he is sorry

he broke his promise

he is sorry

on these words lies he will polish

. . .

you cannot con yourself, trickster

. . .

she is not angry

she was gone for so long

she is not angry

she has always been strong

. . .

your lies are so bright they blind you

. . .

but he is not


and she is very


. . .

they toe around each other

he pretends it is not a bother

they are rarely around each other

she pretends she still sees him as a brother

. . .

but he is




. . .

and she is




. . .

they are not what they used to be

they will never be

. . .

he fantasizes of riches and gold

her fantasies are of blood and cold

he wants power

she is power

. . .

she is lightning and she will burn the house to the ground

. . .

she wants a vengeful whisper

he is a vengeful whisper

. . .

his whispers will drive you mad with wondering if you bothered to listen

. . .

they are deadly

and they will never be friendly

. . .

she has the whisper, you know

and she tells him,

this is us now.

thaluke for you guys