Disclaimer: I don't own skip beat or any of its characters. It's an AU story.

Soul Mates-An Invisible Wall


Groaning, Kuon slowly opened his eyes and felt slightly disoriented even though his bed was cozy. He growled again and on instinct, his hands searched for sheets to pull over his face but they came up empty. He realized that he wasn't covered. He forcibly opened his eyes further and raised his head off the pillow, staring at the walls that surrounded him. He slowly sat up and rubbed his sleepy eyes, remembering that he was not at his condo but was sleeping in his office room, specially reserved for his rest.

Yes, that's right. He'd been sleeping in his office lately ever since Kyoko started to live with him. He'd been doing so to avoid facing her. He swung his legs over the edge of bed and stood up, arching his back. He glanced at his watch and saw that it was 1:30 AM

He sighed because it was time to go home. His heart contorted at the thought of Kyoko. A heavy sliver was festered in his heart. Even though she'd recovered and now was living with him, he hadn't even spoken to her much. During office hours, they were boss and employee and at home, they were much like strangers who shared same apartment. Kuon wanted to talk to her more than anything but the question was to whether she would want to even see him at all, let alone speak to him. Probably no. Everything was awkward between them.

Weight of guilt was too heavy for him to carry on. He was at fault for breaking her heart. He was at fault for hurting her. No matter how hard he tried to act normal around her and forget everything, he just couldn't get over his compunction.

He smoothed his clothes and went to the bathroom. He rinsed his mouth with cold water for a couple of minutes and washed his face to wake himself up properly. He raised his head and looked into the mirror and was not happy with what he saw. He had large bags under his eyes despite of having proper sleep. His skin was pale. He looked as bad as he felt.

What was wrong with him? Why did he feel so horrible as if he'd committed an unforgivable sin?

All he had to do was, talk to her and tell her why he rejected her but why was it so difficult to do? Why was he avoiding her in the first place?

Not even bothering to dry his face, he went to his room and grabbed his car keys and mobile phone off the table, next to bed.

He walked out the door and down the hall towards the elevator. After a short elevator ride, he dragged his feet out of dark and empty building. Outside, he walked to his car and took the driving seat. Sighing, he put the keys into the ignition and started the engine.

Pulling back to the street, he began his ride back home. He drove in silence though he wasn't really concentrating. All of his thoughts and senses were on Kyoko once again.

"She must be sleeping in darkness of guestroom by now" Kuon thought and drove faster. Before he knew it, he was already in front of his condo. He drove to the parking lot and parked his car then hastily walked to the elevator to take it up to his floor. He walked up to his apartment door and put the key in. As soon as it clicked, he swung the door open and walked towards the guest room, not even bothering to take off his shoes or coat.

He opened the door of his guest room softly and walked in to find her sound asleep.

"I am sorry" Kuon breathed out as he sat beside her and leaned down to push some hair away and planted light kiss on her forehead. "It's better if I keep myself away from you. My existence will only bring you pain"

He pulled away to look at her face.

"I am not in love with Maya anymore but she still haunts me. She still occupies my memories. I still think of her. I am afraid that if I returned your feelings; it would only be an excuse to get over her. You've been through a lot already. I don't want to fuel your sufferings. You don't deserve to be replacement of someone else. You are an angel who deserves the best" he whispered, stroking her cheek as he watched her sleeping.

She didn't even stir. Her breathing was even. She was deep asleep.

Ever since her recovery, she'd been working vigorously. During work, they didn't see each other often. He'd been attending meetings and working his guts out, regardless of time whereas she'd been busy in dealing with her own share of workload. They didn't even go home together even though they had been sharing same place.

"What am I doing talking to myself? I think I've gone crazy!" He thought, kissed her head and stood up to return to his own room although he didn't really want to. He wanted to stay with her but he was rejecting his heart's desire. He knew how he felt about her but there was no way he could double cross her.

Glancing at her one last time, he walked out, closing the door softy and return to his room to have some sleep if he could.

Sho grabbed his head in his hands and cursed himself silently. His luxurious life was finished. Ride back to Kyoto was useless. His parents didn't even let him step in and ordered him to return where he'd come from. Now, here he was going back to Tokyo to try and earn Kyoko's forgiveness just as he'd been told by his parents or else they won't see his face ever again.

He sighed as he rested his head against his window seat and stared out thinking how he'd become nobody from a famous celebrity. Nobody knew him now. Nobody was crazy for him. He'd lost his fans and career. Nobody recognized him as a dashing irreplaceable star. He was out of state. All of his savings had been consumed and he had left with no penny to spend on him.

His thoughts traveled back in time when he used to be arrogant and carefree. Now he knew how Kyoko must have felt when he'd kicked her out of apartment at night.

He hung his head and prayed it to be a dream but it wasn't. An entire month of misery couldn't be his imagination.

You and your manager Aki Shoko are fired. Your contract with my agency has been terminated. You are no longer allowed to enter this building. You aren't worthy enough. Retire quietly without making any fuzz or else you'll be dead meat.

