Disclaimer: Don't own Persona 5, nor any of it's characters.

Rating: T

As the summary states, a little interaction between two characters who didn't get to in the original game, and also to give a little more love to Hifumi. Enjoy ;)


Central Street

"I admit, that was the first time I've ever played Gun About. I hope I didn't do too badly."

Right beside her - off the main street, near the gym - Ryuji chuckled, and lightly nudged her side. "You managed to help blast our way through the first few levels" he said, sincere. "In a single go and everything, even with all the crowds we drew. That's pretty good for your first attempt."

Hifumi gave him a little smile. "Thank you, Ryuji."

For a moment he couldn't figure out what to say next; every now and then this happened around her, because in all honesty, she's really pretty and sweet. Sure, she wasn't as hot as Ann or anything, but there's no doubt that she had a nice bod overall, though he tried not to stare and such. If she were just a regular girl, he'd probably be trying to ask her out by now, but with Hifumi he was hesitant... he didn't want to weird her out, or sour this new friendship. Plus even though they kinda-shared a hot-blooded spirit, Ryuji wasn't sure that such a nice girl would see much good in a guy like him.

Sure, she liked him as a friend, but considering him as more? He kinda doubted that...

But anyway:

"You're welcome" Ryuji said, trying to shake off the thoughts - he leaned against the side of the building, thinking. "Still, we got some time before it's dinner... what else could we do? Or, would you rather play another quick game of shogi?"

"Actually, if you don't mind, I would rather ask you about several things, Ryuji" Hifumi said, seeming curious. "You see, recently I was introduced to your friend Ann yesterday, and we talked for quite awhile. She mentioned several things about you that she, apparently, thought I should be warned about."

Ryuji hung his head, "For real?" he breathed, but wearily. "Let me guess: she mentioned a lot of my bad qualities, or something?"

Ann didn't have to go and do something like that, even if he knows she's probably just concerned for Hifumi- but now he's half-sure Hifumi's gonna have a less good impression of him.

Such a pain in the ass...

"No, Ryuji; just several 'incidents'. But my overall opinion of you hasn't changed."

Huh? He looked up, really surprised- Hifumi was just looking at him like normal just gave him a little smile, looking just like normal.

"Uh..." Ryuji breathed, not sure what to say. "Why?"

For a moment, she seemed to be focused on his reaction or something, but then her little smile came back. "Because I want to make sure I understand you properly, and get your opinion on said incidents" she answered, looking at him as he straightened. "That way I can best know how I feel."

Inwardly, he still felt irritated at Ann spilling things on him, but he fought to hold it back; he hasn't heard the details yet, so his irritation might be misplaced. Plus, Hifumi herself had said that her opinion of him hadn't changed... meaning she wasn't judging him until she heard his side of the story.

Damn, she really is nice! He's so glad that they're friends, for real!

Quickly, he straightened up, moving away from the building a little. "Okay. Well don't me leave in suspense" he said quickly, waving a hand. "Hit me with them."

She nodded. "Of course" Hifumi breathed, before one hand held her other arm. "There were two main things Ann mentioned. One was a visit to the gym between you, Ann, and Akira, and she asked you to give her a full-body workout."

Ah yeah, he remembered that... he was still unimpressed 'bout it too.

"I see" he said, his tone reflecting that. "That moment when Ann asked me to come up with a schedule, and tried to entice me with a date as a reward."

He didn't notice, but Hifumi's expression seemed flustered, however briefly. "Yes. However, while Ann mentioned you said no, she didn't exactly say how you did so" she said, idly moving a section of her hair for a few seconds.

"I'll tell ya right now then, Hifumi" Ryuji said without worries, grinning. "I said all unimpressed-like: 'Eff that. Quit thinking you're some sexy character in an anime. It's sad watching you be like this'."

She was a bit shocked, but more in the registering sense than anything else. "Oh... that was quite candid of you."

"Hell yeah it was" he agreed, chuckling once, though he soon sighed. "But I mean, that offer was pretty weak. Plus I just couldn't accept" Ryuji continued, more serious and weary. "If Ann had really asked me on a date, I would've said yes. But offering me a pity date that didn't mean anything to her? That's not how I play things at all!"

Hifumi soon glanced away, gaze more focused. "Neither do I."


She let out a breath of her own, looking back, and he noticed the intent look in her eyes. "There were many times I have been asked out by male fans in the past" she explained, slightly more intense. "But most times, it was only because they liked my image as this professional shogi player, or because of my looks, rather than the person I am. Quite a few weren't even interested in learning about shogi at all! Needless to say, I was not about to grant their requests."

