Author Note:

Hey everyone how you doing, so this is my first actual story so if I can get some feedback that wood be great. And if I could get a Beta reader to help that would be fantastic cause I'm gonna suck at this starting up. So this is Walter C. Dornez in the My hero academia verse this is the only character that is from hellsing at the moment. if I could get some help on the hero academia side I would appreciate it. I don't have that much knowledge about it at the moment.

So lets get this train-wreck started K.

Spoken "Hello"

Thoughts 'Hello'

Yelling "Hello"


The Angel of Death in Yuuei

By fenrir65489

Ch 0.1 Prologue / meeting Izuku

Once a long time ago a baby was born that produced light. That started to exhibit unusual power in China. As days goes many other such phenomena occur that pops up everywhere these powers dubbed 'quirks' allowed people to pursue heroism as a carrier but when there are heroes villains are bound to show up.

This story is about a boy named Walter C. Dornez born from parents with quirks to produce wire from his hands and a super human body respectably. This showed in Walter as his future signature Mono-Filament Wire but that is a long time from now so lets get on with the story shall we.

Normal Pov.

A alarm was seen beeping away merrily showing it to be 6:30. Ignorant to the fate that awaits it when a hand reach out from beneath the covers. A small shine of light was the only warning that the clock got before it was slice in half dying miserably. A body was soon shown to be getting out of the covers "Damn alarm" the now shown boy groaned out. After looking to see what was left of the latest alarm clock. Showing a young man with black hair and gun metal gray eyes ( Look at Walter in Hellsing the Dawn) wearing nothing except a pair of pants showing a runners body that wasn't built for strength but speed and dexterity.

Walter's Pov.

"Ungg" I groaned out after waking up to that damn alarm. "Damn it that was the 6th one this week!" I complained after seeing what happened to the latest alarm. So lets get dressed and replace the alarm with the many in the closet (If you couldn't tell this has happened before on many occasions). My name is Walter C. Dornez if my name sounds weird for a kid born in japan than your right. My parents before they left me at an orphanage were from England I presume. Fits with the name at least. My quirks yes I said quirks I have tow they are a {superhuman body} allowing me strength, speed, and stamina 5 times a normal humans, I also have my {Mono-Filament wires} wires that I can control impeccably and can cut through almost anything. Now I'm know where near mastering them it took a long time to stop cutting things consciously but as you can see I can still do it when I'm disoriented.

What was the orphanage like you wonder it was shit. The people tried they did but with below average funding there weren't a lot of people looking to help us. So when I hit 8 I left to live on my own. This did not help my vocabulary that much so when I curse that's the reason why. Its also the reason that I know how to create the amount of guns I can. Now I'm no master but I can say I'm good at creating weapons that can kill.

I try not to kill but as a street rat with my quirks its almost impossible not to kill at least once. Ill tell you about that later when I care to remember. I'm currently 14 at the moment and have only really one friends Izuku Midoriya and a aquatince that hates me Katsuki Bakugo. I met both of them when I was 12 and was still a little rough around the edges from living on the streets for 4 years. The time I met Izuku was a hilarious coincidence that I was there when I was.

Flash back start

'I really need to find something to eat' my stomach reminded me. With a gurgle that startled the people on the sidewalk with me. When I saw a young kid with green hair of all things mumbling to himself while crossing a red light. Not paying any attention a car barreling towards him honking at the last time just causing him to look up. I didn't really want to see any gore or a kid getting killed so I intervened.

Normal Pov.

Pedestrians were surprised when they saw a line of blue light rap around the kid about to get ran over pulling him back. When they looked to who intervened they saw a kid with black hair reaching his shoulders in what looked like a butler suit pulling him back with what looked like invisible strings the only tell when the light hit the wires.

"Who's that I don't recognize him" someone whispered this line of thought continued around the crowd not really looking to get to the Izuku who almost got ran over. They quickly silenced themselves when the he walked over to Izuku and asked him

Walter's Pov.

"are you okay" I asked bored.

"y-y-y-y-yes" the kid stuttered out disoriented which was kind of normal for anyone who almost got hit by a car. "thank you for saving me whats your name" he asked calming down visibly before my eyes.

"Walter C. Dornez at your service greeny" I replied

"greeny?" he said confused at the nick name "My names Izuku Midoriya Dornez-san "

"Yeah well I didn't know that did I greeny also my names Walter I could never really follow honorifics that well." I told him to hungry to really bother at the moment. My stomach divided that was the time to announce that to the world It seems scaring Izuku "sorry I'm kinda hungry at the moment"

"You could eat at my house?" he asked tentatively

"Okay" I quickly agreed to get some food in my stomach shocking him a bit at how quickly I agreed but we quickly went to his house to get food

Flash back end

So that's how I met Izuku his mom quickly thanked me for saving him. Their was hugging and crying and it was immensely uncomfortable for me she quickly got me coming over more and more for food. Where I was slowly accepted into the family and I was mellowing out slowly around Izuku and his mother. Him becoming a good friend and his mother was becoming a mother to me. A few months later when I was walking over to his house I met Katsuki. But that's a story for another time so by for now.

Author note: so how'd I dew please give some criticism that could help flames will be ignored and this literally just popped into my head so please help.