Welcome to chapter 4!

In this chapter, we have a little Kissy wissy but with who? Find out now!

I do NOT own Doctor Who, only my Oc's and story idea.

Chapter 4: Smith, Jones, and Brooks, Oh my!



After escaping the rhino police and to an upper corridor the trio found themselves walking down a corridor with people slumped along the walls, this was bad, the oxygen was starting to run out.

Strangely Artemis found herself feeling just fine, her head wasn't getting light from all the running and her lungs weren't hurting her at all. She was just gonna put it on adrenaline and leave it at that.

"They've done this floor, come on, the Judoon are logical and just a little bit thick, they won't go back to check a floor they've checked already," The Doctor said looking around. "If we're lucky," He added as they paused for a second.

Artemis saw Swale giving someone oxygen from one of the oxygen tanks, Martha moved and knelt by her asking "How much oxygen is there?"

"Not enough for all these people, we're going to run out," Swales said looking a little worn out.

"Not good, we're running out of time," Artemis said a frown on her face.

"How are you two feeling? Are you all right?" The Doctor asked looking between Artemis and Martha.

Martha smiled a bit saying "I'm running on adrenaline," Artemis nods saying "Same here,"

"Welcome to my world," The Doctor said looking around.

"What about the Judoon? Won't the oxygen depletion affect them?" Artemis asked making the Doctor look at her.

"Nah, great big lung reserves, It won't slow them down, where's Mister Stoker's office?" The Doctor asked making Martha stand up saying "It's this way,"

She walked past the Doctor and Artemis and lead them to Mr. Stocker's office in record time, Artemis looked around on high alert.

"She's gone, she was here," Martha said looking around as the Doctor went over to the still form of a white Mr. Stocker on the floor and felt his neck.

"Drained him dry, every last drop, I was right, she's a plasmavore," The Doctor said a little sad as Artemis knelt down and out of respect closed Mr. Stocker's eyes.

"Rest in peace," She whispered with a sad smile.

"What's she doing on Earth?" Martha asked making the Doctor look up at her.

"Hiding, on the run, like Ronald Biggs in Rio de Janeiro, what's she doing now? She's still not safe, the Judoon could execute us all, come on!" The Doctor said getting up and running out the room with Artemis right behind him as Martha paused sending Mr. Stocker a sad look before following them.

Walking out into the corridor the Doctor began to rub the back of his head.

"Think, think, think, If I was a plasmavore surrounded by police, what would I do?" He said before looking up and spotting the MRI sign.

"Ah! She's as clever as me, almost," The Doctor said as a crashing sound reached them.

Looking over they saw people screaming as the Judoon burst through the doors yelling "Find the Nonhuman!"

The Doctor looked at the Judoon before looking back at Artemis and Martha as a plan hatched in his head, he moved and stood in front of Artemis making her jump a bit.

"Artemis, stay here, I need time, you've got to hold them up," He said locking eyes with Artemis who nods.

"How do I do that?" She asked glancing at the Judoon while Martha stood tense beside her.

The Doctor held up his hands saying "Just forgive me for this, It could save a thousand lives, It means nothing, honestly, nothing,"

Artemis was about to ask what he meant when he grabbed her and pulled her into a kiss, her eyes went wide as a shock raced across her body. It felt like her body lit up on fire, it was nice but what the hell?

'Holy crap!' Artemis thought as she out of reflex kissed back before stumbling a bit as the Doctor pulled back and ran off to the MRI department.

Martha looked on in shock herself asking "That did not look like nothing," She then looked at her friend only to see her dazed and blinking a lot.

"Artemis?" Martha asked only to hold back laughter as she remembered something, Artemis just had her first kiss! With an alien of all things!

Before Martha could say anything else the Judoon came over. "Find the non-human, execute," The leader said as he arrived and walked over to them.

Artemis snapped out of her daze still a little shocked and starting to blush a bit, she tried to will it away as Martha kept calm.

