So since this is the place where people usually put their warnings and 'this is my first time posting a fanfic' remarks, I'll do so as well. There's some messed up scenes ahead that aren't suitable for everyone. I'd recommend steering clear of this fanfic, especially those who find graphic scenes and tales of abuse offensive. I don't want to be the source of trauma in someone else's life so do read at your own risk. That being said I'm open to critique's and I hope someone finds enjoyment in reading this. Thank you.

The putrid stench of blood and bile clung stubbornly to the air of the otherwise unassuming apartment kitchenette, breaking any semblance of normalcy the plain tiled floor and neatly placed simple decorations tried to portray. In fact, save for the smell, the small apartment almost seemed to try and be as indistinguishable as possible; look as you might, you would be hard pressed to see anything out of the ordinary. Everything was well maintained, the shelves were dusted, the floor didn't have a stain upon it, even the appliances seemed in perfect condition. It was as if someone's entire life had been dedicated to keeping things exactly how they were supposed to be.

If someone guessed that just by looking, they wouldn't know just how close to the truth they were.

Stirring slightly from my place on the floor I let out a short groan as pain sluggishly flooded my senses, the effects of blissful unconsciousness wearing off. Faintly, I started to become aware of some sort of liquid lapping at my side, but whether it was blood or my last meal remained unclear. My vision slowly started returning, the darkness being replaced by an thimble of visibility that begrudgingly began to widen, but even with my reclaimed vision it would be impossible to figure out what the liquid was and how much of it surrounded me.

And that's the problem isn't it? How am I gonna clean this up? Fuck him! Fuck this! And fuck me!

After a bit of effort I let go of the bitterness that was threatening to take over. Letting out a long breath that I had unconsciously been holding, I felt it suddenly catch in my throat. Rolling onto my side with a wet slap, as my unclothed body hit the sleek tiled floor, I proceeded to hack up what I assume was my entire lung. After the fit passed I tentatively felt out the surface of my body for any cuts or bruises, listing their specific locations for when I'd need to patch myself up later. My hand began to tremble a bit as I neared my left breast, the tender sensitivity of a bruise had already begun to form. Shuddering I drew my legs into me as unbidden tears began to well up.

He's never taken it this far before. What do I do? What do I do? Shit! What happens next? What should I do?

Biting down onto my lip I struggled to calm my rapidly beating heart, hoping that focusing on it would keep the tears from falling. I clutched at my legs desperately trying to will the tremors away.

I can't think like that. I won't! There's only a bit left until the UA exams. All I have to do is pass and this won't happen again. The kids that pass are taken seriously, they have to be. He won't be able to just laugh it off as a child's wild delusions any longer!

Softly I begin counting to ten, pushing everything but the current number out of my head, taking a deep breath on ten I proceed to count back down to one. Finally reigning in my body so it was under my own control again, I shakily picked myself up from the floor, grimacing slightly at how the invisible liquid clung to my skin. Spying the cleaning supplies that had been dumped unceremoniously nearby I began to slowly make my way over to them. Gathering the things I needed, I tried my best to ignore the stiffness that had begun to settle in my limbs and the slight light-headedness pooling at the back of my skull. Toweling myself off as best I could with a roll of paper towels, I immediately set to work on cleaning the room, a tall order, considering it looked spotless already. Cursing my quirk for about the millionth time in my short fourteen years of life, I vigorously began to scrub at where I assumed the worst of the mess was.

After what seemed like hours of cleaning, I placed the supplies in their designated spots and headed in the direction of the bath, cringing at the thought of washing my numerous wounds and the arduous task of purging the smell of vomit from my hair.

I just have to pass that exam….and then this can all be over.

Another day where I try to suppress any and all thoughts of home life. School never felt like much of an escape, hard to make friends when no one can put a face to your name. Being forgotten or left out was common practice by now, so when the teacher called out my name after speaking to us about our future prospects it took all I had not to let out a startled cry from being awoken from my usual daze.

"Oh, so you have your eyes set on UA Hagakure?"

Just like that I could feel the entire classes eyes shift towards me. Suppressing the need to shrink down into nothing, I do my best to puff out my chest and set my hands on my waist in what I hope to be an imposing manner.

