, who was staring at me with the oddest expression on his face, like he was trying to figure something out.

He couldn't... could he? Absolutely not. There was no way he could know about Madame Devereux's true identity. I had spent three years notoriously guarding my privacy so that no one would figure it out, and how could they? Silent Blossom, as the lusty smut writer Madame Devereux who had the most creative and explicit imagination? Yeah right.

I raised my eyebrows at him and he smiled. Whatever. He was probably trying to figure out the best way to steal my homework or something. Boys are all the same; but then again, there were boys, then boys and then the one and only Brick. Blessed in the genetic lottery and frighteningly intelligent; two things that were never a good combination.

The bell shrieked, effectively waking the class and signaling the end of 9th period and the end of the day.

"Don't forget to pick up your tests at the front of the room before you leave, people." called Mr. Roberts.

I fought through the crowd and finally located my test. An "A" was scrawled in red ink. Thank God, I thought. I had been working myself into a fuss because of the C+ on the English paper, but this test showed that I was back in the game.

I grabbed my shoulder bag and made my way to my locker, opening it and putting books and binders back.

World History, Psychology, Biology. I shoved the heavy books in one by one. Chem- Where the hell was my Chemistry binder?

Suddenly, I felt someone come up beside me and looked over. Good Lord, what did he want?

"Well, if it isn't the lovely Pink Eyes."

Fate works in the strangest of ways sometimes.

This whole Madam Devereux business started on account of Brick Jojo. Okay, maybe not because of him, per se, but because of something he did.

In Freshman year, Brick dated Santana Clairewood. Well, one night he recorded their bedroom escapades and had a private viewing, humiliating Santana. But here was the kicker, no one was mad at HIM. The guys congratulated Brick on getting some and having the nerve to publicize it. The girls still thought he was hot and admired him. And poor Santana? She was branded a slut with a capital S. Everywhere she went, people made sure to mention the video and embarrass her for it. Hester Prynne had nothing on her. She eventually transferred in the middle of the year and everyone agreed that our school was better off without a whore like her in the hallways.

I was furious, internally of course, at the females of our school. How could they still have feelings for Brick after what he did? Shouldn't they expect males to live up to certain standards? Or at least have the decency not the record their private activities and show the world? So, I started writing.

The heroes in my stories were gallant gentleman, chivalrous knights and roguish, but secretly kind romantics who would give up their lives for their loves. Publishing the stories was my only concern. So after many-a-night spent researching, freshening up my tech skills, and flirting with a couple of nerds who had keys to the principal's office, I got my hands on the school emailing list. From there, it was a matter of creating a pseudo email address and emailing the students of my school.

The response was overwhelming. The girls ate up the stories, sending Madame Devereux emails lamenting over the fact that guys like that didn't exist in real life. Madame Devereux became a local celebrity. Principal Carter offered a reward for anyone who had information on the true identity of Devereux. After all, she should be punished for her salacious writing, corrupting the minds of young students. Yeah right, I think he's the only person in town that doesn't know that his wife is having an affair with his gardener.

So if Brick hadn't recorded and Santana hadn't left and I hadn't been fed up, this whole thing would never have happened. But he did, she did and I was.

Fate works in the strangest of ways.

I was brought back to reality by Brick's asinine smirk as he leaned against the locker next to me, calling me the nickname I hated. He was handsome, no doubt, the best looking guy in our school. But his horrible personality made him ugly in my books.

"How about you and me get together later?" He asked with a half smile on his face, as though already anticipating my answer.

I snorted unattractively and shut my locker, getting ready to leave, until I heard his voice behind me.

"Matthew carefully peeled Rachel's clothing off, handling her as if she was the most precious jewel in all of the kingdom."

I froze, not daring to believe what was happening.

"What is it about you, Rachel, that drives me absolutely insane?" Matthew whispered beginning to-"

"Stop!" I interrupted him, my hands shaking.

"She speaks." Brick leafed through a couple more pages, his grin getting bigger and bigger. "It's amazing what you find lying around, you know. Who knew silent Blossy had such dirty thoughts?"

"Give it back." I said through gritted teeth, my cheeks flaming.

"No, I don't think I will. In fact, I think I'll tell everyone that you're the elusive Madame Devereux, the town mystery. Unless-" He looked up at me and continued." Unless, you do something for me."

"Me? What could I possibly do for you?" I asked puzzled and I meant it. What could I do for Brick? I didn't even like him and he knew that.

"Why don't you go out with me tonight and I'll tell you over dinner."

"No." I said shortly.

"Pinkie, you're not in a position to refuse." He was right but I wouldn't let him know that.

"I'm not scared of you." I bluffed.

"Well, you should be."

"Well, I'm not."

"You should be."

"I'm not."

"You should be"

"I'm not."

"You- look, you can either come with me or I'll show everyone, and I mean everyone, your little binder that you guard so carefully." He countered.

"Why would you want me to go out with you? I don't even like you." I asked helplessly, for once letting my real feelings show.

"Exactly. All will be revealed in due time, Blossy. So don't you worry your pretty little head."

"You know what, I don't care. Why don't you show everyone? It'll probably make me the most popular person in school. After all, Madame Devereux is practically a celebrity." Perhaps, I thought, if it seemed like I didn't want it, he would give up this silly farce and give me my binder back.

He shook his head and chuckled. "I really don't think you want me to do that. After all, aren't I the 'spoiled son-of-a-bitch who deserves to be knocked down a few pegs'?"

My heart stopped, the one thing I hoped would never happened, happened. He had seen the draft of what would be my greatest masterpiece. An exposé of life here at Pokey Oaks High, and I had planned on using people's real names. It would probably embarrass some, but it wasn't like they were innocent.

He moved closer to me slowly. "You're cruel towards some of these people, Pinkie. If this got out, you'd might as well die."

It was done, the jig was up. If I didn't listen to Brick, he would destroy my social life and that was something even I couldn't recover from.

"Fine, pick me up at 7." I knew when to admit defeat, anything to get that binder back.

"So, we have a deal?" Brick grinned, looking like a kid on Christmas morning.

"Yes." I answered sadly. I shook his hand and could feel my freedom being signed away in that handshake.

I had just made a deal with the devil.

~End Of Chapter~

The first chapter got a really positive reaction. So I am proud to officially welcome you to this story now.

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