"Now listen, I know who you're looking for, she's this woman, she calls herself Florence," Martha tried to tell them only for the leader to pull out his scanner.

"Human," He said before walking over and putting an X on the back of Martha's hand.

He then turned and scanned Artemis who stood still trying to stay as calm as possible.

"Human, wait! Non-human traits suspected, non-human element confirmed, authorize full scan," The leader said as two of the Judoon pulled out their guns making Martha jump in worry for her friend as she was pushed against the wall.

"What are you? What are you?" The leader asked scanning Artemis as she bit her lip.

After a few tense minutes the Judoon scanner beeps.

"Confirm human, traces of facial contact with non-human," The leader said pulling back and putting an X on Artemis hand he then held up a hand as another Judoon passed him something.

"Continue the search," The leader ordered before handing the little booklet to Artemis who took it confused.

"What's this for?" She asked confused.

"Compensation," The leader said before following the other Judoon.

Artemis and Martha shared a look of disbelief before following them.


Artemis panted a bit as she entered the MRI room with Martha, she had her bad feeling again. What had the Doctor done? She hoped it wasn't anything stupid.

She felt her stomach drop as the lead Judoon said "Confirmation, deceased,"

Martha looked upset at this saying "No, he can't be, let me through! let me see him,"

She pushed past but was grabbed by a Judoon as Artemis moved to stand by the lead Judoon, she held her breath as her heart clenched painfully for some reason.

"Stop, case closed," The Judoon said.

"But it was her, she killed him, she did it, she murdered him!" Martha said as Artemis shot Florence a glare as the woman gave a small smirk.

"Judoon have no authority over human crime," The leader said as Artemis growls.

"But she's not human," Artemis said calmly making Martha back up slightly.

The last time Artemis got mad or angry she ended up not only humiliating a group of bullies that had been harassing an elder woman she ended up sending them to psychiatrists, those teenagers now avoided Artemis whenever they saw her.

"Oh, but I am, I've been cataloged," Florence said holding up her marked hand.

"But she's not! She assimi, wait a minute," Artemis said as a calm rage washed over her making a smirk appear on her face. You drank his blood? The Doctor's blood?

"You drank his blood? The Doctor's blood?" Artemis asked making Florence start at Artemis backing up slightly at the smirk on her lips.

Martha seeing where Artemis was going with this quickly grabbed one of the scanners and pointed it at the old lady scanning her.

"Oh, I don't mind, scan all you like," The old alien lady said hold up her arms.

The Judoon was silent before saying "Nonhuman,"

A look of shock washed over the old ladies face "But, what?" She asked.

"Confirm analysis," The leader said as all of the Judoon scanned her.

Florence stuttered trying to play innocent saying "Oh, but it's a mistake, surely, I'm human, I'm as human as they come,"

"He gave his life so they'd find you," Artemis said as Martha moved to hold her friend's hand making her calm down.

"Confirm, plasmavore, charged with the crime of murdering the child princess of Patrival Regency Nine," The leader said as the Judoon put their scanners away.

"Well, she deserved it! Those pink cheeks and those blonde curls and that simpering voice, she was begging for the bite of a plasmavore," Florence snarled no longer acting as an innocent human.

Artemis's glare darkened at that, so, she murdered a child? Along with almost murdering the innocent babies and children in the hospital! She deserved no pity or remorse from her then! Martha gulps releasing Artemis's hand as she took a step forward.

"Then you confess?" Artemis asked darkly making the woman back up at the dark look entering Artemis's eyes.

"Confess? I'm proud of it! Slab, stop them!" Florence shouted as she went to the controls for the MRI scanner.

The slab went to stop then only to be shot and burnt up into ash, Artemis saw the old lady plug something up as warning lights flashed.

'Not good!' She thought as she growls.

"Verdict, guilty, sentence, execution," The lead Judoon as they all pulled out their guns and took aim.