"Of course! My father is in the police force and after watching him take care of people I just want a chance to do the same! And what better way than to be a hero?"

Forcing my voice to be as jovial as possible I delivered the practiced line I thought up months ago and tried not to think about how deceitful the response I had choked out really was. Only a couple months longer and I can tell everyone the truth. After tilting his head and letting out a thoughtful hum in a thinly veiled attempt at looking intellectual, the professor cracked a smile.

"I can tell you have what it takes! You know I myself took that exam in my younger days. Nearly passed it too! I was in the top fifty and they let forty students in every year! So believe me when I say I can see your potential!"

Nodding my head in obligatory gratitude I mutter out my thanks to him before sliding back into my seat, doing my best to ignore the class's inquisitive looks.

Satisfied, the professor turned back to the board and shifted through the rest of the future career forms. He continued on about what other avenues of work were open to us for the rest of class, stopping only to give out advice to students or to compliment a particular career someone had jotted down. By the end of class my classmates are all buzzing with thoughts and plans for the future. I sat comfortably in my seat as the classroom steadily drained, leaving me behind, alone with my thoughts. With no small amount of apprehension at what might await me when I return home, I begin to gather my things together.

Well, here's hoping I managed to clean up everything yesterday….

Shaking my head, I tried to purge the thought before it began to affect me. Clutching my bag to my chest in an attempt to still my rapidly accelerating heart, I counted slowly to ten and then back down to one, my eyes glued to the top of my desk. Satisfied at the wave of calm settling back over me, I stood up and turned to leave, only to find myself face to face with one of my classmates.

"Why do you wear hair ties Hagakure? It's not like anyone can see what your hair looks like. If it were me I'd do away with my hair altogether!"

The girl gazed in my direction, her eyes completely missing my own, a large toothy grin plastered upon her face. Biting my lip in hopes she had not seen my brief breakdown, I ran my hand through the length of my hair and briefly tried imagining what it might look like, a recurring fantasy of mine.

"W-well I just like to imagine how it'd feel to have gorgeous hair, s-so even if it isn't visible….since the weight is there I can still feel it, so it's like I have an idea of how it might be, does that make sense?"

Miming out what I imagined flowing hair looks like with my gloved hands, I stuttered out my response, slightly off guard at the sudden question. Usually no one spoke to me, it wasn't as if they actively avoided me or anything, but they didn't exactly leap at the chance to talk to me either. It was more than likely they just didn't know how to approach me. My quirk made guessing my expressions and overall mood almost impossible based solely on sight, and that was more than enough of a reason to make most wary of approaching me. At first I tried my best to incorporate hand gestures as I spoke. That, along with a long pair of gloves, seemed to make a slight difference at first, but eventually people lost interest and went back to being indifferent to my existence. Choosing not to put in the extra effort that it would take for them to interact with me. That had apparently changed when the professor announced I was aiming for UA.

"Yeah! That makes sense! Soooo, what is your quirk Hagakure? Well, besides being invisible that is." The girl, Kosu Amari I believe her name was, said smiling almost a tad too friendly. She continued to obstruct the classroom's only exit. Something that, as time passed, became increasingly more disastrous. Father did not like it when I was home late. However, rather than excusing myself, I ended up turning away from her, fidgeting in a rather bashful manner under her stare.

Surely it wouldn't be too bad to spend a few minutes like this, right? No one's ever talked to me like this before. Besides…

Risking a look over at her I ran my eyes along her form before returning them hastily to the floor. Ignoring the creeping blush that had begun to heat my cheeks I responded

"Well, you see, I also can manipulate the light that passes through my body, sorta like a magnifying glass but a lot more complicated. OH! I would show you, b-but clothes kinda get in the way."

Slightly embarrassed at the implication I turned around to face her. Only to see Amari's face screwed up in thought, an oddly adult expression passing over her face for a moment before changing back to a more natural one.

"I see. So you are strong! So your father is a police officer? I bet that's so cool. It's almost like having a hero for a dad."

Her eyes locked onto mine for a moment, something that rarely happens, and for a brief moment her eyes seem to take on an icy look to them. Just as fast as it appeared it was gone, leaving behind a pleasant if somewhat lopsided smile in its place.

