Jamie sighed as he held his phone to his ear "yes Danny, I remembered, would you quit calling me," he said and held his finger up to Eddie as she approached him "I know, I got it covered, I gotta go," he said and hung up.

"That seemed intense," Eddie said as they started to walk.

"Ah, just Danny being Danny," he replied, "it's my turn to pick up dad's birthday present and he's assuming I can't even do that."

Eddie chuckled "you know he likes to have control over everything."

Before Jamie could reply Renzulli stuck his head out "Reagan! Visitor!" he called and disappeared.

"I swear to god, if it's Danny I'm gonna kill him," he groaned and started to walk.

"Need back-up?" she chuckled.

"Ten-four, partner," he chuckled and walked to the desk and frowned when he couldn't see anyone.

"Hey! J!" someone called from behind him.

"Joe?" he frowned and walked to him "hey, what's up?" he asked as he was pulled in for a hug.

"Just checking on my little brother," he replied and pulled back.

Jamie looked at Eddie and gave her a look "I have the present under control, I already called ahead, it's there for me when I'm finished tour."

Joe chuckled "Danny call you?"

"Yeah, three times already," Jamie replied.

Joe chuckled again "you know what he's like-anyway, I need a favour."

"Sure, what can I do?" he asked.

"I need you and your partner to sit on a house for me-off the clock," Joe said. "We're watching this guy moving drugs and guns. We haven't been able to get anything on him nor have we been able to get anyone in. No Ci's are willing to risk going up against him and no one we bring in is talking."

Jamie nodded and turned to Eddie "you got plans tonight?"

"Yes, same as you two do," she said shaking her head.

"Oh yeah, dad's birthday…tomorrow then?" Joe asked looking at Eddie.

"I'm free tomorrow," she nodded.

"Great," he said and looked at Jamie "I'll stop by in the morning and fill you in, thanks J, I owe you…see you tonight," he said and walked off "nice to see you again Janko!" he called as he left.

Jamie walked to Eddie and both started to walk on to roll call "you sure you wanna do this?" he asked, "tomorrow is Friday night."

"I know," she replied, "I've no plans, since the whole Tom thing I've kinda gone off dating."

"What?" Jamie laughed.

"The guy peed in my bed and took my stereo," she cringed "that has sworn me off guys for a while."

"The guy was wasted and he gave you back your stereo and apologised," Jamie said.

"Trust me, the next guy I bring home will be you," she said without realising how it sounded. "I meant to help me paint Saturday," she added quickly.

Jamie laughed and wrapped his arm around her "if you wanna see the goods Janko all you have to do is ask."

"Don't be so gross," she laughed and shoved him away from her.

After shift Jamie popped his head into the female locker room "you ready Janko?"

"Ready!" she called back and appeared from behind a row of lockers.

"You look nice," he said looking at her simple jeans top and boots.

"Gotta impress the boss," she laughed and grabbed her bag "is Biaz coming too?"

"I don't think so," he replied as they walked outside.

"I thought Linda couldn't change her shift," she asked as they climbed into his car.

"I'm not sure, Danny said she was and then she wasn't, we'll see when we get there," he said as he pulled away "they'll probably both be there."

"It was nice of your dad to invite your partners," she said, "I'm sure he sees enough of us at work," she chuckled.

"My dad sees our partners as family, you Biaz and Anderson are welcome in his home any time," Jamie replied.

"Is Joe bringing Angela? I really liked her last time we met."

"I think so…we're here," he said and pulled into a parking lot.

"Okay, I know you told me not to get him a gift that it would just make him uncomfortable."

"Eddie," he groaned and wrapped his arm around her shoulder "I'm gonna kill you, you heard what he said last week. You'll embarrass him and we'll end up pulling tickets for a month."

"He wouldn't do that," she laughed "I'll give it to him just before he leaves where no one will see me."

Jamie chuckled and shook his head "you're really thoughtful and he is gonna have words with you, but thank you," he smiled.

"So, you did bring a date," came Danny's voice from behind him.

Jamie rolled his eyes and looked behind him "cut it out Danny."

Danny chuckled and pulled the door open "I'm kidding, come on then," he said ushering them inside.

"Where's Biaz? Is she coming?" Eddie asked as they approached the table to see just family at it.