"Enjoy your victory, Judoon, because you're going to burn with me! Burn in hell!" The old lady yelled as the Judoon fired and incinerate her.

"Case closed," The leader said making them put their guns away.

"But what did she mean, burn with me? The scanner shouldn't be doing that! She's done something!" Martha yelled as she knelt down beside the Doctor.

Artemis looked over at the scanner as her rage left her, she pales a bit at the sight of the light show the MRI was doing. The leader pulls out his scanner and scanned the machine.

"Scans detect lethal acceleration of mono-magnetic pulse," The leader said as Artemis cursed.

"Shit!" She yelled running over to the screen area.

"Well, do something! Stop it!" Martha yelled as Artemis began to turn switches and pull wires out behind the screen.

'Where! Where is it! Where's the main plug or switch!?' Artemis thought looking around as she found herself short of breath.

"Our jurisdiction has ended. Judoon will evacuate, all units withdraw," The leader said before marching out with his unit.

Martha watched them go with disbelief before jumping as Artemis yelled: "Where's the fu-%&ing plug!"

"Martha! Try and revive the Doctor! He's alien remember!" Artemis yelled making Martha nod as Artemis popped her head up showing a few wires stuck in her hair.

She ducked back down now panting as she looked for the right cut off switch, she heard a loud gasp and thump on the other side of the screen but ignored it.

She began to feel light headed as black stops danced across her eyes, she leans on the devices before spotting a red plug. She gulps a bit before grabbing it and pulling the plugs apart, she almost fell down in relief as the MRI stopped sparking.

"Hahaha! Ha! Oh my head," Artemis said as she fell back only to be caught by a strong pair of arms.

"Hello!" She said struggling to stand up as the Doctor gave her a grin.

"Well...done," He said before coughing.

With much effort on both parts, Artemis had no idea how, but between the two of them, they managed to carry Martha between them out of the MRI room and down the Corridor to a window.

Artemis pants hard as she watched the Judoon ships start to take flight.

"Come on, come on, come on, come on, please, come on, Judoon, reverse it!" The Doctor said as Artemis felt her legs shake a bit.

She then grins as it started to rain! On the moon!

"Martha, it's raining on the moon!" Artemis said sounding delirious from the lack of oxygen and her adrenaline crash.

There was a loud crash of thunder and flash of light as Artemis felt the hospital shake, after a few minutes the shaking stops as Artemis regained her balance and took in a deep breath of air.

"We did it!" She said taking greedy gulps of air as she looked at the Doctor who had a huge grin on his face making her grin back.

"That we did, but you did most of the work," The Doctor said making Artemis blush.

"Well, we all did," Artemis said looking down at Martha as she started to come back around.

"I'll get Martha outside," Artemis said before looking at the Doctors feet.

"And you go and get some new shoes," She said making the Doctor laugh.

With that Artemis helped her friend to the front of the hospital with the Doctor, once at the doors, the Doctor lets go of Martha and left while Artemis with help from medics carried Martha over to an ambulance.


Artemis grunts as she took a drink of water as Martha's sister ran over, she was glad this whole thing was over! Looking around she saw many people being taken to other hospitals while the military was wondering around.

Standing up she took another sip of water when she saw Martha walking off with her sister, smirking she looked around as she walked over to them before seeing a blue police box and the Doctor walking over to it.

He looked over at them with a smirk and small wave, Artemis smirked back before raising her drink to him making him chuckle. She looked over at Martha and was about to ask her a question when a noise reached her ears.

'That...sound, I've...heard it before?' Artemis thought confused before looking back at where the Doctor was only to see him and the blue police box...gone!

She huffs thinking 'There goes mister Houdini, but what made that noise?' She shook her head before looking at Martha.

"I'll meet you at the party, with earplugs," Artemis said making Martha and Trish grin and groan remembering that they had a birthday party to go to.

Artemis chuckles as she finished her drink off and went to grab a taxi home.


