Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The characters in this story are borrowed from the TV show "Friends". I own no characters. No money is being made from this story. Any resemblance of a character in this story to any real person living or dead is purely coincidental. Likewise, any resemblance between an organisation depicted in this story and any such actual organisation is purely coincidental. Why would you sue me anyway? I'm 15...I'm broke.

Authors Note: Thankyou for all the reviews. They mean a lot to me. SOrry I haven't updated in AGES. I have had a really bad case of writers block. I haven't updated Life On The Edge either. I want to wrap these two stories up soon so then I can start a new one, one that I can REALLY relate to. Of course it will be depressing but...I think I'll do it in the Lizzie McGuire section (yeah, that's sad isn't it?). Thanks for reading anyway! Oh, and Kelly, I'm taking your idea. This is a Ross and Rachel chapter!

Chapter 8/9

"Ross, I'm really worried about Chandler. You heard what Joey and Monica said! What if he is telling the truth? What if....What if....what if his dad did really hurt him?" Rachel said, her tears rolling down her cheeks onto Ross's shirt. The two lay cuddled on Ross's couch, having just heard the news about what Chandler admitted only an hour ago.

"Rach, he'll be alright. You heard Monica? We're going to get him help! He'll get through this. I know he will. He's strong. And he has a great sense of humour, which will help him through. Believe me Rach. He'll be alright." Ross said, stroking Rachel's hair.

"Thankyou. Thankyou so much Ross." Slowly Rachel sat up in the couch and ran one finger down Ross's face. "Thankyou." Slowly she leant in and kissed him softly on the lips. The first time only lasted a few seconds. But then she leant in again, this time more passionately. The couple's tongues explored each others mouths. Slowly Ross pulled away.

"Rachel..." Ross said, stunned by her sudden change in feelings for him. All these years he'd loved her and she'd liked him just as a friend... How could it change so quickly?

"This whole Chandler issue made me realise how important everybody is to me. It made me realise how I couldn't live without you. How I love you Ross Gellar." Rachel smiled.

"I love you Rachel Greene." Slowly they kissed again. They knew that this was right, and that this time, it was going to last.

Across the road, they didn't realise, but Monica was looking in at them. "How could they Joey? When Chandler is sitting there, wanting to, TRYING TO, kill himself? How could they be so selfish."

Joey came up behind Monica and put his hands on his shoulders. "The same way we have been the last few months." He passionately kissed Monica, they pulled back, leading her towards the bedroom. They both smiled. "Monica, I love you."

"I love you to Joey."