I am ashamed to call you my son. I didn't bring you up that way. You no longer belong to Fuwa Family. Don't show your face until you gain her forgiveness and learn to respect women.

"Fuwa Shoutaro, rising singing star of Japan suddenly decided to retire due to some personal reasons. Japan mourns over losing a bright star like him." Horrible events of his destruction replayed in his mind and desperation escaped his lips. "What have I done to myself?"

Kyoko's eyes studied his office as she opened the door and walked in. She saw the man she loved leaning against his chair with his eyes closed. She'd been knocking at the door for few minutes but didn't get response so she helped herself in to find him asleep.

Holding a heap of files in her hand, she quietly walked up to him and heaved them onto the desk.

She tiptoed and crouched before him. She touched his creased brow and smiled. "You must've been so tired to sleep like this" she whispered inaudibly then glanced around. His office was a mess.

She rolled her sleeves up and quietly rearranged scattered files, putting them in order once again and organized his desk then as quietly left as she'd come.

On her way to her office, she met Yashiro who glanced at her anxiously. "Kyoko-chan, did you talk to him?" he asked as she stopped to greet him softly.

"No, he's sleeping. I didn't want to wake him up." She told him.

Yashiro narrowed his eyes. "Sleeping?"

She nodded.

Yashiro was stunned to see sudden change in Kuon's behavior. He could clearly see that he was trying to avoid Kyoko but why? He didn't know. He tried to ask him what went wrong between them but earned silence in return.

He'd started to get worried. Neither Kyoko nor Kuon was ready to utter a word and it'd started to frustrate him.

"I thought he was in love with her but …. Urgh! This is so complicated. Just a month ago, he looked like he'd die without her but now; he barely talks to her out of work" Yashiro was confused as hell.

He sighed.

"Are you sure you want to move out?" he asked, hopping to get something out of her.

She nodded again.

"But why? Did he do something wrong? Did something happen between you two?" he asked now annoyed.

Kyoko shook her head. "Nothing happened" Her own statement made her feel crushed.

Right, nothing happened. I have driven him away from me because of my idiocy. I shouldn't have confessed but now, I'm left empty handed.

He raised an eyebrow at her strange behavior. She wasn't making eye contact.

"Then why do you want to move out?"

She swallowed hard. "I don't want to bother him too much. He's generous enough to let me stay but I am getting in way of his routine life. He isn't comfortable. I don't want to cause him any trouble." she said looking at him.

He's avoiding me and I can't take it. He doesn't even talk to me anymore. It's like I don't exist for him. There seems an invisible wall between us that I can't cross.

Yashiro patted her shoulder. "If you've made up your mind then I won't stop you but he'll be sad if you left without a word."

"I'll tell him before leaving, until then don't say a word to him please." She said with a broken smile and Yashiro's heart squeezed.

He nodded. "I won't. Don't worry"

She smiled at him and bowed before leaving.

Yashiro's eyes followed her as she walked away and disappeared from his sight.

He sighed again.

"Something is definitely wrong. I have to find out. She could have stayed with Kanae. Why is she insisting on living on her own?" He thought and moved towards Kuon's office.

Kyoko quickly got off the train and headed towards the apartment complex. She'd fixed an appointment with the landlord. After a few minutes, she reached the apartment of given address.

She slowly opened the door and saw that an elderly man was already waiting inside for her to assist. The gentleman with his kindly wrinkled face yet stern deposition greeted her with a smile as she approached him.

Kyoko did the same and greeted him politely.

"Hello Mogami-san, my name is Soujiro, I am the manager of this building. So you're looking for an affordable place to live?"

Kyoko nodded and bowed to him politely.

"Well, you have come to the right place. No advanced deposit and pretty affordable rent" Soujiro let out a laugh.

"That's good" Kyoko answered.

"Great then. Let me show you around."

Soujiro showed her the entire apartment which included a bed room, neither too big nor too small, a bathroom, kitchen, balcony and even a washing room. It was more than she'd expected and the building looked well kept, with all kinds of stores and markets only a short walking distance away. It was actually nice. Before she knew it, tour was over and Kyoko knew she liked the apartment.

The man turned to her and smiled. "Well, what do you think?"

Kyoko stared at the floor. She was feeling depressed for no reason. She knew she had to move out sooner or later but it was still hard for her. For a brief moment, image of Kuon passed in her mind but she quickly put that thought away. She didn't want to remind herself of being alone. She had to deal with it and learn to be on her own and cope. She could feel sorry for herself later. She was an orphan so she had to learn how to live on her own instead of being a burden on someone else's shoulder. She was an employed adult not a kid to always ask for help.

I can't stay with him forever. I can't be selfish and overstay his welcome when he's so disturbed around me. He's famous. If someone found out about me living with him, he'll lose his reputation. I can't bring him defame.

She pushed her thoughts aside and turned her gaze to the landlord. "When can I move in?"

The old man smiled. "Whenever you want"

That's it. Please enjoy reading. Don't forget to tell what you think. See you soon again. Take Care. Thanks a lot for your support.