Chapter 2: Rin

"I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university."

- Albert Einstein

"Are we there yet?" Rin asked from the back of her dad.

"Not yet sweetie. You need to be patient."

Rin pursed her lips. Her Kaa-chan and Tou-chan are always gone, but today Tou-chan said that his Boss was bringing her kid so Rin was allowed to come. Kaa-chan seemed a little worried, but then Tou-chan said the girl was around her age! Not even a year younger.

"Is she going to the academy too?" Rin asked.

She still had to wait a year to apply, but Rin couldn't think of anything better than being a ninja like her parents. She might even become a medic nin like Tou-chan.

"I would think so. I think Tsunade-hime already said she was starting her chakra control training. A little early, but I guess that is what being from a major clan is like." Ryou said as he waved to the lady at the front desk.

"Does that mean you can teach me some time?" Rin asked even though she wasn't sure what Tou-chan was talking about.

Rin knew chakra was how Tou-chan makes his hand glow if Rin gets an owie, and that was good enough of a reason to learn it.

"How about once you get into the academy?" Ryou said with a laugh that Rin could feel.

"Okay, but can you teach me the mystic palm as well?" Rin said slowly, making sure she said it correctly.

"Alright, I promise." Ryou said with another laugh before Rin was pulled off his shoulders and placed on the ground.

"Tsunade-hime. This is my daughter Rin."

Rin looked up at the pretty blonde hair lady who walked down the hall as people moved out of her way. However what was more interesting was the small girl with light blue hair that was walking a step behind her. She was shorter the Rin, and looked half asleep from the way she was rubbing her eyes.

"Hello! I'm Nohara Rin! I hope we can become friends." Rin said with a bow.

"I'm Senju Nozomi... and you said you name is Rin?" The girl said, and for a moment Rin thought it was her mother that talked.

Rin realized Nozomi must be really smart if she already could talk like a grown up.

"Yes! I even know how to write it!"

The girl just continued staring at her, tilting her head not unlike a dog. Rin was about to take a step back to hind behind her Tou-chan when Nozomi clapped her hands together.

"Oh! I've seen you before."

"Oh have you now Zomi-chan?" The pretty blonde hair women said, a smile on her face.

"Yes. In my dreams." Nozomi said with a serious expression, and Rin really wanted to know what the other girl meant by that.

Most of Rin's dreams just have rabbit or clouds that turn into Kaa-chan and Tou-chan.

"I knew it was a bad idea letting Jiraiya around you! That pervy man better not come back anytime soon..."

"Tsunade-hime! You broke the wall... again." Ryou said, scratching his cheek nervously.

"It can be fixed. We have a pastien waiting for us in operating room 5. The kids should be fine with the ANBU."

"I-I didn't know there was already someone assigned for surgery, I would have left Rin-chan at home!" Ryou said, nevertheless giving Rin a hug before following Tsunade down the hall.

"There's enough time. Nato-san and Hyuga-san are still prepping the room."


Rin watched as her Tou-chan left frantically after the lady who once again caused everyone to part ways when she walked past.

"Seems like our parents are good friends!" Rin said as she turned back to Nozomi, who was looking at her with half closed eyes.

"Did you miss you nap today?" Rin asked, because it looked like the girl was going to cry and Rin knows when she is tiered she feels like crying.

"No. It's just... Nothing. Would you like to go play outside? Kaa-san had guards watching so we need not worry about telling anyone where we are going."

"Can we go to the park? I saw some kids playing ninja there!" Rin told her new friend as she jumped over to grab her hand.

It was a little cold, but Rin didn't mind.

"Sure. Lead the way."

Rin did just that. All the while telling Nozomi everything she could think of. Like what she had for breakfast, or what her favorite ninja is, or even what books she likes.

"Jiraiya-oji is starting to write stories. Maybe I could ask him to write a better story about the Wind Kunoichi?" Nozomi said and Rin had to force her to stop.


"No harm in asking. But I don't know if he will, or how long it would take..."

"I can wait! I've been waiting months to enter the academy, I can wait for the best story ever." Rin told her, and Nozomi smiled.

But it didn't look right. It reminded Rin of how Kaa-chan smiled after telling her Oji-chan was gone last year.

"You really want to become a ninja?"

"More than anything! Kaa-chan's a ninja, and Tou-chan's a ninja, and, and, Kaa-chan told me the whole Nohara clan were ninja! But it's just Kaa-chan, Tou-chan and me now. So I have to become a ninja." Rin told her friend, who just noodded.

Kaa-chan and Tou-chan never told Rin she had to, but all the characters in her favorite stories are ninjas. Ninja's are the heroes who save the day and Rin wants to help people like Tou-chan.

"I know you will become a ninja." Nozomi said, still wearing that weird smile that just doesn't fit.

"Thanks! You should too, then we can be on the same team. Tou-chan said that if you do really well on the graduation test, you'll be put on a team with three other classmates. With you and me, we only need one more!" Rin told Nozomi, hardly even noticing that they have already arrived at the park.

"That sounds nice." Nozomi said yawning again, but this time trying to cover it behind her hand.

"Definitely!" Rin agreed, smiling even more now that Nozomi wasn't using that weird smile.

She looked so cute!

"...Didn't you want to play?" Nozomi asked, tilting her head slightly but otherwise not moving.

"Oh ya! Come on!" Rin said as she grabbed Nozomi's hand once more, effortlessly waving over a group of kids who were playing.

They were still playing when Tou-chan came back along with a ninja that wore a scary painted white mask. Rin didn't want to say goodbye to her new friend, but she did when Nozomi promised to play again tomorrow.

And she kept that promise.

A/N: The chapter will get longer later on, but for now I will be keeping this one character POV per chapter. At least until all the major characters are introduced. Also sorry that there was so may mistakes last chapter. I wrote it over a month ago and when I say there was nothing speller check got, I assumed I read over it already. But spelling and grammar isn't my strong suit, and I am willing to bet I missed a few in this chapter as well.

Thank you everyone who have already followed or even favorited this story. I am flabbergasted every time I get an email alert. And the reviews! Thank you so much IsraAl'Attia-Theron, MonochromeJoker29, natanije, thanzintay.2000, BlackDove WhiteDove, KathrynthePyo-bitch, and the two guest!

Also as a heads up, I am making it so Obito, Rin, and Kakashi aren't all the same age. They will be in the same class at one point, but I am change some the the ages of the character in that generation. Only like a year or two. But I wanted to tell you in case you were wondering later on.

I hope you enjoyed it, and have a good day/night!