"Yeah, she's outside taking a call," Danny replied and walked ahead of her.

"Are you nervous?" Jamie smirked.

"No," she scoffed "it's just a little intimidating when the whole family is watching you waiting to grill you."

"They won't grill you," he laughed "they've known you for years now Eddie, I think they're past that…sit," he said pulling out a chair for her.

"Hi everyone," she said and sat down "happy birthday sir," she smiled.

"No sir tonight Janko, and thank you," Frank smiled back.

"Happy birthday dad," Jamie said as he sat beside her.

"Joe not here yet?" Danny asked.

"Angela called, they're on the way, he got held up," Linda answered.

"To dad," Erin said holding up a glass.

"And to a good night," Henry added as they all picked up a glass.

"Happy birthday old man!" Danny called causing the whole table to laugh.

"Hey, less of the old man," Frank chuckled "and thank you all for coming."

The next morning Eddie groaned and reached out for her alarm as it went off, frowning as her hand didn't reach her locker she sat up and opened her eyes. Looking around, her eyes went wide as she looked around Jamie's living room "Jamie!" she yelled spotting him on the floor "Jamie, come on, we're gonna be late," she said and pulled herself off the sofa.

"What time is it?" he groaned.

"After six, come on," she said and kicked him gently "I'm borrowing clothes," she added and walked into his bedroom.

Jamie got up and made them coffee, thinking about last night he frowned, he Joe and Danny had left early enough. Eddie Linda and the other girls decided to stay out…how did Eddie end up here?

He looked up as she came out of his room "how did you end up back here?" he asked.

Eddie thought about it "Erin, Linda, and Biaz went home, me and Angela stayed out…I think she brought me here."

Jamie chuckled and handed her a cup "I'm going to get dressed, you look good in my clothes by the way!" he called as he walked into his room.

"Don't want what you can't have Reagan!" she called after him.

Arriving at the station they both got changed and headed to roll call, Eddie groaned and threw her head onto his shoulder "please help me," she whined.

Jamie chuckled and wrapped his arm around her "I'll stop at that juice bar you like so much and get you something."

"Thank you," she yawned "I swear, I'm never drinking on a school night again."

Jamie laughed again "why don't you come home with me after tour? We can have dinner, you can sleep a bit then we'll go wherever Joe wants us to."

"Aww," she whined "I forgot all about that…damn it."

"You don't have to come," he said, "we're probably just gonna be watching for the night."

"Nah, I got your back, but right now I need to puke," she said and took off with her hand over her mouth.

"J!" Joe called and waved him down.

"Hey," he called and walked to him.

"Where's your partner?" he asked looking around.

"Bad night," Jamie chuckled.

Joe laughed "yeah, Angela is the same, she said she didn't know where Eddie lived and she was totally out of it so she dropped her at your place."

"I know," he nodded "she wouldn't shut up shouting in to me so I ended up sleeping on the floor in the living room while she took the sofa."

Joe laughed again and nodded for him to walk "I just want to show you a few pictures and run down what you'll be doing tonight…feel better Janko?" he teased as she walked back to them.

"Your fiancée is an evil witch," she muttered.

"I heard it was the other way around, you were referred to as the devil," he chuckled and led them into an empty office.


Later that night Eddie looked down on her watch and groaned "it's not even midnight yet," she said and sunk down in her seat.

"I told you to go asleep," Jamie replied.

"I'm too cold," she muttered "I forgot my coat."

Jamie shrugged his off and put it over her "better?"

"Now you'll be cold," she said trying to give it back.

"I'll be fine, get some sleep," he said pushing her arm back.

"Thank you," she said and settled back into her seat.

"I'll wake you if anything happens."

"I'm just closing my eyes for a minute," she mumbled sleepily.

"Yeah, a minute," he chuckled and went back to watching the house.

A while later he saw a garage door open and two men approach while another stepped out, grabbing his walkie he put it to his mouth "we've got movement at the garage."

"Hold your position," came Joe's voice.

"Copy that," Jamie replied and picked up the camera, taking a few pictures he put it down and grabbed the walkie again "suspect made an exchange, they're leaving with a package."

"Reagan stay put, Collins, you follow the car," Joe said.

Another while later Eddie was awake and watching "the garage is opening again," she said.