Artemis was glad she did bring earplugs because of the chaos before her, she was never one for drama shows and the snipe-fest between Martha's mother and the Father's girlfriend was interesting, to say the least.

She stood outside with Martha as members of the family stormed off, reaching up Artemis pulled her earplugs out and put them in her pocket.

Looking down at herself she was glad to have dressed smart yet casual for the party, she had on a button up white T-shirt with a brown leather waistcoat and black leather jacket with a pair of blue jeans and a brown belt with a pair of flat-heeled black ankle boots. She put one hand on her jean pocket feeling her old pocket watch, she's had it since she could remember and it's been her good luck charm. Along with a few other items over the years.

Shaking her head she looked up saying "Well, that's one way to end a party,"

Martha sighs going to speak when she saw someone standing at a street corner he then grins and backs away into an ally, Martha walked over with Artemis following her.

They entered the ally to see the Doctor with a brown coat on leaning against the blue police box, Artemis grins.

"Hello, here's trouble, what now? Slime people?" Artemis asked with a grin making the Doctor grin back.

Martha smiled but shook her head saying "I went to the moon today,"

"A bit more peaceful than down here," The Doctor said referring to the little party mess.

"Aye to that," Artemis said while looking up at the moon.

"You never even told me who you are," Martha asked as they walked over to the alien man.

"The Doctor," He said making Artemis roll her eyes saying "Yes, we got that bit,"

"Cheeky," He said making Artemis chuckle and put her hands in her pockets.

"What sort of species? It's not every day I get to ask that," Martha asked while nudging her friend who nods in agreement.

"I'm a Time Lord," The Doctor said making Artemis frown a bit he sounded sad? Why was that?

Keeping her question to herself she said "Right! Not pompous at all, then,"

"I just thought since you saved my life and I've got a brand new sonic screwdriver which needs road testing," The Doctor said pulling out a new sonic screwdriver.

'Hang on! I still got the fried one! Eh, I'll keep it as a souvenir' Artemis thought remembering that she put the fried sonic in her bedroom.

"you might fancy a trip," The Doctor asked flipping the sonic up and down.

"Hell yes! A trip into space? Sign me up," Artemis said as she stepped forward while Martha shook her head.

"But I can't, I've got exams, I've got things to do! I have to go into town first thing and pay the rent, I've got my family going mad," Martha said as Artemis sighs.

"If it helps, I can travel in time as well," The Doctor said watching as Artemis spun around to him.

"Really?!" She asked shocked while Martha said "Get out of here,"

"I can," The Doctor said making Artemis jump on the spot.

"Come on now, that's going too far," Martha said not really believing the Doctor who took that as a challenge.

"I'll prove it," He said before turning and heading into the police box closing the door behind him.

Artemis watched on as the blue box made the sound she heard before which made her smile, the box dematerializes as Martha steps forward to touch where the box once was only to step back as a few seconds later the box rematerializes and the Doctor steps out holding...his tie?

"Told you," He said before putting his tie back on.

"No, but, that was this morning!. Did you? Oh, my God, you can travel in time! But hold on, If you could see me this morning, why didn't you tell me not to go into work?" Martha asked astonished while Artemis walked forward to touch the police box.

"Crossing into established events is strictly forbidden, except for cheap tricks," The Doctor said making Artemis chuckle.

"This is your spaceship?" She asked patting the box.

"It's called the Tardis, time and Relative Dimension in Space," The Doctor said as Martha looked the box up and down not seeing Artemis take a deep breath.

'T-tardis?' She thought before shaking her head and focusing.

"Your spaceship's made of wood, there's not much room, we'd be a bit intimate," Martha said as she touched the box herself.

The Doctor merely pushed the door open saying "Take a look,"

Artemis was quick to step through the door and oh boy! Was she amazed by what she saw! It was way bigger on the inside!

"Oh, mama!" Artemis said looking around before seeing the console.