Ryuji grunted, totally getting where she's coming from (and thinking those guys were idiots).

"I don't blame ya at all, Hifumi" he assured, before with a little grin: "But I bet once or twice, you wanted to unleash the wrath of your Togo Kingdom on the more persistent ones."

A bit of surprise, then Hifumi gave this small, pleased smirk. "More than twice, actually."

He chuckled, enjoying her look before he held up a hand, which she briefly looked at in surprise.

"Well if it happens whenever we're playing a match, or whatever, the Skull Kingdom will call for a temporary truce with ya" Ryuji said, all teasing-like. "That way, both of us can crush these foes before they know what's hit them!"

It wasn't long before Hifumi took his hand. "That is a pact my Togo Kingdom will wholeheartedly get behind" she said, completely sincere (if also a little teasing). "And with these words, the contract has been forged."

Thanks to the fun of the moment, he missed how those words were eerily familiar- but either way, it's totally fine.


Hifumi was quite pleased with his answer, and this fortuitous arrangement as well.

"Well, now that that's settled, what was the second thing?" Ryuji casually asked, before his gaze wandered and he realized their hands were still clasped. He quickly pulled away, and began rubbing his head a little - his brief look/smile said he was apologetic, perhaps even a little embarrassed.

She would've been too on both accounts, and perhaps still was, but she focused on answering his question.

"Ann's second mentioned was regarding the trip to Hawaii, where she mentioned your... unplanned sleeping arrangements" she admitted. "Of course she said that you were uncomfortable with it, but then came your answer to the mention of preferences."

"I did answer honestly, but she kinda tricked me" Ryuji grumbled, before sighing. "What I said was true, but it's a little more complicated than Ann probably made it sound."

"Just as I figured" Hifumi thought, carefully piecing together his comments with Ann's statements.

"Please, tell me."

"Right" Ryuji breathed, still seeming irritated by the memory, but visibly prepared himself. "Well as I said, it's all true: I like girls who got a good personality, and are nice and modest. It's also true that if two girls asked me at the same time, I'd probably choose the one with the hotter bod. But a girl's hotness ain't the only thing I care about!"

She noticed that he's making a conscious effort to keep that passion restricted, so that he doesn't yell it to the street, but it did give her a small smile.

"After all, what if a girl's the hottest thing on the planet, but her personality was garbage?" he asked, briefly throwing up his hands. "If I can't stand her, no amount of hotness is gonna change that. Plus if I like the girl with the less-hot bod more than the one with the hotter bod, what's there to say at that point?"

Hifumi held her hand near her chin, putting together the gist of those comments.

"You do indeed admire women's physical attractiveness, openly and un-apologetically, but your intentions aren't dangerous or all that impure" she summed up, lip curving; his phrasing was always rather unique. "In fact, if you did go out with someone, pursuing her in any manner would be the farthest thing from your mind. At least, in the sense of actually doing such things, even if you may want to."

"Well, duh" Ryuji breathed, bluntly sincere. "Going out with someone's a big deal. It's like, the number-one rule that you don't rush those things, unless you want to be a horny creep or worse."

"And you hate such figures, as your personality and former position as a Phantom Thief makes clear, so you refuse to become one or act like one."

"Pretty much."

It wasn't long before she nodded. "Just as I thought" Hifumi said, sincere as well. "Even before I heard your answers, I thought you were a good person, Ryuji, based on our experiences hanging out. That opinion has only grown stronger with what I've heard just now."

Ryuji made a sound much like 'huh', blinking twice before he grinned- he truly had a good one, she noted.

"Well, looks like I underestimated ya, Hifumi" he said, teasing as he friendly-nudged her shoulder. "I was thinking maybe you were weirded out by what Ann said, but turns out you're actually impressed! Didn't see that coming, but I like it!"

A little hum. "I'm glad you approve, Ryuji, but perhaps this has taken up a good deal of our time-"

-he jolted, quickly checking the time.

"Oh yeah" Ryuji breathed, before sighing again. "Doesn't look like we'd have time to play another game of shogi anymore" he continued, looking bummed out, at least before he gave a little smile. "Though, we could do that a lot next time anyway. And speaking of which, any days that you're free?"

Hifumi tried to think, determining when she had shogi with Akira planned (the last times before he went home), the few other matches she had planned this week, as well as business concerning her parents. "Thus far, I believe I will have the afternoons of Thursday and Saturday off" she said, before looking back at him. "However, I will need to look at my schedule to be certain."