Jamie watched as the suspect backed his car out "suspect is on the move," he said into the walkie.

"Tail him, Gonzalez, stay on the house," Joe said.

"Copy," Jamie replied and started up the car.

"Be careful kid," Joe said quickly.

"Aww, that's sweet," Eddie said.

Jamie pulled his phone out and glanced at the screen "it's a message from Joe," he said handing her his phone "will you read it out to me?"

Eddie entered his code and opened the message "don't be a hero, don't get out of the car, just watch and report back to me. I mean it Jamie, this guy is dangerous," she read out.

Jamie shook his head "what does he think I'm gonna do?"

"He's just looking out for you…will I reply?" she asked.

"No, he's going into a storage place," Jamie replied.

"You think that's where he has the stuff?"

"We'll find out-take pictures," he said tossing her the camera.

After he'd gone Jamie called Joe and asked him did he want them to go inside and check it out. Another car had picked up the tail so they could search the storage unit-and that's where he was holding some of his stuff.

"Nice work Kid," Joe said slapping him on the back "he never led anyone else to this place, he always shook off the tail, nice job," he added.

"Just trying to help," Jamie shrugged, he hated getting praised.

"I think your partner is ready to drop," he chuckled.

Jamie looked over to see Eddie sitting on his car fighting to stay awake "yeah, I better get her home, anything else you need me to do?"

"Yeah, go and enjoy your weekend, thanks again J," he smiled and walked off as he walked called.

"Come on sleeping beauty," Jamie said and nudged her up "let's get you to bed."

The following Sunday Jamie arrived at his dad's and let himself in "hey!" he called.

"Hey Uncle Jamie!" Nicki called back.

"Where is everyone?" he asked as he walked into the kitchen.

Angela and Linda are setting the table, Danny isn't here yet, mom ran out to get something. Grandpa and pops are upstairs and Joe is out working on his car with the boys."

Jamie nodded and walked to the back door, "call me when dinner is ready," he said and went outside.

"This is working on your car?" he asked and sat beside Joe as he watched the boys wash the car.

"Hey J," he sighed.

"Wat's up? You were very quiet at mass," Jamie asked.

"Ah, don't worry about it," he replied waving him off.

"Joe, I may be your younger brother and I know I haven't as much experience as you and Danny on the job, but I am here if you need someone to listen. Something bothering you at work? Did you and Angela have a fight?"

Joe sighed heavily "this has nothing to with you or how much experience you have. I'm proud of you no matter what you do, I've just gotten a little deep in something is all, don't worry about it, I'll be fine."

"Dinner! Boys, come wash up!" Linda called.

"Hey," Jamie said stopping him "if there's anything I can do let me know."

"Thanks kid," he replied, "but I don't think anyone can help me now."

"Joe," he said stopping him again "I know something is wrong, if it's work can't you talk to dad?"

"Dad is the one person I can't go to," he sighed and stepped closer to him "Jamie, I've gotten myself into something I don't think I can get out of."

"Let me help, whatever it is I can help. Danny can help, it's never too late to ask for help Joe."

Joe smiled and patted his cheeks "help me by keeping this to yourself, it's too dangerous, I don't want you anywhere near this."

"Jamie! Joe!" Danny called "come on! dad is waiting to say grace."

"Not a word," Joe said and walked ahead of him.

"Jamie, you know I'm right here, back me up," Erin said pulling him from his thoughts.

"What? sorry, I zoned out…what are we talking about?" he asked.

"Everything okay son?" Frank asked, "you're being very quiet."

Jamie glanced at Joe then to Frank "I'm fine, just a little tired, Eddie had me painting again yesterday," he lied.

"Didn't you finish that last weekend?" Danny asked.

"Yeah, the bedroom and spare bedrooms, she wants the bathroom and living room done now."

"It's really sweet of you to help your partner like that Jamie, good on you," Linda said.

"Sweet of him?" Danny laughed "they go on like a couple, when are you gonna cut the bs?"

"Nothing going on there Danny, just helping my partner," Jamie replied and looked down at his plate.

"What was it you said Joe?" Danny asked, "some guy pushed her and he went nuts and took it too far?"

"Well wouldn't you if someone pushed Biaz to the ground?" he snapped.