Flinching slightly at the mention of my father, I managed to stutter out a yes and promptly excused myself. Amari turned to let me leave, watching with a contemplative expression fixed upon her face. As I tried to make my hasty retreat down the hall her voice suddenly called out to me, causing me to halt in my escape.

"Oh, Hagakure? You've been favoring your right leg today maybe you should go see the nurse before you go home."

A sudden chill went down my spine as I whipped around to face her, an undetectable look of horror etched onto my face.

There is no way she knows, right?! If a new investigation breaks out before I make it into UA it might impact my chances of even getting accepted into the test...and it would ultimately be quieted anyway!

Forcing the most believable upbeat tone I could manage into my voice, I waved both of my hands in front of my body and gestured at my leg before reaching up to rub the back of my neck with one hand and miming out walking with my other.

"Oh no, no, I'm fine! I just twisted my ankle a bit on my way to school is all, it'll be fine by tomorrow I'm sure! But thank you! I didn't know you had your eye on me"

Amari cupped her face with her hands and looked down somewhere a little ways off from her feet at the accusation, a reaction that somehow calms my nerves yet manages to quicken my pulse at the same time. After a time she turns to face me and flashed me a small, unsure smile.

"Oh! Well, I just wanted to make sure you were ok. Well, it's getting late so I guess i'll be seeing you tomorrow? T-tooru?"

My mouth fell agape at the use of my first name; it had been so long since I heard it said aloud that I had almost forgotten what it sounded like. My brain gradually began to recover, managing to churn out some semblance of a coherent answer before turning around and making my retreat.

Blushing profusely, I tried swallowing the elation that was gathering in my stomach.

Did I just make a friend? She called me by my first name! Oh god, I hope she didn't mind me leaving like that...I'll ask her tomorrow! Maybe I'll call her by her first name too!

Feeling a grin begin to form, I all but skipped the rest of the way to the train station.

Maybe today won't be so bad.

The form of a small girl moved quickly through the clamoring congested city streets, ducking and weaving through the crowds with a dexterous grace that could only come from years of practice. Few paid any heed to the child, too concerned with their own lives to warn the girl away from dark alleys or from the grasps of lecherous villains that may lurk within them. So onward she forged, a wispy grin playing on her lips as she delved deep into the most rundown area of the city, seemingly unaware of the obvious dangers that could befall her. After a time she found herself outside a dreary building that was long past it's prime. The door was old and splintered, green paint faded from years of neglect. A lone window, too caked in dirt and grime to see anything save for a few rays of light, sat on the left. Above the door a flickering neon sign, merely reading "bar" swayed hazardously in the wind. Each gentle breeze threatening to tear it from it's perch. Satisfied with her find the girl briefly checked her surroundings before skulking in.

Inside the bar was immaculate in comparison to its exterior, the walls were made of stone while the floors and furniture had a handcrafted wooden look to them. Behind the bar a dark, ghastly looking bartender polished away at a glass. Leisurely, he turned his gaze upon the rather mature looking woman that had just entered. She wore ill fitting clothing for someone with her curvaceous form, wearing a skirt and jacket that favored a girl a good few sizes smaller and shorter then she. Wisps of charcoal black hair silhouetted her face while a taut ponytail pulled the rest of it back into a neat bun. Her face, which on another occasion may have been considered charming or even beautiful, was marred by the condescending scowl she was currently directing at the wraithlike bartender.

"What are you doing here?" The woman managed to rasp out, as her eyes darted around the small cantina. "And where is the young master?"

Wearily, the bartender returned his attention to the glass in his hands. A response echoed from somewhere within the black mist that emanated from his shirt's collar.

"Most likely he caught wind of your approach and decided it was wise to make himself scarce. An endeavor I deeply wish to replicate at the moment."

Scoffing at the slight, the woman crossed her arms and began to pout in a childish manner. "Hmph, well if your dull company is all I'll be seeing here tonight then I'm gonna head out. Wouldn't want you to have to actually get any use out of one of those glasses you endlessly polish."

Turning away from the glaring shadowy man, the woman strode towards the exit. Suddenly, the woman stopped and turned on her heel.

"Oh yes I almost forgot. I found a promising one."