Ryuji nodded. "I need to do that too" he said with ease, choosing to stretch his arms a little. "I mean, I think I'm free on least one of those days, but who knows what plans the gang will make? So I gotta make a bunch of texts and see who's doing what, and we should text each other later when we're both sure of our plans."

Hifumi nodded, giving a small bow. "Of course. Still, it was fun hanging out as always, Ryuji."

To that, he chuckled before doing a little almost-bow in return. "Likewise."

Several days later; Kanda

Really, this will be his first time going to a church - it shouldn't be a big deal, because he's only gonna be playing shogi with Hifumi, but he was still a little nervous. Ryuji thought that if the church is a quiet place, he's probably gonna have to try extra hard to be quiet... and in all likelihood, people would look at him and wonder what he's doing there, because he'll stand out like a sore thumb as usual.

After a moment, he shook his head; that last part don't matter, because he's here to help her research new moves (and have fun).

Once he walked in, he thought that the place was a little big, but overall pretty modest, seeing benches flanking a center aisle- he thought he could get with the look of the place, even if it ain't quite one of his tastes. Most people were facing forward and doing whatever, with few noticing him at all, yet thus far he wasn't getting any dirty looks... well that's good, but it don't matter anyway. Then he saw Hifumi up at the front, sitting on a right-side bench; she was currently speaking with some guy, who seemed to be a fan, but he also saw that she seemed stiff... maybe wary. Slightly suspicious, if trying to keep a grip and not jump to conclusions, Ryuji took in a breath and carefully made his way up the aisle.

As he got close, he began to hear their conversation:

"-please, go out with me."

"As I have repeatedly told you sir, I'm not interested in blind dates. At the very least, they should play shogi with me once, preferably several times, so I can get a taste of their personality first."

Hearing that caused him to grin a little, knowing that's quite like her - also, he wanted to get a better read on this guy first, but 'repeatedly' made him more suspicious.

"I know you're a good shogi player and all, but I can offer you a good time without it. Please reconsider!"

Ignoring her obvious like of shogi, offering her a 'good time' - a guy trying to be a player, yet being desperate and pushy about it.

Okay, time to interrupt now.

Hifumi stood up then, her expression not-impressed. "I have even less reason to do so now" she stated, her tone similar- just as she finished, she then noticed him coming up behind the guy, and surprise/relief showed.

Desperate Guy didn't see this: "I'm telling ya, you should!"

"And I'm telling ya to give it up, dude" Ryuji said knowingly, giving a smile to Hifumi, who returned it. "Hifumi's already got plans, and they don't involve you."

"And who the hell are you!?"

His first instinct was to tell this guy "We're dating" to shut him up, and he was about to do just that, but at the last moment stopped himself- n-no, that'd be pushing it. Even if Hifumi backed him up, she'd be flustered that he said that out of 'effing nowhere... and if word got out about this, she'd have to deny it because they're not actually dating, which would cause a bit of trouble for them both.

Somehow, he's sure.

Luckily, Hifumi reacted in his place: "He is my shogi partner for today sir, and my friend" she said without hesitation, and Ryuji shot her a grateful look. "Ryuji, make yourself comfy."

He gave a grin. "Don't mind if I do" he said easily, putting his bag down next to his spot, and then sitting down for real - Hifumi easily sat back down as well, and began to set up the shogi board. When she paused partway through though, at first he was confused, until he realized that Desperate Guy was still standing around...

"Why are you still standing there?" Ryuji demanded of the guy. "Didn't you get the message? We're busy here."

Beside him, Hifumi crossed her arms. "I must agree, and it is rude to stare."

The dude visibly struggled, but he grumbled "This isn't over" before he walked away.

Ryuji scoffed, watching the guy leave for awhile, just to make sure he did. "'This isn't over'? How desperate can you get?" he grumbled, rubbing the back of his head - part of him wanted to run after the guy, but that'd just cause a scene. "I mean, I heard you say 'repeatedly' while I was walking over here, Hifumi. How many times did you have to reject that dude?"

Hifumi seemed equally irritated, but she did a better job handling it, even as she sighed. "Five times, in a row" she stated-


-"In fact, before you came along Ryuji, I was going to threaten to call the police and report that man for harassment" she continued, if sympathizing with his reaction. "If he tries to ask me out again in the immediate future, I believe that I will report him on the spot."

Honestly, the whole thing made him grit his teeth, but Ryuji forced himself to take in/let out a breath. Just gotta relax and let it go, since until the dude tries again - if he does; you never knew - he's just another pathetic loser; it's not worth getting into a fight or causing a scene, least not yet.