"Chill," Joe said looking at him "but he's right, there's more than partnership going on there."

Jamie shook his head "jerk," he said and looked down at his plate again.

That night Jamie and Eddie had pulled the midnight shift, Eddie glanced at him a few times and sighed "okay, what's going on? you've barely said a word all night."

"Nothing I'm fine," he said glancing at her.

"You're not fine Jamie."

"I'm just worried about Joe," he said and pulled in to the side of the road "he's acting weird and telling me everything is fine."

"Maybe he just got a tough case," she said.

"No, he told me he'd gotten himself into something he didn't think he could get out of."

"Can you talk to his partner and see what open cases they have?"

"No, he'll know I was asking around, he already asked me to keep it to myself," he sighed.

"I don't know what else to say," she said "maybe it was just a bad day and he'll have worked it out tomorrow."

"Yeah, maybe," he replied and listened as a call came in.

"Detectives requesting back up?" she frowned "I thought there were no busts tonight."

Jamie shrugged and hit the lights "guess we'll find out," he said and pulled away.

Arriving at the scene they climbed out, "there's Joe's partner," he said and started to walk "Anderson!" he called

"Reagan," he greeted back.

"What's going on?" Eddie asked.

"We pulled over this known gang member," he said nodding to a guy handcuffed beside him. "He's wanted for questioning, we need you to bring him to booking and put him in a cell."

"Where's Joe?" Jamie asked looking around.

"Cooling off," Anderson replied and nodded down the street.

Jamie watched him pace back and forth "Janko! Put him in the car, I'll be right back," he said and walked down to him "what's going on?"

"Nothing," Joe sighed "he punched me and lost my cool."

"That's not like you," Jamie frowned "you wanna tell me what's really going on?"

"Stay out of it Jamie," he snapped.

Jamie frowned again, he never called him Jamie unless he was really pissed or it was something serious "is this about what you told me earlier?"

"I said stay out of it!" he yelled grabbing him by the collar "you know nothing about it!" he hissed.

"Joe, let go of me," he said calmly.

Joe closed his eyes and sighed heavily, letting him go he stepped back "I'm sorry kid," he said scrubbing his hands over his face.

"Hey, I'm worried now," Jamie said nudging him.

"Don't be…I gotta go," he said and hurried off as he was called.

"Joe!" he called after him.

"I'm fine J, honestly, don't worry, I have it under control."

Another week had gone by and Joe had done his best to avoid Jamie as much as he could, after what he'd told him he couldn't risk him finding anything else out-it was too dangerous.

Sighing as he walked into the twelfth precinct he hoped Jamie was out on the streets…of course he wasn't he thought as he walked towards him.

"Joe?" he called and walked to him.

"Hey J, not on the streets today?" he asked stopping for him to catch up.

"Hey," he replied, "yeah, we brought someone in already…what brings you here?"

"I need to see Detective Barns, seems we're looking for the same guy."

Jamie nodded "you seem in better for."

"I am," he nodded and looked around quickly "that hole I got myself into, I got out of it."

Jamie smiled "that's great, I can stop worrying now. Are you still okay to drop me and Eddie to the hotel tonight?"

"What?" he frowned.

Jamie shook his head "the wedding me and Eddie are going to, I asked you last week."

"Oh, yeah, yeah, seven o clock?" he asked.

Jamie nodded "that's it, but I can ask Danny if you're busy."

"Nah, I'm good, I'm not even working today…have a great day kid!" he called as he hurried off-he hated lying to him.

"Yeah, you too, see you later!" Jamie called after him and went to find Eddie.

Later that evening Jamie and Eddie stood on the street outside his building "you did tell him seven, right?" Eddie asked as she shivered.

"Yeah," he sighed and pulled out his phone "it's only ten past, maybe he got held up."

"Call him, I'm freezing and we can't walk into a rehearsal dinner late," she replied.

Jamie called Joe and sighed as it rang out, calling him again with the same outcome he hung up "I'll give him five minutes then we'll get a taxi."

"I only brought drinking money, we'll have to stop by my place," she replied.

"I got it," Jamie muttered and looked down at his phone "come on Joe," he sighed.

"Jamie, I'm freezing I can't wait any longer," she whined.

Jamie sighed and looked the direction Joe would be coming "pull a taxi."