She walked over as Martha went back outside, Artemis was grinning to herself as she looking at all of the switches and instruments. Oh, her inner mechanic was going nuts! This was a wet dream for her! She was on an alien spaceship!

"How does it do that? It's wood! It's like a box with that room just rammed in, It's bigger on the inside," Martha said before taking note of her best friend who was looking around in awe.

"Is it? I hadn't noticed," The Doctor said before looking over at Artemis who had yet to say a word about his ship.

He paused when he saw the look of wonder in her eyes and the smile on her face, he felt his hearts speed up a bit shaking it off he closed the Tardis doors as he went over to the console while taking his coat off and throwing onto the Y-beam.

"Right then, let's get going," He said snapping Artemis from her daze.

"Wait!" She said making the Doctor look at her asking "What?"

"Before we go anywhere," Artemis said before grinning as she moved and to the Doctor's surprise hugged the Tardis console.

"Hello, you sexy beast!" She said making a low hum reach her ears.

She giggled a bit as the part she hugged warmed up, so, the ship was alive? Good to know!

"But is there a crew, like a navigator and stuff? Where is everyone?" Martha asked looking around while grinning at her friend, trust Artemis to hug a spaceship.

"Just me," The Doctor said.

Artemis was too busy hugging her new friend to notice the conversation, she felt the warmth under her move around it was nice and soothing! She looked up a bit as she heard a name 'Rose'? Was that a friend of the Doctor? He sounded distant and sad when she said her name, Artemis bit her lip a sense of sadness washed over her. Did the Doctor lose a loved one?

Shaking her head she pushed off the console as the Doctor said "Just one trip to say thanks, you both get one trip, then back home, I'd rather be on my own,"

He pointed at both girls as he said this making Artemis tilt her head at him, Martha who saw this grinned she had teasing material now!

"You're the one that kissed Artemis," Martha said in a teasing tone.

"Martha!" Artemis yelled in shock a red blush covering her cheeks while the Doctor unseen by the females blushed a tiny bit.

"That was a genetic transfer," The Doctor said typing something on a monitor.

"And while wearing a tight suit," Martha said smirking in Artemis direction making her blush deepen.

'Shut up!' Artemis yelled in her head.

"Now, don't!" The Doctor said having taken note of Artemis's blushing face and how uncomfortable it was making her.

"And then travel all the way across the universe just to ask her on a d-" Martha was cut off as Artemis shot around the console and covered her mouth.

"It was just a simple kiss, Martha! Is the Doctor said it was a genetic transfer then it was a genetic transfer, it was just to buy us time and save people, alright? Good!" Artemis said quickly while pulling her hand away from a smirking Martha.

Artemis took a deep breath before turning to the Doctor, she quickly mouthed 'sorry' to him making him nod.

"Well, then! Close down the gravitic anomaliser, fire up the helmic regulator, and finally, the handbrake, ready?" The Doctor asked pointing out the devices and leaning on the console while Artemis and Martha grabbed it.

"No/Yes!" They said making the Doctor grin.

"Off we go," The Doctor said pulling a leaver that made the Tardis jolt as it dematerializes with a jolt making them hang on for dear life!

"Blimey, it's a bit bumpy!" Martha said with a small grin.

"Yeeehaaa!" Artemis yelled as she laughed. "Come on sexy!" She yelled that was gonna be her nickname for the ship! Sexy the Tardis!

"Welcome aboard, Miss Jones, Miss Brooks!" The Doctor said grinning at what Artemis said while the Tardis gave a pleased hum.

"It's our pleasure, Mr. Smith!" Martha said as she held on.

Artemis grins as she held on, this was gonna be one hell of a trip! Universe here she comes!

Done! Hope you like it!

Up next is Shakespear! How will Artemis handle the poet and what's this? Witchs?! Well, Artemis was glad she knew self-defense.

Until then, SaberbladePrime signing out!