"If he does try again though, he'll prove himself a major dumbass" Ryuji said, trying to help put the pieces where they should go. "Like, seriously."

"Yes, he will" Hifumi agreed, sincere.

He gave a little chuckle; seriously, he's real glad that Hifumi don't seem to mind the way he talks. For such a nice and proper girl, he wouldn't have expected that... part of him wondered if maybe that's because of her whole shogi-battlefield talk, because she imagined soldiers going to war, dying and shit, which even in the tamer movies was some pretty violent stuff sometimes.

Eh, that's probably it, hehe.

Anyway, they both finished setting up the shogi board - since Hifumi didn't correct where any of his pieces went, he assumed that they're all good:

"If you don't mind, I'll start this time" Ryuji said, a little mild; he moved the same piece as last time, though his 'strategy' would be different.

"Of course" she said, considering things for a moment before moving her own piece. "By the way, there's something I'm curious about, Ryuji."

"Like what?"

"Last time we spoke, I heard all about your dating preferences, Ryuji, partly thanks to your friend Ann. I was just wondering if you were umm, curious about mine, to make things fair?"

He was real surprised by that, only moving his next piece by instinct. "Uhh... I admit I didn't actually think about that" Ryuji admitted slowly, if sheepish-

-Hifumi only smiled at him, if with a small giggle at his face, but it certainly weren't cause she were being mean.

He didn't think she'd ever made fun of him, not even once- she's a good person, for real.

"But, sure, I can listen to them" he continued, grinning a little. "It would be fair and all that stuff, like ya said. I mean, if you wanna tell me."

An almost-knowing look, but though Hifumi seemed slightly embarrassed, she didn't look like she's having any problems either.

"Honestly, I didn't start out with any; this was due to my mother's overbearing presence in my life" she began, a hint of sadness in there at the end. "But after everything's that happened this past year, including meeting Akira, yourself, and an increasing number of both your friends, I've been gradually forming such an opinion, since I believe it will be important in the future. Although... I-I'm still nervous about the thought of a future boyfriend."

"Ain't nothing wrong with being nervous, long as you don't let it stop you" Ryuji said, sincere. "We've all felt that way."

She nodded, hand near her chin. "Thus far, I believe he would have to be dependable, and overall caring, especially in his actions" Hifumi continued, thinking. "I used to think he'd also have to be calm, collected like myself- however, I have since decided that that's not necessary. Beyond that, I think it would be up to the individual... or I believe so right now, at any rate."

Hmm- somehow he got the impression she'd been thinking about Akira when thinking 'bout that, as far as someone who was 'calm and collected'... not that he was surprised or nothin'. That dude's a great guy, able to handle just about anything that came his way and then some - sometimes he's envious of his natural ability, but Ryuji also knew that any girl Akira chose, he'd treat them well, and he'll support it without a second thought.

"Well, whatever he's like, s'long as he makes you happy and puts your feelings above his own, you should be good, Hifumi" Ryuji said, quite easily.

"Yes, quite. And um, I sincerely hope the same happens for you too, Ryuji."


She was looking at the board, and easily took a piece of his - so quick into the game too; goddamn - but her smile was the same. "Your potential girlfriend" she explained. "You did mention she had to be nice and have a good personality, among other things in our last talk."

Oh yeah, of course; he chuckled. "F'real, thanks" Ryuji said, a little knowing, hoping up his hand for a fist-bump. "So, here's hoping for the both of us then."

While seeming surprised about the gesture, as if she'd never been offered one before, Hifumi did her best to return the gesture. "Of course" she answered, before looking at the board again. "Still, I have taken one of your poor soldiers. How do you intend to avenge him?"

He grinned, already enjoying himself like the last times.

"Oh that's easy: the Skull Kingdom cries for blood, swearing revenge for their fallen brother! Now I shall call for the sky dragon and lay waste to your forces!"

"Hah! Take your revenge if you can, but the Togo Kingdom does not fear reprisal, and we shall also aim to win the blue dragon that governs our skies! Come at my soldiers if you dare!"

And so ends this two-shot, but I believe it works well, since Ryuji and Hifumi are quite the odd-yet-interesting pair :) Not just as friends, but potentially as a pairing too - I'm serious; 'vivvav' on ArchiveOfOurOwn has also, per requests, made two(-as-of-this-writing) fics with them as a couple.

^And somehow, they work, though of course you can judge for yourself XD He thinks that he's the first to ever pair them up, and thus far I can't find proof that he isn't lol