"Hey, thanks for coming with me," he said as they sat in the back of a taxi.

"No problem, I love a good wedding," she chuckled.

"You'll love Mike and Sophie," he added.

Eddie nodded "I think I met Sophie, isn't she the girl with the black hair that we ran into on patrol a few months back? She was after having a dress fitting?"

"Yeah, that's her," Jamie said and looked down at his phone as it beeped "here's Joe now."

"What did he say?" she asked curiously, she knew things weren't great between them.

"So so sorry Kid, car wouldn't start, didn't realize the time," Jamie read out.

"He did say he was having trouble with the car last week."

Jamie sighed "it's not the car, I know something is going on."

All hours later Eddie opened Jamie's front door and both fell in laughing "I think we had too much champagne," Jamie laughed and fell onto the sofa with her.

"It was awesome, I swear, you dancing, has to be the funniest thing I've ever seen."

"I was dancing?" he asked horrified.

"I have proof too so you better be nice to me Mr Reagan," she replied and rested her head on his chest.

"Mr Reagan?" he asked and burst out laughing.

She shrugged against him "you still gotta be nice," she giggled "hey," she said titling her head "did you notice how many people asked us how long we were together or that we make a lovely couple?"

Jamie chuckled again "only about every person there, do we give off a vibe or something?"

"You're protective and I'm jealous, goes well together," she replied.

"Jealous?" he frowned "Eddie, why would you be jealous?"

"I'm protective of you too you know, no one is good enough for my partner," she said slapping his cheek, she couldn't believe she'd said that out loud, he wasn't supposed to find out she was crazy about him. "Anyway," she said and stood up "I better get my beauty sleep, we have to do this all over again tomorrow."

"Stay?" he asked, "I'll run you over to get ready in the morning."

"I think I've spent enough time on your couch Reagan," she laughed "I know we're close and all but your couch sucks, I want my bed."

"Eddie it's two am, I'm not letting you walk home, you're not getting a taxi home alone this late, so you've no choice really," he chuckled.

"Are you holding me hostage?" she gasped.

"Yes," he nodded and stood up "and just to make you feel a bit better about it, you can take the bed."

"Aww, you're such a cutie," she giggled "but I can't ask you to give up your bed, you can walk me home-you never said that wasn't an option," she added quickly as he raised an eyebrow.

Jamie walked to her and put his hands on her shoulders "neither of us are leaving this apartment tonight, I don't mind sleeping on the couch…go to bed," he chuckled and shoved her towards his room.

"Fine, but I'm wearing your Harvard hoodie and whatever else I can find," she said and walked by him.

"That's fine by me," he said and followed her "I am taking my pillow though," he added and pulled it off the bed. "Night," he said and went to kiss her on the cheek.

Eddie turned at that exact moment and caught his lips, staring at him for a moment she leaned in and kissed him.

Jamie slid his hands onto her waist and kissed her slowly, after a minute he pulled back and cleared his throat "uh, night." he said awkwardly.

"Yeah, night," she sighed and watched him walk out of the room…what the hell just happened?

The next morning Jamie lay on his couch trying to work up the courage to go into his room, it was time to wake her, and he needed to get ready. "It's Janko, it was a mistake, you were both drunk… just do it," he scolded himself and pulled back the blanket.

Pushing his door in he watched her sleep and smiled before he shook his head and walked to the bed "Eddie," he whispered and shook her "come on partner, time to get up."

"Go way," she muttered and pulled the blanket over her head.

"Eddie, come on," he chuckled and pulled the covers off her face "we've to be ready at one, it's nine now."

"How long do you think it takes me to get ready Reagan?" she huffed-Eddie was not a morning person.

"Eddie, you took two hours to get ready for the rehearsal dinner," he said and shook her "come on, I'm buying breakfast."

"Food?" she said and opened her eyes.

"Yes," he chuckled "I'm gonna get a shower and just bring my suit to your place, we'll get breakfast on the way."

"Sounds good," she yawned and rolled out of the bed "but I'm keeping the clothes," she added and walked out.

"Borrowing," he said coming after her "that's my favourite hoodie."

"And now it's my favourite," she smiled sweetly and dropped onto the sofa.

"Don't make me take it off you," he replied.

Remembering last night her eyes went wide, she looked over at him and knew by the look on his face that he'd remembered too.

"So, about last night," he started.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that," she said quickly.

"No, it's okay, it wasn't entirely your fault," he said coming to sit beside her.

"So, we'll just forget it?" she asked.

Jamie nodded "it was bound to happen sooner or later, we spend all day nearly every day in a car together. We spend a lot of time off the job together as well, we're partners either we hate each other or we…"

"Kiss after a wedding I'm a stand in date for?" she asked.

"You weren't a stand in," he chuckled "I said yes to a plus one before I asked anyone."

"So, who did you ask if you ended up with me?" she asked curiously.

"No one," he said and stood up "I didn't ask anyone, I was gonna ask Joe but he had a lot on. You we're the only person I asked, and you owed me for spending two weekends painting."

"I fed you," she protested.

"Beer and pizza?" he laughed.

"What?" she laughed relieved the tension was lifting "two of your favourite things…go get your shower, I'm starving here."

Jamie chuckled and stood up "we good?"

Eddie nodded and stood up "it was a heat of the moment thing, we were both drunk, and you said so yourself, it was bound to happen sooner or later."

"Cool, won't be long," he said and walked off to the bathroom.

That night after the wedding Eddie decided she wasn't going back to his place again and nor was he coming into hers. After last night she didn't trust herself, they walked in silence down the deserted street "you can really feel the weather changing," she shivered and pulled her shawl closer to her.

"That's what you get for wearing a piece of material," he chuckled.

"Ass," she laughed and bumped him with her hip "I don't think my leather jacket would have went well with this dress."

"Why do women always have to match their clothes?" he asked as he shrugged off his jacket.

"Hey, you called to see what colour my dress was so you get a tie, so don't pretend you don't know why."

Jamie laughed and put his jacket around her "that's because Danny and Linda found it hilarious that I didn't know I had to match you, she dragged me to like ten stores for the right colour."

"Thank god someone in your family has fashion sense," she laughed "apart from Erin, she always looks good."

"Hey, I look good," he shot back.

"Yes lambchop, you do," she chuckled and linked her arm into his.

He looked ahead of him as he heard speeding cars "whoa, hold on, something's going on here," he said and pushed her behind him as they sped towards him. "Eddie get down!" he yelled and shoved her as gunshots rang out.

He jumped and flattened himself against her as one car came up onto the side walk skinning them "you okay?" he asked quickly.

"Yeah, isn't that your brother's car?" she asked.

Hearing a crash, they both looked back to see the cars had collided "yeah, that's Joe," he said and took off pulling his shield from his neck "stay there!" he yelled back.

"Jamie!" she called and ran after him "Jaime stay out of it! We're not on duty!"

"Hey! Police!" he yelled as he ran towards a guy that had Joe pinned to the ground "hands where I can see them! Get off him!" he yelled.

He didn't see another man climbing out of the car and sneak up behind him with a metal pole in his hand "Jamie! Look out!" Eddie yelled and pulled her gun from her bag "don't even think about it!" she yelled.

Jamie turned quickly-not quick enough, he stumbled backwards as they pole was smashed against his head. Shaking his vision clear he dived on him and took him to the ground.

"You okay Kid?" Joe panted as he pulled the other guy to his feet.

"I'm fine," he said through gritted teeth as he cuffed the other guy "what the hell is going on Joe? Where is Anderson?"

Joe walked to him and tilted his head "you need to get checked out, I'll call a bus," he said and loaded the two men into his car.

"Joe!" he yelled frustrated.

"We'll talk once you get checked out," he said and walked off to his car.

A while later Jamie was stitched and ready to go, Eddie sat in the corner glaring at him "what?" he sighed.

"That was reckless and dangerous and stupid Jamie, you could have been hurt, you could have been killed!" she yelled.

"My brother was in danger, what did you want me to do?" he snapped back.

"We we're off the clock, we were drinking, do you have any idea what'll happen if the bosses found out?"

"I didn't use my gun-didn't even draw it, I didn't drive a car, get off my back! I have a banging headache," he hissed.

"That's no excuse Jamie!" she yelled "you shouldn't have ran after them, you should have called it in and waited! I had to pull my gun! I could get jammed up!"

"The guy had Joe on the ground, I wasn't about to stand by and let my brother get hurt or even killed!"

"You such an idiot," she huffed.

"And you're a pain in my ass!" he yelled back.

"Whoa, whoa, everyone calm down, let's take a breath," Danny said slipping into the room "I can hear you down the hall…what's going on?"

"Your brother is a dick," she hissed and stormed out of the room.

"What are you doing here Danny?" he grumbled.

Danny sat on the chair beside him "Linda called and said you were here, she said something weird was going on because Joe just made sure you were checked in and then left…what's going on kid? weren't you at a wedding?"

"I was walking Eddie home," he replied.

"Okay, and?" Danny asked.

"And two cars flew by nearly hitting us, gunshots started going. I copped it was Joe's car, they crashed a bit up the road, I didn't think twice before I took off after them."

Danny nodded "what happened then?"

"When I got to them Joe was on the ground, a guy was on top of him getting the better of him."

"How much have you had to drink?" Danny asked.

"Not a lot…too much last night, what's that got to do with anything?" he scoffed.

"You're gonna have to answer all these questions Jamie, what happened after you got there? Did you draw your gun? Did you identify yourself as a cop?"

"Of course I identified myself Danny, it's not my first day," he snapped.

"What's going on?" Danny asked angrily "you're too wound up over this."

Jamie closed his eyes and sighed "Joe was alone, no patrols were behind him, no partner with him."

"What?" Danny asked, "no back-up?"

"No, no one and if I hadn't been there the guy that hit me would have done worse to Joe," he replied.

"Do you think something is going on?"

Jamie looked at him "why do you think that?"

"Because I know you Jamie, I know when something is bothering you, same way I know something is bothering Joe."

Jamie sighed if he told him he was going against Joe, if he didn't god know what else could happen. "You need to keep this to yourself Danny, I'm not sure what's going on yet."


A few minutes later Danny roamed the grounds of the hospital looking for Eddie, Linda had cleared Jamie and he was now in the car waiting. Spotting her sitting on a bench he walked to her "come on Mrs Reagan, time to go."

"Not in the mood for jokes Danny," she muttered and stood up.

"Who's joking?" he chuckled "you two are idiots, the sooner the better you get together."

"Not you too," she sighed all "weekend people have been asking how long we're together and telling us what a great couple we made."

"Janko, I know you're into my brother-big time," he said, "I've never seen Jamie like this with anyone-not even Sydney, and he was engaged to her."

Eddie shook her head "he's just being a good partner and friend."

Danny laughed and pulled the door open for her "you keep telling yourself that."

Arriving at Jamie's he pulled off his belt and turned to Danny "I'll meet you in the morning and we can finish what we were talking about," he said and looked back at Eddie "and I'll see you Monday."

Eddie scoffed and pulled off her belt "you banged your head, I'm staying with you…thanks Danny," she said and climbed out.

"Good luck," he chuckled and pulled away.

"Eddie, you don't have to stay, I'll be fine," he said as they walked up the stairs.

She chose to ignore him and let herself into his apartment "sit on the arm of the chair, you have blood all down the side of your face," she said and walked to the kitchen.

Jamie watched her get a cloth and sighed heavily, walking to the chair he sat on it and waited for her to come over "I'm sorry Eddie, I know you were worried but I wouldn't change what I did, he's my brother, he was alone."

"I know," she sighed as she dabbed his head "if it were my brother I'd do the same. I was just scared of losing you and anger is what I use to hide how scared I really was."

"Hey," he said and stilled her hand "I'm sorry I scared you, don't you worry about losing me-it's never gonna happen."

Eddie decided to take Danny's advice and test it out, sliding her hands around his neck she locked them there and looked him in the eye "I don't know what I'd do if I lost you."

Jamie slid his arms around her waist and moved her closer to him, his heart was racing, was he reading this right? Was she saying what he thought she was saying? Only one way to find out, "not gonna happen," he whispered and kissed her slowly.

As the kiss heated up Eddie leaned into him further-sending them both over the arm and onto the sofa "sorry," she giggled and pulled back a little" forgot you were on the arm."

Jamie chucked and slid his hand onto her neck "more room down here anyway," he said and pulled her back down.

A/N hope you all enjoyed the first instalment, lot of things to come, see ya soon, JJ.